
Jul 04 2024, 11:13

ट्रैकिंग का असली मजा तो जुलाई से सितंबर के बीच होता है सही समय,आइए जानते हैं कुछ डेस्टिनेशन

घूमने- फिरने के लिहाज से मानसून सबसे रिस्की सीजन माना जाता है। इस मौसम में हिल स्टेशन्स जाने की प्लानिंग आपको खतरे में डाल सकती है। लगातार होने वाली बारिश से रास्ते खराब हो जाते हैं, पहाड़ दरकने की संभावना रहती है और कई जगहों पर बाढ़ जैसी स्थिति भी हो जाती है, लेकिन वहीं दूसरी ओर भारत में कई सारी ऐसी जगहें हैं जिन्हें एक्सप्लोर करने का असली मजा बारिश के मौसम में ही आता है। ये सारी ट्रेकिंग वाली जगहें हैं। ट्रेकिंग करते हुए ऐसे नजारे देखने को मिलते हैं, जो आपकी ट्रिप को शानदार और यादगार बना सकते हैं।

फूलों की घाटी, उत्तराखंड
फूलों की घाटी एक्सप्लोर करने के लिए जुलाई से सितंबर का महीना सबसे बेस्ट माना जाता है। इस दौरान यहां आकर आप एक साथ फूलों की कई सारी वैराइटी देख सकते हैं। उत्तराखंड के चमोली जिले में स्थित फूलों की घाटी यूनेस्को की वर्ल्ड हेरिटेज लिस्ट में भी शामिल है। यहां 500 से भी ज्यादा प्रजाति के फूल खिलते हैं। इस साल 1 जून से फूलों की घाटी पर्यटकों के लिए खुल चुकी है, जो 30 अक्टूबर तक खुली रहेगी। बिना देर किए बना लें प्लान।

सिंहगढ़ ट्रेक, पुणे
पुणे, मुंबई घूमने के लिए मानसून बेस्ट सीजन होता है। वैसे तो इन जगहों का मौसम ज्यादातर महीने सुहावना ही होता है, लेकिन मानसून के वक्त ये और ज्यादा रोमांटिक हो जाता है। अगर आप ट्रेकिंग के शौकीन हैं, तो आपको पुणे के सिंहगढ़ दुर्ग ट्रेकिंग को बिल्कुल भी मिस नहीं करना चाहिए। किले तक पहुंचने का रास्ता इतना मनोरम है कि आपको इसमें खो जाने का दिल करेगा। सिंहगढ़ ट्रेकिंग लगभग 3 किमी लंबी है। जिसे पूरा करने में लगभग 1 घंटे का समय लगता है। 

हंपता पास, हिमाचल प्रदेश
हिमाचल प्रदेश के हंपता पास को भी कवर करने के लिए मानसून का प्लान बनाना चाहिए। समुद्र तल से 14,100 फीट की ऊंचाई पर स्थित ये जगह बारिश के मौसम में एकदम हरी-भरी नजर आती है। यहां की ट्रेकिंग करते हुए पहाड़ों, नदियों और झरनों का दीदार कर सकते हैं। हालांकि यहां की ट्रेकिंग आसान नहीं है। कुल्लू से शुरू होने वाले इस ट्रेकिंग को पूरा करने में 5 से 6 दिन का समय लग सकता है। 

मुल्लयनगिरी, कर्नाटक
कर्नाटक का मुल्लयनगिरी ट्रेक भी ट्रेकिंग के शौकीनों के लिए शानदार जगह है। बारिश के मौसम में भी यह सेफ है। मुल्लयनगिरी कर्नाटक की सबसे ऊंची चोटी है। मानसून के दौरान यहां पर्यटकों की संख्या दोगुनी हो जाती है। मुल्लयनगिरी ट्रेकिंग लगभग 10 किमी लंबी है। ट्रेकिंग के दौरान आप कैंपिंग और रॉक क्लाइंबिंग के भी मजे ले सकते हैं।

తప్పు చేస్తే దొరకక తప్పదు

Jun 27 2024, 19:41

Nithiin - Multplex: ఏషియన్ నితిన్ సితారా 'కల్కి'తో షురూ!

హీరో నితిన్(Nithiin)మల్టీప్లెక్స్‌ థియేటర్‌ బిజినెస్‌లోకి అడుగుపెట్టబోతున్నారనే వార్త కొంతకాలంగా నెట్టింట వైరల్‌ అవుతున్న సంగతి తెలిసిందే! దానిని నిజం చేశారు నితిన్.

హీరో నితిన్(Nithiin)మల్టీప్లెక్స్‌ థియేటర్‌ బిజినెస్‌లోకి అడుగుపెట్టబోతున్నారనే వార్త కొంతకాలంగా నెట్టింట వైరల్‌ అవుతున్న సంగతి తెలిసిందే! దానిని నిజం చేశారు నితిన్. మహేష్‌బాబు మొదలుకొని అల్లు అర్జున్‌, రవితేజ, విజయ్‌ దేవరకొండ వరకూ థియేటర్స్‌ బిజినెస్‌లో ఉన్నారు.

ఇప్పుడు నితిన్ కూడా ఆ జాబితాలో చేరారు. ఏషియన్‌ సంస్థతో కలిసి 'ఏషియన్‌ నితిన్‌ సితార' (Asian nithiin Sitara) అనే మల్టీప్లెక్స్‌ ప్రారంభించారు.

నితిన్‌కు ఇంతకుముందే సితార థియేటర్‌ ఉంది. సంగారెడ్డిలో ఉన్న ఈ థియేటర్‌ను రెనోవేషన్‌ చేయించి ఏషియన్‌ సంస్థతో కలిసి సరికొత్త హంగులతో మల్టీప్లెక్స్‌గా మార్చారు.

దీనికి ఏషియన్‌ నితిన్‌ సితార అని పేరు పెట్టారు. ఇక్కడ ప్రత్యేకత ఏంటంటే.. ప్రభాస్‌ హీరోగా నటించిన కల్కి 2898 ఎడీ’ చిత్రంతో ఈ మల్టీప్లెక్స్‌ అందుబాటులోకి వచ్చింది. ప్రస్తుతం నితిన రాబినహుడ్‌, తమ్ముడు చిత్రాలతో బిజీగా ఉన్నారు.


Jun 07 2024, 09:21

India play goalless draw against Kuwait
*Sports News*

Khabar kolkata:  India's hopes for qualifying for the third round of the FIFA World Cup 2026 and AFC Asian Cup 2027 Preliminary Joint Qualification took a hit as they were held 0-0 by Kuwait in their penultimate Group A game at the Salt Lake Yubo bharati Stadium on Thursday.

In what was Sunil Chhetri's 151st and last dance in Indian colours, victory may have eluded him at the full-time whistle, but emotions couldn't. After a lap around the 58,921 fans at the Salt Lake Stadium, the captain, leader, legend, let out his farewell tears when the Indian players and team officials gave him a guard of honour to the tunnel. In a warm gesture, each one of Kuwait's players and officials also paid their respects with handshakes and hugs with the Indian skipper.

As far as the match is concerned, it was far from a drab affair, with a host of chances at both ends, particularly in the first half. But some top-notch defending and fine saves reduced the contest to a goalless one.

Igor Stimac handed out a full India debut to left-back Jay Gupta, while Edmund Lalrindika came on in the last seven minutes in Gupta's place to make his debut too.

With the draw, India remain in second place with five points (Qatar will play Afghanistan later in the day), but importantly for Kuwait, they stay alive with four points. India will now hope for Qatar's victory over Afghanistan, and a draw between Kuwait and Afghanistan on June 11. In that scenario, a point for India against Qatar in five days' time in Doha will be enough to progress to the third round.

Kuwait made the earliest inroad in the fifth minute when left-winger Mohammad Abdulah shouldered his way into the box and came one-on-one with Gurpreet Singh Sandhu, but the Indian custodian stood strong, sticking his leg out to make a vital save early on.

India also responded with frantic pace on the left courtesy of Liston Colaco, who raced his way past the Kuwait right-back and put in a low cross, but Hasan Alanezi stabbed the ball clear for the visitors. India had their first shot from the resulting Anirudh Thapa corner, with an unmarked Anwar Ali heading it inches over the bar.

In the 25th minute, both teams had their heart-in-the-mouth moments in the space of a few seconds. First, it was Eid Alrashidi breaking the offside trap to stray clear on goal before dinking the ball over an onrushing Gurpreet. It landed just wide of the goal net. Immediately after, Jay Gupta burst forward and put an inviting low cross from the left. But Alanezi was on hand again to clear the danger for Kuwait at full stretch.

Slowly and steadily, India grew in confidence and began stringing attacks patiently, mostly utilising the speed of their wingers. Lallianzuala Chhangte got the better of left-back Meshari Alenezi on a couple of occasions and swung in dangerous crosses from the right, but Kuwait actively hacked them clear. Stimac's men were quicker to the second balls as well, winning the ball in the final third and making Kuwait sweat at the back.

On a couple of occasions, Liston also tried his luck from distance, first smashing the side-netting, before skying it wayward from an audacious 40-yard attempt.

At half-time, Stimac made two changes, sacrificing midfielder Thapa to bring on striker Rahim Ali, while Brandon Fernandes replaced Sahal Abdul Samad in the middle.

The start to the second half was as wild as the first. Both goalkeepers were tested to the fullest in and came out on top. Faisal Alharbi's stinging volley from barely six yards out was met with a stunning reflex save from Gurpreet, who dipped his entire 196-centimetre figure to palm it out. A few minutes later, he had to stretch to the top corner to push out Yousef Alsulaiman's effort.

Sandwiched between Gurpreet's heroics was Sulaiman Abdulghafoor's one-on-one save for Kuwait. He made himself big to deny Rahim, who had latched on to a great through ball.

India struggled to maintain their first-half intensity and the tempo shifted towards Kuwait for a while. Substitute Ali Matar got plenty of space near the edge of the box, but he hesitated to shoot early and by the time he did, Rahul Bheke had thrown his body to make a solid block.

For those in blue, time seemed to pass quicker as they were left frustrated by Kuwait slowing down the tempo of the game.

The Blue Tigers sprang to some life in injury time, but it was not enough. Brandon Fernandes flashed a low ball across the face of the goal, but it was Alenezi once again to clear the danger for Kuwait for the umpteenth time on the night. Seconds later, Chhangte picked out Manvir with an inch-perfect cross but the latter nodded it wide of the near post. P ic : AIFA & Sanjay Hazra (khabar kolkata)


Jun 05 2024, 20:04

History beckons Blue Tigers: Chhetri and his men eager to script their own narrative
*Sports News*

*Khabar kolkata News bureau* : The road has been rugged and bumpy so far but India still stand on the cusp of history. A victory on the night of June 6 at the Salt Lake Vivekananda Yubo bharti Stadium for India against Kuwait in their penultimate Group A fixture of the FIFA World Cup 2026 and AFC Asian Cup 2027 Preliminary Joint Qualification Round 2 will put their one foot into the never-seen-before territory - the next round of qualifiers.

June 6. It's a date that has been echoing in the realm of Indian football for the past couple of months. The defeat to Afghanistan in Guwahati in March converted this date into practically a do-or-die occasion for India. And the echoes were further amplified when Sunil Chhetri, exactly three weeks before the D-Day, announced that it would also be his R-Day — R for Retirement. After 19 years of unmatchable service to his great nation, the Indian skipper will hang his boots at the Salt Lake, amid more than 60 thousand people, who will witness the legend's last kick of the ball for India.

But Chhetri was the quickest to point out during Wednesday's pre-match press conference that the match should not be about him, but the potentially ground-breaking result awaiting Indian football.

"I'm trying really hard not to think about the game emotionally. It's not about me. I would love to win 1-0, I don't care who scores. The last 15 days have been good. I think we're on the same page in terms of fitness and that's a good headache for the coach to have," said Chhetri.

India head coach Igor Stimac also concurred with his skipper's words. The most significant thing about tomorrow will be the victory. The fact that it's Chhetri's last 90 minutes for the nation adds to the prestige of the fixture.

"Knowing that this is the last game of our captain for the national team makes this occasion much, much bigger. But of course, this is still about India winning against Kuwait. We are focussed on what we need to do. I will put it in a few words - we are ready for it," said Stimac.

India and Kuwait have met thrice in the last 12 months, twice in the SAFF Championship (1-1 in the group stage and a penalty shoot-out win for India in the final), before the Blue Tigers triumphed 1-0 in the World Cup Qualifiers in November.

"We had three tight, tough games against Kuwait," said Stimac. "Either team could've won them. I would say our best game was away in Kuwait in these qualifiers because that was perfect defensive shape, not allowing them to get near our box and create clear chances. That's what we need to repeat tomorrow, with our discipline, focus, tight marking, reaching the opposition goal and scoring the goal because that's what we need."

Scoring goals from open play has been an Achilles heel for India, who have failed to score in five of the last six matches apart from Chhetri's penalty against Afghanistan in Guwahati. In fact, India's last open-play goal came against Kuwait from Manvir Singh's left foot. But with every passing training session with goal nets bulging non-stop from finishing drills, Stimac gains more and more confidence.

"The boys have worked tremendously hard on details and for everything that is needed for this game. We're going to be absolutely ready for each scenario which awaits us," he said.

As far as India's opponents are concerned, after the end of their domestic season in the last week of May, Kuwait held a one-week camp in Bangkok before travelling to Kolkata on Tuesday night. Their Portuguese head coach Rui Bento named a 26-man squad composed entirely of players from the Kuwait Premier League.

"We expect a good game tomorrow. We know that both teams have competitive targets and the same goal. We've had a good environment in our training. We believe that more than the one week of camp in Thailand, it's about the one and a half year of us being together as a team," said Bento.

The former Portugal youth international coach believed Kuwait, ranked 139th in the world, are now in a better place than last year and can put up a better challenge against India on Thursday as compared to the last three meetings. However, the West Asians are also wary that a defeat will condemn them to the bottom two in the group and officially eliminate them from World Cup qualifying.

"Yes, we played three games against India last year. They were all very balanced and the teams were at a similar level. But all those matches are history. Football is always an ongoing process, and we are proud and confident of ourselves. We are more prepared now to face India and expect ourselves to be better than before and win the game," said Bento.

*Pic Courtesy by: AIFA*


Apr 26 2024, 22:14

UTSAV Exhibition MMRDA BKC: A Glorious Start with 15,000+ Visitors, Prominent Influencers, and Leading Brands Stealing the Show

Mumbai, 26th April, 2024: UTSAV, MEGA INTERNATIONAL TRADE FAIR & INTERIOR & FURNITURE EXPO at MMRDA Ground, Next to JSW Tower, Near Asian Heart Hospital, BKC Mumbai, has captivated audiences with its grandeur and vast array of premium brands. Organized by Expo India Exhibition Pvt Ltd, a stalwart in the exhibition industry for over 28 years, the event has become the epicenter of the International Furniture, Home Decor & Consumer Exhibition, boasting an extensive range of products from kitchenware and appliances to lifestyle, fashion, and health products.

The exhibition, which started on April 26th and will conclude on May 1st, 2024, has garnered widespread attention and praise.

Rajveer Singh, an ace journalist and renowned Influencer immersed himself in the exhibition, engaging with exhibitors and organizers to gain insights into the showcased brands and the overall event experience. To add to his excitement he met many reel life stars enjoying the real life Utsav Exhibition.Among Prominent Creative Content Creators were 4ever, &

Among the prestigious exhibitors were renowned brands such as Cambay Agates, IFB, Rajasthan Hastakala, D'Sunnar Jewellery, Afghan Dryfruits, Being You Cosmetics, Guruji Sharbat, Sunpure Riso Oil and Govind Milk products. These esteemed brands showcased their finest offerings, drawing in crowds with their quality and innovation.

Rajveer's interactions with Expo India Exhibition Pvt Ltd representatives Kruti Galia, Bini Prajapati, Hiten Prajapati and Altaf Shaikh revealed their gratitude to visitors and exhibitors for making the exhibition a resounding success. With over 15,000 footfall on the opening day itself, the event witnessed families flocking in for a delightful shopping experience.

During his visit, Rajveer had the opportunity to interact with premium brands like D'Sunnar Jewels, renowned for their intricate masterpiece in Meenakari, real pearl, vintage, and Italian jewellery.

Being You-Always, led by Director Mr. Anirudhh Rajput, showcased herbal and plant-based products for skin and hair care, emphasizing holistic well-being.

IFB Home Appliances showcased features prioritizing health and hygiene, including the distinction of being the first Indian brand to produce only inverter air conditioners.

A wide variety of Furniture & Home Decor is indeed amazing and at a very affordable price.

As UTSAV begins with its week of exclusive and exciting offers and tempts you to visit the exhibition for purchasing unique products, attendees are encouraged to visit and experience the excellence showcased by premium brands. With a diverse range of products catering to various lifestyle needs, the exhibition promises an unparalleled shopping experience for all.

For those who missed out, mark your calendar for the upcoming days for UTSAV, MEGA INTERNATIONAL TRADE FAIR and immerse yourself in a world of shopping luxury, innovation, and quality craftsmanship.


For media coverage and news call RV +917710030004


Apr 19 2024, 19:18

कर्नाटक में एक ही परिवार के चार लोगों की हत्या
कर्नाटक के गडग जिले से एक भयावह घटना सामने आई है।जहां शुक्रवार सुबह एक ही परिवार के 4 सदस्यों की बेरहमी से हत्या कर दी गई  

Deepak kumar

Mar 24 2024, 20:12

तिसरी में ईट भट्टा संचालक पर लगा मजदूर के साथ मारपीट का आरोपगिरिडीह। जिले के तिसरी प्रखंड अंतर्गत बेलवाना पंचायत के ईट भट्ठा संचालक मनोज साव पर

गिरिडीह। जिले के तिसरी प्रखंड अंतर्गत बेलवाना पंचायत के ईट भट्ठा संचालक मनोज साव पर शुक्रवार को मजदूरों के साथ मारपीट किए जाने का आरोप लगा है। जिसके विरोध में शनिवार को पीड़िता राजवंती देवी और राजकुमार चौहान दोनो पति पत्नी अपने अन्य साथी संटू राम, रोहित चौहान, ध्रुव चौहान, अमनी देवी, बिराजमा देवी, पिंकी देवी, विधानता कुमारी और मन्नू चमार समेत छोटे बच्चों के साथ तिसरी थाना पहुंचे और थाना प्रभारी के साथ साथ कैलाश सत्यार्थी चिल्ड्रेन फाउंडेशन, नीति आयोग व उपायुक्त को आवेदन देकर न्याय की गुहार लगाया है।

पीड़ित राजकुमार चौहान ने बताया कि शुक्रवार को तीन बजे ईट भट्ठा संचालक मनोज साव ने ईट भट्ठा के निकट स्थित एक कमरे में उसे बंद कर गंदी गंदी गाली देते हुए मारपीट की। मारपीट होते देख उसकी पत्नी राजवंती देवी जब बीच बचाव करने आई तो उसेक साथ भी मारपीट किया गया।

इधर मामले को लेकरं ईट भट्ठा संचालक मनोज साव के बड़ा भाई प्रदीप साव ने तिसरी थाना परिसर में बताया उनके मुंशी के पैकेट से लगभग 10 हजार रुपया उक्त मजदूरों के द्वारा चोरी कर लिया था जिसके कारण विवाद हुआ है। इस दौरान उन्होंने मजदूरों के साथ मारपीट किए जाने से इंकार किया। वहीं थाना परिसर में उपस्थित ईट भट्ठा संचालक के मुंशी श्याम ने मीडिया को बताया कि मजदूर को काम करने के लिए बोला गया था, जब वो काम नही किया तो उसे डांटा गया।

Deepak kumar

Mar 24 2024, 20:12

तिसरी में ईट भट्टा संचालक पर लगा मजदूर के साथ मारपीट का आरोपगिरिडीह। जिले के तिसरी प्रखंड अंतर्गत बेलवाना पंचायत के ईट भट्ठा संचालक मनोज साव पर

गिरिडीह। जिले के तिसरी प्रखंड अंतर्गत बेलवाना पंचायत के ईट भट्ठा संचालक मनोज साव पर शुक्रवार को मजदूरों के साथ मारपीट किए जाने का आरोप लगा है। जिसके विरोध में शनिवार को पीड़िता राजवंती देवी और राजकुमार चौहान दोनो पति पत्नी अपने अन्य साथी संटू राम, रोहित चौहान, ध्रुव चौहान, अमनी देवी, बिराजमा देवी, पिंकी देवी, विधानता कुमारी और मन्नू चमार समेत छोटे बच्चों के साथ तिसरी थाना पहुंचे और थाना प्रभारी के साथ साथ कैलाश सत्यार्थी चिल्ड्रेन फाउंडेशन, नीति आयोग व उपायुक्त को आवेदन देकर न्याय की गुहार लगाया है।

पीड़ित राजकुमार चौहान ने बताया कि शुक्रवार को तीन बजे ईट भट्ठा संचालक मनोज साव ने ईट भट्ठा के निकट स्थित एक कमरे में उसे बंद कर गंदी गंदी गाली देते हुए मारपीट की। मारपीट होते देख उसकी पत्नी राजवंती देवी जब बीच बचाव करने आई तो उसेक साथ भी मारपीट किया गया।

इधर मामले को लेकरं ईट भट्ठा संचालक मनोज साव के बड़ा भाई प्रदीप साव ने तिसरी थाना परिसर में बताया उनके मुंशी के पैकेट से लगभग 10 हजार रुपया उक्त मजदूरों के द्वारा चोरी कर लिया था जिसके कारण विवाद हुआ है। इस दौरान उन्होंने मजदूरों के साथ मारपीट किए जाने से इंकार किया। वहीं थाना परिसर में उपस्थित ईट भट्ठा संचालक के मुंशी श्याम ने मीडिया को बताया कि मजदूर को काम करने के लिए बोला गया था, जब वो काम नही किया तो उसे डांटा गया।

Deepak kumar

Mar 24 2024, 20:12

तिसरी में ईट भट्टा संचालक पर लगा मजदूर के साथ मारपीट का आरोपगिरिडीह। जिले के तिसरी प्रखंड अंतर्गत बेलवाना पंचायत के ईट भट्ठा संचालक मनोज साव पर

गिरिडीह। जिले के तिसरी प्रखंड अंतर्गत बेलवाना पंचायत के ईट भट्ठा संचालक मनोज साव पर शुक्रवार को मजदूरों के साथ मारपीट किए जाने का आरोप लगा है। जिसके विरोध में शनिवार को पीड़िता राजवंती देवी और राजकुमार चौहान दोनो पति पत्नी अपने अन्य साथी संटू राम, रोहित चौहान, ध्रुव चौहान, अमनी देवी, बिराजमा देवी, पिंकी देवी, विधानता कुमारी और मन्नू चमार समेत छोटे बच्चों के साथ तिसरी थाना पहुंचे और थाना प्रभारी के साथ साथ कैलाश सत्यार्थी चिल्ड्रेन फाउंडेशन, नीति आयोग व उपायुक्त को आवेदन देकर न्याय की गुहार लगाया है।

पीड़ित राजकुमार चौहान ने बताया कि शुक्रवार को तीन बजे ईट भट्ठा संचालक मनोज साव ने ईट भट्ठा के निकट स्थित एक कमरे में उसे बंद कर गंदी गंदी गाली देते हुए मारपीट की। मारपीट होते देख उसकी पत्नी राजवंती देवी जब बीच बचाव करने आई तो उसेक साथ भी मारपीट किया गया।

इधर मामले को लेकरं ईट भट्ठा संचालक मनोज साव के बड़ा भाई प्रदीप साव ने तिसरी थाना परिसर में बताया उनके मुंशी के पैकेट से लगभग 10 हजार रुपया उक्त मजदूरों के द्वारा चोरी कर लिया था जिसके कारण विवाद हुआ है। इस दौरान उन्होंने मजदूरों के साथ मारपीट किए जाने से इंकार किया। वहीं थाना परिसर में उपस्थित ईट भट्ठा संचालक के मुंशी श्याम ने मीडिया को बताया कि मजदूर को काम करने के लिए बोला गया था, जब वो काम नही किया तो उसे डांटा गया।


Feb 19 2024, 22:08

"MITEX Exhibition: A Magnificent Showcase of Premium Brands at MMRDA Ground, BKC Mumbai!"

Mumbai, 19th February, 2024: MITEX, MAHARASHTRA INTERNATIONAL TRADE EXPO at MMRDA Ground, BKC Mumbai, has captivated audiences with its grandeur and vast array of premium brands. Organized by Expo India Exhibition Pvt Ltd, a stalwart in the exhibition industry for over 25 years, the event has become the epicenter of the International Furniture, Home Decor & Consumer Exhibition, boasting an extensive range of products from kitchenware and appliances to lifestyle, fashion, and health products.

The exhibition, which started on February 16th and will conclud on February 26th, 2024, has garnered widespread attention and praise. With the support of the Maharashtra government and curated by Expo India Exhibition Pvt Ltd, Maharashtra's largest trade fair, the event has attracted participants from diverse industries, creating a dynamic platform for interaction and commerce.

Rajveer Singh, an ace journalist and renowned Influencer, immersed himself in the exhibition, engaging with exhibitors and organizers to gain insights into the showcased brands and the overall event experience.

Among the prestigious exhibitors were renowned brands such as Cambay Agates, IFB, Rajasthan Hastakala, D'Sunnar Jewellery, Afghan Dryfruits, Being You Cosmetics, Brawn Cosmetics, Guruji Sharbat, Sunpure Riso Oil, and Mayora (Malkitis Biscuits). These esteemed brands showcased their finest offerings, drawing in crowds with their quality and innovation.

Rajveer's interactions with Mitex representatives Kruti Galia, Bini Prajapati and Altaf Shaikh revealed their gratitude to visitors and exhibitors for making the exhibition a resounding success. With over 35,000 footfalls in just three days, the event witnessed families flocking in for a delightful shopping experience.

During his visit, Rajveer had the opportunity to interact with premium brands like D'Sunnar Jewels, renowned for their intricate masterpiece in Meenakari, real pearl, vintage, and Italian jewellery.

Being You-Always, led by Director Mr. Anirudhh Rajput, showcased herbal and plant-based products for skin and hair care, emphasizing holistic well-being.

IFB Home Appliances showcased features prioritizing health and hygiene, including the distinction of being the first Indian brand to produce only inverter air conditioners.

Brawn Cosmetics and Herbals captivated visitors with their passion for purity, offering products that embrace the abundant gifts of nature.

As MITEX begins with another week of exclusive and exciting offers and tempts you to visit the exhibition for purchasing unique products, attendees are encouraged to visit and experience the excellence showcased by premium brands. With a diverse range of products catering to various lifestyle needs, the exhibition promises an unparalleled shopping experience for all.

For those who missed out, mark your calendar for the upcoming days for MITEX, MAHARASHTRA INTERNATIONAL TRADE EXPO and immerse yourself in a world of shopping luxury, innovation, and quality craftsmanship.


For media coverage and news call RV +917710030004


Jul 04 2024, 11:13

ट्रैकिंग का असली मजा तो जुलाई से सितंबर के बीच होता है सही समय,आइए जानते हैं कुछ डेस्टिनेशन

घूमने- फिरने के लिहाज से मानसून सबसे रिस्की सीजन माना जाता है। इस मौसम में हिल स्टेशन्स जाने की प्लानिंग आपको खतरे में डाल सकती है। लगातार होने वाली बारिश से रास्ते खराब हो जाते हैं, पहाड़ दरकने की संभावना रहती है और कई जगहों पर बाढ़ जैसी स्थिति भी हो जाती है, लेकिन वहीं दूसरी ओर भारत में कई सारी ऐसी जगहें हैं जिन्हें एक्सप्लोर करने का असली मजा बारिश के मौसम में ही आता है। ये सारी ट्रेकिंग वाली जगहें हैं। ट्रेकिंग करते हुए ऐसे नजारे देखने को मिलते हैं, जो आपकी ट्रिप को शानदार और यादगार बना सकते हैं।

फूलों की घाटी, उत्तराखंड
फूलों की घाटी एक्सप्लोर करने के लिए जुलाई से सितंबर का महीना सबसे बेस्ट माना जाता है। इस दौरान यहां आकर आप एक साथ फूलों की कई सारी वैराइटी देख सकते हैं। उत्तराखंड के चमोली जिले में स्थित फूलों की घाटी यूनेस्को की वर्ल्ड हेरिटेज लिस्ट में भी शामिल है। यहां 500 से भी ज्यादा प्रजाति के फूल खिलते हैं। इस साल 1 जून से फूलों की घाटी पर्यटकों के लिए खुल चुकी है, जो 30 अक्टूबर तक खुली रहेगी। बिना देर किए बना लें प्लान।

सिंहगढ़ ट्रेक, पुणे
पुणे, मुंबई घूमने के लिए मानसून बेस्ट सीजन होता है। वैसे तो इन जगहों का मौसम ज्यादातर महीने सुहावना ही होता है, लेकिन मानसून के वक्त ये और ज्यादा रोमांटिक हो जाता है। अगर आप ट्रेकिंग के शौकीन हैं, तो आपको पुणे के सिंहगढ़ दुर्ग ट्रेकिंग को बिल्कुल भी मिस नहीं करना चाहिए। किले तक पहुंचने का रास्ता इतना मनोरम है कि आपको इसमें खो जाने का दिल करेगा। सिंहगढ़ ट्रेकिंग लगभग 3 किमी लंबी है। जिसे पूरा करने में लगभग 1 घंटे का समय लगता है। 

हंपता पास, हिमाचल प्रदेश
हिमाचल प्रदेश के हंपता पास को भी कवर करने के लिए मानसून का प्लान बनाना चाहिए। समुद्र तल से 14,100 फीट की ऊंचाई पर स्थित ये जगह बारिश के मौसम में एकदम हरी-भरी नजर आती है। यहां की ट्रेकिंग करते हुए पहाड़ों, नदियों और झरनों का दीदार कर सकते हैं। हालांकि यहां की ट्रेकिंग आसान नहीं है। कुल्लू से शुरू होने वाले इस ट्रेकिंग को पूरा करने में 5 से 6 दिन का समय लग सकता है। 

मुल्लयनगिरी, कर्नाटक
कर्नाटक का मुल्लयनगिरी ट्रेक भी ट्रेकिंग के शौकीनों के लिए शानदार जगह है। बारिश के मौसम में भी यह सेफ है। मुल्लयनगिरी कर्नाटक की सबसे ऊंची चोटी है। मानसून के दौरान यहां पर्यटकों की संख्या दोगुनी हो जाती है। मुल्लयनगिरी ट्रेकिंग लगभग 10 किमी लंबी है। ट्रेकिंग के दौरान आप कैंपिंग और रॉक क्लाइंबिंग के भी मजे ले सकते हैं।

తప్పు చేస్తే దొరకక తప్పదు

Jun 27 2024, 19:41

Nithiin - Multplex: ఏషియన్ నితిన్ సితారా 'కల్కి'తో షురూ!

హీరో నితిన్(Nithiin)మల్టీప్లెక్స్‌ థియేటర్‌ బిజినెస్‌లోకి అడుగుపెట్టబోతున్నారనే వార్త కొంతకాలంగా నెట్టింట వైరల్‌ అవుతున్న సంగతి తెలిసిందే! దానిని నిజం చేశారు నితిన్.

హీరో నితిన్(Nithiin)మల్టీప్లెక్స్‌ థియేటర్‌ బిజినెస్‌లోకి అడుగుపెట్టబోతున్నారనే వార్త కొంతకాలంగా నెట్టింట వైరల్‌ అవుతున్న సంగతి తెలిసిందే! దానిని నిజం చేశారు నితిన్. మహేష్‌బాబు మొదలుకొని అల్లు అర్జున్‌, రవితేజ, విజయ్‌ దేవరకొండ వరకూ థియేటర్స్‌ బిజినెస్‌లో ఉన్నారు.

ఇప్పుడు నితిన్ కూడా ఆ జాబితాలో చేరారు. ఏషియన్‌ సంస్థతో కలిసి 'ఏషియన్‌ నితిన్‌ సితార' (Asian nithiin Sitara) అనే మల్టీప్లెక్స్‌ ప్రారంభించారు.

నితిన్‌కు ఇంతకుముందే సితార థియేటర్‌ ఉంది. సంగారెడ్డిలో ఉన్న ఈ థియేటర్‌ను రెనోవేషన్‌ చేయించి ఏషియన్‌ సంస్థతో కలిసి సరికొత్త హంగులతో మల్టీప్లెక్స్‌గా మార్చారు.

దీనికి ఏషియన్‌ నితిన్‌ సితార అని పేరు పెట్టారు. ఇక్కడ ప్రత్యేకత ఏంటంటే.. ప్రభాస్‌ హీరోగా నటించిన కల్కి 2898 ఎడీ’ చిత్రంతో ఈ మల్టీప్లెక్స్‌ అందుబాటులోకి వచ్చింది. ప్రస్తుతం నితిన రాబినహుడ్‌, తమ్ముడు చిత్రాలతో బిజీగా ఉన్నారు.


Jun 07 2024, 09:21

India play goalless draw against Kuwait
*Sports News*

Khabar kolkata:  India's hopes for qualifying for the third round of the FIFA World Cup 2026 and AFC Asian Cup 2027 Preliminary Joint Qualification took a hit as they were held 0-0 by Kuwait in their penultimate Group A game at the Salt Lake Yubo bharati Stadium on Thursday.

In what was Sunil Chhetri's 151st and last dance in Indian colours, victory may have eluded him at the full-time whistle, but emotions couldn't. After a lap around the 58,921 fans at the Salt Lake Stadium, the captain, leader, legend, let out his farewell tears when the Indian players and team officials gave him a guard of honour to the tunnel. In a warm gesture, each one of Kuwait's players and officials also paid their respects with handshakes and hugs with the Indian skipper.

As far as the match is concerned, it was far from a drab affair, with a host of chances at both ends, particularly in the first half. But some top-notch defending and fine saves reduced the contest to a goalless one.

Igor Stimac handed out a full India debut to left-back Jay Gupta, while Edmund Lalrindika came on in the last seven minutes in Gupta's place to make his debut too.

With the draw, India remain in second place with five points (Qatar will play Afghanistan later in the day), but importantly for Kuwait, they stay alive with four points. India will now hope for Qatar's victory over Afghanistan, and a draw between Kuwait and Afghanistan on June 11. In that scenario, a point for India against Qatar in five days' time in Doha will be enough to progress to the third round.

Kuwait made the earliest inroad in the fifth minute when left-winger Mohammad Abdulah shouldered his way into the box and came one-on-one with Gurpreet Singh Sandhu, but the Indian custodian stood strong, sticking his leg out to make a vital save early on.

India also responded with frantic pace on the left courtesy of Liston Colaco, who raced his way past the Kuwait right-back and put in a low cross, but Hasan Alanezi stabbed the ball clear for the visitors. India had their first shot from the resulting Anirudh Thapa corner, with an unmarked Anwar Ali heading it inches over the bar.

In the 25th minute, both teams had their heart-in-the-mouth moments in the space of a few seconds. First, it was Eid Alrashidi breaking the offside trap to stray clear on goal before dinking the ball over an onrushing Gurpreet. It landed just wide of the goal net. Immediately after, Jay Gupta burst forward and put an inviting low cross from the left. But Alanezi was on hand again to clear the danger for Kuwait at full stretch.

Slowly and steadily, India grew in confidence and began stringing attacks patiently, mostly utilising the speed of their wingers. Lallianzuala Chhangte got the better of left-back Meshari Alenezi on a couple of occasions and swung in dangerous crosses from the right, but Kuwait actively hacked them clear. Stimac's men were quicker to the second balls as well, winning the ball in the final third and making Kuwait sweat at the back.

On a couple of occasions, Liston also tried his luck from distance, first smashing the side-netting, before skying it wayward from an audacious 40-yard attempt.

At half-time, Stimac made two changes, sacrificing midfielder Thapa to bring on striker Rahim Ali, while Brandon Fernandes replaced Sahal Abdul Samad in the middle.

The start to the second half was as wild as the first. Both goalkeepers were tested to the fullest in and came out on top. Faisal Alharbi's stinging volley from barely six yards out was met with a stunning reflex save from Gurpreet, who dipped his entire 196-centimetre figure to palm it out. A few minutes later, he had to stretch to the top corner to push out Yousef Alsulaiman's effort.

Sandwiched between Gurpreet's heroics was Sulaiman Abdulghafoor's one-on-one save for Kuwait. He made himself big to deny Rahim, who had latched on to a great through ball.

India struggled to maintain their first-half intensity and the tempo shifted towards Kuwait for a while. Substitute Ali Matar got plenty of space near the edge of the box, but he hesitated to shoot early and by the time he did, Rahul Bheke had thrown his body to make a solid block.

For those in blue, time seemed to pass quicker as they were left frustrated by Kuwait slowing down the tempo of the game.

The Blue Tigers sprang to some life in injury time, but it was not enough. Brandon Fernandes flashed a low ball across the face of the goal, but it was Alenezi once again to clear the danger for Kuwait for the umpteenth time on the night. Seconds later, Chhangte picked out Manvir with an inch-perfect cross but the latter nodded it wide of the near post. P ic : AIFA & Sanjay Hazra (khabar kolkata)


Jun 05 2024, 20:04

History beckons Blue Tigers: Chhetri and his men eager to script their own narrative
*Sports News*

*Khabar kolkata News bureau* : The road has been rugged and bumpy so far but India still stand on the cusp of history. A victory on the night of June 6 at the Salt Lake Vivekananda Yubo bharti Stadium for India against Kuwait in their penultimate Group A fixture of the FIFA World Cup 2026 and AFC Asian Cup 2027 Preliminary Joint Qualification Round 2 will put their one foot into the never-seen-before territory - the next round of qualifiers.

June 6. It's a date that has been echoing in the realm of Indian football for the past couple of months. The defeat to Afghanistan in Guwahati in March converted this date into practically a do-or-die occasion for India. And the echoes were further amplified when Sunil Chhetri, exactly three weeks before the D-Day, announced that it would also be his R-Day — R for Retirement. After 19 years of unmatchable service to his great nation, the Indian skipper will hang his boots at the Salt Lake, amid more than 60 thousand people, who will witness the legend's last kick of the ball for India.

But Chhetri was the quickest to point out during Wednesday's pre-match press conference that the match should not be about him, but the potentially ground-breaking result awaiting Indian football.

"I'm trying really hard not to think about the game emotionally. It's not about me. I would love to win 1-0, I don't care who scores. The last 15 days have been good. I think we're on the same page in terms of fitness and that's a good headache for the coach to have," said Chhetri.

India head coach Igor Stimac also concurred with his skipper's words. The most significant thing about tomorrow will be the victory. The fact that it's Chhetri's last 90 minutes for the nation adds to the prestige of the fixture.

"Knowing that this is the last game of our captain for the national team makes this occasion much, much bigger. But of course, this is still about India winning against Kuwait. We are focussed on what we need to do. I will put it in a few words - we are ready for it," said Stimac.

India and Kuwait have met thrice in the last 12 months, twice in the SAFF Championship (1-1 in the group stage and a penalty shoot-out win for India in the final), before the Blue Tigers triumphed 1-0 in the World Cup Qualifiers in November.

"We had three tight, tough games against Kuwait," said Stimac. "Either team could've won them. I would say our best game was away in Kuwait in these qualifiers because that was perfect defensive shape, not allowing them to get near our box and create clear chances. That's what we need to repeat tomorrow, with our discipline, focus, tight marking, reaching the opposition goal and scoring the goal because that's what we need."

Scoring goals from open play has been an Achilles heel for India, who have failed to score in five of the last six matches apart from Chhetri's penalty against Afghanistan in Guwahati. In fact, India's last open-play goal came against Kuwait from Manvir Singh's left foot. But with every passing training session with goal nets bulging non-stop from finishing drills, Stimac gains more and more confidence.

"The boys have worked tremendously hard on details and for everything that is needed for this game. We're going to be absolutely ready for each scenario which awaits us," he said.

As far as India's opponents are concerned, after the end of their domestic season in the last week of May, Kuwait held a one-week camp in Bangkok before travelling to Kolkata on Tuesday night. Their Portuguese head coach Rui Bento named a 26-man squad composed entirely of players from the Kuwait Premier League.

"We expect a good game tomorrow. We know that both teams have competitive targets and the same goal. We've had a good environment in our training. We believe that more than the one week of camp in Thailand, it's about the one and a half year of us being together as a team," said Bento.

The former Portugal youth international coach believed Kuwait, ranked 139th in the world, are now in a better place than last year and can put up a better challenge against India on Thursday as compared to the last three meetings. However, the West Asians are also wary that a defeat will condemn them to the bottom two in the group and officially eliminate them from World Cup qualifying.

"Yes, we played three games against India last year. They were all very balanced and the teams were at a similar level. But all those matches are history. Football is always an ongoing process, and we are proud and confident of ourselves. We are more prepared now to face India and expect ourselves to be better than before and win the game," said Bento.

*Pic Courtesy by: AIFA*


Apr 26 2024, 22:14

UTSAV Exhibition MMRDA BKC: A Glorious Start with 15,000+ Visitors, Prominent Influencers, and Leading Brands Stealing the Show

Mumbai, 26th April, 2024: UTSAV, MEGA INTERNATIONAL TRADE FAIR & INTERIOR & FURNITURE EXPO at MMRDA Ground, Next to JSW Tower, Near Asian Heart Hospital, BKC Mumbai, has captivated audiences with its grandeur and vast array of premium brands. Organized by Expo India Exhibition Pvt Ltd, a stalwart in the exhibition industry for over 28 years, the event has become the epicenter of the International Furniture, Home Decor & Consumer Exhibition, boasting an extensive range of products from kitchenware and appliances to lifestyle, fashion, and health products.

The exhibition, which started on April 26th and will conclude on May 1st, 2024, has garnered widespread attention and praise.

Rajveer Singh, an ace journalist and renowned Influencer immersed himself in the exhibition, engaging with exhibitors and organizers to gain insights into the showcased brands and the overall event experience. To add to his excitement he met many reel life stars enjoying the real life Utsav Exhibition.Among Prominent Creative Content Creators were 4ever, &

Among the prestigious exhibitors were renowned brands such as Cambay Agates, IFB, Rajasthan Hastakala, D'Sunnar Jewellery, Afghan Dryfruits, Being You Cosmetics, Guruji Sharbat, Sunpure Riso Oil and Govind Milk products. These esteemed brands showcased their finest offerings, drawing in crowds with their quality and innovation.

Rajveer's interactions with Expo India Exhibition Pvt Ltd representatives Kruti Galia, Bini Prajapati, Hiten Prajapati and Altaf Shaikh revealed their gratitude to visitors and exhibitors for making the exhibition a resounding success. With over 15,000 footfall on the opening day itself, the event witnessed families flocking in for a delightful shopping experience.

During his visit, Rajveer had the opportunity to interact with premium brands like D'Sunnar Jewels, renowned for their intricate masterpiece in Meenakari, real pearl, vintage, and Italian jewellery.

Being You-Always, led by Director Mr. Anirudhh Rajput, showcased herbal and plant-based products for skin and hair care, emphasizing holistic well-being.

IFB Home Appliances showcased features prioritizing health and hygiene, including the distinction of being the first Indian brand to produce only inverter air conditioners.

A wide variety of Furniture & Home Decor is indeed amazing and at a very affordable price.

As UTSAV begins with its week of exclusive and exciting offers and tempts you to visit the exhibition for purchasing unique products, attendees are encouraged to visit and experience the excellence showcased by premium brands. With a diverse range of products catering to various lifestyle needs, the exhibition promises an unparalleled shopping experience for all.

For those who missed out, mark your calendar for the upcoming days for UTSAV, MEGA INTERNATIONAL TRADE FAIR and immerse yourself in a world of shopping luxury, innovation, and quality craftsmanship.


For media coverage and news call RV +917710030004


Apr 19 2024, 19:18

कर्नाटक में एक ही परिवार के चार लोगों की हत्या
कर्नाटक के गडग जिले से एक भयावह घटना सामने आई है।जहां शुक्रवार सुबह एक ही परिवार के 4 सदस्यों की बेरहमी से हत्या कर दी गई  

Deepak kumar

Mar 24 2024, 20:12

तिसरी में ईट भट्टा संचालक पर लगा मजदूर के साथ मारपीट का आरोपगिरिडीह। जिले के तिसरी प्रखंड अंतर्गत बेलवाना पंचायत के ईट भट्ठा संचालक मनोज साव पर

गिरिडीह। जिले के तिसरी प्रखंड अंतर्गत बेलवाना पंचायत के ईट भट्ठा संचालक मनोज साव पर शुक्रवार को मजदूरों के साथ मारपीट किए जाने का आरोप लगा है। जिसके विरोध में शनिवार को पीड़िता राजवंती देवी और राजकुमार चौहान दोनो पति पत्नी अपने अन्य साथी संटू राम, रोहित चौहान, ध्रुव चौहान, अमनी देवी, बिराजमा देवी, पिंकी देवी, विधानता कुमारी और मन्नू चमार समेत छोटे बच्चों के साथ तिसरी थाना पहुंचे और थाना प्रभारी के साथ साथ कैलाश सत्यार्थी चिल्ड्रेन फाउंडेशन, नीति आयोग व उपायुक्त को आवेदन देकर न्याय की गुहार लगाया है।

पीड़ित राजकुमार चौहान ने बताया कि शुक्रवार को तीन बजे ईट भट्ठा संचालक मनोज साव ने ईट भट्ठा के निकट स्थित एक कमरे में उसे बंद कर गंदी गंदी गाली देते हुए मारपीट की। मारपीट होते देख उसकी पत्नी राजवंती देवी जब बीच बचाव करने आई तो उसेक साथ भी मारपीट किया गया।

इधर मामले को लेकरं ईट भट्ठा संचालक मनोज साव के बड़ा भाई प्रदीप साव ने तिसरी थाना परिसर में बताया उनके मुंशी के पैकेट से लगभग 10 हजार रुपया उक्त मजदूरों के द्वारा चोरी कर लिया था जिसके कारण विवाद हुआ है। इस दौरान उन्होंने मजदूरों के साथ मारपीट किए जाने से इंकार किया। वहीं थाना परिसर में उपस्थित ईट भट्ठा संचालक के मुंशी श्याम ने मीडिया को बताया कि मजदूर को काम करने के लिए बोला गया था, जब वो काम नही किया तो उसे डांटा गया।

Deepak kumar

Mar 24 2024, 20:12

तिसरी में ईट भट्टा संचालक पर लगा मजदूर के साथ मारपीट का आरोपगिरिडीह। जिले के तिसरी प्रखंड अंतर्गत बेलवाना पंचायत के ईट भट्ठा संचालक मनोज साव पर

गिरिडीह। जिले के तिसरी प्रखंड अंतर्गत बेलवाना पंचायत के ईट भट्ठा संचालक मनोज साव पर शुक्रवार को मजदूरों के साथ मारपीट किए जाने का आरोप लगा है। जिसके विरोध में शनिवार को पीड़िता राजवंती देवी और राजकुमार चौहान दोनो पति पत्नी अपने अन्य साथी संटू राम, रोहित चौहान, ध्रुव चौहान, अमनी देवी, बिराजमा देवी, पिंकी देवी, विधानता कुमारी और मन्नू चमार समेत छोटे बच्चों के साथ तिसरी थाना पहुंचे और थाना प्रभारी के साथ साथ कैलाश सत्यार्थी चिल्ड्रेन फाउंडेशन, नीति आयोग व उपायुक्त को आवेदन देकर न्याय की गुहार लगाया है।

पीड़ित राजकुमार चौहान ने बताया कि शुक्रवार को तीन बजे ईट भट्ठा संचालक मनोज साव ने ईट भट्ठा के निकट स्थित एक कमरे में उसे बंद कर गंदी गंदी गाली देते हुए मारपीट की। मारपीट होते देख उसकी पत्नी राजवंती देवी जब बीच बचाव करने आई तो उसेक साथ भी मारपीट किया गया।

इधर मामले को लेकरं ईट भट्ठा संचालक मनोज साव के बड़ा भाई प्रदीप साव ने तिसरी थाना परिसर में बताया उनके मुंशी के पैकेट से लगभग 10 हजार रुपया उक्त मजदूरों के द्वारा चोरी कर लिया था जिसके कारण विवाद हुआ है। इस दौरान उन्होंने मजदूरों के साथ मारपीट किए जाने से इंकार किया। वहीं थाना परिसर में उपस्थित ईट भट्ठा संचालक के मुंशी श्याम ने मीडिया को बताया कि मजदूर को काम करने के लिए बोला गया था, जब वो काम नही किया तो उसे डांटा गया।

Deepak kumar

Mar 24 2024, 20:12

तिसरी में ईट भट्टा संचालक पर लगा मजदूर के साथ मारपीट का आरोपगिरिडीह। जिले के तिसरी प्रखंड अंतर्गत बेलवाना पंचायत के ईट भट्ठा संचालक मनोज साव पर

गिरिडीह। जिले के तिसरी प्रखंड अंतर्गत बेलवाना पंचायत के ईट भट्ठा संचालक मनोज साव पर शुक्रवार को मजदूरों के साथ मारपीट किए जाने का आरोप लगा है। जिसके विरोध में शनिवार को पीड़िता राजवंती देवी और राजकुमार चौहान दोनो पति पत्नी अपने अन्य साथी संटू राम, रोहित चौहान, ध्रुव चौहान, अमनी देवी, बिराजमा देवी, पिंकी देवी, विधानता कुमारी और मन्नू चमार समेत छोटे बच्चों के साथ तिसरी थाना पहुंचे और थाना प्रभारी के साथ साथ कैलाश सत्यार्थी चिल्ड्रेन फाउंडेशन, नीति आयोग व उपायुक्त को आवेदन देकर न्याय की गुहार लगाया है।

पीड़ित राजकुमार चौहान ने बताया कि शुक्रवार को तीन बजे ईट भट्ठा संचालक मनोज साव ने ईट भट्ठा के निकट स्थित एक कमरे में उसे बंद कर गंदी गंदी गाली देते हुए मारपीट की। मारपीट होते देख उसकी पत्नी राजवंती देवी जब बीच बचाव करने आई तो उसेक साथ भी मारपीट किया गया।

इधर मामले को लेकरं ईट भट्ठा संचालक मनोज साव के बड़ा भाई प्रदीप साव ने तिसरी थाना परिसर में बताया उनके मुंशी के पैकेट से लगभग 10 हजार रुपया उक्त मजदूरों के द्वारा चोरी कर लिया था जिसके कारण विवाद हुआ है। इस दौरान उन्होंने मजदूरों के साथ मारपीट किए जाने से इंकार किया। वहीं थाना परिसर में उपस्थित ईट भट्ठा संचालक के मुंशी श्याम ने मीडिया को बताया कि मजदूर को काम करने के लिए बोला गया था, जब वो काम नही किया तो उसे डांटा गया।


Feb 19 2024, 22:08

"MITEX Exhibition: A Magnificent Showcase of Premium Brands at MMRDA Ground, BKC Mumbai!"

Mumbai, 19th February, 2024: MITEX, MAHARASHTRA INTERNATIONAL TRADE EXPO at MMRDA Ground, BKC Mumbai, has captivated audiences with its grandeur and vast array of premium brands. Organized by Expo India Exhibition Pvt Ltd, a stalwart in the exhibition industry for over 25 years, the event has become the epicenter of the International Furniture, Home Decor & Consumer Exhibition, boasting an extensive range of products from kitchenware and appliances to lifestyle, fashion, and health products.

The exhibition, which started on February 16th and will conclud on February 26th, 2024, has garnered widespread attention and praise. With the support of the Maharashtra government and curated by Expo India Exhibition Pvt Ltd, Maharashtra's largest trade fair, the event has attracted participants from diverse industries, creating a dynamic platform for interaction and commerce.

Rajveer Singh, an ace journalist and renowned Influencer, immersed himself in the exhibition, engaging with exhibitors and organizers to gain insights into the showcased brands and the overall event experience.

Among the prestigious exhibitors were renowned brands such as Cambay Agates, IFB, Rajasthan Hastakala, D'Sunnar Jewellery, Afghan Dryfruits, Being You Cosmetics, Brawn Cosmetics, Guruji Sharbat, Sunpure Riso Oil, and Mayora (Malkitis Biscuits). These esteemed brands showcased their finest offerings, drawing in crowds with their quality and innovation.

Rajveer's interactions with Mitex representatives Kruti Galia, Bini Prajapati and Altaf Shaikh revealed their gratitude to visitors and exhibitors for making the exhibition a resounding success. With over 35,000 footfalls in just three days, the event witnessed families flocking in for a delightful shopping experience.

During his visit, Rajveer had the opportunity to interact with premium brands like D'Sunnar Jewels, renowned for their intricate masterpiece in Meenakari, real pearl, vintage, and Italian jewellery.

Being You-Always, led by Director Mr. Anirudhh Rajput, showcased herbal and plant-based products for skin and hair care, emphasizing holistic well-being.

IFB Home Appliances showcased features prioritizing health and hygiene, including the distinction of being the first Indian brand to produce only inverter air conditioners.

Brawn Cosmetics and Herbals captivated visitors with their passion for purity, offering products that embrace the abundant gifts of nature.

As MITEX begins with another week of exclusive and exciting offers and tempts you to visit the exhibition for purchasing unique products, attendees are encouraged to visit and experience the excellence showcased by premium brands. With a diverse range of products catering to various lifestyle needs, the exhibition promises an unparalleled shopping experience for all.

For those who missed out, mark your calendar for the upcoming days for MITEX, MAHARASHTRA INTERNATIONAL TRADE EXPO and immerse yourself in a world of shopping luxury, innovation, and quality craftsmanship.


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