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Aug 10 2024, 09:29

IMD's orange flash flood warnings for Himachal Pradesh other states

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued an ‘orange’ alert for Himachal Pradesh and other states as heavy rain continued northern India through the first two weeks of August. Earlier this week, the IMD predicted that heavy to extremely heavy rainfall would continue in parts of Himachal Pradesh till August 12

The weather agency issued the orange alert owing to heavy downpour in Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, East Uttar Pradesh, East Madhya Pradesh, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura.

In its forecast, the IMD said heavy isolated rainfall will continue to lash Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and parts of Rajasthan till August 12, while moderate rainfall is expected to lash Jammu and Kashmir, Haryana, Punjab and Chandigarh on August 10The weather agency said heavy to extremely heavy rain will continue in Himachal Pradesh till Saturday, along with lightening and thunderstorms. An orange alert will remain in place in the state till August 12, and a yellow warning has been issued till August 15

The IMD also alerted of a low to moderate risk of flash floods in isolated areas of Mandi, Bilaspur, Solan, Sirmaur, Shimla, and Kullu districts through Saturday, news agency PTI reported.

The agency further sounded a warning of potential landslides in some regions, along with possible damage to plantations, crops, vulnerable structures, and kutcha houses due to waterlogging and strong winds in low lying areas in the state.

Earlier, on August 7, the IMD reported significant rainfall across the state, with Joginder Nagar in Mandi district experiencing the highest at 110 MM in 24 hours. The incessant downpour has affected daily life, making it challenging for residents and visitors alike. The cloudburst and flash floods that occurred on August 1 have affected the districts of Kullu, Mandi and Shimla.

Meanwhile, a yellow alert has been issued in Delhi for the next two days, with a forecast of moderate to heavy rainfall in the national capital till August 11. The weather office forecasted cloudy skies and moderate rains in Delhi NCR for Saturday, reported PTI

Heavy rainfall lashed parts of Delhi and NCR on Friday, leading to heavy waterlogging and traffic congestion in the evening. The Met office issued an 'orange' warning to "be prepared" after earlier putting the city in the 'green' zone for no warning or alert.


Jul 26 2024, 10:57

पीएम मोदी ने शिंकुन ला सुरंग परियोजना का पहला विस्फोट किया, जानें चीन-पाक के खिलाफ टनल का सामरिक महत्व?


प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने 25वें कारगिल विजय दिसव के अवसर पर द्रास में कारगिल युद्ध स्मारक पर कारगिल युद्ध के नायकों को श्रद्धांजलि अर्पित की। इस मौके पर प्रधानमंत्री मोदी वर्चुअल माध्यम से शिंकुन ला सुरंग परियोजना का पहला विस्फोट किया। यह सुंरग लद्दाख को हर मौसम में संपर्क प्रदान करेगी। इस सुरंग परियोजना में 4.1 किलोमीटर लंबी ट्विन-ट्यूब टनल भी शामिल है, जिसका निर्माण निमू-पदुम-दारचा रोड पर लगभग 15,800 फुट की ऊंचाई पर किया जाएगा। इससे लेह को हर मौसम में कनेक्टिविटी प्रदान की जा सकेगी। यह दुनिया की सबसे ऊंची सुरंग होगी।शिंकुन ला सुरंग न केवल हमारे सशस्त्र बलों और उपकरणों की तेज व कुशल आवाजाही सुनिश्चित करेगी, बल्कि लद्दाख में आर्थिक और सामाजिक विकास को भी बढ़ावा देगी।

सेना को हर मौसम में एलएसी पर देगा एक्सेस

शिंकुन ला टनल सेना के हिसाब से काफी महत्वपूर्ण है। यह सेना को हर मौसम में एलएसी पर एक्सेस देगा। साथ ही चीन के किसी भी नापाक हरकत को मुंहतोड़ जवाव देने में भारतीय सेना की मदद करेगा। अगर इस टनल का निर्माण होता है तो लद्दाख में सालों भर सुचारु रूप से आवाजाही हो सकेगी और सेना को हथियार गोला बरूद और उनके गाड़ियां आराम से आ जा सकेगी। 

सुरंग पर तोप और मिसाइल का भी असर नहीं होगा

शिंकुन ला टनल रणनीतिक रूप से काफी महत्वपूर्ण है। इस टनल के निर्माण से लद्दाख जाने के लिए सेना को करीब 100 की दूरी कम तय करनी पड़ेगी।निर्माण के बाद शिंकुन ला चीन की 15590 फीट की ऊंचाई पर बनी सुरंग को पीछे छोड़ देगी और दुनिया की सबसे ऊंची सुरंग बन जाएगी। बड़ी बात यह है कि इस सुरंग पर तोप और मिसाइल का भी असर नहीं होगा।

लद्दाख में व्यापार, पर्यटन और विकास को मिलेगा बढ़ावा

शिंकुन ला सुरंग न केवल हमारे सशस्त्र बलों और उपकरणों की तेज और कुशल आवाजाही सुनिश्चित करेगी बल्कि लद्दाख में आर्थिक और सामाजिक विकास को भी बढ़ावा देगी। यह सुरंग हिमाचल प्रदेश में लाहौल घाटी को लद्दाख में ज़ांस्कर घाटी से जोड़ने वाली एक महत्वपूर्ण कड़ी के रूप में काम करेगी। यह लद्दाख में व्यापार, पर्यटन और विकास को बढ़ावा देगा, नए अवसर लाएगा और लोगों की आजीविका में भी सुधार करेगा।


Jun 29 2024, 21:09

Daulat Beg Oldie, where the Army lost 5 tankmen in a flashflood, is a crucial sector in northern Ladakh.
It is here that the Chinese entered 6km & set up camp in Apr 2013. After retreat, IAF landed plane there in Aug 2013 — the world’s highest airfield


Jun 23 2024, 11:22

Khomane Agro: Revolutionizing FMCG and Agro Industries with Tradition and Innovation

Pune, Maharashtra[DATE] – Khomane Agro, a rising star in the Indian FMCG and Agro industries, is making waves with its unique blend of tradition and innovation. Founded in 2022, the company is committed to delivering premium products while empowering farmers and bolstering India's agricultural economy.

Championing Sustainable Practices and Farmer Partnerships

Khomane Agro stands out for its dedication to quality, sustainability, and collaboration. They have forged partnerships with over 10,000 farmers across India, championing organic and fresh ingredient sourcing. The company actively works with visionary farmers who share their passion for innovation and experimentation in crop management practices. This approach ensures not only the highest quality ingredients but also supports sustainable farming methods.

A Fusion of Tradition and Modernity

Khomane Agro isn't just about revolutionizing agricultural practices; they're also redefining the way consumers experience traditional Indian flavors. Their product range offers a delightful fusion of time-tested recipes and modern convenience:

  • Chutneys
  • Masalas
  • Snacks
  • Jaggery
  • Pre-Mixes
  • Cold-Pressed Oils
  • Spices

Spreading the Taste of India

Khomane Agro's success story isn't limited to India. They have established a presence in Canada through their partner Flint Food, making their authentic Indian flavors accessible to a wider audience. With over 200 distributors across Maharashtra alone, Khomane Agro is a leading player in the regional market, and their reach continues to expand.

Contact Information:

Website (India): www.khomaneagro.com 

Website (Canada): http://flintfood.ca/ 

Mobile: 8767306068 



Jun 20 2024, 16:04

Today Shrachi Rarh Tigers (SRT) won by 28 runs.
*Sports News*

#Sports# Bengal Pro T20 cricket #West Bengal #CAB# Street Buzz News
SB News Bureau: Sobisco Smashers Malda won the toss and chose to field first. Shrachi Rarh Tigers managed to score a total of 101 runs for the loss of 7 wickets in their 20 overs. Ankita Chakraborty was the top scorer for SRT, contributing 43 runs off 47 balls. Piyali Ghosh was the standout bowler for SSM, taking 3 wickets.

In response, Sobisco Smashers Malda struggled to chase the target of 102 runs. They consistently lost wickets and their innings concluded at 73 runs for the loss of 9 wickets. Hrishita Basu was the highest scorer for SSM, making 18 runs in 30 balls. For SRT, Remondina Khatun and Chandrima Biswas each took 2 wickets.

Ankita Chakraborty was named the Player of the Match.

*Pic Courtesy by: CAB*


Apr 30 2024, 16:07

अप्रैल में गर्मी ने तोड़े सारे रिकॉर्ड, 44 डिग्री तक पहुंचा पारा, जानें मौसम की बेरुखी की वजह


देश के कई हिस्सों में अप्रैल के महीने में ही रिकॉर्ड तोड़ गर्मी पड़ रही है।आमतौर पर जो गर्मी और लू मई महीने में देखने को मिलती है, ऐसे हालात आधा अप्रैल बीतने पर ही बन गए हैं। पारा 40 डिग्री के पार है, लू चलने से त्वचा और आंखों में जलन हो रही है। मौसम विभाग के अनुसार, अधिकतर इलाकों में भीषण गर्मी पड़ी। अप्रैल में लू से दक्षिणी इलाके ज्यादा प्रभावित रहे।ओडिशा, आंध्र प्रदेश और तमिलनाडु के साथ-साथ कर्नाटक, केरल, सिक्किम, बिहार, झारखंड और गंगीय पश्चिम बंगाल में भयानक लू चली।

अप्रैल में गर्मी का रिकॉर्ड यूं ही नहीं बना है। इस हीटवेव के पीछे भी दो वजह बताई गई हैं।पहली अलनीनो और दूसरी एंटीसायक्लोन। जान लेते है क्या है अलनीनो और एंटीसायक्लोन।

इंडियन एक्सप्रेस की रिपोर्ट में मौसम विभाग के डायरेक्टर जनरल मृत्युंजन मोहपात्रा कहते हैं, साल 2024 की शुरुआत अलनीनो की स्थिति से हुई थी। यह मौसम की ऐसी स्थिति होती है जब भूमध्यरेखीय प्रशांत महासागर की सतह जरूरत से ज्यादा गर्म होने लगती है। इसके कारण दुनिया के कई हिस्सों में गर्मी बढ़ती है और समुद्र के तापमान पर भी असर पड़ता है। इसकी शुरुआत जून 2023 में हुई थी। आमतौर पर जब किसी साल की शुरुआत अलनीनो के साथ होती है तो गर्मी तो पड़ती ही है, इसके साथ ही प्री-मानसून की बारिश की न होने या बहुत कम होने का खतरा बढ़ता है।

अप्रैल में गर्मी होने की दूसरी वजह है कि एंटी-सायक्लोन सिस्टम। दक्षिणी प्रायद्वीपीय और दक्षिणपूर्वी तटीय क्षेत्रों में लगातार बना एंटी-सायक्लोन सिस्टम भी अप्रैल की गर्मी की वजह है। यह एक तरह का हाई प्रेशर सिस्टम होता है जो 3 किलोमीटर की ऊंचाई पर बनता है। इसका दायरा 1 से 2 हजार किलोमीटर तक होता है।यह अपने नीचे की हवा को पृथ्वी की ओर धकेलता है। नतीजा, दबाव के साथ पृथ्वी की तरफ आई हवा सतह पर पहुंचने तक गर्मी पैदा करती है और ऐसे हालात बनते हैं।

एंटी सायक्लोन सिस्टम से हवा का फ्लो जमीन से समुद्र की ओर होता है और समुद्र की तरफ से आने वाली ठंडी हवा को भी रोकने का काम करता है। इस तरह अलनीनो और एंटी-सायक्लोन ने मिलकर अप्रैल में गर्मी बढ़ाई और लू जैसे हालात बने। इसके कारण खासतौर पर पश्चिम बंगाल, आंध्र प्रदेश, तेलंगाना, तमिलनाडु, केरल, कर्नाटक और महाराष्ट्र में तापमान बढ़ा।


Apr 24 2024, 16:16

Kragbuzz Retail Unveils Flagship Store in Noida, Welcomes Distinguished Guests.


In a momentous event that marked the convergence of sports enthusiasts, industry leaders, and celebrities, Kragbuzz Retail proudly inaugurated its flagship store in Noida. The grand opening ceremony, held from April 19th to April 21st, saw the unveiling of a meticulously curated space dedicated to providing athletes of all levels with access to top-notch gear, apparel, and equipment.

The Kragbuzz Retail main shop, located in a bustling sector of Noida, covers three sprawling floors and exudes an air of athletic excellence and creativity. From quality clothes and accessories to cutting-edge sports equipment, the shop provides a wide choice of items sourced from top companies throughout the world. With a solid dedication to quality and client happiness, Kragbuzz Retail aims to redefine the sporting experience for enthusiasts and professionals alike.

Kragbuzz Retail's goal is based on a passion for sports and a commitment to excellence. Mr. Arjun Gupta founded the business, which reflects the result of years of industry experience and a constant quest for quality. Kragbuzz Retail aspires to be more than just a retail space, with a clear focus on providing athletes with access to the highest quality gear. It wants to be a sanctuary for sports enthusiasts, a place where they can find inspiration, guidance, and the tools they need to excel in their respective fields.

Kragbuzz Retail's opening ceremony was attended by a remarkable group of guests, each of whom brought their own distinct viewpoint and skills to the occasion. Mr. Rajat Sharma, Chairman and Editor in Chief of India TV, led the opening activities. Mr. Rohan Jaitley, President of the DDCA, Mr. CK Khanna, Former President of the BCCI, and Mr. Madan Lal, former Indian cricketer and World Cup champion from 1983, all joined him.

Mr. Vijay Singh, IPS - Jt.CP Delhi Police, and Mr. Santosh K Rai, IAS - Secretary (Home), Delhi Government, Mr. Rakesh Paweriya, IPS - DCP, Delhi Police, Mr. Lakshay Singhal, IAS - DM-South West Delhi, Mr. Gangadhar Panda, IRS - Addl Director-General, DGFT, and Mr. Bhavya Bishnoi - MLA, Haryana Legislative Assembly, whose presence highlighted the significance of Kragbuzz Retail's opening. Also in attendance were significant individuals from the media profession, including Mr. Vijay Lokapally, senior journalist, Mr. Aniket Mishra, senior journalist specializing in FIFA, and Mr. Shankar Singh, journalist.

The event also included prominent sports celebrities such as Mr. Parvinder Awana, a former Indian cricketer, and Mr. Smit Singh, an international shooter, who supported Kragbuzz Retail's objective to promote athletic achievement and innovation.

Mr. Manoj Mittal, Chairman, Alumni Management Company; Mr. Pawan Gulati, Treasurer, DDCA; and Mr. Shyam Sharma, Director, Executive Member of DDCA and Delhi High Court Bar Association, are among the other important visitors who attended. In addition, Mr. Rajesh Mishra, Secretary of the Delhi Bar Council, Mr. Anmol Nohria, Magistrate of Karkardooma Court, and world-renowned astrologer Mr. Nitin Kashyap were in attendance.

In his opening remarks, Mr. Arjun Gupta thanked the distinguished guests for their attendance and stressed Kragbuzz Retail's dedication to offering sports fanatics outstanding quality and service. He also discussed the store's future plans, emphasizing its position as a catalyst for the growth and development of the local athletic community.

As the three-day event came to a conclusion, guests left full of enthusiasm and expectation for the future of sports retail in Noida. With its flagship shop now available to the public, Kragbuzz Retail hopes to serve as a source of inspiration and excellence for athletes of all levels, empowering them to achieve new heights of accomplishment.

To connect or make a purchase with Kragbuzz, click on the link provided below.

Website : https://kragbuzz.com/ 


Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/kragbuzzretailstore?igsh=YzljYTk1ODg3Zg==  


Apr 11 2024, 09:45

Amarvat Shilajit Resin: A Powerhouse of Your Energy and Stamina


Are you feeling dull, tired, fatigued, or stressed? Are you seeking a natural and permanent solution to enhance your overall well-being? In the world of natural remedies, Shilajit has long been admired in Ayurveda as a testament to improved physical and mental well-being. Amarvat Shilajit captures the spirit of this ayurvedic marvel and offers this ancient remedy to the modern world. Amarvat Shilajit is highly regarded in the health and wellness industry for its dedication to purity, quality, and efficacy.

Amarvat Shilajit is a 100% Ayurvedic product that promotes vitality, rejuvenation, and holistic wellness. Amarvat Shilajit is GMP-certified, ISO-certified, and AYUSH-approved. It is manufactured by following a stringent testing and purification process to guarantee the highest levels of purity and quality standards. From sourcing the finest raw materials to employing cutting-edge extraction techniques, every stage of Amarvat Shilajit’s manufacturing process is meticulously supervised to ensure unmatched quality. Amarvat Shilajit offers various health benefits.

Boosts Energy and Stamina: Shilajit is a world-renowned natural energizer. Amarvat Shilajit helps in reducing fatigue and boosting stamina. Amarvat Shilajit, which contains more than 70% fulvic acid, helps reduce stress and anxiety. Also, regular consumption of Amarvat Shilajit helps increase endurance, making it ideal for fitness enthusiasts and people who lead active lifestyles.

Promotes Mental Wellness: Shilajit is a powerhouse of antioxidants that promote overall brain health, making it a chosen supplement for holistic wellness. Amarvat Shilajit may help sharpen memory and enhance focus.

Balances Hormonal Health: Amarvat Shilajit brings together 84+ trace minerals and elements with more than 70% fulvic acid, making it a complete solution for your nutrition needs and better hormonal health.

Improves Reproductive Health: Shilajit is also revered for its aphrodisiac properties, which help improve reproductive health. Amarvat Shilajit helps improve sexual stamina and may enhance reproductive fertility.

Helps in Diabetes Management: Shilajit has shown potential in controlling blood glucose levels and helps improve the lipid profile. Amarvat Shilajit can potentially help manage diabetes.

Delays Signs of Aging: Shilajit’s antioxidant-rich composition makes it an outstanding combat against signs of aging. Rich in fulvic acid, Amarvat Shilajit helps regulate signs of skin aging and helps maintain youthful skin, hair, and overall vitality.

Simple to Consume: Adding Amarvat Shilajit into your daily regime is simple. Simply take Amarvat Shilajit resin with the help of the spoon provided and dissolve it properly in lukewarm water/milk/green tea. Consume it twice a day after meals for maximum health benefits. This hassle-free method allows you to reap the benefits of Shilajit’s medicinal properties with significantly less effort and offers you a healthier and more energized lifestyle.

Whether you seek to boost energy, reduce stress, and support overall vitality, Shilajit has much to offer. You can harness its transformative potential by including Amarvat Shilajit in your healthcare regime and embark on a journey toward optimal health and wellness.

Website: Amarvat.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amarvatayurvedic?igsh=M3pnMzA0amIydGNk


Elevate Your Natural Vitality with Amarvat Shilajit: Empower Your Health, Energize Your Life!


Apr 02 2024, 15:50

The Entrepreneurial Journey of Punam Gupta, A social Worker


Punam Gupta is a renowned name in the field of social work, not just in India but also globally. Along with being the Director of Immuno Life Pvt. Ltd., Punam Gupta is also the Founder of Octa Life Sciences, Director of Quality Services & Training Pvt. Ltd. and the President of Together We Can Foundation, An NGO. In her more than two-and-a-half decades of a professional and entrepreneurial career, Punam Gupta has received numerous awards and accolades.Born in 1973 into a middle-class family, Punam Gupta did her post-graduation with different diplomas in Computer Science and Food Nutrition, Mass Communication, Journalism, and LLB. After that, she opened a computer center and a consultancy firm and became an entrepreneur. Today, she has more than 25 years of experience in Pharma, Food and other manufacturing Sectors.

Punam Gupta began her career with auditing work in ISO. After that, in 2011, she joined FSSAI, which was established in India. Punam Gupta is certified as a FoSTaC trainer, and her company Quality Services and Training Pvt Ltd is empanelled as a training partner on the FoSTaC portal. "In 2020, she got awarded by the FoSTaC team for conducting the second-highest number of training sessions during 2019 in all over India."

Moreover, in 2015, she started her other unit Octa Life Sciences, under PMEGP Scheme and set up its manufacturing unit in 2017 with the production of Animal Feed Supplements and Ayurvedic Products. Apart from these businesses, she has conceived an NGO named ‘Together We Can Foundation,’ intending to serve people. She informs, "Our NGO works for Food Safety, Animal Welfare, Organ Donation, Employment Generation, and other issues of society." In 2020, at the time of COVID–19, Punam Gupta established her firm, Immuno Life Pvt Ltd, by considering the various needs of society to serve them with some high-quality immunity-boosting Ayurvedic products.

According to Punam Gupta, her motivation and keen interest in business and entrepreneurship inspired her extraordinary saga of four decades. "From a young age, I always wanted to start my own business, where there would be no time limitation. I still have that same hunger for success," she states.

Punam Gupta's success story is an inspiration to countless women across the globe who is struggling to make their mark in the world of business. She has proven that with hard work. She got award and recognitions from Mr. Sunil Gavaskar, Cricket Champion, Mr. Rajat Sharma, NDTV News Editor, Suniel Shetty, Sonu Sood, etc. for commendable social works.

She also conducted two Millet Melas in Ambala. Recently, she got awarded by Mr. Bandaru Dattatreya ji, Honorable Governor of India for her contributions in social work. 

Also, She received Certificate of Excellence from RIISM (Research Institute in Indian Systems of Medicine), awarded by MOTHER TERESA NARI SAMMAN Awards for best contribution in Entrepreneurship and Social work, Also, certified as Women Faces of the Year 2024 by Fox Story India, Moreover, got honored by Director of NIFTEM, a venture of MOFPI on International Women Day, Received a certificate of Record holder for doing maximum trainings and awareness of Food Safety by Harvard World Records. Not only this, she also got Udyog Ratan Award For Start Up Immuno Life Private Limited by Famous dancer cum bollywood actress Ms. Sudha Chandaran.

To know more: www.punamgupta.com




Mar 30 2024, 18:27

Unveiling the Cosmic Wisdom: The Journey of Ritika Bajaj - Astrologer, Numerologist, and Akashic Record Reader

In the realm where the celestial meets the terrestrial, there exists a luminous soul named Ritika Bajaj, whose journey is an odyssey through the cosmic mysteries of astrology, numerology, and Akashic record reading. With her profound insights and intuitive wisdom, Ritika traverses the ethereal landscapes of destiny, offering seekers a glimpse into the intricate tapestry of their lives.

Ritika's fascination with the esoteric arts began at a young age, as she found solace in the silent whispers of the stars and the profound symbolism of numbers. Her journey into the mystical realms of astrology, numerology, and Akashic record reading was not merely an intellectual pursuit but a calling of the soul, guiding her towards a deeper understanding of the universe and her place within it.

As an astrologer, Ritika possesses a rare gift for deciphering the cosmic dance of planets and stars. Through meticulous chart readings and intuitive insights, she unveils the hidden patterns of destiny, illuminating the path ahead with clarity and purpose. Ritika's approach to astrology is not fatalistic but empowering, emphasizing the power of self-awareness and conscious choice in shaping one's destiny.

In the realm of numerology, Ritika's expertise lies in decoding the mystical language of numbers. With a keen eye for numerical patterns and their spiritual significance, she unravels the secrets of one's name and birthdate, revealing the underlying currents of energy and vibration that shape one's life. Ritika's numerological readings are like keys that unlock the door to self-discovery, offering profound insights into personality traits, karmic lessons, and soul's purpose.

Beyond the realms of astrology and numerology, Ritika delves into the sacred mysteries of the Akashic records. As an Akashic record reader, she serves as a bridge between the earthly realm and the cosmic archives that hold the memories of all existence. With deep reverence and spiritual attunement, Ritika accesses the Akashic records to retrieve soul-level insights, past-life experiences, and karmic imprints that illuminate the soul's journey through time.

What sets Ritika apart is not just her knowledge and expertise but her compassionate heart and profound empathy. She approaches each consultation with humility and grace, creating a safe space for seekers to explore their deepest truths and vulnerabilities. Ritika's guidance is not prescriptive but nurturing, empowering individuals to embrace their authentic selves and live in alignment with their highest purpose.

In a world that often feels fragmented and chaotic, Ritika's work serves as a beacon of light and wisdom. Through her astrology, numerology, and Akashic record readings, she reminds us of the interconnectedness of all things and the eternal dance of creation. Ritika's journey is not just about unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos but about helping others awaken to the divinity that resides within them.

As we journey alongside Ritika Bajaj, we are invited to embark on a quest for self-discovery and spiritual awakening. Through the sacred arts of astrology, numerology, and Akashic record reading, we reclaim our place in the cosmic symphony and embrace the infinite possibilities that await us. In Ritika's presence, we are reminded that we are not merely observers but active participants in the grand tapestry of existence, each thread woven with purpose and meaning.

Instagram :- https://www.instagram.com/cosmik_connekt?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=ZDNlZDc0MzIxNw==

తప్పు చేస్తే దొరకక తప్పదు

Aug 10 2024, 09:29

IMD's orange flash flood warnings for Himachal Pradesh other states

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued an ‘orange’ alert for Himachal Pradesh and other states as heavy rain continued northern India through the first two weeks of August. Earlier this week, the IMD predicted that heavy to extremely heavy rainfall would continue in parts of Himachal Pradesh till August 12

The weather agency issued the orange alert owing to heavy downpour in Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, East Uttar Pradesh, East Madhya Pradesh, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura.

In its forecast, the IMD said heavy isolated rainfall will continue to lash Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and parts of Rajasthan till August 12, while moderate rainfall is expected to lash Jammu and Kashmir, Haryana, Punjab and Chandigarh on August 10The weather agency said heavy to extremely heavy rain will continue in Himachal Pradesh till Saturday, along with lightening and thunderstorms. An orange alert will remain in place in the state till August 12, and a yellow warning has been issued till August 15

The IMD also alerted of a low to moderate risk of flash floods in isolated areas of Mandi, Bilaspur, Solan, Sirmaur, Shimla, and Kullu districts through Saturday, news agency PTI reported.

The agency further sounded a warning of potential landslides in some regions, along with possible damage to plantations, crops, vulnerable structures, and kutcha houses due to waterlogging and strong winds in low lying areas in the state.

Earlier, on August 7, the IMD reported significant rainfall across the state, with Joginder Nagar in Mandi district experiencing the highest at 110 MM in 24 hours. The incessant downpour has affected daily life, making it challenging for residents and visitors alike. The cloudburst and flash floods that occurred on August 1 have affected the districts of Kullu, Mandi and Shimla.

Meanwhile, a yellow alert has been issued in Delhi for the next two days, with a forecast of moderate to heavy rainfall in the national capital till August 11. The weather office forecasted cloudy skies and moderate rains in Delhi NCR for Saturday, reported PTI

Heavy rainfall lashed parts of Delhi and NCR on Friday, leading to heavy waterlogging and traffic congestion in the evening. The Met office issued an 'orange' warning to "be prepared" after earlier putting the city in the 'green' zone for no warning or alert.


Jul 26 2024, 10:57

पीएम मोदी ने शिंकुन ला सुरंग परियोजना का पहला विस्फोट किया, जानें चीन-पाक के खिलाफ टनल का सामरिक महत्व?


प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने 25वें कारगिल विजय दिसव के अवसर पर द्रास में कारगिल युद्ध स्मारक पर कारगिल युद्ध के नायकों को श्रद्धांजलि अर्पित की। इस मौके पर प्रधानमंत्री मोदी वर्चुअल माध्यम से शिंकुन ला सुरंग परियोजना का पहला विस्फोट किया। यह सुंरग लद्दाख को हर मौसम में संपर्क प्रदान करेगी। इस सुरंग परियोजना में 4.1 किलोमीटर लंबी ट्विन-ट्यूब टनल भी शामिल है, जिसका निर्माण निमू-पदुम-दारचा रोड पर लगभग 15,800 फुट की ऊंचाई पर किया जाएगा। इससे लेह को हर मौसम में कनेक्टिविटी प्रदान की जा सकेगी। यह दुनिया की सबसे ऊंची सुरंग होगी।शिंकुन ला सुरंग न केवल हमारे सशस्त्र बलों और उपकरणों की तेज व कुशल आवाजाही सुनिश्चित करेगी, बल्कि लद्दाख में आर्थिक और सामाजिक विकास को भी बढ़ावा देगी।

सेना को हर मौसम में एलएसी पर देगा एक्सेस

शिंकुन ला टनल सेना के हिसाब से काफी महत्वपूर्ण है। यह सेना को हर मौसम में एलएसी पर एक्सेस देगा। साथ ही चीन के किसी भी नापाक हरकत को मुंहतोड़ जवाव देने में भारतीय सेना की मदद करेगा। अगर इस टनल का निर्माण होता है तो लद्दाख में सालों भर सुचारु रूप से आवाजाही हो सकेगी और सेना को हथियार गोला बरूद और उनके गाड़ियां आराम से आ जा सकेगी। 

सुरंग पर तोप और मिसाइल का भी असर नहीं होगा

शिंकुन ला टनल रणनीतिक रूप से काफी महत्वपूर्ण है। इस टनल के निर्माण से लद्दाख जाने के लिए सेना को करीब 100 की दूरी कम तय करनी पड़ेगी।निर्माण के बाद शिंकुन ला चीन की 15590 फीट की ऊंचाई पर बनी सुरंग को पीछे छोड़ देगी और दुनिया की सबसे ऊंची सुरंग बन जाएगी। बड़ी बात यह है कि इस सुरंग पर तोप और मिसाइल का भी असर नहीं होगा।

लद्दाख में व्यापार, पर्यटन और विकास को मिलेगा बढ़ावा

शिंकुन ला सुरंग न केवल हमारे सशस्त्र बलों और उपकरणों की तेज और कुशल आवाजाही सुनिश्चित करेगी बल्कि लद्दाख में आर्थिक और सामाजिक विकास को भी बढ़ावा देगी। यह सुरंग हिमाचल प्रदेश में लाहौल घाटी को लद्दाख में ज़ांस्कर घाटी से जोड़ने वाली एक महत्वपूर्ण कड़ी के रूप में काम करेगी। यह लद्दाख में व्यापार, पर्यटन और विकास को बढ़ावा देगा, नए अवसर लाएगा और लोगों की आजीविका में भी सुधार करेगा।


Jun 29 2024, 21:09

Daulat Beg Oldie, where the Army lost 5 tankmen in a flashflood, is a crucial sector in northern Ladakh.
It is here that the Chinese entered 6km & set up camp in Apr 2013. After retreat, IAF landed plane there in Aug 2013 — the world’s highest airfield


Jun 23 2024, 11:22

Khomane Agro: Revolutionizing FMCG and Agro Industries with Tradition and Innovation

Pune, Maharashtra[DATE] – Khomane Agro, a rising star in the Indian FMCG and Agro industries, is making waves with its unique blend of tradition and innovation. Founded in 2022, the company is committed to delivering premium products while empowering farmers and bolstering India's agricultural economy.

Championing Sustainable Practices and Farmer Partnerships

Khomane Agro stands out for its dedication to quality, sustainability, and collaboration. They have forged partnerships with over 10,000 farmers across India, championing organic and fresh ingredient sourcing. The company actively works with visionary farmers who share their passion for innovation and experimentation in crop management practices. This approach ensures not only the highest quality ingredients but also supports sustainable farming methods.

A Fusion of Tradition and Modernity

Khomane Agro isn't just about revolutionizing agricultural practices; they're also redefining the way consumers experience traditional Indian flavors. Their product range offers a delightful fusion of time-tested recipes and modern convenience:

  • Chutneys
  • Masalas
  • Snacks
  • Jaggery
  • Pre-Mixes
  • Cold-Pressed Oils
  • Spices

Spreading the Taste of India

Khomane Agro's success story isn't limited to India. They have established a presence in Canada through their partner Flint Food, making their authentic Indian flavors accessible to a wider audience. With over 200 distributors across Maharashtra alone, Khomane Agro is a leading player in the regional market, and their reach continues to expand.

Contact Information:

Website (India): www.khomaneagro.com 

Website (Canada): http://flintfood.ca/ 

Mobile: 8767306068 



Jun 20 2024, 16:04

Today Shrachi Rarh Tigers (SRT) won by 28 runs.
*Sports News*

#Sports# Bengal Pro T20 cricket #West Bengal #CAB# Street Buzz News
SB News Bureau: Sobisco Smashers Malda won the toss and chose to field first. Shrachi Rarh Tigers managed to score a total of 101 runs for the loss of 7 wickets in their 20 overs. Ankita Chakraborty was the top scorer for SRT, contributing 43 runs off 47 balls. Piyali Ghosh was the standout bowler for SSM, taking 3 wickets.

In response, Sobisco Smashers Malda struggled to chase the target of 102 runs. They consistently lost wickets and their innings concluded at 73 runs for the loss of 9 wickets. Hrishita Basu was the highest scorer for SSM, making 18 runs in 30 balls. For SRT, Remondina Khatun and Chandrima Biswas each took 2 wickets.

Ankita Chakraborty was named the Player of the Match.

*Pic Courtesy by: CAB*


Apr 30 2024, 16:07

अप्रैल में गर्मी ने तोड़े सारे रिकॉर्ड, 44 डिग्री तक पहुंचा पारा, जानें मौसम की बेरुखी की वजह


देश के कई हिस्सों में अप्रैल के महीने में ही रिकॉर्ड तोड़ गर्मी पड़ रही है।आमतौर पर जो गर्मी और लू मई महीने में देखने को मिलती है, ऐसे हालात आधा अप्रैल बीतने पर ही बन गए हैं। पारा 40 डिग्री के पार है, लू चलने से त्वचा और आंखों में जलन हो रही है। मौसम विभाग के अनुसार, अधिकतर इलाकों में भीषण गर्मी पड़ी। अप्रैल में लू से दक्षिणी इलाके ज्यादा प्रभावित रहे।ओडिशा, आंध्र प्रदेश और तमिलनाडु के साथ-साथ कर्नाटक, केरल, सिक्किम, बिहार, झारखंड और गंगीय पश्चिम बंगाल में भयानक लू चली।

अप्रैल में गर्मी का रिकॉर्ड यूं ही नहीं बना है। इस हीटवेव के पीछे भी दो वजह बताई गई हैं।पहली अलनीनो और दूसरी एंटीसायक्लोन। जान लेते है क्या है अलनीनो और एंटीसायक्लोन।

इंडियन एक्सप्रेस की रिपोर्ट में मौसम विभाग के डायरेक्टर जनरल मृत्युंजन मोहपात्रा कहते हैं, साल 2024 की शुरुआत अलनीनो की स्थिति से हुई थी। यह मौसम की ऐसी स्थिति होती है जब भूमध्यरेखीय प्रशांत महासागर की सतह जरूरत से ज्यादा गर्म होने लगती है। इसके कारण दुनिया के कई हिस्सों में गर्मी बढ़ती है और समुद्र के तापमान पर भी असर पड़ता है। इसकी शुरुआत जून 2023 में हुई थी। आमतौर पर जब किसी साल की शुरुआत अलनीनो के साथ होती है तो गर्मी तो पड़ती ही है, इसके साथ ही प्री-मानसून की बारिश की न होने या बहुत कम होने का खतरा बढ़ता है।

अप्रैल में गर्मी होने की दूसरी वजह है कि एंटी-सायक्लोन सिस्टम। दक्षिणी प्रायद्वीपीय और दक्षिणपूर्वी तटीय क्षेत्रों में लगातार बना एंटी-सायक्लोन सिस्टम भी अप्रैल की गर्मी की वजह है। यह एक तरह का हाई प्रेशर सिस्टम होता है जो 3 किलोमीटर की ऊंचाई पर बनता है। इसका दायरा 1 से 2 हजार किलोमीटर तक होता है।यह अपने नीचे की हवा को पृथ्वी की ओर धकेलता है। नतीजा, दबाव के साथ पृथ्वी की तरफ आई हवा सतह पर पहुंचने तक गर्मी पैदा करती है और ऐसे हालात बनते हैं।

एंटी सायक्लोन सिस्टम से हवा का फ्लो जमीन से समुद्र की ओर होता है और समुद्र की तरफ से आने वाली ठंडी हवा को भी रोकने का काम करता है। इस तरह अलनीनो और एंटी-सायक्लोन ने मिलकर अप्रैल में गर्मी बढ़ाई और लू जैसे हालात बने। इसके कारण खासतौर पर पश्चिम बंगाल, आंध्र प्रदेश, तेलंगाना, तमिलनाडु, केरल, कर्नाटक और महाराष्ट्र में तापमान बढ़ा।


Apr 24 2024, 16:16

Kragbuzz Retail Unveils Flagship Store in Noida, Welcomes Distinguished Guests.


In a momentous event that marked the convergence of sports enthusiasts, industry leaders, and celebrities, Kragbuzz Retail proudly inaugurated its flagship store in Noida. The grand opening ceremony, held from April 19th to April 21st, saw the unveiling of a meticulously curated space dedicated to providing athletes of all levels with access to top-notch gear, apparel, and equipment.

The Kragbuzz Retail main shop, located in a bustling sector of Noida, covers three sprawling floors and exudes an air of athletic excellence and creativity. From quality clothes and accessories to cutting-edge sports equipment, the shop provides a wide choice of items sourced from top companies throughout the world. With a solid dedication to quality and client happiness, Kragbuzz Retail aims to redefine the sporting experience for enthusiasts and professionals alike.

Kragbuzz Retail's goal is based on a passion for sports and a commitment to excellence. Mr. Arjun Gupta founded the business, which reflects the result of years of industry experience and a constant quest for quality. Kragbuzz Retail aspires to be more than just a retail space, with a clear focus on providing athletes with access to the highest quality gear. It wants to be a sanctuary for sports enthusiasts, a place where they can find inspiration, guidance, and the tools they need to excel in their respective fields.

Kragbuzz Retail's opening ceremony was attended by a remarkable group of guests, each of whom brought their own distinct viewpoint and skills to the occasion. Mr. Rajat Sharma, Chairman and Editor in Chief of India TV, led the opening activities. Mr. Rohan Jaitley, President of the DDCA, Mr. CK Khanna, Former President of the BCCI, and Mr. Madan Lal, former Indian cricketer and World Cup champion from 1983, all joined him.

Mr. Vijay Singh, IPS - Jt.CP Delhi Police, and Mr. Santosh K Rai, IAS - Secretary (Home), Delhi Government, Mr. Rakesh Paweriya, IPS - DCP, Delhi Police, Mr. Lakshay Singhal, IAS - DM-South West Delhi, Mr. Gangadhar Panda, IRS - Addl Director-General, DGFT, and Mr. Bhavya Bishnoi - MLA, Haryana Legislative Assembly, whose presence highlighted the significance of Kragbuzz Retail's opening. Also in attendance were significant individuals from the media profession, including Mr. Vijay Lokapally, senior journalist, Mr. Aniket Mishra, senior journalist specializing in FIFA, and Mr. Shankar Singh, journalist.

The event also included prominent sports celebrities such as Mr. Parvinder Awana, a former Indian cricketer, and Mr. Smit Singh, an international shooter, who supported Kragbuzz Retail's objective to promote athletic achievement and innovation.

Mr. Manoj Mittal, Chairman, Alumni Management Company; Mr. Pawan Gulati, Treasurer, DDCA; and Mr. Shyam Sharma, Director, Executive Member of DDCA and Delhi High Court Bar Association, are among the other important visitors who attended. In addition, Mr. Rajesh Mishra, Secretary of the Delhi Bar Council, Mr. Anmol Nohria, Magistrate of Karkardooma Court, and world-renowned astrologer Mr. Nitin Kashyap were in attendance.

In his opening remarks, Mr. Arjun Gupta thanked the distinguished guests for their attendance and stressed Kragbuzz Retail's dedication to offering sports fanatics outstanding quality and service. He also discussed the store's future plans, emphasizing its position as a catalyst for the growth and development of the local athletic community.

As the three-day event came to a conclusion, guests left full of enthusiasm and expectation for the future of sports retail in Noida. With its flagship shop now available to the public, Kragbuzz Retail hopes to serve as a source of inspiration and excellence for athletes of all levels, empowering them to achieve new heights of accomplishment.

To connect or make a purchase with Kragbuzz, click on the link provided below.

Website : https://kragbuzz.com/ 


Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/kragbuzzretailstore?igsh=YzljYTk1ODg3Zg==  


Apr 11 2024, 09:45

Amarvat Shilajit Resin: A Powerhouse of Your Energy and Stamina


Are you feeling dull, tired, fatigued, or stressed? Are you seeking a natural and permanent solution to enhance your overall well-being? In the world of natural remedies, Shilajit has long been admired in Ayurveda as a testament to improved physical and mental well-being. Amarvat Shilajit captures the spirit of this ayurvedic marvel and offers this ancient remedy to the modern world. Amarvat Shilajit is highly regarded in the health and wellness industry for its dedication to purity, quality, and efficacy.

Amarvat Shilajit is a 100% Ayurvedic product that promotes vitality, rejuvenation, and holistic wellness. Amarvat Shilajit is GMP-certified, ISO-certified, and AYUSH-approved. It is manufactured by following a stringent testing and purification process to guarantee the highest levels of purity and quality standards. From sourcing the finest raw materials to employing cutting-edge extraction techniques, every stage of Amarvat Shilajit’s manufacturing process is meticulously supervised to ensure unmatched quality. Amarvat Shilajit offers various health benefits.

Boosts Energy and Stamina: Shilajit is a world-renowned natural energizer. Amarvat Shilajit helps in reducing fatigue and boosting stamina. Amarvat Shilajit, which contains more than 70% fulvic acid, helps reduce stress and anxiety. Also, regular consumption of Amarvat Shilajit helps increase endurance, making it ideal for fitness enthusiasts and people who lead active lifestyles.

Promotes Mental Wellness: Shilajit is a powerhouse of antioxidants that promote overall brain health, making it a chosen supplement for holistic wellness. Amarvat Shilajit may help sharpen memory and enhance focus.

Balances Hormonal Health: Amarvat Shilajit brings together 84+ trace minerals and elements with more than 70% fulvic acid, making it a complete solution for your nutrition needs and better hormonal health.

Improves Reproductive Health: Shilajit is also revered for its aphrodisiac properties, which help improve reproductive health. Amarvat Shilajit helps improve sexual stamina and may enhance reproductive fertility.

Helps in Diabetes Management: Shilajit has shown potential in controlling blood glucose levels and helps improve the lipid profile. Amarvat Shilajit can potentially help manage diabetes.

Delays Signs of Aging: Shilajit’s antioxidant-rich composition makes it an outstanding combat against signs of aging. Rich in fulvic acid, Amarvat Shilajit helps regulate signs of skin aging and helps maintain youthful skin, hair, and overall vitality.

Simple to Consume: Adding Amarvat Shilajit into your daily regime is simple. Simply take Amarvat Shilajit resin with the help of the spoon provided and dissolve it properly in lukewarm water/milk/green tea. Consume it twice a day after meals for maximum health benefits. This hassle-free method allows you to reap the benefits of Shilajit’s medicinal properties with significantly less effort and offers you a healthier and more energized lifestyle.

Whether you seek to boost energy, reduce stress, and support overall vitality, Shilajit has much to offer. You can harness its transformative potential by including Amarvat Shilajit in your healthcare regime and embark on a journey toward optimal health and wellness.

Website: Amarvat.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amarvatayurvedic?igsh=M3pnMzA0amIydGNk


Elevate Your Natural Vitality with Amarvat Shilajit: Empower Your Health, Energize Your Life!


Apr 02 2024, 15:50

The Entrepreneurial Journey of Punam Gupta, A social Worker


Punam Gupta is a renowned name in the field of social work, not just in India but also globally. Along with being the Director of Immuno Life Pvt. Ltd., Punam Gupta is also the Founder of Octa Life Sciences, Director of Quality Services & Training Pvt. Ltd. and the President of Together We Can Foundation, An NGO. In her more than two-and-a-half decades of a professional and entrepreneurial career, Punam Gupta has received numerous awards and accolades.Born in 1973 into a middle-class family, Punam Gupta did her post-graduation with different diplomas in Computer Science and Food Nutrition, Mass Communication, Journalism, and LLB. After that, she opened a computer center and a consultancy firm and became an entrepreneur. Today, she has more than 25 years of experience in Pharma, Food and other manufacturing Sectors.

Punam Gupta began her career with auditing work in ISO. After that, in 2011, she joined FSSAI, which was established in India. Punam Gupta is certified as a FoSTaC trainer, and her company Quality Services and Training Pvt Ltd is empanelled as a training partner on the FoSTaC portal. "In 2020, she got awarded by the FoSTaC team for conducting the second-highest number of training sessions during 2019 in all over India."

Moreover, in 2015, she started her other unit Octa Life Sciences, under PMEGP Scheme and set up its manufacturing unit in 2017 with the production of Animal Feed Supplements and Ayurvedic Products. Apart from these businesses, she has conceived an NGO named ‘Together We Can Foundation,’ intending to serve people. She informs, "Our NGO works for Food Safety, Animal Welfare, Organ Donation, Employment Generation, and other issues of society." In 2020, at the time of COVID–19, Punam Gupta established her firm, Immuno Life Pvt Ltd, by considering the various needs of society to serve them with some high-quality immunity-boosting Ayurvedic products.

According to Punam Gupta, her motivation and keen interest in business and entrepreneurship inspired her extraordinary saga of four decades. "From a young age, I always wanted to start my own business, where there would be no time limitation. I still have that same hunger for success," she states.

Punam Gupta's success story is an inspiration to countless women across the globe who is struggling to make their mark in the world of business. She has proven that with hard work. She got award and recognitions from Mr. Sunil Gavaskar, Cricket Champion, Mr. Rajat Sharma, NDTV News Editor, Suniel Shetty, Sonu Sood, etc. for commendable social works.

She also conducted two Millet Melas in Ambala. Recently, she got awarded by Mr. Bandaru Dattatreya ji, Honorable Governor of India for her contributions in social work. 

Also, She received Certificate of Excellence from RIISM (Research Institute in Indian Systems of Medicine), awarded by MOTHER TERESA NARI SAMMAN Awards for best contribution in Entrepreneurship and Social work, Also, certified as Women Faces of the Year 2024 by Fox Story India, Moreover, got honored by Director of NIFTEM, a venture of MOFPI on International Women Day, Received a certificate of Record holder for doing maximum trainings and awareness of Food Safety by Harvard World Records. Not only this, she also got Udyog Ratan Award For Start Up Immuno Life Private Limited by Famous dancer cum bollywood actress Ms. Sudha Chandaran.

To know more: www.punamgupta.com




Mar 30 2024, 18:27

Unveiling the Cosmic Wisdom: The Journey of Ritika Bajaj - Astrologer, Numerologist, and Akashic Record Reader

In the realm where the celestial meets the terrestrial, there exists a luminous soul named Ritika Bajaj, whose journey is an odyssey through the cosmic mysteries of astrology, numerology, and Akashic record reading. With her profound insights and intuitive wisdom, Ritika traverses the ethereal landscapes of destiny, offering seekers a glimpse into the intricate tapestry of their lives.

Ritika's fascination with the esoteric arts began at a young age, as she found solace in the silent whispers of the stars and the profound symbolism of numbers. Her journey into the mystical realms of astrology, numerology, and Akashic record reading was not merely an intellectual pursuit but a calling of the soul, guiding her towards a deeper understanding of the universe and her place within it.

As an astrologer, Ritika possesses a rare gift for deciphering the cosmic dance of planets and stars. Through meticulous chart readings and intuitive insights, she unveils the hidden patterns of destiny, illuminating the path ahead with clarity and purpose. Ritika's approach to astrology is not fatalistic but empowering, emphasizing the power of self-awareness and conscious choice in shaping one's destiny.

In the realm of numerology, Ritika's expertise lies in decoding the mystical language of numbers. With a keen eye for numerical patterns and their spiritual significance, she unravels the secrets of one's name and birthdate, revealing the underlying currents of energy and vibration that shape one's life. Ritika's numerological readings are like keys that unlock the door to self-discovery, offering profound insights into personality traits, karmic lessons, and soul's purpose.

Beyond the realms of astrology and numerology, Ritika delves into the sacred mysteries of the Akashic records. As an Akashic record reader, she serves as a bridge between the earthly realm and the cosmic archives that hold the memories of all existence. With deep reverence and spiritual attunement, Ritika accesses the Akashic records to retrieve soul-level insights, past-life experiences, and karmic imprints that illuminate the soul's journey through time.

What sets Ritika apart is not just her knowledge and expertise but her compassionate heart and profound empathy. She approaches each consultation with humility and grace, creating a safe space for seekers to explore their deepest truths and vulnerabilities. Ritika's guidance is not prescriptive but nurturing, empowering individuals to embrace their authentic selves and live in alignment with their highest purpose.

In a world that often feels fragmented and chaotic, Ritika's work serves as a beacon of light and wisdom. Through her astrology, numerology, and Akashic record readings, she reminds us of the interconnectedness of all things and the eternal dance of creation. Ritika's journey is not just about unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos but about helping others awaken to the divinity that resides within them.

As we journey alongside Ritika Bajaj, we are invited to embark on a quest for self-discovery and spiritual awakening. Through the sacred arts of astrology, numerology, and Akashic record reading, we reclaim our place in the cosmic symphony and embrace the infinite possibilities that await us. In Ritika's presence, we are reminded that we are not merely observers but active participants in the grand tapestry of existence, each thread woven with purpose and meaning.

Instagram :- https://www.instagram.com/cosmik_connekt?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=ZDNlZDc0MzIxNw==