
Jun 18 2024, 14:36

Akshat Nayyar, CEO Truemeds, shares How E-Pharmacies are Reshaping Medication Habits

Imagine a world where a few taps on your smartphone help you manage your health. Online or e-pharmacies are making this dream a reality by reshaping how we approach and understand our health and medication habits. These online platforms are more than just convenient storefronts — they are leading a revolution in healthcare accessibility and consumer education.

Gone are the days when consumers blindly followed medications based on prescriptions, with little knowledge or control over the process. Thanks to the wealth of information available online, from blogs to review platforms, we are far more aware now of our rights as consumers and are making informed choices about everything - from the food we eat to the skincare products we use. A recently found study by Bain & Co. on Asia-Pacific Front Line of Healthcare 2024 also states that Healthcare is no longer a passive experience: Consumers are taking charge of their health, are demanding a better experience, and are willing to invest in wellness.

The COVID-19 pandemic was a catalyst for this shift, forcing people to embrace e-commerce and online services out of sheer necessity. Even in smaller cities and suburbs, where the adoption of e-commerce might have otherwise been slower, the pandemic drove people to explore online shopping for essentials, including medicines. This shift towards e-pharmacies has continued to spike as these platforms bridge the gap in accessible and affordable healthcare. 

In fact, the Bain & Co. study also found that consumers desire a single touchpoint to manage their health and are increasingly placing high trust in primary care providers and other alternative sites of care like pharmacies and digital health. While face-to-face interactions are more commonly preferred, the pandemic has increased acceptance of virtual touchpoints. 

In India alone, there are over 50 e-pharmacy startups, serving around 5 million users every month with reasonably priced, high-quality medicines. The growth is fueled by rising education levels, increased consumer rights awareness, higher disposable incomes, and urbanization-driven lifestyle changes. Key to this is digital inclusion, as the internet and smartphones have reached a significant portion of the population. 

Why are e-pharmacies trending?

In today's fast-paced world, the hassle of traditional medication procurement processes—from scheduling appointments to purchasing medicines—is becoming increasingly unappealing. 

The biggest draw of e-pharmacies lies in the convenience they offer. One can easily track past orders, further helping them to take control of their healthcare needs from the comfort of their homes. Hence, offering “one-stop shop” solutions for all their needs, leveraging tech capabilities for better patient engagement. Pricing information is readily available on their platforms, and customers can compare options and choose the most affordable solutions for their prescription needs. This newfound transparency helps users make informed decisions and access the best deals. The survey also stated that telehealth led to major saving of healthcare costs due to the early triage and steerage care coupled with the low price point and pharmacy attach rate for teleconsultation compared to in-person primary consultation.

Future outlook

As the Indian government continues to push for digital transformation in the healthcare sector, e-pharmacies are likely to receive more support and recognition in the future.


Jun 17 2024, 15:14

কাঞ্চনজঙ্ঘা এক্সপ্রেস দুর্ঘটনা আমাদের বালাসোর ট্রেন দুর্ঘটনার কথা মনে করিয়ে দিয়েছে, গত এক বছর আগে ঘটে যাওয়া রেল দুর্ঘটনার কথা

এসবি নিউজ ব্যুরো: সোমবার সকালে শিলিগুড়ির কাছে কাঞ্চনগঙ্গা এক্সপ্রেস এবং পণ্যবাহী ট্রেনের সংঘর্ষ হয়। এই দুর্ঘটনায় এখনও পর্যন্ত ১৫ জনের মৃত্যুর খবর পাওয়া গেছে। আহত হয়েছেন বহু মানুষ। দুর্ঘটনাটি আমাদের ঠিক এক বছর আগে ওড়িশার বালাসোরে ঘটে যাওয়া ট্রেন দুর্ঘটনার কথা মনে করিয়ে দেয়। এই দুর্ঘটনাটি ঘটে 2 জুন 2023 বালাসোরে।সন্ধ্যা সাতটায় ব্রাহ্মণ বাজার রেলস্টেশনে এ ঘটনা ঘটে। এই দুর্ঘটনায় তিনটি ট্রেনের মুখোমুখি সংঘর্ষ হয়। এই দুর্ঘটনায় মোট 296 জন মারা যান এবং 1,200 জনের বেশি আহত হন। এর আগেও বহু দুর্ঘটনা ঘটেছে যাতে ব্যাপক জানমালের ক্ষতি হয়েছে। গত এক বছরে দেশটি কয়েক ডজন রেল দুর্ঘটনা দেখেছে যাতে বহু মানুষ প্রাণ হারিয়েছে।
গত বছর থেকে প্রায় 19টি রেল দুর্ঘটনা ঘটেছে আসো,চলুন জেনে নিই গত এক বছরে ঘটে যাওয়া কয়েকটি বড় ট্রেন দুর্ঘটনা সম্পর্কে-

*বালাসোরে ট্রেন দুর্ঘটনা*

গত বছর, ২ জুন সন্ধ্যায়, ওড়িশার বালাসোরে একটি বড় ট্রেন দুর্ঘটনা ঘটে, যখন তিনটি ট্রেন একে অপরের সাথে সংঘর্ষে পড়ে। বেঙ্গালুরু-হাওড়া সুপারফাস্ট এক্সপ্রেস, শালিমার-চেন্নাই সেন্ট্রাল করোমন্ডেল এক্সপ্রেস এবং একটি পণ্য ট্রেনের মধ্যে ট্রেন দুর্ঘটনাটি ঘটে। করোমন্ডেল এক্সপ্রেসের গতি বেশি থাকায় ট্রেনের 21টি বগি লাইনচ্যুত হয়। এগুলোর মধ্যেকাছাকাছি ট্র্যাকে আসা SMVT বেঙ্গালুরু-হাওড়া সুপারফাস্ট এক্সপ্রেসের (12864) সঙ্গে 3টি কোচের সংঘর্ষ হয়। এই দুর্ঘটনায় অন্তত 233 জন নিহত হয়েছেন। আহত হয়েছেন 900 জনের বেশি। এই দুর্ঘটনাকে স্বাধীনতার পরের সবচেয়ে মারাত্মক দুর্ঘটনা বলা হয়।

*মাদুরাই দুর্ঘটনা*
26শে অগাস্ট, 2023, সকাল 5:15 টায়, মাদুরাই জংশনের কাছে পার্ক করা লখনউ-রামেশ্বরম ভারত গৌরব ট্রেনে হঠাৎ আগুন লেগে যায়। দুর্ঘটনায় 10মানুষ প্রাণ হারিয়েছে, আহত হয়েছে ২০ জন। দুর্ঘটনার বিষয়ে জানা গেছে, ভক্তরা ট্রেনে গ্যাস সিলিন্ডার নিয়ে কোচে খাবার রান্না করছিলেন, তখন আগুন লাগে।

*যখন ট্রেন চালকের গাফিলতির কারণে 14 জন প্রাণ হারিয়েছিল*

29 অক্টোবর, 2023-এ, অন্ধ্র প্রদেশে দুটি যাত্রীবাহী ট্রেনের সংঘর্ষে 14 জন যাত্রী নিহত হয়েছিল। অন্ধ্রপ্রদেশের ভিজিয়ানগরম জেলার কান্তকাপল্লীতে হাওড়া-চেন্নাই লাইনে রায়গড়া যাত্রীট্রেনটি পেছন থেকে বিশাখাপত্তনম পলাসা ট্রেনকে ধাক্কা দেয়। দুর্ঘটনায় আহত হয়েছেন অর্ধশতাধিক যাত্রী। দুর্ঘটনার কারণ ব্যাখ্যা করতে গিয়ে রেলমন্ত্রী অশ্বিনী বৈষ্ণব বলেছিলেন যে ট্রেনের চালক ও সহকারী চালক ফোনে ক্রিকেট ম্যাচ দেখছিলেন।

*বিহারে কোচ লাইনচ্যুত, ৪ জন নিহত*

2023 সালের 11 অক্টোবর রাতে, একটি ট্রেন দুর্ঘটনায় 4 জন মারা যায় এবং 70 জনেরও বেশি আহত হয়। রাত 9.50দিল্লি-কামাখ্যা নর্থ ইস্ট এক্সপ্রেস ট্রেনটি যখন বিহারের বক্সারের রঘুনাথপুর স্টেশনে পৌঁছায়, তখন এর 6টি বগি লাইনচ্যুত হয়, যার ফলে একটি বড় দুর্ঘটনা ঘটে। লাইনচ্যুত হওয়ার ফলে কমপক্ষে 2টি এসি III টায়ার কোচ উল্টে যায়, এবং 4টি অন্য কোচ লাইনচ্যুত হয়।

*কুয়াশা যখন সময় হয়ে যায়*

18 জানুয়ারী, 2024, ঝাড়খণ্ডের গামহারিয়া রেলওয়ে স্টেশনে একটি ট্রেনের ধাক্কায় 4 জন মারা যায়গামহারিয়া রেলওয়ে স্টেশনের কাছে টাটানগর স্টেশনে যাচ্ছিল উৎকল এক্সপ্রেসের ধাক্কায় চারজন ঘটনাস্থলেই মারা যান। এ সময় দ্রুতগামী ট্রেনের ধাক্কায় চারজন নিহত হন।


Jun 17 2024, 13:44

कंचनजंगा एक्सप्रेस हादसे ने दिलाई बालासोर ट्रेन एक्सीडेंट की याद, पिछले एक साल में हुई रेल दुर्घटनाओं पर एक नजर


पश्चिम बंगाल के जलपाईगुड़ी के पास सोमवार सुबह कंचनगंगा एक्सप्रेस और मालगाड़ी में टक्कर हो गई। इस हादसे में अब तक 8 लोगों की मौत की खबर है। काफी लोग घायल हो गये हैं। हादसे ने ठीक एक साल पहले ओडिशा के बालासोर में हुए ट्रेन हादसे की याद ताजा कर दी। यह हादसा 2 जून 2023 को बालासोर के बहनागा बाज़ार रेलवे स्टेशन पर शाम सात बजे हुआ था। इस हादसे में तीन ट्रेनें आपस में टकरा गई थीं। इस दुर्घटना में कुल 296 लोगों की मौत हुई और 1,200 से अधिक लोग घायल हो गये थे।

इससे पहले भी कई हादसे हुए हैं जिसमें जान-माल का भारी नुकसान हुआ है। पिछले एक साल में देश ने दर्जनों रेल हादसे देखे हैं जिसमें कई लोगों को अपनी जान भी गंवानी पड़ गई।पिछले साल से लेकर अब तक करीब 19 रेल हादसे हुए हैं। आइए, जानते हैं पिछले एक साल में हुए कुछ बड़े ट्रेन हादसों के बारे में-

बालासोर रेल हादसा

पिछले साल 2 जून की शाम ओडिशा के बालासोर में उस समय बड़ा ट्रेन हादसा हो गया, जब 3 ट्रेनें आपस में टकरा गईं। बेंगलुरु-हावड़ा सुपरफास्ट एक्सप्रेस, शालीमार-चेन्नई सेंट्रल कोरोमंडल एक्सप्रेस और एक मालगाड़ी के बीच ट्रेन दुर्घटना हुई थी। कोरोमंडल एक्सप्रेस की तेज गति के कारण ट्रेन के 21 डिब्बे पटरी से उतर गए। इनमें से 3 डिब्बे पास के ट्रैक पर आ रही एसएमवीटी बेंगलुरु-हावड़ा सुपरफास्ट एक्सप्रेस (12864) से टकरा गए। इस हादसे में कम से कम 233 लोग मारे गए थे। वहीं 900 से अधिक लोग घायल हुए थे। आजादी के बाद से अबतक की सबसे घातक दुर्घटनाओं में से एक यह हादसा बताया जाता है।

मदुरै हादसा

26 अगस्त 2023 की सुबह करीब 5:15 बजे मदुरै जंक्शन के पास खड़ी लखनऊ-रामेश्वरम भारत गौरव ट्रेन में अचानक से आग लग गई. हादसे में 10 लोगों की जान चली गई जबकि 20 लोग घायल हो गए. हादसे के बारे में पता चला कि श्रद्धालु ट्रेन में गैस सिलेंडर लेकर जा रहे थे और कोच में खाना बना रहे थे, तभी आग लग गई।

जब ट्रेन का ड्राइवर की लापरवाही से गईं 14 जानें

आंध्र प्रदेश में 29 अक्टूबर 2023 को दो पैसेंजर ट्रेनों की टक्कर में 14 यात्रियों की मौत हो गई थी। आंध्र प्रदेश के विजयनगरम जिले के कंटाकापल्ली में हावड़ा-चेन्नई लाइन पर रायगड़ा पैसेंजर ट्रेन ने विशाखापत्तनम पलासा ट्रेन को पीछे से टक्कर मार दी थी। दुर्घटना में 50 से ज्यादा यात्री घायल हो गए थे। रेल मंत्री अश्विनी वैष्णव ने हादसे की वजह बताते हुए कहा था कि ट्रेन का ड्राइवर और असिस्टेंट ड्राइवर फोन पर क्रिकेट मैच देख रहे थे।

बिहार में पटरी से उतरे डिब्बे, 4 की मौत

11 अक्टूबर 2023 की रात एक ट्रेन हादसे में 4 लोगों की मौत हो गई जबकि 70 से अधिक लोग घायल हो गए थे। रात 9.50 बजे बिहार के बक्सर में दिल्ली-कामाख्या नॉर्थ ईस्ट एक्सप्रेस ट्रेन जब रघुनाथपुर स्टेशन के पास पहुंची तो उसके 6 डिब्बे पटरी से उतर गए, जिससे यह बड़ा हादसा हो गया। ट्रेन की पटरी से उतरने के कारण कम से कम 2 एसी III टियर डिब्बे पलट गए, जबकि 4 अन्य डिब्बे पटरी से उतर गए।

जब कोहरा बना काल

झारखंड के गम्हरिया रेलवे स्टेशन पर 18 जनवरी 2024 को ट्रेन की चपेट में आने से 4 लोगों की मौत हो गई थी।यहां रेलवे ट्रैक पार कर रहे चार लोग उत्कल एक्सप्रेस की चपेट आ गए थे।सभी की मौके पर मौत ही मौत हो गई थी।नई दिल्ली-पुरी उत्कल एक्सप्रेस टाटानगर स्टेशन जा रही थी।गम्हरिया रेलवे स्टेशन के पास घने कोहरे के कारण रेलवे ट्रैक पार करने के दौरान चार लोग तेज रफ्तार ट्रेन की चपेट में आ गए थे।


Jun 05 2024, 20:05

A legend's final bow: Chhetri wants to walk out on a high
Sports News

Khabar kolkata News bureau:At the end of Sunil Chhetri's penultimate training session of his 19-year international career for India, he quietly picked up a ball, delicately placed it on the penalty spot and signalled Vishal Kaith to take his place between the sticks. As he's done at the end of every training session, he wanted to take a few attempts from 12 yards out before wrapping up for the day.

Chhetri shot four and scored all four of them. A slight grin appeared on his face after every shot. It wasn't just the joy of a successful strike, but of living every last moment of his national team career to the fullest. When the captain announced his retirement, for everyone else, everything became about June 6. But for Chhetri, it was about every single training session leading up to the big day. Every drop of sweat, every stride in his run, every swing of his boot attempting to score every shot in every practice session.

But on June 6, the captain wants it to be all about India. His life has been all about football. After the lights of the Salt Lake Stadium dim on Thursday night, he won't be part of the game for his country on the pitch, but will become another one of the billion-and-a-half fans of the national team. The 90 minutes before that could change Indian football completely. And perhaps fate had it that they would be Chhetri's last 90 minutes too. But there's nothing more the legend wants than bidding adieu to the sacred blue jersey, one which absorbed all of his sweat for nearly two decades, with all three points, which could potentially propel India to the third round. All he wishes for the post-Chhetri Indian team is to see them rub shoulders with Asia's elite.

"I've been fighting a small battle every day. Don't ask me how I feel (about retirement). Because I don't want to address it. We really need to win tomorrow. Once we win this game, it gives us a great chance to go to the third round, which we have never been to. One thing we know for sure is that this is not going to be easy. And one thing we are very happy about is that we're playing in Kolkata. We'll have tremendous support," said Chhetri.

The fan life will be different, but it's something the 39-year-old has already visualised.

"I'll be there wearing a nice suit, coming to watch all our boys play. That's the dream. We win tomorrow, hopefully, and we'll be almost qualified. It's not 100% guaranteed. There are some permutations and combinations, but we'll qualify. There will be 10 top games against the best in Asia, home and away. We'll go and watch the games. I get free tickets so I can enjoy it. That's the whole plan but again, this is only after the hard work that we put in tomorrow. Every day when I talk to the boys I keep telling them this. Hopefully, everything goes according to plan and I can go and watch them (in the third round). Just imagine playing against Japan and Australia in the third round. Just imagine what the whole euphoria will be and that is why the win is important. That's why we want everyone together," stressed Chhetri.

It would simply be the best farewell gift for the captain, and from the captain. The gift for billions in a nation for whom Indian football has only meant Sunil Chhetri over the last two decades. He made the country believe in their national team and inspired millions to kick a football. An icon of not just India, but global football. Only three players have scored more international goals in the history of the sport than him. The numbers speak for themselves. Some of those numbers will never be achieved again.

Thursday will be the 151st and final time he will don the India shirt. From the 20-year-old who sprayed perfume on his shirt before his debut, to the 39-year-old legendary figure, who will have thousands wearing the India jersey with his name on the back, this has been the journey of the nation's greatest football player.

"I think it's the right time. This is the right setup. It's one of the biggest games that I, who has played for 19 years, is going to play. We win, we go to the third round where we've never been before. There couldn't be a better game for me to call it my last. I'm at peace from the inside. I've given whatever I had." *Pic Courtesy by:AIFA* & *Sanjay Hazra*


May 29 2024, 00:41

Akasht Nayyar, CEO Truemeds, shares How E-Pharmacies are Reshaping Medication Habits


Imagine a world where a few taps on your smartphone help you manage your health. Online or e-pharmacies are making this dream a reality by reshaping how we approach and understand our health and medication habits. These online platforms are more than just convenient storefronts — they are leading a revolution in healthcare accessibility and consumer education.

Gone are the days when consumers blindly followed medications based on prescriptions, with little knowledge or control over the process. Thanks to the wealth of information available online, from blogs to review platforms, we are far more aware now of our rights as consumers and are making informed choices about everything - from the food we eat to the skincare products we use. A recently found study by Bain & Co. on Asia-Pacific Front Line of Healthcare 2024 also states that Healthcare is no longer a passive experience: Consumers are taking charge of their health, are demanding a better experience, and are willing to invest in wellness.

The COVID-19 pandemic was a catalyst for this shift, forcing people to embrace e-commerce and online services out of sheer necessity. Even in smaller cities and suburbs, where the adoption of e-commerce might have otherwise been slower, the pandemic drove people to explore online shopping for essentials, including medicines. This shift towards e-pharmacies has continued to spike as these platforms bridge the gap in accessible and affordable healthcare. 

In fact, the Bain & Co. study also found that consumers desire a single touchpoint to manage their health and are increasingly placing high trust in primary care providers and other alternative sites of care like pharmacies and digital health. While face-to-face interactions are more commonly preferred, the pandemic has increased acceptance of virtual touchpoints. 

In India alone, there are over 50 e-pharmacy startups, serving around 5 million users every month with reasonably priced, high-quality medicines. The growth is fueled by rising education levels, increased consumer rights awareness, higher disposable incomes, and urbanization-driven lifestyle changes. Key to this is digital inclusion, as the internet and smartphones have reached a significant portion of the population. 

Why are e-pharmacies trending?

In today's fast-paced world, the hassle of traditional medication procurement processes—from scheduling appointments to purchasing medicines—is becoming increasingly unappealing. 

The biggest draw of e-pharmacies lies in the convenience they offer. One can easily track past orders, further helping them to take control of their healthcare needs from the comfort of their homes. Hence, offering “one-stop shop” solutions for all their needs, leveraging tech capabilities for better patient engagement. Pricing information is readily available on their platforms, and customers can compare options and choose the most affordable solutions for their prescription needs. This newfound transparency helps users make informed decisions and access the best deals. The survey also stated that telehealth led to major saving of healthcare costs due to the early triage and steerage care coupled with the low price point and pharmacy attach rate for teleconsultation compared to in-person primary consultation.

Future outlook

As the Indian government continues to push for digital transformation in the healthcare sector, e-pharmacies are likely to receive more support and recognition in the future


Feb 08 2024, 19:55

केजरीवाल के बड़ा बयान, बोले-केंद्रीय एजेंसियां मेरे खिलाफ ऐसे तैनात, जैसे देश का सबसे बड़ा आतंकवादी मैं ही हूं


दिल्ली के सीएम अरविंद केजरीवाल ने केन्द्र की मोदी सरकार और केन्द्रीय जांच एजैंसियों के खिलाफ बड़ा बयान दिया है। केंद्र सरकार पर हमला बोलते हुए उन्होंने कहा कि जिस तरह से मेरे खिलाफ सीबीआई और ईडी जैसी एजेंसियों को छोड़ रखा है, इससे तो लगता है कि देश का सबसे बड़ा आतंकवादी मैं ही हूं।केजरीवाल ने गुरुवार को द्वारका में एक कार्यक्रम के दौरान ये बातें कहीं।केजरीवालदिल्ली के द्वारिका के पालम इलाके में एक स्कूल की आधारशिला रखने पहुंचे थे।

कार्यक्रम के दौरान अरविंद केजरीवाल ने अपनी सरकार की उपलब्धियां गिनायी, तो वहीं ईडी द्वारा चल रही जांच के सिलसिले में बीजेपी पर हमला भी बोला। केजरीवाल ने कहा कि आप लोग टेलीविजन पर देखते होंगे कभी अरविंद केजरीवाल को ईडी का नोटिस आ गया, कभी सीबीआई का नोटिस आ गया, मुझे तो समझ ही नहीं आता, ऐसा लगता है कि देश का सबसे बड़ा आतंकवादी मैं हूं।अरविंद केजरीवाल ने आगे कहा कि गीता में लिखा है कि पृथ्वी पर भगवान ने हर इंसान को किसी न किसी उद्देश्य से भेजा है। भगवान ने उनको पृथ्वी पर भेजा है झूठे केस बनाकर जेल में डालना और नोटिस देने के लिए, मुझे पृथ्वी पर भेजा है आपके स्कूल बनाने के लिए पानी का इंतजाम करने के लिए, मुझे उनसे कोई गिला शिकवा नहीं है उन्हें काम करने दीजिए मैं अपना काम करूंगा।

सीएम केजरीवाल ने कहा कि वे हमें जितना रोकेंगे, हम उतना ही ज्यादा काम करेंगे।केजरीवाल ने बीजेपी पर हमला करते हुए कहा, वे कहते हैं केजरीवाल चोर है। मैं पूछना चाहता हूं कि मैंने दिल्ली वालों की बिजली मुफ्त कर दी, पंजाब की भी हो गई। इनकी जहां जहां सरकारें हैं मध्य प्रदेश, गुजरात और यूपी में बिजली इतनी महंगी है। बिजली फ्री करने वाला चोर है या महंगी करने वाला चोर है। मैंने दिल्ली में और पंजाब में सबके इलाज मुफ्त कर दिया। शानदार मोहल्ला क्लीनिक बना दिया और शानदार अस्पताल बना दिया। सबके लिए इलाज का इंतजाम करने वाला चोर है या इलाज महंगा करने वाला चोर है।


Jan 27 2024, 18:02

*Bengal is dreaming of 'first' victory under the light of Suraj*

Sports News

Khabar kolkata: Will the first win of the season come? Bengal is in that hope. Bengal got only 5 points in the first three matches in the Ranji Trophy this time. The last match was at home against Chhattisgarh. Both teams scored only 1 point as two innings did not end. Bengal, however, had a chance of at least three points. 83 overs were played on the last day even though a lot of time was wasted in bad light. Bengal needed 8 wickets. The bowlers could not. Those bowlers are showing the dream of winning in Assam.Bengal scored a huge score of 405 runs in the first innings against Assam. Captain Manoj Tiwari scored a century after the mistake. The captain's 30th century in his first-class career. Then he was out. Abhishek Podel, the keeper batsman, returned to zero on this day. Lower order gave great confidence to Bengal. Karan Lal scored 52 runs. Suraj Sindhu Jaiswal is the biggest achievement of Bengal. He proved once again how good his bat hand is in this match. Suraj played an innings of 52 runs.Two half-centuries in the lower order put Bengal in the driver's seat.

Photo courtesy by : CAB


Jan 20 2024, 07:55

*East Bengal beat Mohun Bagan 3-1 in the Kalinga Super Cup*

Sports News

KKNB : East Bengal won the derby in Durand's group stage after 8 consecutive derby losses. Although losing in the final, they have to be satisfied as runners. The Durand final is replaced by the group stage of the Super Cup. Despite falling behind, Red-Yellow defeated Mohun Bagan by 3-1. Captain Clayton Silver scored a pair of goals. Having won two out of three derbies in the season under his coaching, East Bengal coach Carles Kuadrat is said to be bursting with euphoria. Who is more excited for? That is what Carles said.The head coach of East Bengal said at the beginning, "Of course happy.Of course for the player, the club, but the biggest excitement is for the fans. Until a few days ago, East Bengal was losing consecutively to Mohun Bagan. That trend has changed. That's why there is more joy for the fans. But let's not forget in the joy of this match, we have reached the semi-finals. Look at the next match. Of course the main focus is on winning the Super Cup".

Pic Courtesy by: X


Nov 21 2023, 21:27

*Record-Breaking 1.25 million spectators turn out for ICC Men's Cricket World Cup 2023*

Sports News

KKNB : The ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup 2023 has made history by being the most attended ICC event ever, after 1,250,307 fans passed through the turnstiles to witness the biggest Cricket World Cup, culminating in Australia winning a remarkable sixth title.

With six games to go the spectator figures had already surpassed the one million mark with the momentum escalating as the World Cup culminated in front of a packed crowd at the Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad on Sunday.

The event which ran from 5 October to 19 November and promised to place fans at the centre of the action recorded the biggest attendance for a Men’s Cricket World Cup opening match when England faced New Zealand in a repeat of the 2019 final, followed by the most attended India against Pakistan fixture in ICC World Cup history when fans flocked through the turnstiles on 14 October.

The figure of over 1.25 million fans is a new benchmark in the history of cricket, surpassing the attendance figures of any other ICC event. The ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup 2015, held in Australia and New Zealand, witnessed 1,016,420 spectators, while the 2019 edition in England and Wales saw 752,000 fans come through the turnstiles.

The 13th edition of the Men’s Cricket World Cup held in India has eclipsed these figures as well as breaking multiple broadcast and digital viewership records, proving the global reach and ever-growing popularity of the sport.

Chris Tetley, ICC Head of Events said, "The ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup 2023 has been a great success, showcasing the best aspects of the game and capturing the hearts of hundreds of millions of fans across the world. The staggering attendance demonstrates the enduring appeal of cricket and the excitement the ODI format continues to offer. It has been an event that has not only entertained but also united cricket fans globally in a celebration of the sport.

“ICC events play an important part in growing our game and inspiring the next generation of fans and players around the world. We would like to thank all the fans who contributed to making the ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup 2023 such a resounding success, and look forward to sharing more thrilling experiences for everyone in future ICC events.”

Pic Courtesy by: ICC


Nov 21 2023, 21:26

*Suresh Raina: Pat Cummins' captaincy proved the difference*

Sports News 



 KKNB : From an Indian perspective, the final was disappointing, but that’s what cricket is all about.

Australia played better than India, you can't complain about that. It was just one bad day at the office.

Australia won the toss and they knew that dew would be the key factor. They restricted India to 240 and chased really well. 

What swung the game in Australia’s favour was Pat Cummins’ captaincy. The way he brought Glenn Maxwell in to the attack to get the wicket of Rohit Sharma with a brilliant catch from Travis Head was very smart. Adam Zampa was great too, as was Cummins himself in dismissing Virat Kohli. 

They outplayed India and were very solid in their planning. 

Another big factor was Australia’s fielding, I think they saved 30 to 40 runs. From ball one, they were saving a lot of singles and boundaries. There was Travis’s catch and some excellent work in the deep from David Warner and Marnus Labuschagne.

I think Cummins showed real temperament in his captaincy. He changed his bowlers knowing he could put pressure on each India batter even though they were all in such good form. His tactics made all the difference and his planning and execution was perfect.

If you look at Australia’s innings, they were 47 for three, but India couldn’t put the pressure on because they were only defending 241 and then Travis Head played the best knock of the World Cup to change the direction of the game with his positive batting.

India looked very good from a bowling point of view but were left disappointed because they didn’t understand the wicket. 

It was very dry and they couldn’t keep pressure on with the bat because Australia bowled a lot of short balls and deliveries into the wicket which meant India couldn’t rotate the strike. Rohit’s wicket was a turning point and there were not enough runs on the board, especially when you’re used to making totals of up to 400. 

Credit goes to Travis and Marnus, the way they played when the pressure started to come back onto Australia showed they know how to win an ICC trophy. 

Glenn Maxwell’s double century against Afghanistan gave them the belief they could win the World Cup because when one player performs that well, everyone else wants to do the same for their country. Travis believed he could do it in the final and he did.

Reflecting on the entire World Cup, I think it was played in a great spirit. We saw lots of runs and wickets to both seam and spin. 

Afghanistan and the Netherlands both really impressed me and New Zealand did well too. We saw a lot of great individual performances from Bas de Leede and Paul van Meekeren of the Netherlands, to Rachin Ravindra of New Zealand and Mohammad Wasim of Pakistan, who looked very promising. 

From an Indian perspective, I was very impressed with KL Rahul but Mohammed Shami was my player of the tournament. The way he bowled against New Zealand and throughout the whole World Cup, he just went bang, bang, bang.

I thought Rohit Sharma’s captaincy was fantastic too. He looked very solid in his planning, decision making, approach and execution. He looked like a proper leader. 

Like MS Dhoni before him, he brought a team together and they played excellently. I don’t know if Rohit will play in the next 50-over World Cup, he might play in the T20 World Cup, but he really wanted to win the World Cup for the whole country. But God planned something else.

It’s very disappointing because they did so well in every department before the final. 

There were still some great moments, not least Virat scoring his 50th century in front of his idol, Sachin Tendulkar. 

We will see the Indian team doing well again because they know how to reach the latter stages of tournaments now. It just takes a bit of time to understand how to manage those pressure situations, especially when you’re at home. 

Sometimes when there’s a lot of pressure you can lose your focus, and I think that’s a lesson they will learn from this.

Despite the disappointment, there’s no doubt that this event has truly captured the hearts of the nation. New records have been set in stadium attendances, broadcast viewership and digital engagements, making this truly the biggest ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup ever.

In four years’ time, all eyes will be on hosts South Africa, Zimbabwe and Namibia, and it will be great to see new teams come through like we’ve seen with Afghanistan in the recent years. 

It might be Ireland or another team from Europe who really steps up, or perhaps one of the Asia Cup teams like Nepal. It will be exciting to see 14 teams and how it all shapes up.

 Pic Courtesy by: ICC


Jun 18 2024, 14:36

Akshat Nayyar, CEO Truemeds, shares How E-Pharmacies are Reshaping Medication Habits

Imagine a world where a few taps on your smartphone help you manage your health. Online or e-pharmacies are making this dream a reality by reshaping how we approach and understand our health and medication habits. These online platforms are more than just convenient storefronts — they are leading a revolution in healthcare accessibility and consumer education.

Gone are the days when consumers blindly followed medications based on prescriptions, with little knowledge or control over the process. Thanks to the wealth of information available online, from blogs to review platforms, we are far more aware now of our rights as consumers and are making informed choices about everything - from the food we eat to the skincare products we use. A recently found study by Bain & Co. on Asia-Pacific Front Line of Healthcare 2024 also states that Healthcare is no longer a passive experience: Consumers are taking charge of their health, are demanding a better experience, and are willing to invest in wellness.

The COVID-19 pandemic was a catalyst for this shift, forcing people to embrace e-commerce and online services out of sheer necessity. Even in smaller cities and suburbs, where the adoption of e-commerce might have otherwise been slower, the pandemic drove people to explore online shopping for essentials, including medicines. This shift towards e-pharmacies has continued to spike as these platforms bridge the gap in accessible and affordable healthcare. 

In fact, the Bain & Co. study also found that consumers desire a single touchpoint to manage their health and are increasingly placing high trust in primary care providers and other alternative sites of care like pharmacies and digital health. While face-to-face interactions are more commonly preferred, the pandemic has increased acceptance of virtual touchpoints. 

In India alone, there are over 50 e-pharmacy startups, serving around 5 million users every month with reasonably priced, high-quality medicines. The growth is fueled by rising education levels, increased consumer rights awareness, higher disposable incomes, and urbanization-driven lifestyle changes. Key to this is digital inclusion, as the internet and smartphones have reached a significant portion of the population. 

Why are e-pharmacies trending?

In today's fast-paced world, the hassle of traditional medication procurement processes—from scheduling appointments to purchasing medicines—is becoming increasingly unappealing. 

The biggest draw of e-pharmacies lies in the convenience they offer. One can easily track past orders, further helping them to take control of their healthcare needs from the comfort of their homes. Hence, offering “one-stop shop” solutions for all their needs, leveraging tech capabilities for better patient engagement. Pricing information is readily available on their platforms, and customers can compare options and choose the most affordable solutions for their prescription needs. This newfound transparency helps users make informed decisions and access the best deals. The survey also stated that telehealth led to major saving of healthcare costs due to the early triage and steerage care coupled with the low price point and pharmacy attach rate for teleconsultation compared to in-person primary consultation.

Future outlook

As the Indian government continues to push for digital transformation in the healthcare sector, e-pharmacies are likely to receive more support and recognition in the future.


Jun 17 2024, 15:14

কাঞ্চনজঙ্ঘা এক্সপ্রেস দুর্ঘটনা আমাদের বালাসোর ট্রেন দুর্ঘটনার কথা মনে করিয়ে দিয়েছে, গত এক বছর আগে ঘটে যাওয়া রেল দুর্ঘটনার কথা

এসবি নিউজ ব্যুরো: সোমবার সকালে শিলিগুড়ির কাছে কাঞ্চনগঙ্গা এক্সপ্রেস এবং পণ্যবাহী ট্রেনের সংঘর্ষ হয়। এই দুর্ঘটনায় এখনও পর্যন্ত ১৫ জনের মৃত্যুর খবর পাওয়া গেছে। আহত হয়েছেন বহু মানুষ। দুর্ঘটনাটি আমাদের ঠিক এক বছর আগে ওড়িশার বালাসোরে ঘটে যাওয়া ট্রেন দুর্ঘটনার কথা মনে করিয়ে দেয়। এই দুর্ঘটনাটি ঘটে 2 জুন 2023 বালাসোরে।সন্ধ্যা সাতটায় ব্রাহ্মণ বাজার রেলস্টেশনে এ ঘটনা ঘটে। এই দুর্ঘটনায় তিনটি ট্রেনের মুখোমুখি সংঘর্ষ হয়। এই দুর্ঘটনায় মোট 296 জন মারা যান এবং 1,200 জনের বেশি আহত হন। এর আগেও বহু দুর্ঘটনা ঘটেছে যাতে ব্যাপক জানমালের ক্ষতি হয়েছে। গত এক বছরে দেশটি কয়েক ডজন রেল দুর্ঘটনা দেখেছে যাতে বহু মানুষ প্রাণ হারিয়েছে।
গত বছর থেকে প্রায় 19টি রেল দুর্ঘটনা ঘটেছে আসো,চলুন জেনে নিই গত এক বছরে ঘটে যাওয়া কয়েকটি বড় ট্রেন দুর্ঘটনা সম্পর্কে-

*বালাসোরে ট্রেন দুর্ঘটনা*

গত বছর, ২ জুন সন্ধ্যায়, ওড়িশার বালাসোরে একটি বড় ট্রেন দুর্ঘটনা ঘটে, যখন তিনটি ট্রেন একে অপরের সাথে সংঘর্ষে পড়ে। বেঙ্গালুরু-হাওড়া সুপারফাস্ট এক্সপ্রেস, শালিমার-চেন্নাই সেন্ট্রাল করোমন্ডেল এক্সপ্রেস এবং একটি পণ্য ট্রেনের মধ্যে ট্রেন দুর্ঘটনাটি ঘটে। করোমন্ডেল এক্সপ্রেসের গতি বেশি থাকায় ট্রেনের 21টি বগি লাইনচ্যুত হয়। এগুলোর মধ্যেকাছাকাছি ট্র্যাকে আসা SMVT বেঙ্গালুরু-হাওড়া সুপারফাস্ট এক্সপ্রেসের (12864) সঙ্গে 3টি কোচের সংঘর্ষ হয়। এই দুর্ঘটনায় অন্তত 233 জন নিহত হয়েছেন। আহত হয়েছেন 900 জনের বেশি। এই দুর্ঘটনাকে স্বাধীনতার পরের সবচেয়ে মারাত্মক দুর্ঘটনা বলা হয়।

*মাদুরাই দুর্ঘটনা*
26শে অগাস্ট, 2023, সকাল 5:15 টায়, মাদুরাই জংশনের কাছে পার্ক করা লখনউ-রামেশ্বরম ভারত গৌরব ট্রেনে হঠাৎ আগুন লেগে যায়। দুর্ঘটনায় 10মানুষ প্রাণ হারিয়েছে, আহত হয়েছে ২০ জন। দুর্ঘটনার বিষয়ে জানা গেছে, ভক্তরা ট্রেনে গ্যাস সিলিন্ডার নিয়ে কোচে খাবার রান্না করছিলেন, তখন আগুন লাগে।

*যখন ট্রেন চালকের গাফিলতির কারণে 14 জন প্রাণ হারিয়েছিল*

29 অক্টোবর, 2023-এ, অন্ধ্র প্রদেশে দুটি যাত্রীবাহী ট্রেনের সংঘর্ষে 14 জন যাত্রী নিহত হয়েছিল। অন্ধ্রপ্রদেশের ভিজিয়ানগরম জেলার কান্তকাপল্লীতে হাওড়া-চেন্নাই লাইনে রায়গড়া যাত্রীট্রেনটি পেছন থেকে বিশাখাপত্তনম পলাসা ট্রেনকে ধাক্কা দেয়। দুর্ঘটনায় আহত হয়েছেন অর্ধশতাধিক যাত্রী। দুর্ঘটনার কারণ ব্যাখ্যা করতে গিয়ে রেলমন্ত্রী অশ্বিনী বৈষ্ণব বলেছিলেন যে ট্রেনের চালক ও সহকারী চালক ফোনে ক্রিকেট ম্যাচ দেখছিলেন।

*বিহারে কোচ লাইনচ্যুত, ৪ জন নিহত*

2023 সালের 11 অক্টোবর রাতে, একটি ট্রেন দুর্ঘটনায় 4 জন মারা যায় এবং 70 জনেরও বেশি আহত হয়। রাত 9.50দিল্লি-কামাখ্যা নর্থ ইস্ট এক্সপ্রেস ট্রেনটি যখন বিহারের বক্সারের রঘুনাথপুর স্টেশনে পৌঁছায়, তখন এর 6টি বগি লাইনচ্যুত হয়, যার ফলে একটি বড় দুর্ঘটনা ঘটে। লাইনচ্যুত হওয়ার ফলে কমপক্ষে 2টি এসি III টায়ার কোচ উল্টে যায়, এবং 4টি অন্য কোচ লাইনচ্যুত হয়।

*কুয়াশা যখন সময় হয়ে যায়*

18 জানুয়ারী, 2024, ঝাড়খণ্ডের গামহারিয়া রেলওয়ে স্টেশনে একটি ট্রেনের ধাক্কায় 4 জন মারা যায়গামহারিয়া রেলওয়ে স্টেশনের কাছে টাটানগর স্টেশনে যাচ্ছিল উৎকল এক্সপ্রেসের ধাক্কায় চারজন ঘটনাস্থলেই মারা যান। এ সময় দ্রুতগামী ট্রেনের ধাক্কায় চারজন নিহত হন।


Jun 17 2024, 13:44

कंचनजंगा एक्सप्रेस हादसे ने दिलाई बालासोर ट्रेन एक्सीडेंट की याद, पिछले एक साल में हुई रेल दुर्घटनाओं पर एक नजर


पश्चिम बंगाल के जलपाईगुड़ी के पास सोमवार सुबह कंचनगंगा एक्सप्रेस और मालगाड़ी में टक्कर हो गई। इस हादसे में अब तक 8 लोगों की मौत की खबर है। काफी लोग घायल हो गये हैं। हादसे ने ठीक एक साल पहले ओडिशा के बालासोर में हुए ट्रेन हादसे की याद ताजा कर दी। यह हादसा 2 जून 2023 को बालासोर के बहनागा बाज़ार रेलवे स्टेशन पर शाम सात बजे हुआ था। इस हादसे में तीन ट्रेनें आपस में टकरा गई थीं। इस दुर्घटना में कुल 296 लोगों की मौत हुई और 1,200 से अधिक लोग घायल हो गये थे।

इससे पहले भी कई हादसे हुए हैं जिसमें जान-माल का भारी नुकसान हुआ है। पिछले एक साल में देश ने दर्जनों रेल हादसे देखे हैं जिसमें कई लोगों को अपनी जान भी गंवानी पड़ गई।पिछले साल से लेकर अब तक करीब 19 रेल हादसे हुए हैं। आइए, जानते हैं पिछले एक साल में हुए कुछ बड़े ट्रेन हादसों के बारे में-

बालासोर रेल हादसा

पिछले साल 2 जून की शाम ओडिशा के बालासोर में उस समय बड़ा ट्रेन हादसा हो गया, जब 3 ट्रेनें आपस में टकरा गईं। बेंगलुरु-हावड़ा सुपरफास्ट एक्सप्रेस, शालीमार-चेन्नई सेंट्रल कोरोमंडल एक्सप्रेस और एक मालगाड़ी के बीच ट्रेन दुर्घटना हुई थी। कोरोमंडल एक्सप्रेस की तेज गति के कारण ट्रेन के 21 डिब्बे पटरी से उतर गए। इनमें से 3 डिब्बे पास के ट्रैक पर आ रही एसएमवीटी बेंगलुरु-हावड़ा सुपरफास्ट एक्सप्रेस (12864) से टकरा गए। इस हादसे में कम से कम 233 लोग मारे गए थे। वहीं 900 से अधिक लोग घायल हुए थे। आजादी के बाद से अबतक की सबसे घातक दुर्घटनाओं में से एक यह हादसा बताया जाता है।

मदुरै हादसा

26 अगस्त 2023 की सुबह करीब 5:15 बजे मदुरै जंक्शन के पास खड़ी लखनऊ-रामेश्वरम भारत गौरव ट्रेन में अचानक से आग लग गई. हादसे में 10 लोगों की जान चली गई जबकि 20 लोग घायल हो गए. हादसे के बारे में पता चला कि श्रद्धालु ट्रेन में गैस सिलेंडर लेकर जा रहे थे और कोच में खाना बना रहे थे, तभी आग लग गई।

जब ट्रेन का ड्राइवर की लापरवाही से गईं 14 जानें

आंध्र प्रदेश में 29 अक्टूबर 2023 को दो पैसेंजर ट्रेनों की टक्कर में 14 यात्रियों की मौत हो गई थी। आंध्र प्रदेश के विजयनगरम जिले के कंटाकापल्ली में हावड़ा-चेन्नई लाइन पर रायगड़ा पैसेंजर ट्रेन ने विशाखापत्तनम पलासा ट्रेन को पीछे से टक्कर मार दी थी। दुर्घटना में 50 से ज्यादा यात्री घायल हो गए थे। रेल मंत्री अश्विनी वैष्णव ने हादसे की वजह बताते हुए कहा था कि ट्रेन का ड्राइवर और असिस्टेंट ड्राइवर फोन पर क्रिकेट मैच देख रहे थे।

बिहार में पटरी से उतरे डिब्बे, 4 की मौत

11 अक्टूबर 2023 की रात एक ट्रेन हादसे में 4 लोगों की मौत हो गई जबकि 70 से अधिक लोग घायल हो गए थे। रात 9.50 बजे बिहार के बक्सर में दिल्ली-कामाख्या नॉर्थ ईस्ट एक्सप्रेस ट्रेन जब रघुनाथपुर स्टेशन के पास पहुंची तो उसके 6 डिब्बे पटरी से उतर गए, जिससे यह बड़ा हादसा हो गया। ट्रेन की पटरी से उतरने के कारण कम से कम 2 एसी III टियर डिब्बे पलट गए, जबकि 4 अन्य डिब्बे पटरी से उतर गए।

जब कोहरा बना काल

झारखंड के गम्हरिया रेलवे स्टेशन पर 18 जनवरी 2024 को ट्रेन की चपेट में आने से 4 लोगों की मौत हो गई थी।यहां रेलवे ट्रैक पार कर रहे चार लोग उत्कल एक्सप्रेस की चपेट आ गए थे।सभी की मौके पर मौत ही मौत हो गई थी।नई दिल्ली-पुरी उत्कल एक्सप्रेस टाटानगर स्टेशन जा रही थी।गम्हरिया रेलवे स्टेशन के पास घने कोहरे के कारण रेलवे ट्रैक पार करने के दौरान चार लोग तेज रफ्तार ट्रेन की चपेट में आ गए थे।


Jun 05 2024, 20:05

A legend's final bow: Chhetri wants to walk out on a high
Sports News

Khabar kolkata News bureau:At the end of Sunil Chhetri's penultimate training session of his 19-year international career for India, he quietly picked up a ball, delicately placed it on the penalty spot and signalled Vishal Kaith to take his place between the sticks. As he's done at the end of every training session, he wanted to take a few attempts from 12 yards out before wrapping up for the day.

Chhetri shot four and scored all four of them. A slight grin appeared on his face after every shot. It wasn't just the joy of a successful strike, but of living every last moment of his national team career to the fullest. When the captain announced his retirement, for everyone else, everything became about June 6. But for Chhetri, it was about every single training session leading up to the big day. Every drop of sweat, every stride in his run, every swing of his boot attempting to score every shot in every practice session.

But on June 6, the captain wants it to be all about India. His life has been all about football. After the lights of the Salt Lake Stadium dim on Thursday night, he won't be part of the game for his country on the pitch, but will become another one of the billion-and-a-half fans of the national team. The 90 minutes before that could change Indian football completely. And perhaps fate had it that they would be Chhetri's last 90 minutes too. But there's nothing more the legend wants than bidding adieu to the sacred blue jersey, one which absorbed all of his sweat for nearly two decades, with all three points, which could potentially propel India to the third round. All he wishes for the post-Chhetri Indian team is to see them rub shoulders with Asia's elite.

"I've been fighting a small battle every day. Don't ask me how I feel (about retirement). Because I don't want to address it. We really need to win tomorrow. Once we win this game, it gives us a great chance to go to the third round, which we have never been to. One thing we know for sure is that this is not going to be easy. And one thing we are very happy about is that we're playing in Kolkata. We'll have tremendous support," said Chhetri.

The fan life will be different, but it's something the 39-year-old has already visualised.

"I'll be there wearing a nice suit, coming to watch all our boys play. That's the dream. We win tomorrow, hopefully, and we'll be almost qualified. It's not 100% guaranteed. There are some permutations and combinations, but we'll qualify. There will be 10 top games against the best in Asia, home and away. We'll go and watch the games. I get free tickets so I can enjoy it. That's the whole plan but again, this is only after the hard work that we put in tomorrow. Every day when I talk to the boys I keep telling them this. Hopefully, everything goes according to plan and I can go and watch them (in the third round). Just imagine playing against Japan and Australia in the third round. Just imagine what the whole euphoria will be and that is why the win is important. That's why we want everyone together," stressed Chhetri.

It would simply be the best farewell gift for the captain, and from the captain. The gift for billions in a nation for whom Indian football has only meant Sunil Chhetri over the last two decades. He made the country believe in their national team and inspired millions to kick a football. An icon of not just India, but global football. Only three players have scored more international goals in the history of the sport than him. The numbers speak for themselves. Some of those numbers will never be achieved again.

Thursday will be the 151st and final time he will don the India shirt. From the 20-year-old who sprayed perfume on his shirt before his debut, to the 39-year-old legendary figure, who will have thousands wearing the India jersey with his name on the back, this has been the journey of the nation's greatest football player.

"I think it's the right time. This is the right setup. It's one of the biggest games that I, who has played for 19 years, is going to play. We win, we go to the third round where we've never been before. There couldn't be a better game for me to call it my last. I'm at peace from the inside. I've given whatever I had." *Pic Courtesy by:AIFA* & *Sanjay Hazra*


May 29 2024, 00:41

Akasht Nayyar, CEO Truemeds, shares How E-Pharmacies are Reshaping Medication Habits


Imagine a world where a few taps on your smartphone help you manage your health. Online or e-pharmacies are making this dream a reality by reshaping how we approach and understand our health and medication habits. These online platforms are more than just convenient storefronts — they are leading a revolution in healthcare accessibility and consumer education.

Gone are the days when consumers blindly followed medications based on prescriptions, with little knowledge or control over the process. Thanks to the wealth of information available online, from blogs to review platforms, we are far more aware now of our rights as consumers and are making informed choices about everything - from the food we eat to the skincare products we use. A recently found study by Bain & Co. on Asia-Pacific Front Line of Healthcare 2024 also states that Healthcare is no longer a passive experience: Consumers are taking charge of their health, are demanding a better experience, and are willing to invest in wellness.

The COVID-19 pandemic was a catalyst for this shift, forcing people to embrace e-commerce and online services out of sheer necessity. Even in smaller cities and suburbs, where the adoption of e-commerce might have otherwise been slower, the pandemic drove people to explore online shopping for essentials, including medicines. This shift towards e-pharmacies has continued to spike as these platforms bridge the gap in accessible and affordable healthcare. 

In fact, the Bain & Co. study also found that consumers desire a single touchpoint to manage their health and are increasingly placing high trust in primary care providers and other alternative sites of care like pharmacies and digital health. While face-to-face interactions are more commonly preferred, the pandemic has increased acceptance of virtual touchpoints. 

In India alone, there are over 50 e-pharmacy startups, serving around 5 million users every month with reasonably priced, high-quality medicines. The growth is fueled by rising education levels, increased consumer rights awareness, higher disposable incomes, and urbanization-driven lifestyle changes. Key to this is digital inclusion, as the internet and smartphones have reached a significant portion of the population. 

Why are e-pharmacies trending?

In today's fast-paced world, the hassle of traditional medication procurement processes—from scheduling appointments to purchasing medicines—is becoming increasingly unappealing. 

The biggest draw of e-pharmacies lies in the convenience they offer. One can easily track past orders, further helping them to take control of their healthcare needs from the comfort of their homes. Hence, offering “one-stop shop” solutions for all their needs, leveraging tech capabilities for better patient engagement. Pricing information is readily available on their platforms, and customers can compare options and choose the most affordable solutions for their prescription needs. This newfound transparency helps users make informed decisions and access the best deals. The survey also stated that telehealth led to major saving of healthcare costs due to the early triage and steerage care coupled with the low price point and pharmacy attach rate for teleconsultation compared to in-person primary consultation.

Future outlook

As the Indian government continues to push for digital transformation in the healthcare sector, e-pharmacies are likely to receive more support and recognition in the future


Feb 08 2024, 19:55

केजरीवाल के बड़ा बयान, बोले-केंद्रीय एजेंसियां मेरे खिलाफ ऐसे तैनात, जैसे देश का सबसे बड़ा आतंकवादी मैं ही हूं


दिल्ली के सीएम अरविंद केजरीवाल ने केन्द्र की मोदी सरकार और केन्द्रीय जांच एजैंसियों के खिलाफ बड़ा बयान दिया है। केंद्र सरकार पर हमला बोलते हुए उन्होंने कहा कि जिस तरह से मेरे खिलाफ सीबीआई और ईडी जैसी एजेंसियों को छोड़ रखा है, इससे तो लगता है कि देश का सबसे बड़ा आतंकवादी मैं ही हूं।केजरीवाल ने गुरुवार को द्वारका में एक कार्यक्रम के दौरान ये बातें कहीं।केजरीवालदिल्ली के द्वारिका के पालम इलाके में एक स्कूल की आधारशिला रखने पहुंचे थे।

कार्यक्रम के दौरान अरविंद केजरीवाल ने अपनी सरकार की उपलब्धियां गिनायी, तो वहीं ईडी द्वारा चल रही जांच के सिलसिले में बीजेपी पर हमला भी बोला। केजरीवाल ने कहा कि आप लोग टेलीविजन पर देखते होंगे कभी अरविंद केजरीवाल को ईडी का नोटिस आ गया, कभी सीबीआई का नोटिस आ गया, मुझे तो समझ ही नहीं आता, ऐसा लगता है कि देश का सबसे बड़ा आतंकवादी मैं हूं।अरविंद केजरीवाल ने आगे कहा कि गीता में लिखा है कि पृथ्वी पर भगवान ने हर इंसान को किसी न किसी उद्देश्य से भेजा है। भगवान ने उनको पृथ्वी पर भेजा है झूठे केस बनाकर जेल में डालना और नोटिस देने के लिए, मुझे पृथ्वी पर भेजा है आपके स्कूल बनाने के लिए पानी का इंतजाम करने के लिए, मुझे उनसे कोई गिला शिकवा नहीं है उन्हें काम करने दीजिए मैं अपना काम करूंगा।

सीएम केजरीवाल ने कहा कि वे हमें जितना रोकेंगे, हम उतना ही ज्यादा काम करेंगे।केजरीवाल ने बीजेपी पर हमला करते हुए कहा, वे कहते हैं केजरीवाल चोर है। मैं पूछना चाहता हूं कि मैंने दिल्ली वालों की बिजली मुफ्त कर दी, पंजाब की भी हो गई। इनकी जहां जहां सरकारें हैं मध्य प्रदेश, गुजरात और यूपी में बिजली इतनी महंगी है। बिजली फ्री करने वाला चोर है या महंगी करने वाला चोर है। मैंने दिल्ली में और पंजाब में सबके इलाज मुफ्त कर दिया। शानदार मोहल्ला क्लीनिक बना दिया और शानदार अस्पताल बना दिया। सबके लिए इलाज का इंतजाम करने वाला चोर है या इलाज महंगा करने वाला चोर है।


Jan 27 2024, 18:02

*Bengal is dreaming of 'first' victory under the light of Suraj*

Sports News

Khabar kolkata: Will the first win of the season come? Bengal is in that hope. Bengal got only 5 points in the first three matches in the Ranji Trophy this time. The last match was at home against Chhattisgarh. Both teams scored only 1 point as two innings did not end. Bengal, however, had a chance of at least three points. 83 overs were played on the last day even though a lot of time was wasted in bad light. Bengal needed 8 wickets. The bowlers could not. Those bowlers are showing the dream of winning in Assam.Bengal scored a huge score of 405 runs in the first innings against Assam. Captain Manoj Tiwari scored a century after the mistake. The captain's 30th century in his first-class career. Then he was out. Abhishek Podel, the keeper batsman, returned to zero on this day. Lower order gave great confidence to Bengal. Karan Lal scored 52 runs. Suraj Sindhu Jaiswal is the biggest achievement of Bengal. He proved once again how good his bat hand is in this match. Suraj played an innings of 52 runs.Two half-centuries in the lower order put Bengal in the driver's seat.

Photo courtesy by : CAB


Jan 20 2024, 07:55

*East Bengal beat Mohun Bagan 3-1 in the Kalinga Super Cup*

Sports News

KKNB : East Bengal won the derby in Durand's group stage after 8 consecutive derby losses. Although losing in the final, they have to be satisfied as runners. The Durand final is replaced by the group stage of the Super Cup. Despite falling behind, Red-Yellow defeated Mohun Bagan by 3-1. Captain Clayton Silver scored a pair of goals. Having won two out of three derbies in the season under his coaching, East Bengal coach Carles Kuadrat is said to be bursting with euphoria. Who is more excited for? That is what Carles said.The head coach of East Bengal said at the beginning, "Of course happy.Of course for the player, the club, but the biggest excitement is for the fans. Until a few days ago, East Bengal was losing consecutively to Mohun Bagan. That trend has changed. That's why there is more joy for the fans. But let's not forget in the joy of this match, we have reached the semi-finals. Look at the next match. Of course the main focus is on winning the Super Cup".

Pic Courtesy by: X


Nov 21 2023, 21:27

*Record-Breaking 1.25 million spectators turn out for ICC Men's Cricket World Cup 2023*

Sports News

KKNB : The ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup 2023 has made history by being the most attended ICC event ever, after 1,250,307 fans passed through the turnstiles to witness the biggest Cricket World Cup, culminating in Australia winning a remarkable sixth title.

With six games to go the spectator figures had already surpassed the one million mark with the momentum escalating as the World Cup culminated in front of a packed crowd at the Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad on Sunday.

The event which ran from 5 October to 19 November and promised to place fans at the centre of the action recorded the biggest attendance for a Men’s Cricket World Cup opening match when England faced New Zealand in a repeat of the 2019 final, followed by the most attended India against Pakistan fixture in ICC World Cup history when fans flocked through the turnstiles on 14 October.

The figure of over 1.25 million fans is a new benchmark in the history of cricket, surpassing the attendance figures of any other ICC event. The ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup 2015, held in Australia and New Zealand, witnessed 1,016,420 spectators, while the 2019 edition in England and Wales saw 752,000 fans come through the turnstiles.

The 13th edition of the Men’s Cricket World Cup held in India has eclipsed these figures as well as breaking multiple broadcast and digital viewership records, proving the global reach and ever-growing popularity of the sport.

Chris Tetley, ICC Head of Events said, "The ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup 2023 has been a great success, showcasing the best aspects of the game and capturing the hearts of hundreds of millions of fans across the world. The staggering attendance demonstrates the enduring appeal of cricket and the excitement the ODI format continues to offer. It has been an event that has not only entertained but also united cricket fans globally in a celebration of the sport.

“ICC events play an important part in growing our game and inspiring the next generation of fans and players around the world. We would like to thank all the fans who contributed to making the ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup 2023 such a resounding success, and look forward to sharing more thrilling experiences for everyone in future ICC events.”

Pic Courtesy by: ICC


Nov 21 2023, 21:26

*Suresh Raina: Pat Cummins' captaincy proved the difference*

Sports News 



 KKNB : From an Indian perspective, the final was disappointing, but that’s what cricket is all about.

Australia played better than India, you can't complain about that. It was just one bad day at the office.

Australia won the toss and they knew that dew would be the key factor. They restricted India to 240 and chased really well. 

What swung the game in Australia’s favour was Pat Cummins’ captaincy. The way he brought Glenn Maxwell in to the attack to get the wicket of Rohit Sharma with a brilliant catch from Travis Head was very smart. Adam Zampa was great too, as was Cummins himself in dismissing Virat Kohli. 

They outplayed India and were very solid in their planning. 

Another big factor was Australia’s fielding, I think they saved 30 to 40 runs. From ball one, they were saving a lot of singles and boundaries. There was Travis’s catch and some excellent work in the deep from David Warner and Marnus Labuschagne.

I think Cummins showed real temperament in his captaincy. He changed his bowlers knowing he could put pressure on each India batter even though they were all in such good form. His tactics made all the difference and his planning and execution was perfect.

If you look at Australia’s innings, they were 47 for three, but India couldn’t put the pressure on because they were only defending 241 and then Travis Head played the best knock of the World Cup to change the direction of the game with his positive batting.

India looked very good from a bowling point of view but were left disappointed because they didn’t understand the wicket. 

It was very dry and they couldn’t keep pressure on with the bat because Australia bowled a lot of short balls and deliveries into the wicket which meant India couldn’t rotate the strike. Rohit’s wicket was a turning point and there were not enough runs on the board, especially when you’re used to making totals of up to 400. 

Credit goes to Travis and Marnus, the way they played when the pressure started to come back onto Australia showed they know how to win an ICC trophy. 

Glenn Maxwell’s double century against Afghanistan gave them the belief they could win the World Cup because when one player performs that well, everyone else wants to do the same for their country. Travis believed he could do it in the final and he did.

Reflecting on the entire World Cup, I think it was played in a great spirit. We saw lots of runs and wickets to both seam and spin. 

Afghanistan and the Netherlands both really impressed me and New Zealand did well too. We saw a lot of great individual performances from Bas de Leede and Paul van Meekeren of the Netherlands, to Rachin Ravindra of New Zealand and Mohammad Wasim of Pakistan, who looked very promising. 

From an Indian perspective, I was very impressed with KL Rahul but Mohammed Shami was my player of the tournament. The way he bowled against New Zealand and throughout the whole World Cup, he just went bang, bang, bang.

I thought Rohit Sharma’s captaincy was fantastic too. He looked very solid in his planning, decision making, approach and execution. He looked like a proper leader. 

Like MS Dhoni before him, he brought a team together and they played excellently. I don’t know if Rohit will play in the next 50-over World Cup, he might play in the T20 World Cup, but he really wanted to win the World Cup for the whole country. But God planned something else.

It’s very disappointing because they did so well in every department before the final. 

There were still some great moments, not least Virat scoring his 50th century in front of his idol, Sachin Tendulkar. 

We will see the Indian team doing well again because they know how to reach the latter stages of tournaments now. It just takes a bit of time to understand how to manage those pressure situations, especially when you’re at home. 

Sometimes when there’s a lot of pressure you can lose your focus, and I think that’s a lesson they will learn from this.

Despite the disappointment, there’s no doubt that this event has truly captured the hearts of the nation. New records have been set in stadium attendances, broadcast viewership and digital engagements, making this truly the biggest ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup ever.

In four years’ time, all eyes will be on hosts South Africa, Zimbabwe and Namibia, and it will be great to see new teams come through like we’ve seen with Afghanistan in the recent years. 

It might be Ireland or another team from Europe who really steps up, or perhaps one of the Asia Cup teams like Nepal. It will be exciting to see 14 teams and how it all shapes up.

 Pic Courtesy by: ICC