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मुसलमानों पर दिए अपने बयान पर कायम हैं जस्टिस यादव, बोले-मैंने किसी न्यायिक सीमा का उल्लंघन नहीं किया


इलाहाबाद हाई कोर्ट के जस्टिस शेखर कुमार यादव लगातार सुर्खियों में बने हुए हैं। पिछले दिनों प्रयागराज में विश्व हिंदू परिषद के कार्यक्रम में उन्होंने हिंदू और मुस्लिम धार्मिक कानूनों या मान्यताओं को लेकर बयान दिया था। इसके बाद वह विवादों के घेरे में आ गएय़ उनको सुप्रीम कोर्ट के कॉलेजियम के सामने पेश भी होना पड़ा था। हालांकि, अपने बयान पर कायम हैं। सुप्रीम कोर्ट कॉलेजियम की ओर से तलब किए जाने के एक महीने बाद, जस्टिस यादव ने मुख्य न्यायाधीश को पत्र लिखकर कहा है कि वह अपनी टिप्पणी पर कायम हैं, और उनके अनुसार यह न्यायिक आचरण के किसी भी सिद्धांत का उल्लंघन नहीं करती है।

सीजेआई ने इलाहाबाद हाईकोर्ट के चीफ जस्टिस अरुण भांसाली से लेटेस्ट अपडेट मांगी थी। इसके बाद जस्टिस भांसाली ने जस्टिस कुमार से कॉलेजियम के बाद उनके जवाब मांगी थी, जिसके बाद उन्होंने लेटर लिख कर जवाब दिया। जस्टिस शेखर कुमार यादव ने इलाहाबाद हाईकोर्ट के चीफ जस्टिस को पत्र लिखकर बताया कि वह अपनी टिप्पणी पर कायम हैं, जो उनके अनुसार न्यायिक आचरण के किसी भी सिद्धांत का उल्लंघन नहीं करती है।

हाई कोर्ट के मुख्य न्यायाधीश जस्टिस अरुण भंसाली ने भी 17 दिसंबर को भारत के मुख्य न्यायाधीश संजीव खन्ना की अगुवाई वाले कॉलेजियम के साथ जस्टिस यादव की बैठक के बाद उनसे जवाब तलब किया था। इस महीने की शुरुआत में, अंग्रेजी अखबार द इंडियन एक्सप्रेस की ओर से बताया गया कि सीजेआई ने मुख्य न्यायाधीश जस्टिस भंसाली को पत्र लिखकर इस मसले पर नई रिपोर्ट मांगी थी।

रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक जवाब मांगने वाले उक्त पत्र में लॉ के एक छात्र और एक आईपीएस अधिकारी की ओर से उनके भाषण के खिलाफ दायर की गई शिकायत का जिक्र किया गया था, जिसे सरकार ने अनिवार्य रूप से रिटायर कर दिया था।

रिपोर्ट के अनुसार के अनुसार, जस्टिस यादव ने अपने जवाब में दावा किया कि उनके भाषण को निहित स्वार्थ वाले लोगों की ओर से तोड़-मरोड़ कर पेश किया जा रहा है, और न्यायपालिका से जुड़े लोग जो सार्वजनिक रूप से खुद का बचाव करने में असमर्थ हैं, उन्हें न्यायिक बिरादरी के सीनियर लोगों द्वारा सुरक्षा दिए जाने की जरुरत है।

क्या बोले थे यादव

जस्टिस यादव ने कहा, आपको यह गलतफहमी है कि अगर कोई कानून (यूसीसी) लाया जाता है, तो यह आपके शरीयत, आपके इस्लाम और आपके कुरान के खिलाफ होगा, लेकिन मैं एक और बात कहना चाहता हूं। चाहे वह आपका पर्सनल लॉ हो, हमारा हिंदू कानून हो, आपका कुरान हो या फिर हमारी गीता हो, जैसा कि मैंने कहा कि हमने अपनी प्रथाओं में बुराइयों (बुराइयों) को संबोधित किया है, कमियां थीं, दुरुस्त कर लिए हैं, छुआछूत, सती, जौहर, कन्या भ्रूण हत्या, हमने उन सभी मुद्दों को संबोधित किया है, फिर आप इस कानून को खत्म क्यों नहीं कर रहे हैं, कि जब आपकी पहली पत्नी मौजूद है, तो आप तीन पत्नियां रख सकते हैं, उसकी सहमति के बिना, यह स्वीकार्य नहीं है।

*" আমি হাতজোড় করে, বাংলার মানুষের প্রতি কৃতজ্ঞতা জানাচ্ছি..." মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় বছর শেষের বার্তায় বাংলার মানুষের প্রতি কৃতজ্ঞতা প্রকাশ করলে

ডেস্ক : ২০২৪ সাল শেষ হতে চলেছে, পশ্চিমবঙ্গের মুখ্যমন্ত্রী মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় মঙ্গলবার সামাজিক মাধ্যমে "সংগ্রাম এবং সাফল্যের" একটি বছর পার করার জন্য মা-মাটি-মানুষের প্রতি কৃতজ্ঞতা প্রকাশ করেন। এই বছর শুরুতেই, মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়ের তৃণমূল কংগ্রেস লোকসভা নির্বাচনে একটি অভাবনীয় বিজয় অর্জন করে এবং এরপর একাধিক উপনির্বাচনে জয়লাভ করেন।

মুখ্যমন্ত্রী মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় তার এক্স এবং ইউটিউব অ্যাকাউন্টে একটি আন্তরিক ভিডিও শেয়ার করে জনগণের প্রতি কৃতজ্ঞতা প্রকাশ করেন, যাদের সহায়তায় সর্বভারতীয় তৃণমূল কংগ্রেস "দমন এবং শোষণের বিরুদ্ধে দৃঢ়ভাবে দাঁড়ানোর" যে সংকল্প তাতে অটল থাকতে পেরেছে।

এ বছরটির উল্লেখযোগ্য মাইলফলকগুলির উপর আলোকপাত করে, মুখ্যমন্ত্রী তাঁর দলের মানুষের সঙ্গে সম্পর্ক এবং চ্যালেঞ্জ মোকাবিলায় তার দলের সক্ষমতার প্রশংসা করেন, আবার প্রমাণিত হয় যে, তৃণমূল কংগ্রেসের পাশে বাংলার মানুষ একজোট হয়ে সামিল হয়েছেন।

ভিডিওটি, যা এক্স এবং ইউটিউব প্ল্যাটফর্মে প্রকাশ করা হয়েছে, তৃণমূল কংগ্রেস যে চ্যালেঞ্জগুলিকে অতিক্রম করে জনগণের জন্য কাজ করেছে, তা তুলে ধরা হয়েছে। কেন্দ্রের তরফে আটকে রাখা ১০০ দিনের কাজের টাকা ফেব্রুয়ারি থেকে প্রদান করা থেকে শুরু করে, লক্ষ্মীর ভাণ্ডার প্রকল্পের মাধ্যমে মহিলাদের জন্য আর্থিক সাহায্য বাড়ানো এবং ডিসেম্বর মাসে কেন্দ্রের পক্ষ থেকে আটকে রাখা আবাস যোজনার সহায়তা পূরণের জন্য রাজ্য কোষাগারের টাকা দিয়ে ১২ লক্ষ উপভোক্তাকে বাংলার বাড়ি প্রকল্পের আওতায় ক্ষতিপূরণ দেওয়া, এই সব বিষয়েই মুখ্যমন্ত্রী তার সংকল্প প্রকাশ করেছেন, যাতে জনগণের পাশে দাঁড়িয়ে সব প্রতিকূলতার বিরুদ্ধে লড়াই করা যায়।

মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় ভিডিওটির সাথে একটি আন্তরিক বার্তা লিখেছেন, ‘‘মা মাটি আর মানুষ নিয়ে বাংলা আছে ভালো, তৃণমূলের হাতেই থাকুক নতুন দিনের আলো। As we bid farewell to 2024, my heart swells with gratitude for the unflinching support of our Ma, Mati, Manush, the very cornerstone of our strength. It is your trust and faith that fuels our resolve to stand tall against the forces of oppression and exploitation. This year has been one of trials and triumphs. From the hurdles we faced together to the milestones we achieved, it is your love and solidarity that stood out. With folded hands, I thank the people of Bengal for making this year unforgettable. As we embark on a new year, I renew my pledge to serve you with utmost dedication, to protect you, and to uphold the ideals of JUSTICE, LIBERTY, EQUALITY, and FRATERNITY that define us as a people. Joy Bangla!"

Comic Street – An exciting new initiative by TVAGA and ICA at Indiajoy

The Comic Street Awards 2024 debuted at the prestigious India Joy Digital Entertainment Festival at the Hyderabad International Convention Center (HICC). A collaboration between the Telangana VFX, Animation, and Gaming Association (TVAGA) and the Indian Comics Association (ICA), the awards celebrated exceptional talent in the Indian comics industry, marking a new chapter in the legacy of India Joy. The awards were presented by former beauty queen and Bollywood actress Ruhi Singh, whose presence added a touch of glamour and star power to the event. In recognition of her contributions to the creative industry, Himanshu Singhal, PR & Industry Head of ICA, presented a memento to Ruhi Singh.

The Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to the legendary cartoonist Abid Surti for his immense contributions to the Indian comics landscape. A true pioneer, Abid Surti is the creative genius behind Bahadur, India’s first-ever superhero, and has significantly shaped the Indian comics industry.

The ICA proudly hosted a panel discussion at Comic Street featuring prominent figures such as Sanjay Gupta (Raj Comics by Sanjay Gupta), Preeti Vyas (Amar Chitra Katha), Ajay Krishna (Forbidden Verse), and Ajitesh Sharma (Cinemics). The panel delved into various aspects of storytelling, industry evolution, and comic industry opportunities, offering invaluable insights and fostering engaging discussions among industry pioneers and enthusiasts.

Ajitesh Sharma, president of ICA, interacted with Prashant Varma, the visionary director of the highly acclaimed movie Hanu-Man, on Comics IP & Cinema. Ajay Krishna, Executive Member of ICA, presented a special memento to Prashant Varma, acknowledging his remarkable contributions to storytelling, creativity, and the growing universe of Indian superheroes.

Adding to the event's excitement, two new comic titles were launched: Chandrakanta, an Indian epic adapted into Comics by Cinemics, and Soul Contract, an Indian manga by Cosmics. These latest releases generated a buzz and showcased the vibrant creativity and innovation within the Indian comics industry.


An ICA Pavilion exhibiting Indian Comics was set up at Comics Street, and Ravi Tanwer, Anadi Abhilash, Mohamad Shabaz, Himanshu Singhal, Vasu Gupta, Saahil Sharma, Varun Malhotra, and Neelesh Makwane from ICA led the initiative. Moreover, ICA promoted the upcoming Comics Creator Championship, set to take place during Waves 2025, further engaging the community and encouraging creators to showcase their talent in this Create in India Challenge.

The event underscores India Joy’s commitment to fostering a thriving ecosystem for the AVGC sector. Telangana IT Minister KT Rama Rao highlighted that the festival embodies the state’s vision to position Hyderabad as a global hub, attracting more than 25,000 attendees globally and showcasing India's potential as a global media and entertainment industry leader.


Comic Street Award 2024


1. Best Comics

· Platinum: Professor Ashwatthama 3 (Cheeseburger Comics)

· Diamond: Ad Infinitum - Sisyphus (Chitragaatha Comics)

· Gold: Celestial Beings (Amar Chitra Katha)

2. Best Comics Writer

· Platinum: Bijoy Raveendran, Codename Alpha '97 (Yali Dream Works)

· Diamond: Saahil S Sharma, Operation Ganga (Alpha Comics)

· Gold: Soumya Das, Violated Series (The Hierophant Entertainment)

3. Best Artist

· Platinum: Dildeep Singh, Rakt katha Series (RCSG)

· Diamond: Caio Pegado, Soormas (Curious Bit Publication)

· Gold: Harsho Mohan Chattoraj, Al-Zebra (Alpha Comics)                      

4. Best Colorist

· Platinum: Valeria Verdi, Soormas (Curious Bit Publication)

· Diamond: Shadab Siddiqui & Sunil Dasturia, Rakt katha Series (RCSG)

· Gold: Jyoti Singh, Dvij: Born from Fire (Radiant Comics)                            

5. Best Cover Design

· Platinum: Violated Issue 1 (The Hierophant Entertainment)

· Diamond: Guddu Bomb Issue 1 (Chitragaatha Comics)

· Gold: Whispers of Void: Midnight Mist (Cosmics)

6. Best Kids Comics

· Platinum: Chahal Pahal (Alpha Comics)

· Diamond: Weatherman (Cinemics)

· Gold: Tinkle Holiday Special 54 (Amar Chitra Katha)

7. Best Manga

· Platinum: Whispers of Void: Midnight Mist (Cosmics)

· Diamond: Trio (Vaibhavi Studios)

8. Best Rising Talent

· Platinum: Ajay Krishna (Forbidden Verse)

· Diamond: Vasu Gupta (Alpha Comics)

· Gold: Prathamesh Gandhi (Colorist: Yali Dream Works)

9. Fan Favourite Comics

· Platinum: Tinkle 800 (Amar Chitra Katha)

· Diamond: FORBIDDEN VERSE: LEO'S CIVIL WAR (Forbidden Verse)

· Gold: The Legend of Watakattu - Claws of Justice (Alpha Comics)

10. Best Comics (Student Category)

· Platinum: Beaver And The Boy (Abin Antony)


About ICA

The Indian Comics Association (ICA) promotes and nurtures the Indian comics industry. Through various initiatives, events, and collaborations, ICA aims to foster creativity, support comic creators, and elevate the art of storytelling through comics in India. The association plays a crucial role in bridging the gap between industry, government, creators, and audiences, ensuring that the rich tradition of Indian comics continues to thrive and inspire future generations.

For more details visit website

సీజేగా జస్టిస్ సంజీవ్ ఖన్నా ప్రమాణస్వీకారం

ఎన్నికల బాండ్లు, ఆర్టికల్ 370 తదితర కేసుల్లో కీలక తీర్పులిచ్చిన జస్టిస్‌ సంజీవ్‌ ఖన్నా సోమవారం భారతదేశ 51వ ప్రధాన న్యాయమూర్తిగా ప్రమాణం చేశారు. రాష్ట్రపతి భవన్‌లో ఉదయం 10 గంటలకు జస్టిస్‌ ఖన్నాతో రాష్ట్రపతి ద్రౌపదీ ముర్ము ప్రమాణ స్వీకారం చేయించారు. 2019 జనవరిలో సుప్రీం కోర్టు న్యాయమూర్తిగా నియమితులైన జస్టిస్ ఖన్నా.. దాదాపు ఈ ఆరేళ్లలో 450కిపైగా తీర్పుల్లో భాగస్వామిగా ఉన్నారు.

భారత 51వ ప్రధాన న్యాయమూర్తిగా జస్టిస్ సంజీవ్ ఖన్నా (Justice Sanjiv Khanna) సోమవారం ప్రమాణం చేశారు. రాష్ట్రపతి భవన్‌లో జరిగిన కార్యక్రమంలో ఆయనతో రాష్ట్రపతి ద్రౌపది ముర్ము ప్రమాణస్వీకారం చేయించారు. ఈ కార్యక్రమానికి ఉప-రాష్ట్రపతి జగదీప్ ధన్ఖడ్, ప్రధాని నరేంద్ర మోదీ, కేంద్ర న్యాయశాఖ మంత్రి అర్జున్ రామ్ మేఘ్వాల్ సహా ఇతర ప్రముఖులు హాజరయ్యారు. సీజేఐగా జస్టిస్ డీవై చంద్రచూడ్ పదవీకాలం ఆదివారంతో ముగిసింది. ఆయన స్థానంలో జస్టిస్ సంజీవ్ ఖన్నా బాధ్యతలు చేపట్టారు. జస్టిస్ ఖన్నా వచ్చే ఏడాది మే 13 వరకూ ఈ పదవిలో కొనసాగనున్నారు.

ఇక, 2019 జనవరి 18వ తేదీన జస్టిస్‌ సంజీవ్‌ ఖన్నా.. సుప్రీంకోర్టు న్యాయమూర్తిగా బాధ్యతలు చేపట్టారు. జస్టిస్‌ ఖన్నా 1960 మే 14వ తేదీన జన్మించారు. ఢిల్లీ యూనివర్సిటీ క్యాంపస్‌ లా సెంటర్‌లో న్యాయశాస్త్రాన్ని అభ్యసించారు. 1983లో ఢిల్లీ బార్‌ కౌన్సిల్‌లో న్యాయవాదిగా పేరు నమోదు చేసుకున్న జస్టిస్ సంజీవ్‌.. సుదీర్ఘ అనుభవం కలిగి ఉన్న వ్యక్తి.

తీస్‌హజారీ జిల్లా కోర్టు, ఢిల్లీ హైకోర్టు, ట్రైబ్యునళ్లలో లాయర్‌గా ప్రాక్టీస్‌ చేసి.. మొదటిసారి. 2005లో ఢిల్లీ హైకోర్టులో అడిషనల్ జడ్జిగా నియమితులయ్యారు. 2006లో ఢిల్లీ హైకోర్టులో శాశ్వత న్యాయమూర్తిగా పదోన్నతి పొందారు. ఏ హైకోర్టుకూ చీఫ్ జస్టిస్‌గా పని చేయకుండానే నేరుగా ఈ ఘనత సాధించిన అతి కొద్దిమంది న్యాయమూర్తిల్లో జస్టిస్ ఖన్నా ఒకరు. సుప్రీంకోర్టు మాజీ న్యాయమూర్తి జస్టిస్‌ హెచ్‌ఆర్‌ ఖన్నాకు ఆయన స్వయానా సోదరుడి కుమారుడు. ముఖ్యమైన రాజ్యాంగసంబంధ కేసుల్లో పెదనాన్న జస్టిస్‌ హెచ్‌.ఆర్‌.ఖన్నా ఇచ్చిన తీర్పులతో స్ఫూర్తిపొంది న్యాయవాద వృత్తివైపే మొగ్గుచూపారు.

జస్టిస్‌ సంజీవ్ ఖన్నా ప్రస్తుతం నేషనల్‌ లీగల్‌ సర్వీసెస్‌ అథారిటీ ఎగ్జిక్యూటివ్‌ ఛైర్మన్‌గానూ.. అంతేకాకుండా భోపాల్‌లోని నేషనల్‌ జ్యుడిషియల్‌ అకాడమీ పాలక మండలి సభ్యుడిగానూ కొనసాగుతున్నారు. సుప్రీంకోర్టు న్యాయమూర్తిగా పలు చరిత్రాత్మక తీర్పుల్లో భాగస్వామిగా ఉన్నారు. ముఖ్యంగా ఈవీఎంలపై అనుమానాలకు సంబంధించిన కేసుల్లో తీర్పు చెప్పారు. ఈవీఎంలు సురక్షితమైనవని, బూత్‌ల ఆక్రమణ, బోగస్‌ ఓటింగ్‌లకు చెక్‌ పెడతాయని స్పష్టం చేయడమే కాకుండా ఎన్నికల్లో ఈవీఎంల వినియోగాన్ని సమర్థిస్తూ తీర్పు వెలువరించారు. అలాగే, ఎన్నికల బాండ్ల పథకం రాజ్యాంగ విరుద్ధం అంటూ తీర్పు వెలువరించిన ఐదుగురు న్యాయమూర్తుల రాజ్యాంగ ధర్మాసనంలో సభ్యుడిగా ఉన్నారు. ఆర్టికల్ 370 రద్దును సమర్దిస్తూ ఇచ్చిన ధర్మాసనంలోనూ జస్టిస్ ఖన్నా భాగస్వామి

कौन हैं पाक के नए चीफ जस्टिस याह्या अफरीदी, जानें नियुक्ति पर क्यों हो रहा बवाल?


पाकिस्तान की विशेष संसदीय कमेटी ने मंगलवार को सुप्रीम कोर्ट के नए चीफ जस्टिस को चुन लिया। कमेटी ने लंबी चली बैठक के बाद तीन सबसे वरिष्ठ न्यायाधीशों में अगले चीफ जस्टिस के रूप में याह्या अफरीदी को नामित किया है।अफरीदी का चयन हाल ही में हुए 26 वें संविधान संशोधन के तहत किया गया है, इस संशोधन ने न्यायपालिका में महत्वपूर्ण बदलाव किए गए हैं। जिसमें मुख्य न्यायाधीश के चयन के लिए एक विशेष संसदीय समिति (SPC) की स्थापना शामिल है।

हाल ही में किए गए संविधान के 26वें संशोधन ने न्यायपालिका के संबंध में कई बदलाव लागू किए, जिनमें से एक विशेष संसदीय समिति (एसपीसी) द्वारा तीन शीर्ष न्यायाधीशों में से चीफ जस्टिस की नियुक्ति करना शामिल था, जबकि पिछले नियम के हिसाब से सबसे वरिष्ठ न्यायाधीश को वरिष्ठता सिद्धांत के तहत चीफ जस्टिस नियुक्त किया जाता था।

विशेष संसदीय समिति (SPC) की स्थापना से पहले वरिष्ठता के आधार पर चीफ जस्टिस का चयन होता था। याह्या अफरीदी के साथ न्यायाधीश न्यायमूर्ति मंसूर अली शाह और न्यायमूर्ति मुनीब अख्तर भी इस दौड़ में शामिल थे। पाकिस्तान के चीफ जस्टिस काजी फैज ईसा 25 अक्टूबर को शीर्ष न्यायाधीश से रिटायर होने वाले हैं। न्यायमूर्ति शाह को पहले वरिष्ठता सिद्धांत के तहत अगला CJP बनाया जाना था।

हालांकि, अनुच्छेद-175ए के खंड-3 में किए गए संशोधन के बाद राष्ट्रपति 'शीर्ष अदालत के सबसे वरिष्ठ न्यायाधीश' को चीफ जस्टिस के रूप में नियुक्त नहीं कर सकेंगे। इसके बजाय, अब विशेष संसदीय समिति की सिफारिश के आधार पर सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के तीन सबसे वरिष्ठ न्यायाधीशों में से किसी एक को चीफ जस्टिस के रूप में नियुक्त किया जाएगा।

याह्या अफरीदी कौन हैं

जस्टिस अफरीदी का जन्म 23 जनवरी 1965 को डेरा इस्माइल खान में हुआ था। वह कोहाट सीमांत क्षेत्र में स्थित अफरीदी जनजाति से हैं। वो बांदा गांव के निवासी हैं। उन्होंने अपनी प्रारंभिक शिक्षा लाहौर के एचीसन कॉलेज में प्राप्त की। उन्होंने गवर्नमेंट कॉलेज लाहौर से राजनीति विज्ञान और अर्थशास्त्र में कला स्नातक की उपाधि प्राप्त की और बाद में पंजाब विश्वविद्यालय, लाहौर से अर्थशास्त्र में कला में स्नातकोत्तर की डिग्री प्राप्त की। उल्लेखनीय है कि 59 वर्षीय अफरीदी ने 1990 में एक वकील के रूप में अपना करियर शुरू किया और देश के उत्तर-पश्चिमी खैबर पख्तूनख्वा प्रांत में पेशावर उच्च न्यायालय के मुख्य न्यायाधीश के रूप में कार्य करने के बाद 2018 में उन्हें पाकिस्तान के सर्वोच्च न्यायालय का न्यायाधीश नियुक्त किया गया था।

Demand for Bharat Ratna to Dr. Sachchidanand Sinha by Sunny Sinha, Patron of Samanta Sangram Samiti

Sunny Sinha, the patron of the Samanta Sangram Samiti, recently demanded that Dr. Sachchidanand Sinha, the first president of the Constituent Assembly of India, be honored with the Bharat Ratna. His proposal highlights the significance of Dr. Sinha’s contributions to the creation of the Indian Constitution. Sunny Sinha stated that Dr. Sachchidanand Sinha was not only the first president of the Constituent Assembly but also played an invaluable role in Indian politics, social justice, and constitutional reforms.

Dr. Sachchidanand Sinha: An Introduction

Dr. Sachchidanand Sinha was born on November 10, 1871, in Patna, Bihar. Before becoming the president of the Constituent Assembly, he was a renowned lawyer and academician. Even before India’s independence, he emphasized constitutional reforms and worked to bring together various sections of Indian society. Recognizing his contributions, he was elected as the first president of the Constituent Assembly, where he helped lay the foundation for the country’s future.

Demand for Bharat Ratna

Sunny Sinha believes that Dr. Sachchidanand Sinha’s pivotal role in the formation of the Constituent Assembly and in shaping the direction of the Constitution makes him deserving of the Bharat Ratna. He noted that the Bharat Ratna is the highest civilian honor in India and is awarded to individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to the nation. Dr. Sinha’s life and work reflect his deep commitment to the country, making him a worthy recipient of this prestigious award.

Impact on Society

The initiative by the Samanta Sangram Samiti not only seeks to recognize the contributions of Dr. Sachchidanand Sinha but also ensures that all the great leaders involved in the making of the Constituent Assembly receive due respect. This demand also aims to strengthen the values and ideals for which Dr. Sinha fought throughout his life. Sunny Sinha’s effort can serve as a meaningful step in passing on the importance of the Indian Constitution and its history to future generations.


Dr. Sachchidanand Sinha’s name is etched in golden letters in the history of the Indian Constitution. His leadership and vision provided a strong foundation for Indian democracy. Therefore, the demand to honor him with the Bharat Ratna is not only appropriate but also a fitting way to acknowledge his service to Indian society and democracy.

*Have Not Come Here as CM But As Your Didi: Mamata Banerjee Visits Swasthya Bhavan Agitation Site To Appeal To Doctors In A Surprise Visit*

SB News Bureau: In an unprecedented move showing what pro-people leaders look like, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee set an example on Saturday and made a surprise visit at the Swasthya Bhavan agitation site to talk to protesting junior doctors and assured them of government action. Issuing an appeal to agitating doctors to withdraw their strike as their 'Didi' and "elder sister", she said she supports their demands for justice.

The development comes 2 days after doctors had refused to hold dialogue with her at Nabanna, where the CM waited for 2 hours due to an impasse over livestreaming the discussion. While the government offered an option to record the meeting as legal limitations did not allow for livestreaming a discussion on a sub-judice matter, the doctors rejected the offer and continued the deadlock.

"I am not here as the Chief Minister but as your Didi as your elder sister. I urge you to return to work. I support your movement for justice," she told the agitating doctors on Saturday, reiterating her demands for justice for the RG Kar victim and capital punishment for the perpetrators.

"Despite safety concerns, I have come here because I support your movement. You couldn't sleep amid rain and storm last night. Even I couldn't sleep. I feel your pain. Even I couldn't sleep for 34 days because your safety matters to us." she added.

Pledging her support to the cause, Mamata Banerjee assured protesting doctors that she would look into all their demands. "We have already initiated the renovation work of the state-run hospitals and will revamp the health infrastructure...We will form new Rogi Kalyan Samitis...No culprit is my friend and will not be spared if found guilty," she added.

The Chief Minister also said no action would be taken against the protesting doctors. "It is my earnest request to you. Discuss among yourselves and make a decision. Please return to work. You are like my brother and sisters and I have sympathy for you. I will not take any action against you. This is not UP. They had implemented ESMA and stopped all sorts of strikes and rallies. But be rest assured, I will not do anything of this sort. I am against taking any action against the doctors. I know that you do noble work. The seniors [doctors] need you. Think about my proposal,"If I can come to this protest site to stand by you, I can also ensure justice and listen to your demands."

*বাংলা পথ দেখাল: মহারাষ্ট্রে পশ্চিমবঙ্গের মতো কঠোর ধর্ষণ-বিরোধী বিল দাবি করলেন শরদ পওয়ার*

এসবি নিউজ ব্যুরো:পশ্চিমবঙ্গ বিধানসভায় ঐতিহাসিক অপরাজিতা নারী ও শিশু বিল, যেখানে ধর্ষণের জন্য মৃত্যুদণ্ড-সহ কঠোরতম শাস্তির প্রস্তাব করা হয়েছে, পাস হওয়ার একদিন পরেই এনসিপি (এসপি) প্রধান শরদ পাওয়ার মহারাষ্ট্রেও একইরকম একটি বিল আনার ইচ্ছা প্রকাশ করেছেন। সর্বভারতীয় তৃণমূল কংগ্রেস শরদ পাওয়ারের এই সিদ্ধান্তকে স্বাগত জানিয়ে বলেছে যে, ধর্ষণের বিরুদ্ধে আন্দোলনকে আরও শক্তিশালী করতে এই পদক্ষেপ গুরুত্বপূর্ণ।

এই পদক্ষেপটি এই সত্যেরও প্রমাণ যে, সংস্কারের ক্ষেত্রে বাংলা সর্বদা অগ্রণী ভূমিকা পালন করেছে। এটি বাংলা-বিরোধী শক্তিগুলোর জন্যও উপযুক্ত জবাব, যারা দীর্ঘদিন ধরে দিল্লির জমিদারদের নির্দেশে বাংলার ভাবমূর্তি নষ্ট করার সর্বাত্মক চেষ্টা করে আসছে।

অপরাজিতা মহিলা ও শিশু (পশ্চিমবঙ্গ অপরাধ আইন সংশোধনী) বিল, ২০২৪ - যা সর্বসম্মতিক্রমে পাস হয়েছে - তাতে তিনটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ উপাদান রয়েছে:

অপরাধীর জন্য কঠোর শাস্তি,

দ্রুত তদন্ত, এবং

* দ্রুত ন্যায়বিচারের ব্যবস্থা।

বিএনএসের অধীনে যৌন হেনস্তার মামলাগুলি ছাড়াও, বিলটি পকসো আইনের অধীনে দায়ের করা মামলাগুলোকেও লক্ষ্য করেছে।

এছাড়াও, ধর্ষণ-বিরোধী বিলটি রাজ্যের প্রতিটি জেলায় ‘অপরাজিতা টাস্ক ফোর্স’ গঠনেরও ব্যবস্থা করেছে।

সর্বভারতীয় তৃণমূল কংগ্রেস নিজেদের এক্স হ্যান্ডেলে লিখেছে , "What Bengal thinks today, India thinks tomorrow! Under the leadership of Smt. GoWB is taking decisive action to ensure that women can live without fear. The Aparajita Anti-Rape Bill has prompted a leader of stature to call for a similar legislation in Maharashtra!"

"গতকাল, রাজ্যের বিধানসভায় যে ঐতিহাসিক বিলটি পাশ করা হয়েছে তাতে ধর্ষণের দোষীদের কঠোরতম শাস্তির কথা বলা হয়েছে। এটিকে উদাহরণ হিসাবে গ্রহণ করে, অন্যান্য রাজ্যগুলিও এই ঐতিহাসিক পদক্ষেপটি বাস্তবায়নের পরিকল্পনা করছে। উদাহরণস্বরূপ, এনসিপি (এসপি) প্রধান শরদ পওয়ার মহারাষ্ট্রেও একইরকম একটি বিল আনার ইচ্ছা প্রকাশ করেছেন। বাংলার এই উল্লেখযোগ্য পদক্ষেপটি মহিলাদের সুরক্ষা নিশ্চিত করার জন্য একটি নতুন পথ দেখিয়েছে, " রাজ্যের অর্থমন্ত্রী চন্দ্রিমা ভট্টাচার্য বলেছেন৷

এনসিপি (এসপি) প্রধানের অপরাজিতা বিল অনুকরণের সিদ্ধান্তের বিষয়ে সর্বভারতীয় তৃণমূল কংগ্রেসের জাতীয় মুখপাত্র এবং রাজ্যের মহিলা ও শিশু উন্নয়ন মন্ত্রী ড. শশী পাঁজা নিজের এক্স হ্যান্ডেলে লিখেছেন,

"BENGAL SHOWS THE WAY. Now, Shri Sharad Pawar has pitched for West Bengal-like anti-rape bill in Maharashtra."

"মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় অপরাজিতা বিলের মাধ্যমে ইতিহাস তৈরি করেছেন। এটি শুধুমাত্র মৃত্যুদণ্ড নিশ্চিত করে না, বরং ধর্ষণের দোষীদের জন্য কঠোর শাস্তিরও আহ্বান জানায়। এটি মহিলাদের নিরাপত্তা ও সুরক্ষা জোরদার করবে। এনসিপি (এসপি) প্রধান শরদ পওয়ার এই বিলটিকে শুধু স্বাগত জানাননি, বরং এই বিলটিকে তিনি একটি 'মডেল' হিসাবেও অভিহিত করে বলেছেন যে এটা সারা দেশে বাস্তবায়ন করা উচিত। উনি বলেছেন যে মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় এই বিলের দ্বারা একটি নজির স্থাপন করেছেন। বাংলা আজ যা ভাবে, ভারতবর্ষ আগামীকাল তাই ভাবে এবং ভাবতে হবে" তৃণমূল মুখপাত্র কুণাল ঘোষ বলেছেন।

বুধবার রাজ্য বিধানসভায় ভাষণ দেওয়ার সময় পশ্চিমবঙ্গের মুখ্যমন্ত্রী মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় বলেন, "ধর্ষণ এখন জাতীয় লজ্জার বিষয় হয়ে দাঁড়িয়েছে। আসুন আমরা সবাই একত্রে এই সমস্যার মোকাবিলা করি। এই সমস্যার সমাধানে সমাজ সংস্কার ও মানুষের জাগরণের প্রয়োজন। অতীতেও পশ্চিমবঙ্গ এমন সংস্কার নেতৃত্ব দিয়েছে। রোগ থাকলে, তার চিকিৎসা হওয়া উচিত।"

মুখ্যমন্ত্রী আরও বলেন, "দেশে ধর্ষণের জন্য বর্তমান শাস্তি যথেষ্ট নয় – কেন ধর্ষকরা এমন কাজ করার সাহস পাচ্ছে? আমাদের এ বিষয়ে ভাবতে হবে। ২০২২ সালের ক্রাইম ইন ইন্ডিয়া-তে প্রকাশিত ডেটা অনুযায়ী, দেশে ধর্ষণ সংক্রান্ত মামলায় ৭৬% ক্ষেত্রে তদন্ত শেষ করে পুলিশ চার্জশিট জমা দিতে পেরেছে, কিন্তু মাত্র ২.৫৬% ক্ষেত্রে অভিযুক্তকে দোষী প্রমাণ করা হয়েছে। এই সমস্যাটি মোকাবিলা করতে হবে।"

এর আগে, সর্বভারতীয় তৃণমূল কংগ্রেসের সাধারণ সম্পাদক এবং ডায়মন্ড হারবারের সাংসদ অভিষেক বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় ধর্ষণের বিরুদ্ধে একটি সর্বাঙ্গীণ আইন প্রণয়নের দাবি জানিয়েছেন, যা সময়সীমার মধ্যে অপরাধীদের জন্য কঠোর শাস্তি নিশ্চিত করবে।

"Given the harrowing statistic of a RAPE EVERY 15 MINUTES, the demand for a COMPREHENSIVE TIME-BOUND ANTI-RAPE LAW is more pressing than ever. BENGAL is leading the charge with its ANTI-RAPE BILL. The Union must now take decisive action - whether by ordinance or BNSS amendment in the upcoming parliament session to ensure that justice is both swift and severe, with TRIALS AND CONVICTIONS concluded in 50 DAYS," উনি নিজের এক্স হ্যান্ডেলে লিখেছেন।

హలో నేను సీజేఐని రూ.500 పంపగలరా

సోషల్ మీడియాను(Social Media) ఆసరాగా చేసుకుని సైబర్ నేరగాళ్లు(Cyber Criminals) రెచ్చిపోతున్నారు. ఇన్నాళ్లు ముఖ్యమంత్రులు, మంత్రుల పేర్లతో తమను తాము పరిచయం చేసుకున్న వారు ఇప్పుడు ఏకంగా దేశ అత్యున్నత న్యాయస్థానం ప్రధాన న్యాయమూర్తిని టార్గెట్ చేశారు.

సోషల్ మీడియాను(Social Media) ఆసరాగా చేసుకుని సైబర్ నేరగాళ్లు(Cyber Criminals) రెచ్చిపోతున్నారు. ఇన్నాళ్లు ముఖ్యమంత్రులు, మంత్రుల పేర్లతో తమను తాము పరిచయం చేసుకున్న వారు ఇప్పుడు ఏకంగా దేశ అత్యున్నత న్యాయస్థానం ప్రధాన న్యాయమూర్తిని టార్గెట్ చేశారు. తమను తాము సీజేఐగా పరిచయం చేసుకుంటూ డబ్బులు అడగిన ఉదంతం చర్చనీయాంశం అవుతోంది. సుప్రీం కోర్టు చీఫ్ జస్టిస్ డీవై చంద్రచూడ్‌లా(Chief Justice DY Chandrachud) తనను తాను పరిచయం చేసుకుంటూ క్యాబ్ ఛార్జీల కోసం డబ్బులు అడిగిన ఓ సైబర్ నేరగాడిపై సుప్రీంకోర్టు మంగళవారం ఢిల్లీ సైబర్ క్రైమ్ విభాగానికి ఫిర్యాదు చేసింది. సోషల్ మీడియాలో వైరల్ అయిన మెసేజ్ స్క్రీన్‌షాట్‌ను సీజేఐ జస్టిస్ చంద్రచూడ్ నోట్ చూసి అవాక్కయ్యారు. సీజేఐ ఫిర్యాదును పరిగణనలోకి తీసుకున్న సుప్రీంకోర్టు భద్రతా విభాగం సైబర్ క్రైమ్ విభాగంలో ఎఫ్ఐఆర్‌(FIR)ను నమోదు చేసింది.

వైరల్ అవుతున్న ఆ పోస్ట్‌లో, CJI పేరును దాని హ్యాండిల్‌గా, డిస్‌ప్లే ఇమేజ్‌కి ఆయన చిత్రాన్ని ఉపయోగించిన స్కామర్, కొలీజియం సమావేశానికి హాజరయ్యేందుకు క్యాబ్‌ కోసం రూ.500 కావాలని కైలాష్ మేఘ్‌వాల్‌ అనే ఎక్స్ వినియోగదారుడిని కోరాడు. ఆ డబ్బు సుప్రీంకోర్టుకు చేరిన తర్వాత తిరిగి ఇస్తానని హామీ ఇచ్చాడు. "హలో, నేను CJIని. ఇవాళ కొలీజియం అత్యవసర సమావేశాన్ని నిర్వహిస్తున్నాం. నేను కనాట్‌లో చిక్కుకున్నాను. మీరు క్యాబ్ కోసం 500 రూపాయలు నాకు పంపగలరా?" అని సైబర్ నేరగాడు తన చాట్‌లో రాశాడు.

ఈ ఏడాది మార్చిలో జరిగిన మరో సంఘటనలో ఢిల్లీ పోలీసు క్రైమ్ బ్రాంచ్ ఇన్‌స్పెక్టర్‌గా నటించి, విలాసవంతమైన కార్లు, ఖరీదైన సెల్‌ఫోన్‌లను విక్రయిస్తామనే సాకుతో ఓ సైబర్ నేరగాడు ఇద్దరి నుంచి రూ.4 లక్షలు దోచుకున్నాడు. తరువాత పోలీసులు అతన్ని అరెస్టు చేశారు. సైబర్ నేరాలపట్ల ప్రజలు అప్రమత్తంగా ఉండాలని పోలీసులు సూచిస్తున్నారు.

Defrauded Investors Urge Authorities to Act Against NSEL Brokers

Thousands of Investors Still Waiting for Justice Years After NSEL CrisisNew Delhi,

Thousands of investors who lost their hard-earned money due to the fallout of the National Spot Exchange Limited (NSEL) crisis are still waiting for justice and the return of their funds. Their prolonged wait is eroding trust in the system. The crisis, which began over a decade ago, involved brokers misleading investors with false promises of safe and assured returns, leaving them in financial turmoil. Despite clear court directives and the stringent provisions of the MPID Act, many brokers have yet to face the necessary legal action, and justice continues to be delayed. 

The National Spot Exchange Limited (NSEL) case stems from a payment default that occurred in 2013. The crisis was triggered when the Forward Markets Commission (FMC), the commodities market regulator, directed NSEL to halt the launch of new contracts, leading to the abrupt closure of the Exchange in July 2013. This event marked the beginning of a major financial crisis, leaving thousands of investors facing significant losses and sparking ongoing legal battles to recover the funds. 

The NSEL provided a platform for buyers and sellers to trade in commodities, involving clients, traders, and investors registered through their respective brokers. These brokers, in turn, were registered on the NSEL exchange. However, investigations have revealed that brokers exploited this system, engaging in fraudulent activities that defrauded thousands of investors.

The investigation uncovered several key findings that highlight the fraudulent activities of the brokers involved in the NSEL crisis. Brokers took Power of Attorney from their clients and executed trades on the NSEL on their behalf. They misrepresented NSEL contracts as fixed return products, luring traders into investments with promises of risk-free returns. Furthermore, brokers funded their clients beyond their repayment capacity and conducted trades without proper authority, sometimes using clients' names and PAN details for benami transactions. To conceal these illicit activities, brokers also engaged in rampant client code modifications.

Courts have ruled that brokers are to be considered as financial institutions under the Maharashtra Protection of Interest of Depositors (MPID) Act. The Court also upheld the attachment of assets, including bank accounts and properties, under this Act. This decision reinforces the legal framework aimed at protecting investors' interests and recovering their lost funds, providing renewed hope for justice to the thousands of affected investors. However, authorities have yet to take the necessary actions to implement this ruling effectively.

In March 2015, the Economic Offences Wing (EOW) of Mumbai Police arrested directors of three major brokerage firms. By December 2018, these brokers and their directors were charge-sheeted under various charges, including being declared Financial Establishments under the MPID Act. In December 2022, the EOW filed a final charge sheet against 16 additional brokers and their directors.

Despite these actions, significant delays in attaching the brokers' assets have frustrated investors. The MPID Act allows for the attachment of properties of entities declared as Financial Establishments to protect depositors' interests. However, the assets of brokers who accepted deposits from investors and failed to repay them remain largely unattached.

In May 2023, the MPID Court ordered the attachment of properties belonging to one prominent broker. However, authorities have only attached a fraction of the required assets. The High Court upheld the MPID Court's directive, emphasizing that inaction should not hinder the attachment process.

Investors, frustrated by the lack of progress, have taken legal action to expedite the attachment of assets. An application filed by an investor led to a court hearing where the Competent Authority confirmed that brokers had induced investors with false promises of guaranteed returns. The court ordered the attachment of properties, but significant progress is still lacking.

Public Outcry and Social Media Campaign:

The ongoing delays and perceived favoritism towards certain brokers have sparked a public outcry. A social media campaign under the hashtag has gained momentum, demanding swift justice and accountability. Prominent figures and social media influencers have joined the call for justice, amplifying the voices of affected investors.

Thousands of investors are still waiting for justice years after the NSEL crisis. They were promised safe returns by their brokers but are left empty-handed.  

The NSEL crisis has left a lasting impact on investor confidence and financial stability. As the call for justice grows louder, it is imperative for the concerned authorities to act promptly. Investors are demanding that the government attach the assets of all brokers involved, ensure accountability, and restore public faith in the financial system.

---------- Ends

मुसलमानों पर दिए अपने बयान पर कायम हैं जस्टिस यादव, बोले-मैंने किसी न्यायिक सीमा का उल्लंघन नहीं किया


इलाहाबाद हाई कोर्ट के जस्टिस शेखर कुमार यादव लगातार सुर्खियों में बने हुए हैं। पिछले दिनों प्रयागराज में विश्व हिंदू परिषद के कार्यक्रम में उन्होंने हिंदू और मुस्लिम धार्मिक कानूनों या मान्यताओं को लेकर बयान दिया था। इसके बाद वह विवादों के घेरे में आ गएय़ उनको सुप्रीम कोर्ट के कॉलेजियम के सामने पेश भी होना पड़ा था। हालांकि, अपने बयान पर कायम हैं। सुप्रीम कोर्ट कॉलेजियम की ओर से तलब किए जाने के एक महीने बाद, जस्टिस यादव ने मुख्य न्यायाधीश को पत्र लिखकर कहा है कि वह अपनी टिप्पणी पर कायम हैं, और उनके अनुसार यह न्यायिक आचरण के किसी भी सिद्धांत का उल्लंघन नहीं करती है।

सीजेआई ने इलाहाबाद हाईकोर्ट के चीफ जस्टिस अरुण भांसाली से लेटेस्ट अपडेट मांगी थी। इसके बाद जस्टिस भांसाली ने जस्टिस कुमार से कॉलेजियम के बाद उनके जवाब मांगी थी, जिसके बाद उन्होंने लेटर लिख कर जवाब दिया। जस्टिस शेखर कुमार यादव ने इलाहाबाद हाईकोर्ट के चीफ जस्टिस को पत्र लिखकर बताया कि वह अपनी टिप्पणी पर कायम हैं, जो उनके अनुसार न्यायिक आचरण के किसी भी सिद्धांत का उल्लंघन नहीं करती है।

हाई कोर्ट के मुख्य न्यायाधीश जस्टिस अरुण भंसाली ने भी 17 दिसंबर को भारत के मुख्य न्यायाधीश संजीव खन्ना की अगुवाई वाले कॉलेजियम के साथ जस्टिस यादव की बैठक के बाद उनसे जवाब तलब किया था। इस महीने की शुरुआत में, अंग्रेजी अखबार द इंडियन एक्सप्रेस की ओर से बताया गया कि सीजेआई ने मुख्य न्यायाधीश जस्टिस भंसाली को पत्र लिखकर इस मसले पर नई रिपोर्ट मांगी थी।

रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक जवाब मांगने वाले उक्त पत्र में लॉ के एक छात्र और एक आईपीएस अधिकारी की ओर से उनके भाषण के खिलाफ दायर की गई शिकायत का जिक्र किया गया था, जिसे सरकार ने अनिवार्य रूप से रिटायर कर दिया था।

रिपोर्ट के अनुसार के अनुसार, जस्टिस यादव ने अपने जवाब में दावा किया कि उनके भाषण को निहित स्वार्थ वाले लोगों की ओर से तोड़-मरोड़ कर पेश किया जा रहा है, और न्यायपालिका से जुड़े लोग जो सार्वजनिक रूप से खुद का बचाव करने में असमर्थ हैं, उन्हें न्यायिक बिरादरी के सीनियर लोगों द्वारा सुरक्षा दिए जाने की जरुरत है।

क्या बोले थे यादव

जस्टिस यादव ने कहा, आपको यह गलतफहमी है कि अगर कोई कानून (यूसीसी) लाया जाता है, तो यह आपके शरीयत, आपके इस्लाम और आपके कुरान के खिलाफ होगा, लेकिन मैं एक और बात कहना चाहता हूं। चाहे वह आपका पर्सनल लॉ हो, हमारा हिंदू कानून हो, आपका कुरान हो या फिर हमारी गीता हो, जैसा कि मैंने कहा कि हमने अपनी प्रथाओं में बुराइयों (बुराइयों) को संबोधित किया है, कमियां थीं, दुरुस्त कर लिए हैं, छुआछूत, सती, जौहर, कन्या भ्रूण हत्या, हमने उन सभी मुद्दों को संबोधित किया है, फिर आप इस कानून को खत्म क्यों नहीं कर रहे हैं, कि जब आपकी पहली पत्नी मौजूद है, तो आप तीन पत्नियां रख सकते हैं, उसकी सहमति के बिना, यह स्वीकार्य नहीं है।

*" আমি হাতজোড় করে, বাংলার মানুষের প্রতি কৃতজ্ঞতা জানাচ্ছি..." মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় বছর শেষের বার্তায় বাংলার মানুষের প্রতি কৃতজ্ঞতা প্রকাশ করলে

ডেস্ক : ২০২৪ সাল শেষ হতে চলেছে, পশ্চিমবঙ্গের মুখ্যমন্ত্রী মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় মঙ্গলবার সামাজিক মাধ্যমে "সংগ্রাম এবং সাফল্যের" একটি বছর পার করার জন্য মা-মাটি-মানুষের প্রতি কৃতজ্ঞতা প্রকাশ করেন। এই বছর শুরুতেই, মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়ের তৃণমূল কংগ্রেস লোকসভা নির্বাচনে একটি অভাবনীয় বিজয় অর্জন করে এবং এরপর একাধিক উপনির্বাচনে জয়লাভ করেন।

মুখ্যমন্ত্রী মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় তার এক্স এবং ইউটিউব অ্যাকাউন্টে একটি আন্তরিক ভিডিও শেয়ার করে জনগণের প্রতি কৃতজ্ঞতা প্রকাশ করেন, যাদের সহায়তায় সর্বভারতীয় তৃণমূল কংগ্রেস "দমন এবং শোষণের বিরুদ্ধে দৃঢ়ভাবে দাঁড়ানোর" যে সংকল্প তাতে অটল থাকতে পেরেছে।

এ বছরটির উল্লেখযোগ্য মাইলফলকগুলির উপর আলোকপাত করে, মুখ্যমন্ত্রী তাঁর দলের মানুষের সঙ্গে সম্পর্ক এবং চ্যালেঞ্জ মোকাবিলায় তার দলের সক্ষমতার প্রশংসা করেন, আবার প্রমাণিত হয় যে, তৃণমূল কংগ্রেসের পাশে বাংলার মানুষ একজোট হয়ে সামিল হয়েছেন।

ভিডিওটি, যা এক্স এবং ইউটিউব প্ল্যাটফর্মে প্রকাশ করা হয়েছে, তৃণমূল কংগ্রেস যে চ্যালেঞ্জগুলিকে অতিক্রম করে জনগণের জন্য কাজ করেছে, তা তুলে ধরা হয়েছে। কেন্দ্রের তরফে আটকে রাখা ১০০ দিনের কাজের টাকা ফেব্রুয়ারি থেকে প্রদান করা থেকে শুরু করে, লক্ষ্মীর ভাণ্ডার প্রকল্পের মাধ্যমে মহিলাদের জন্য আর্থিক সাহায্য বাড়ানো এবং ডিসেম্বর মাসে কেন্দ্রের পক্ষ থেকে আটকে রাখা আবাস যোজনার সহায়তা পূরণের জন্য রাজ্য কোষাগারের টাকা দিয়ে ১২ লক্ষ উপভোক্তাকে বাংলার বাড়ি প্রকল্পের আওতায় ক্ষতিপূরণ দেওয়া, এই সব বিষয়েই মুখ্যমন্ত্রী তার সংকল্প প্রকাশ করেছেন, যাতে জনগণের পাশে দাঁড়িয়ে সব প্রতিকূলতার বিরুদ্ধে লড়াই করা যায়।

মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় ভিডিওটির সাথে একটি আন্তরিক বার্তা লিখেছেন, ‘‘মা মাটি আর মানুষ নিয়ে বাংলা আছে ভালো, তৃণমূলের হাতেই থাকুক নতুন দিনের আলো। As we bid farewell to 2024, my heart swells with gratitude for the unflinching support of our Ma, Mati, Manush, the very cornerstone of our strength. It is your trust and faith that fuels our resolve to stand tall against the forces of oppression and exploitation. This year has been one of trials and triumphs. From the hurdles we faced together to the milestones we achieved, it is your love and solidarity that stood out. With folded hands, I thank the people of Bengal for making this year unforgettable. As we embark on a new year, I renew my pledge to serve you with utmost dedication, to protect you, and to uphold the ideals of JUSTICE, LIBERTY, EQUALITY, and FRATERNITY that define us as a people. Joy Bangla!"

Comic Street – An exciting new initiative by TVAGA and ICA at Indiajoy

The Comic Street Awards 2024 debuted at the prestigious India Joy Digital Entertainment Festival at the Hyderabad International Convention Center (HICC). A collaboration between the Telangana VFX, Animation, and Gaming Association (TVAGA) and the Indian Comics Association (ICA), the awards celebrated exceptional talent in the Indian comics industry, marking a new chapter in the legacy of India Joy. The awards were presented by former beauty queen and Bollywood actress Ruhi Singh, whose presence added a touch of glamour and star power to the event. In recognition of her contributions to the creative industry, Himanshu Singhal, PR & Industry Head of ICA, presented a memento to Ruhi Singh.

The Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to the legendary cartoonist Abid Surti for his immense contributions to the Indian comics landscape. A true pioneer, Abid Surti is the creative genius behind Bahadur, India’s first-ever superhero, and has significantly shaped the Indian comics industry.

The ICA proudly hosted a panel discussion at Comic Street featuring prominent figures such as Sanjay Gupta (Raj Comics by Sanjay Gupta), Preeti Vyas (Amar Chitra Katha), Ajay Krishna (Forbidden Verse), and Ajitesh Sharma (Cinemics). The panel delved into various aspects of storytelling, industry evolution, and comic industry opportunities, offering invaluable insights and fostering engaging discussions among industry pioneers and enthusiasts.

Ajitesh Sharma, president of ICA, interacted with Prashant Varma, the visionary director of the highly acclaimed movie Hanu-Man, on Comics IP & Cinema. Ajay Krishna, Executive Member of ICA, presented a special memento to Prashant Varma, acknowledging his remarkable contributions to storytelling, creativity, and the growing universe of Indian superheroes.

Adding to the event's excitement, two new comic titles were launched: Chandrakanta, an Indian epic adapted into Comics by Cinemics, and Soul Contract, an Indian manga by Cosmics. These latest releases generated a buzz and showcased the vibrant creativity and innovation within the Indian comics industry.


An ICA Pavilion exhibiting Indian Comics was set up at Comics Street, and Ravi Tanwer, Anadi Abhilash, Mohamad Shabaz, Himanshu Singhal, Vasu Gupta, Saahil Sharma, Varun Malhotra, and Neelesh Makwane from ICA led the initiative. Moreover, ICA promoted the upcoming Comics Creator Championship, set to take place during Waves 2025, further engaging the community and encouraging creators to showcase their talent in this Create in India Challenge.

The event underscores India Joy’s commitment to fostering a thriving ecosystem for the AVGC sector. Telangana IT Minister KT Rama Rao highlighted that the festival embodies the state’s vision to position Hyderabad as a global hub, attracting more than 25,000 attendees globally and showcasing India's potential as a global media and entertainment industry leader.


Comic Street Award 2024


1. Best Comics

· Platinum: Professor Ashwatthama 3 (Cheeseburger Comics)

· Diamond: Ad Infinitum - Sisyphus (Chitragaatha Comics)

· Gold: Celestial Beings (Amar Chitra Katha)

2. Best Comics Writer

· Platinum: Bijoy Raveendran, Codename Alpha '97 (Yali Dream Works)

· Diamond: Saahil S Sharma, Operation Ganga (Alpha Comics)

· Gold: Soumya Das, Violated Series (The Hierophant Entertainment)

3. Best Artist

· Platinum: Dildeep Singh, Rakt katha Series (RCSG)

· Diamond: Caio Pegado, Soormas (Curious Bit Publication)

· Gold: Harsho Mohan Chattoraj, Al-Zebra (Alpha Comics)                      

4. Best Colorist

· Platinum: Valeria Verdi, Soormas (Curious Bit Publication)

· Diamond: Shadab Siddiqui & Sunil Dasturia, Rakt katha Series (RCSG)

· Gold: Jyoti Singh, Dvij: Born from Fire (Radiant Comics)                            

5. Best Cover Design

· Platinum: Violated Issue 1 (The Hierophant Entertainment)

· Diamond: Guddu Bomb Issue 1 (Chitragaatha Comics)

· Gold: Whispers of Void: Midnight Mist (Cosmics)

6. Best Kids Comics

· Platinum: Chahal Pahal (Alpha Comics)

· Diamond: Weatherman (Cinemics)

· Gold: Tinkle Holiday Special 54 (Amar Chitra Katha)

7. Best Manga

· Platinum: Whispers of Void: Midnight Mist (Cosmics)

· Diamond: Trio (Vaibhavi Studios)

8. Best Rising Talent

· Platinum: Ajay Krishna (Forbidden Verse)

· Diamond: Vasu Gupta (Alpha Comics)

· Gold: Prathamesh Gandhi (Colorist: Yali Dream Works)

9. Fan Favourite Comics

· Platinum: Tinkle 800 (Amar Chitra Katha)

· Diamond: FORBIDDEN VERSE: LEO'S CIVIL WAR (Forbidden Verse)

· Gold: The Legend of Watakattu - Claws of Justice (Alpha Comics)

10. Best Comics (Student Category)

· Platinum: Beaver And The Boy (Abin Antony)


About ICA

The Indian Comics Association (ICA) promotes and nurtures the Indian comics industry. Through various initiatives, events, and collaborations, ICA aims to foster creativity, support comic creators, and elevate the art of storytelling through comics in India. The association plays a crucial role in bridging the gap between industry, government, creators, and audiences, ensuring that the rich tradition of Indian comics continues to thrive and inspire future generations.

For more details visit website

సీజేగా జస్టిస్ సంజీవ్ ఖన్నా ప్రమాణస్వీకారం

ఎన్నికల బాండ్లు, ఆర్టికల్ 370 తదితర కేసుల్లో కీలక తీర్పులిచ్చిన జస్టిస్‌ సంజీవ్‌ ఖన్నా సోమవారం భారతదేశ 51వ ప్రధాన న్యాయమూర్తిగా ప్రమాణం చేశారు. రాష్ట్రపతి భవన్‌లో ఉదయం 10 గంటలకు జస్టిస్‌ ఖన్నాతో రాష్ట్రపతి ద్రౌపదీ ముర్ము ప్రమాణ స్వీకారం చేయించారు. 2019 జనవరిలో సుప్రీం కోర్టు న్యాయమూర్తిగా నియమితులైన జస్టిస్ ఖన్నా.. దాదాపు ఈ ఆరేళ్లలో 450కిపైగా తీర్పుల్లో భాగస్వామిగా ఉన్నారు.

భారత 51వ ప్రధాన న్యాయమూర్తిగా జస్టిస్ సంజీవ్ ఖన్నా (Justice Sanjiv Khanna) సోమవారం ప్రమాణం చేశారు. రాష్ట్రపతి భవన్‌లో జరిగిన కార్యక్రమంలో ఆయనతో రాష్ట్రపతి ద్రౌపది ముర్ము ప్రమాణస్వీకారం చేయించారు. ఈ కార్యక్రమానికి ఉప-రాష్ట్రపతి జగదీప్ ధన్ఖడ్, ప్రధాని నరేంద్ర మోదీ, కేంద్ర న్యాయశాఖ మంత్రి అర్జున్ రామ్ మేఘ్వాల్ సహా ఇతర ప్రముఖులు హాజరయ్యారు. సీజేఐగా జస్టిస్ డీవై చంద్రచూడ్ పదవీకాలం ఆదివారంతో ముగిసింది. ఆయన స్థానంలో జస్టిస్ సంజీవ్ ఖన్నా బాధ్యతలు చేపట్టారు. జస్టిస్ ఖన్నా వచ్చే ఏడాది మే 13 వరకూ ఈ పదవిలో కొనసాగనున్నారు.

ఇక, 2019 జనవరి 18వ తేదీన జస్టిస్‌ సంజీవ్‌ ఖన్నా.. సుప్రీంకోర్టు న్యాయమూర్తిగా బాధ్యతలు చేపట్టారు. జస్టిస్‌ ఖన్నా 1960 మే 14వ తేదీన జన్మించారు. ఢిల్లీ యూనివర్సిటీ క్యాంపస్‌ లా సెంటర్‌లో న్యాయశాస్త్రాన్ని అభ్యసించారు. 1983లో ఢిల్లీ బార్‌ కౌన్సిల్‌లో న్యాయవాదిగా పేరు నమోదు చేసుకున్న జస్టిస్ సంజీవ్‌.. సుదీర్ఘ అనుభవం కలిగి ఉన్న వ్యక్తి.

తీస్‌హజారీ జిల్లా కోర్టు, ఢిల్లీ హైకోర్టు, ట్రైబ్యునళ్లలో లాయర్‌గా ప్రాక్టీస్‌ చేసి.. మొదటిసారి. 2005లో ఢిల్లీ హైకోర్టులో అడిషనల్ జడ్జిగా నియమితులయ్యారు. 2006లో ఢిల్లీ హైకోర్టులో శాశ్వత న్యాయమూర్తిగా పదోన్నతి పొందారు. ఏ హైకోర్టుకూ చీఫ్ జస్టిస్‌గా పని చేయకుండానే నేరుగా ఈ ఘనత సాధించిన అతి కొద్దిమంది న్యాయమూర్తిల్లో జస్టిస్ ఖన్నా ఒకరు. సుప్రీంకోర్టు మాజీ న్యాయమూర్తి జస్టిస్‌ హెచ్‌ఆర్‌ ఖన్నాకు ఆయన స్వయానా సోదరుడి కుమారుడు. ముఖ్యమైన రాజ్యాంగసంబంధ కేసుల్లో పెదనాన్న జస్టిస్‌ హెచ్‌.ఆర్‌.ఖన్నా ఇచ్చిన తీర్పులతో స్ఫూర్తిపొంది న్యాయవాద వృత్తివైపే మొగ్గుచూపారు.

జస్టిస్‌ సంజీవ్ ఖన్నా ప్రస్తుతం నేషనల్‌ లీగల్‌ సర్వీసెస్‌ అథారిటీ ఎగ్జిక్యూటివ్‌ ఛైర్మన్‌గానూ.. అంతేకాకుండా భోపాల్‌లోని నేషనల్‌ జ్యుడిషియల్‌ అకాడమీ పాలక మండలి సభ్యుడిగానూ కొనసాగుతున్నారు. సుప్రీంకోర్టు న్యాయమూర్తిగా పలు చరిత్రాత్మక తీర్పుల్లో భాగస్వామిగా ఉన్నారు. ముఖ్యంగా ఈవీఎంలపై అనుమానాలకు సంబంధించిన కేసుల్లో తీర్పు చెప్పారు. ఈవీఎంలు సురక్షితమైనవని, బూత్‌ల ఆక్రమణ, బోగస్‌ ఓటింగ్‌లకు చెక్‌ పెడతాయని స్పష్టం చేయడమే కాకుండా ఎన్నికల్లో ఈవీఎంల వినియోగాన్ని సమర్థిస్తూ తీర్పు వెలువరించారు. అలాగే, ఎన్నికల బాండ్ల పథకం రాజ్యాంగ విరుద్ధం అంటూ తీర్పు వెలువరించిన ఐదుగురు న్యాయమూర్తుల రాజ్యాంగ ధర్మాసనంలో సభ్యుడిగా ఉన్నారు. ఆర్టికల్ 370 రద్దును సమర్దిస్తూ ఇచ్చిన ధర్మాసనంలోనూ జస్టిస్ ఖన్నా భాగస్వామి

कौन हैं पाक के नए चीफ जस्टिस याह्या अफरीदी, जानें नियुक्ति पर क्यों हो रहा बवाल?


पाकिस्तान की विशेष संसदीय कमेटी ने मंगलवार को सुप्रीम कोर्ट के नए चीफ जस्टिस को चुन लिया। कमेटी ने लंबी चली बैठक के बाद तीन सबसे वरिष्ठ न्यायाधीशों में अगले चीफ जस्टिस के रूप में याह्या अफरीदी को नामित किया है।अफरीदी का चयन हाल ही में हुए 26 वें संविधान संशोधन के तहत किया गया है, इस संशोधन ने न्यायपालिका में महत्वपूर्ण बदलाव किए गए हैं। जिसमें मुख्य न्यायाधीश के चयन के लिए एक विशेष संसदीय समिति (SPC) की स्थापना शामिल है।

हाल ही में किए गए संविधान के 26वें संशोधन ने न्यायपालिका के संबंध में कई बदलाव लागू किए, जिनमें से एक विशेष संसदीय समिति (एसपीसी) द्वारा तीन शीर्ष न्यायाधीशों में से चीफ जस्टिस की नियुक्ति करना शामिल था, जबकि पिछले नियम के हिसाब से सबसे वरिष्ठ न्यायाधीश को वरिष्ठता सिद्धांत के तहत चीफ जस्टिस नियुक्त किया जाता था।

विशेष संसदीय समिति (SPC) की स्थापना से पहले वरिष्ठता के आधार पर चीफ जस्टिस का चयन होता था। याह्या अफरीदी के साथ न्यायाधीश न्यायमूर्ति मंसूर अली शाह और न्यायमूर्ति मुनीब अख्तर भी इस दौड़ में शामिल थे। पाकिस्तान के चीफ जस्टिस काजी फैज ईसा 25 अक्टूबर को शीर्ष न्यायाधीश से रिटायर होने वाले हैं। न्यायमूर्ति शाह को पहले वरिष्ठता सिद्धांत के तहत अगला CJP बनाया जाना था।

हालांकि, अनुच्छेद-175ए के खंड-3 में किए गए संशोधन के बाद राष्ट्रपति 'शीर्ष अदालत के सबसे वरिष्ठ न्यायाधीश' को चीफ जस्टिस के रूप में नियुक्त नहीं कर सकेंगे। इसके बजाय, अब विशेष संसदीय समिति की सिफारिश के आधार पर सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के तीन सबसे वरिष्ठ न्यायाधीशों में से किसी एक को चीफ जस्टिस के रूप में नियुक्त किया जाएगा।

याह्या अफरीदी कौन हैं

जस्टिस अफरीदी का जन्म 23 जनवरी 1965 को डेरा इस्माइल खान में हुआ था। वह कोहाट सीमांत क्षेत्र में स्थित अफरीदी जनजाति से हैं। वो बांदा गांव के निवासी हैं। उन्होंने अपनी प्रारंभिक शिक्षा लाहौर के एचीसन कॉलेज में प्राप्त की। उन्होंने गवर्नमेंट कॉलेज लाहौर से राजनीति विज्ञान और अर्थशास्त्र में कला स्नातक की उपाधि प्राप्त की और बाद में पंजाब विश्वविद्यालय, लाहौर से अर्थशास्त्र में कला में स्नातकोत्तर की डिग्री प्राप्त की। उल्लेखनीय है कि 59 वर्षीय अफरीदी ने 1990 में एक वकील के रूप में अपना करियर शुरू किया और देश के उत्तर-पश्चिमी खैबर पख्तूनख्वा प्रांत में पेशावर उच्च न्यायालय के मुख्य न्यायाधीश के रूप में कार्य करने के बाद 2018 में उन्हें पाकिस्तान के सर्वोच्च न्यायालय का न्यायाधीश नियुक्त किया गया था।

Demand for Bharat Ratna to Dr. Sachchidanand Sinha by Sunny Sinha, Patron of Samanta Sangram Samiti

Sunny Sinha, the patron of the Samanta Sangram Samiti, recently demanded that Dr. Sachchidanand Sinha, the first president of the Constituent Assembly of India, be honored with the Bharat Ratna. His proposal highlights the significance of Dr. Sinha’s contributions to the creation of the Indian Constitution. Sunny Sinha stated that Dr. Sachchidanand Sinha was not only the first president of the Constituent Assembly but also played an invaluable role in Indian politics, social justice, and constitutional reforms.

Dr. Sachchidanand Sinha: An Introduction

Dr. Sachchidanand Sinha was born on November 10, 1871, in Patna, Bihar. Before becoming the president of the Constituent Assembly, he was a renowned lawyer and academician. Even before India’s independence, he emphasized constitutional reforms and worked to bring together various sections of Indian society. Recognizing his contributions, he was elected as the first president of the Constituent Assembly, where he helped lay the foundation for the country’s future.

Demand for Bharat Ratna

Sunny Sinha believes that Dr. Sachchidanand Sinha’s pivotal role in the formation of the Constituent Assembly and in shaping the direction of the Constitution makes him deserving of the Bharat Ratna. He noted that the Bharat Ratna is the highest civilian honor in India and is awarded to individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to the nation. Dr. Sinha’s life and work reflect his deep commitment to the country, making him a worthy recipient of this prestigious award.

Impact on Society

The initiative by the Samanta Sangram Samiti not only seeks to recognize the contributions of Dr. Sachchidanand Sinha but also ensures that all the great leaders involved in the making of the Constituent Assembly receive due respect. This demand also aims to strengthen the values and ideals for which Dr. Sinha fought throughout his life. Sunny Sinha’s effort can serve as a meaningful step in passing on the importance of the Indian Constitution and its history to future generations.


Dr. Sachchidanand Sinha’s name is etched in golden letters in the history of the Indian Constitution. His leadership and vision provided a strong foundation for Indian democracy. Therefore, the demand to honor him with the Bharat Ratna is not only appropriate but also a fitting way to acknowledge his service to Indian society and democracy.

*Have Not Come Here as CM But As Your Didi: Mamata Banerjee Visits Swasthya Bhavan Agitation Site To Appeal To Doctors In A Surprise Visit*

SB News Bureau: In an unprecedented move showing what pro-people leaders look like, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee set an example on Saturday and made a surprise visit at the Swasthya Bhavan agitation site to talk to protesting junior doctors and assured them of government action. Issuing an appeal to agitating doctors to withdraw their strike as their 'Didi' and "elder sister", she said she supports their demands for justice.

The development comes 2 days after doctors had refused to hold dialogue with her at Nabanna, where the CM waited for 2 hours due to an impasse over livestreaming the discussion. While the government offered an option to record the meeting as legal limitations did not allow for livestreaming a discussion on a sub-judice matter, the doctors rejected the offer and continued the deadlock.

"I am not here as the Chief Minister but as your Didi as your elder sister. I urge you to return to work. I support your movement for justice," she told the agitating doctors on Saturday, reiterating her demands for justice for the RG Kar victim and capital punishment for the perpetrators.

"Despite safety concerns, I have come here because I support your movement. You couldn't sleep amid rain and storm last night. Even I couldn't sleep. I feel your pain. Even I couldn't sleep for 34 days because your safety matters to us." she added.

Pledging her support to the cause, Mamata Banerjee assured protesting doctors that she would look into all their demands. "We have already initiated the renovation work of the state-run hospitals and will revamp the health infrastructure...We will form new Rogi Kalyan Samitis...No culprit is my friend and will not be spared if found guilty," she added.

The Chief Minister also said no action would be taken against the protesting doctors. "It is my earnest request to you. Discuss among yourselves and make a decision. Please return to work. You are like my brother and sisters and I have sympathy for you. I will not take any action against you. This is not UP. They had implemented ESMA and stopped all sorts of strikes and rallies. But be rest assured, I will not do anything of this sort. I am against taking any action against the doctors. I know that you do noble work. The seniors [doctors] need you. Think about my proposal,"If I can come to this protest site to stand by you, I can also ensure justice and listen to your demands."

*বাংলা পথ দেখাল: মহারাষ্ট্রে পশ্চিমবঙ্গের মতো কঠোর ধর্ষণ-বিরোধী বিল দাবি করলেন শরদ পওয়ার*

এসবি নিউজ ব্যুরো:পশ্চিমবঙ্গ বিধানসভায় ঐতিহাসিক অপরাজিতা নারী ও শিশু বিল, যেখানে ধর্ষণের জন্য মৃত্যুদণ্ড-সহ কঠোরতম শাস্তির প্রস্তাব করা হয়েছে, পাস হওয়ার একদিন পরেই এনসিপি (এসপি) প্রধান শরদ পাওয়ার মহারাষ্ট্রেও একইরকম একটি বিল আনার ইচ্ছা প্রকাশ করেছেন। সর্বভারতীয় তৃণমূল কংগ্রেস শরদ পাওয়ারের এই সিদ্ধান্তকে স্বাগত জানিয়ে বলেছে যে, ধর্ষণের বিরুদ্ধে আন্দোলনকে আরও শক্তিশালী করতে এই পদক্ষেপ গুরুত্বপূর্ণ।

এই পদক্ষেপটি এই সত্যেরও প্রমাণ যে, সংস্কারের ক্ষেত্রে বাংলা সর্বদা অগ্রণী ভূমিকা পালন করেছে। এটি বাংলা-বিরোধী শক্তিগুলোর জন্যও উপযুক্ত জবাব, যারা দীর্ঘদিন ধরে দিল্লির জমিদারদের নির্দেশে বাংলার ভাবমূর্তি নষ্ট করার সর্বাত্মক চেষ্টা করে আসছে।

অপরাজিতা মহিলা ও শিশু (পশ্চিমবঙ্গ অপরাধ আইন সংশোধনী) বিল, ২০২৪ - যা সর্বসম্মতিক্রমে পাস হয়েছে - তাতে তিনটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ উপাদান রয়েছে:

অপরাধীর জন্য কঠোর শাস্তি,

দ্রুত তদন্ত, এবং

* দ্রুত ন্যায়বিচারের ব্যবস্থা।

বিএনএসের অধীনে যৌন হেনস্তার মামলাগুলি ছাড়াও, বিলটি পকসো আইনের অধীনে দায়ের করা মামলাগুলোকেও লক্ষ্য করেছে।

এছাড়াও, ধর্ষণ-বিরোধী বিলটি রাজ্যের প্রতিটি জেলায় ‘অপরাজিতা টাস্ক ফোর্স’ গঠনেরও ব্যবস্থা করেছে।

সর্বভারতীয় তৃণমূল কংগ্রেস নিজেদের এক্স হ্যান্ডেলে লিখেছে , "What Bengal thinks today, India thinks tomorrow! Under the leadership of Smt. GoWB is taking decisive action to ensure that women can live without fear. The Aparajita Anti-Rape Bill has prompted a leader of stature to call for a similar legislation in Maharashtra!"

"গতকাল, রাজ্যের বিধানসভায় যে ঐতিহাসিক বিলটি পাশ করা হয়েছে তাতে ধর্ষণের দোষীদের কঠোরতম শাস্তির কথা বলা হয়েছে। এটিকে উদাহরণ হিসাবে গ্রহণ করে, অন্যান্য রাজ্যগুলিও এই ঐতিহাসিক পদক্ষেপটি বাস্তবায়নের পরিকল্পনা করছে। উদাহরণস্বরূপ, এনসিপি (এসপি) প্রধান শরদ পওয়ার মহারাষ্ট্রেও একইরকম একটি বিল আনার ইচ্ছা প্রকাশ করেছেন। বাংলার এই উল্লেখযোগ্য পদক্ষেপটি মহিলাদের সুরক্ষা নিশ্চিত করার জন্য একটি নতুন পথ দেখিয়েছে, " রাজ্যের অর্থমন্ত্রী চন্দ্রিমা ভট্টাচার্য বলেছেন৷

এনসিপি (এসপি) প্রধানের অপরাজিতা বিল অনুকরণের সিদ্ধান্তের বিষয়ে সর্বভারতীয় তৃণমূল কংগ্রেসের জাতীয় মুখপাত্র এবং রাজ্যের মহিলা ও শিশু উন্নয়ন মন্ত্রী ড. শশী পাঁজা নিজের এক্স হ্যান্ডেলে লিখেছেন,

"BENGAL SHOWS THE WAY. Now, Shri Sharad Pawar has pitched for West Bengal-like anti-rape bill in Maharashtra."

"মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় অপরাজিতা বিলের মাধ্যমে ইতিহাস তৈরি করেছেন। এটি শুধুমাত্র মৃত্যুদণ্ড নিশ্চিত করে না, বরং ধর্ষণের দোষীদের জন্য কঠোর শাস্তিরও আহ্বান জানায়। এটি মহিলাদের নিরাপত্তা ও সুরক্ষা জোরদার করবে। এনসিপি (এসপি) প্রধান শরদ পওয়ার এই বিলটিকে শুধু স্বাগত জানাননি, বরং এই বিলটিকে তিনি একটি 'মডেল' হিসাবেও অভিহিত করে বলেছেন যে এটা সারা দেশে বাস্তবায়ন করা উচিত। উনি বলেছেন যে মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় এই বিলের দ্বারা একটি নজির স্থাপন করেছেন। বাংলা আজ যা ভাবে, ভারতবর্ষ আগামীকাল তাই ভাবে এবং ভাবতে হবে" তৃণমূল মুখপাত্র কুণাল ঘোষ বলেছেন।

বুধবার রাজ্য বিধানসভায় ভাষণ দেওয়ার সময় পশ্চিমবঙ্গের মুখ্যমন্ত্রী মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় বলেন, "ধর্ষণ এখন জাতীয় লজ্জার বিষয় হয়ে দাঁড়িয়েছে। আসুন আমরা সবাই একত্রে এই সমস্যার মোকাবিলা করি। এই সমস্যার সমাধানে সমাজ সংস্কার ও মানুষের জাগরণের প্রয়োজন। অতীতেও পশ্চিমবঙ্গ এমন সংস্কার নেতৃত্ব দিয়েছে। রোগ থাকলে, তার চিকিৎসা হওয়া উচিত।"

মুখ্যমন্ত্রী আরও বলেন, "দেশে ধর্ষণের জন্য বর্তমান শাস্তি যথেষ্ট নয় – কেন ধর্ষকরা এমন কাজ করার সাহস পাচ্ছে? আমাদের এ বিষয়ে ভাবতে হবে। ২০২২ সালের ক্রাইম ইন ইন্ডিয়া-তে প্রকাশিত ডেটা অনুযায়ী, দেশে ধর্ষণ সংক্রান্ত মামলায় ৭৬% ক্ষেত্রে তদন্ত শেষ করে পুলিশ চার্জশিট জমা দিতে পেরেছে, কিন্তু মাত্র ২.৫৬% ক্ষেত্রে অভিযুক্তকে দোষী প্রমাণ করা হয়েছে। এই সমস্যাটি মোকাবিলা করতে হবে।"

এর আগে, সর্বভারতীয় তৃণমূল কংগ্রেসের সাধারণ সম্পাদক এবং ডায়মন্ড হারবারের সাংসদ অভিষেক বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় ধর্ষণের বিরুদ্ধে একটি সর্বাঙ্গীণ আইন প্রণয়নের দাবি জানিয়েছেন, যা সময়সীমার মধ্যে অপরাধীদের জন্য কঠোর শাস্তি নিশ্চিত করবে।

"Given the harrowing statistic of a RAPE EVERY 15 MINUTES, the demand for a COMPREHENSIVE TIME-BOUND ANTI-RAPE LAW is more pressing than ever. BENGAL is leading the charge with its ANTI-RAPE BILL. The Union must now take decisive action - whether by ordinance or BNSS amendment in the upcoming parliament session to ensure that justice is both swift and severe, with TRIALS AND CONVICTIONS concluded in 50 DAYS," উনি নিজের এক্স হ্যান্ডেলে লিখেছেন।

హలో నేను సీజేఐని రూ.500 పంపగలరా

సోషల్ మీడియాను(Social Media) ఆసరాగా చేసుకుని సైబర్ నేరగాళ్లు(Cyber Criminals) రెచ్చిపోతున్నారు. ఇన్నాళ్లు ముఖ్యమంత్రులు, మంత్రుల పేర్లతో తమను తాము పరిచయం చేసుకున్న వారు ఇప్పుడు ఏకంగా దేశ అత్యున్నత న్యాయస్థానం ప్రధాన న్యాయమూర్తిని టార్గెట్ చేశారు.

సోషల్ మీడియాను(Social Media) ఆసరాగా చేసుకుని సైబర్ నేరగాళ్లు(Cyber Criminals) రెచ్చిపోతున్నారు. ఇన్నాళ్లు ముఖ్యమంత్రులు, మంత్రుల పేర్లతో తమను తాము పరిచయం చేసుకున్న వారు ఇప్పుడు ఏకంగా దేశ అత్యున్నత న్యాయస్థానం ప్రధాన న్యాయమూర్తిని టార్గెట్ చేశారు. తమను తాము సీజేఐగా పరిచయం చేసుకుంటూ డబ్బులు అడగిన ఉదంతం చర్చనీయాంశం అవుతోంది. సుప్రీం కోర్టు చీఫ్ జస్టిస్ డీవై చంద్రచూడ్‌లా(Chief Justice DY Chandrachud) తనను తాను పరిచయం చేసుకుంటూ క్యాబ్ ఛార్జీల కోసం డబ్బులు అడిగిన ఓ సైబర్ నేరగాడిపై సుప్రీంకోర్టు మంగళవారం ఢిల్లీ సైబర్ క్రైమ్ విభాగానికి ఫిర్యాదు చేసింది. సోషల్ మీడియాలో వైరల్ అయిన మెసేజ్ స్క్రీన్‌షాట్‌ను సీజేఐ జస్టిస్ చంద్రచూడ్ నోట్ చూసి అవాక్కయ్యారు. సీజేఐ ఫిర్యాదును పరిగణనలోకి తీసుకున్న సుప్రీంకోర్టు భద్రతా విభాగం సైబర్ క్రైమ్ విభాగంలో ఎఫ్ఐఆర్‌(FIR)ను నమోదు చేసింది.

వైరల్ అవుతున్న ఆ పోస్ట్‌లో, CJI పేరును దాని హ్యాండిల్‌గా, డిస్‌ప్లే ఇమేజ్‌కి ఆయన చిత్రాన్ని ఉపయోగించిన స్కామర్, కొలీజియం సమావేశానికి హాజరయ్యేందుకు క్యాబ్‌ కోసం రూ.500 కావాలని కైలాష్ మేఘ్‌వాల్‌ అనే ఎక్స్ వినియోగదారుడిని కోరాడు. ఆ డబ్బు సుప్రీంకోర్టుకు చేరిన తర్వాత తిరిగి ఇస్తానని హామీ ఇచ్చాడు. "హలో, నేను CJIని. ఇవాళ కొలీజియం అత్యవసర సమావేశాన్ని నిర్వహిస్తున్నాం. నేను కనాట్‌లో చిక్కుకున్నాను. మీరు క్యాబ్ కోసం 500 రూపాయలు నాకు పంపగలరా?" అని సైబర్ నేరగాడు తన చాట్‌లో రాశాడు.

ఈ ఏడాది మార్చిలో జరిగిన మరో సంఘటనలో ఢిల్లీ పోలీసు క్రైమ్ బ్రాంచ్ ఇన్‌స్పెక్టర్‌గా నటించి, విలాసవంతమైన కార్లు, ఖరీదైన సెల్‌ఫోన్‌లను విక్రయిస్తామనే సాకుతో ఓ సైబర్ నేరగాడు ఇద్దరి నుంచి రూ.4 లక్షలు దోచుకున్నాడు. తరువాత పోలీసులు అతన్ని అరెస్టు చేశారు. సైబర్ నేరాలపట్ల ప్రజలు అప్రమత్తంగా ఉండాలని పోలీసులు సూచిస్తున్నారు.

Defrauded Investors Urge Authorities to Act Against NSEL Brokers

Thousands of Investors Still Waiting for Justice Years After NSEL CrisisNew Delhi,

Thousands of investors who lost their hard-earned money due to the fallout of the National Spot Exchange Limited (NSEL) crisis are still waiting for justice and the return of their funds. Their prolonged wait is eroding trust in the system. The crisis, which began over a decade ago, involved brokers misleading investors with false promises of safe and assured returns, leaving them in financial turmoil. Despite clear court directives and the stringent provisions of the MPID Act, many brokers have yet to face the necessary legal action, and justice continues to be delayed. 

The National Spot Exchange Limited (NSEL) case stems from a payment default that occurred in 2013. The crisis was triggered when the Forward Markets Commission (FMC), the commodities market regulator, directed NSEL to halt the launch of new contracts, leading to the abrupt closure of the Exchange in July 2013. This event marked the beginning of a major financial crisis, leaving thousands of investors facing significant losses and sparking ongoing legal battles to recover the funds. 

The NSEL provided a platform for buyers and sellers to trade in commodities, involving clients, traders, and investors registered through their respective brokers. These brokers, in turn, were registered on the NSEL exchange. However, investigations have revealed that brokers exploited this system, engaging in fraudulent activities that defrauded thousands of investors.

The investigation uncovered several key findings that highlight the fraudulent activities of the brokers involved in the NSEL crisis. Brokers took Power of Attorney from their clients and executed trades on the NSEL on their behalf. They misrepresented NSEL contracts as fixed return products, luring traders into investments with promises of risk-free returns. Furthermore, brokers funded their clients beyond their repayment capacity and conducted trades without proper authority, sometimes using clients' names and PAN details for benami transactions. To conceal these illicit activities, brokers also engaged in rampant client code modifications.

Courts have ruled that brokers are to be considered as financial institutions under the Maharashtra Protection of Interest of Depositors (MPID) Act. The Court also upheld the attachment of assets, including bank accounts and properties, under this Act. This decision reinforces the legal framework aimed at protecting investors' interests and recovering their lost funds, providing renewed hope for justice to the thousands of affected investors. However, authorities have yet to take the necessary actions to implement this ruling effectively.

In March 2015, the Economic Offences Wing (EOW) of Mumbai Police arrested directors of three major brokerage firms. By December 2018, these brokers and their directors were charge-sheeted under various charges, including being declared Financial Establishments under the MPID Act. In December 2022, the EOW filed a final charge sheet against 16 additional brokers and their directors.

Despite these actions, significant delays in attaching the brokers' assets have frustrated investors. The MPID Act allows for the attachment of properties of entities declared as Financial Establishments to protect depositors' interests. However, the assets of brokers who accepted deposits from investors and failed to repay them remain largely unattached.

In May 2023, the MPID Court ordered the attachment of properties belonging to one prominent broker. However, authorities have only attached a fraction of the required assets. The High Court upheld the MPID Court's directive, emphasizing that inaction should not hinder the attachment process.

Investors, frustrated by the lack of progress, have taken legal action to expedite the attachment of assets. An application filed by an investor led to a court hearing where the Competent Authority confirmed that brokers had induced investors with false promises of guaranteed returns. The court ordered the attachment of properties, but significant progress is still lacking.

Public Outcry and Social Media Campaign:

The ongoing delays and perceived favoritism towards certain brokers have sparked a public outcry. A social media campaign under the hashtag has gained momentum, demanding swift justice and accountability. Prominent figures and social media influencers have joined the call for justice, amplifying the voices of affected investors.

Thousands of investors are still waiting for justice years after the NSEL crisis. They were promised safe returns by their brokers but are left empty-handed.  

The NSEL crisis has left a lasting impact on investor confidence and financial stability. As the call for justice grows louder, it is imperative for the concerned authorities to act promptly. Investors are demanding that the government attach the assets of all brokers involved, ensure accountability, and restore public faith in the financial system.

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