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'आपका शरीर, हमारी पसंद': डोनाल्ड ट्रंप की जीत पर महिलाओं के पलटवार के बाद घातक MATGA ट्रेंड सामने आया


Matga Trend (X/meme)

डोनाल्ड ट्रंप की जीत ने अमेरिका में कई लोगों को चौंका दिया, गर्भपात के अधिकारों को लेकर महिलाओं में डर बढ़ गया है क्योंकि रिपब्लिकन नेता ने पहले भी गर्भपात पर प्रतिबंध का समर्थन किया है। एक वायरल ट्रेंड में, महिलाएं इस डर का इस्तेमाल वीडियो बनाने के लिए कर रही हैं, जिसमें वे पुरुषों के पेय में जहर मिलाती हुई दिखाई दे रही हैं।

यह तब हुआ जब ट्रंप की जीत के तुरंत बाद सोशल मीडिया पर "आपका शरीर, मेरी पसंद" जैसे महिला विरोधी वाक्यांश वायरल हो गए, जिसमें पुरुषों ने ऑनलाइन यादृच्छिक महिलाओं को संदेश भेजकर धमकी दी कि उनका शरीर अब उनका नहीं है। ये वीडियो, जो बढ़ती महिला विरोधी नफरत की प्रतिक्रिया प्रतीत होते हैं, उन्हें 'MATGA आंदोलन' कहा जा रहा है और इस तरह के कई वीडियो X या TikTok पर तेज़ी से वायरल हो गए हैं।

MATGA आंदोलन क्या है?

"मेक एक्वा टोफाना ग्रेट अगेन" या "MATGA" आंदोलन ट्रंप के लोकप्रिय मेक अमेरिका ग्रेट अगेन (MAGA) नारे पर हमला करता है। एक्वा टोफाना का मतलब 17वीं सदी की पेशेवर जहर देने वाली गिउलिया टोफाना के कुख्यात जहर से है। इतालवी महिला ने एक्वा टोफाना जहर बेचा, जिसे कथित तौर पर उसकी माँ ने बनाया था, उन महिलाओं के लिए जो घर में हिंसा के कारण अपने पतियों की हत्या करना चाहती थीं।

ऐसा कहा जाता है कि इस जहर की वजह से उसके पकड़े जाने से पहले 600 से ज़्यादा पुरुषों की मौत हो गई थी। एक्वा टोफाना जहर में बेलाडोना और आर्सेनिक जैसे घातक तत्व शामिल थे, लेकिन कहा जाता है कि यह बेस्वाद था और पतियों की नज़रों से बचने के लिए कॉस्मेटिक बोतल में रखा जाता था।

वायरल वीडियो में महिलाओं को मुस्कुराते हुए चाय या दूसरे पेय पदार्थों में अज्ञात घटक मिलाते हुए दिखाया गया है। अन्य में उन्हें उंगलियों पर पहने जा सकने वाले ज़हर के छल्ले का विज्ञापन करते हुए दिखाया गया है।

हालाँकि, कुछ महिलाओं ने TikTok वीडियो भी अपलोड किए हैं, जिसमें "MATGA" में भाग लेने वाली महिलाओं से लोगों को ज़हर देने के परिणामों के बारे में सोचने का आग्रह किया गया है। एक वीडियो में लिखा था, "आप जानते हैं कि उन वीडियो का इस्तेमाल आपके खिलाफ किया जा सकता है, है न? इंटरनेट हमेशा के लिए है। इसके अलावा, 1600 का दशक जहर का पता लगाने में 2024 की प्रगति से बहुत अलग था।"

ट्रंम्प की जीत के बाद अमेरिका और बाकि देशों में बहुत ही मिले जुले माहौल हैं, कुछ लोग उनकी रणनीतियों को लेकर काफी खुश है वही कुछ लोग उनके आगामी क़दमों और विचारों से खुद को खतरे में देख रहे है। अब देखना यह है की आने वाले समय में ट्रम्प अपने मैनिफेस्टो की किन बातों पर अमल करेंगे। 

नॉर्दर्न फ्रंटियर रेलवे में सरकारी नौकरी पाने का सुनहरा मौका, 5647 पदों के लिए 3 दिसंबर तक कर सकते हैं अप्लाई

नई दिल्ली:- रेलवे में सरकारी नौकरी पाने का सपना देख रहे अभ्यर्थियों के लिए बड़ी खबर है। नॉर्दर्न फ्रंटियर रेलवे में अप्रेंटिसशिप के 5647 पदों पर भर्ती निकाली गई है। इस भर्ती के लिए आवेदन प्रक्रिया 4 नवंबर 2024 से शुरू कर दी गई है जो निर्धारित अंतिम तिथि 3 दिसंबर 2024 तक जारी रहेगी। जो भी अभ्यर्थी इस भर्ती में भाग लेने के लिए पात्रता पूरी करते हैं वे ऑनलाइन माध्यम से NFR की ऑफिशियल वेबसाइट nfr.indianrailways.gov.in पर जाकर आवेदन प्रक्रिया पूर्ण कर सकते हैं। इसके अलावा आप इस पेज पर उपलब्ध करवाए गए डायरेक्ट लिंक से फॉर्म भर सकते हैं।

फॉर्म भरने से पहले चेक करें पात्रता

इस भर्ती में भाग लेने के लिए अभ्यर्थी का मान्यता प्राप्त बोर्ड/ संस्थान से 10th, 12th, ITI (NTC/STC) उत्तीर्ण होना आवश्यक है। इसके साथ ही उम्मीदवार की न्यूनतम आयु 14 वर्ष से कम और अधिकतम आयु 24 साल से अधिक नहीं होनी चाहिए। ऊपरी उम्र में रेलवे के नियमानुसार छूट दी जाएगी। 

उम्मीदवार ध्यान रखें की उम्र की गणना आवेदन की लास्ट डेट 3 दिसंबर 2024 को ध्यान में रखकर की जाएगी। पात्रता एवं मापदंड की विस्तृत डिटेल के लिए आधिकारिक अधिसूचना का अवलोकन अवश्य कर लें।

एप्लीकेशन प्रॉसेस

इस भर्ती में शामिल होने के लिए अभ्यर्थी स्वयं ही एप्लीकेशन फॉर्म भर सकते हैं। आवेदन करने के लिए इन स्टेप्स को फॉलो करें-

आवेदन पत्र भरने के लिए सबसे पहले आधिकारिक वेबसाइट nfr.indianrailways.gov.in पर विजिट करें।

वेबसाइट के मुख्य पेज पर आपको NOTIFICATION FOR ENGAGEMENT OF ACT APPRENTICES OVER N.F.RAILWAY FOR THE YEAR 2023-24 & 2024-25 Click Here to Apply पर क्लिक करना है।

अब नए पेज पर हाउ टू अप्लाई में Step-1 Register Yourself पर क्लिक करें और मांगी गई डिटेल भरकर पंजीकरण कर लें।

इसके बाद Step-2 Log in पर क्लिक करें और अन्य जानकारी अपलोड करें।

अंत में अभ्यर्थी भर्ती के लिए निर्धारित आवेदन शुल्क जमा करें और पूर्ण रूप से भरे हुए फॉर्म का एक पप्रिंटआउट निकालकर सुरक्षित रख लें।

कितना लगेगा शुल्क

इस भर्ती में आवेदन पत्र भरने के साथ अन्य सभी वर्ग के उम्मीदवारों को शुल्क के रूप में 100 रुपये का भुगतान करना होगा। एससी, एसटी, पीडब्ल्यूबीडी एवं महिला अभ्यर्थी इस भर्ती में शामिल होने के लिए निशुल्क आवेदन कर सकते हैं। आवेदन में त्रुटि होने पर संशोधन करने पर आपको 50 रुपये अतिरिक्त जमा करना होगा।

Skytime is Changing the Tours and Travel Industry in Kerala


In the rapidly evolving travel industry, Skytime Tours and Travels has set itself apart by delivering unparalleled experiences to customers. Established in 2019 with just one staff member, Skytime has grown into a thriving company with offices in Kochi and Tirur, a team of 19 dedicated professionals, and a record of more than 10,000 satisfied customers. What makes Skytime truly unique is their unwavering commitment to ensuring customer satisfaction, which has earned them a solid reputation as the best travel agency in Kerala.Whether you’re looking for a Thailand trip package from Kerala or planning an unforgettable journey to Malaysia, Skytime offers carefully curated Thailand packages from Kerala and Malaysia trip packages from Kerala that cater to every traveller’s needs. With their wide range of Thailand tourism packages from Kerala and Malaysia tour packages from Kerala, Skytime provides a seamless experience from start to finish, ensuring that every detail is taken care of. From Thailand tour packages from Cochin to exotic Malaysia tour packages from Kerala, Skytime has options to suit every budget and preference.

What sets Skytime Tours and Travels apart is their personalised approach. Each package is designed to provide travellers with a unique and memorable experience, ensuring that no two trips are the same. With their strategic collaborations with major airlines and travel brands like Royal Caribbean, they are able to offer unbeatable packages to destinations around the world, including Europe, Japan, China, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, the Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Kashmir, Manali, the Golden Triangle, and Goa.

Skytime's success is no accident. From its humble beginnings, with just one employee and a single office, to its current status as one of the best tour operators in Kerala, the company's growth has been driven by a relentless focus on quality and customer care. Their services range from holiday packages to flight booking, with tailored assistance to ensure a stress-free journey.

Planning a Thailand trip from Kerala has never been easier, thanks to Skytime’s commitment to crafting the perfect travel experience. They offer Thailand tour packages from Kerala that not only cover the best attractions but also provide unique insights into local culture. Whether you’re interested in exploring the bustling streets of Bangkok, the tranquil beaches of Phuket, or the cultural riches of Chiang Mai, Skytime has a package that’s right for you.

For those seeking an adventure in Malaysia, Skytime offers some of the most comprehensive Malaysia packages from Kerala. Their expert team designs Malaysia tour packages from Kerala that take travellers through the vibrant cities of Kuala Lumpur, the lush rainforests of Borneo, and the pristine beaches of Langkawi. Every detail is meticulously planned to ensure that your trip is not only enjoyable but also unforgettable.

Since their founding, Skytime’s growth has been nothing short of remarkable. They’ve expanded their services to cater to travellers all over India, and now, their sights are set on global expansion. In the next 1.5 years, Skytime plans to extend its operations to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, creating new opportunities for growth. By 2030, they aim to operate in at least three additional countries, with a team exceeding 100 professionals, all dedicated to providing the best travel experiences.

At the heart of Skytime’s success is their customer-first approach. Unlike many other travel agencies, Skytime has a spotless track record when it comes to customer satisfaction. Every traveller’s needs are taken seriously, and the company ensures that all aspects of the trip, from planning to execution, are seamless and stress-free. This dedication to excellence has earned them the loyalty of thousands of customers, making them one of the best travel agencies in Kerala.

Skytime’s commitment to personalised travel experiences is what truly sets them apart. Whether you're booking a Thailand tour package from Kerala or a Malaysia trip package from Kerala, you can trust Skytime to handle every detail with precision and care. Their reputation as one of the best tour operators in Kerala has been built on this foundation of trust, reliability, and a genuine passion for travel.

With their diverse range of holiday packages, from the stunning beaches of Thailand and Malaysia to the snow-capped peaks of Kashmir and Manali, Skytime ensures that every traveller’s dreams come true. Their growing portfolio also includes trips to Europe, Japan, China, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Singapore, Goa, and the Golden Triangle, offering a truly global selection of travel options.

In conclusion, Skytime Tours and Travels is revolutionising the way people in Kerala experience the world. With two thriving offices, 19 dedicated staff members, and over 10,000 happy customers, they are leading the way in the travel industry. Their plans for expansion into the GCC market signal even greater things to come. For those seeking an unforgettable travel experience, Skytime is the perfect companion.

Ekko: Where Smart Cards Meet Smart Networking.


In today's world, staying ahead means adapting to new ways of connecting. Traditional business cards are rapidly falling out of favor, unable to keep pace with the evolving needs of modern professionals. As the demand for efficiency and convenience skyrockets, innovative networking solutions are no longer just a trend—they're a necessity. Professionals are seeking smarter alternatives that not only simplify the way we connect but also enhance how we manage our valuable relationships.Meet Ekko Network: A New Era in Konnectivity. 

In 2022, Ekko Network stepped onto the scene, bringing a bold new vision to the age-old concept of business cards. By offering an efficient and modern way to store, manage, and share contact information, it is addressing the growing need for convenience and sustainability in professional networking. Its innovative technology allows professionals to enhance their digital presence.

In a tech driven world, transforming the way people communicate and interact in the professional space is something it envisions for. At the heart of this innovation is Ekko’s founder, Tejas Bhuwania. “With smart cards, we’re setting up a new standard for professional connections—one that’s efficient, adaptable, and built for the digital age," he says. Find out more about Tejas and see how it works here.

Be Smart, Carry Smart, Connect Smarter.


Ekko provides digital business cards that simplify online presence management, making it easy for clients and collaborators to find you. Powered by Near Field Communication technology, these smart cards enable instant updates without an app and allow effortless profile sharing by consolidating all essential links in one place. With a quick tap on a compatible device or by using a QR code, you can share your profile in just a few seconds, including key details like your name, phone number, and links to social media platforms. You have the option to customize your QR code with either a square or round background. Combining advanced technology with user-friendly features, these cards emerge as a revolutionary tool to streamline the entire networking process in the fastest way possible.

What Makes Ekko Stand Out? Unveiling Key Features:

1. Eco-Friendly - These virtual smart cards provide a versatile and eco-friendly solution, compatible with both iOS and Android devices for seamless sharing. 

Ekko cards eliminate the need for traditional paper cards, reducing waste and supporting cost effective practices.  

With real-time updates, digital cards prevent the frequent reprints and disposal associated with paper cards.  

Transitioning to Ekko cards helps conserve natural resources and minimizes your environmental impact.  

You enhance your brand’s green credentials and appeal to eco-conscious clients.

2. Effortless Sharing & Management

Share your Ekko card via link or QR code without needing an app, allowing for quick networking at events or meetings. Instantly exchange contact information without requiring others to download anything.

Consolidate all your professional and personal links into one easy-to-manage card, simplifying your online presence. Gather your social profiles, websites, and contact details into a single, dynamic card for seamless sharing.

3. Secure Digital Identity - Ekko cards prioritize data privacy, giving users full control over what personal or professional information they choose to share. This empowers users to maintain privacy and avoid sharing unnecessary details, ensuring that only relevant contacts can access their information.

Ensure your digital identity is secure and safeguarded at all times with advanced encryption and security features. Ekko’s platform is designed to protect sensitive information, preventing unauthorized access and offering peace of mind in an increasingly digital world.

Enjoy a lasting, trusted digital identity with lifetime protection, as your Ekko card remains up-to-date and secure. No need for frequent changes or updates—your digital identity is built to last, supporting your professional and personal connections for years to come.

4. Customizable Digital Cards for Your Brand - Ekko cards offer a unique feature that allows users to customize their digital cards, ensuring they authentically represent their personal or business brand. 

Users can effortlessly update essential details in real-time, guaranteeing that contacts always have the most accurate information.  

Whether changing your phone number, updating social media handles, or refreshing your website link, keeping your card up to date has never been easier.

5. Email Signature - Create polished, brand-compliant email signatures effortlessly with Ekko.

Unified Team Management: Manage your team’s email signatures from one centralized dashboard. Use templates, group settings, and bulk actions to streamline the process and save time.

Effortless Email Compatibility: Our signature generator works seamlessly with any email provider. Follow a simple step-by-step guide to apply your new signature effortlessly.

6. Follow-Up Emails - Enhance follow-up emails by attaching useful resources, such as educational materials or marketing content, making every message more valuable and engaging for recipients.

Tailored Personalization for Higher Engagement: Boost email responses by using dynamic fields like {Lead Name} and {Lead Company} in subject lines. Personalizing your emails captures attention and increases open rates.

Enhance Follow-ups with Targeted Attachments: Include valuable educational or marketing materials in your follow-ups. Customize email templates with unique attachments to provide relevant content to your leads.

7. Lead Capture - Ekko simplifies lead capture and management, offering a seamless way to collect, organize, and follow up with prospects. From real-time tracking to form customization and compliance, Ekko ensures your leads are efficiently managed and integrated into your workflow.

Track Your Leads in Real-Time: Capture and integrate leads instantly into your CRM, setting up custom workflows and automations to streamline your follow-up process.

Customize Your Lead Forms: Design lead forms with various elements like text fields, multiple-choice options, and checkboxes to gather essential information and tailor your data collection.

Effortlessly Scan and Sync: Use Ekko’s in-app scanner to capture leads from business cards, event badges, or QR codes. Auto-sync leads to your CRM, reducing manual data entry and improving efficiency.

8. Zoom Meeting Background - Ekko provides stylish virtual Zoom backgrounds featuring QR codes, professionals can turn meetings into networking opportunities, allowing them to make meaningful connections.

Effortless Customization: Design a unique background with images, colors, logos, and your QR code. Any updates to your digital card automatically refresh the QR code in your background.

Compatibility with All Platform: Ekko’s virtual backgrounds integrate seamlessly with Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, and more, ensuring a polished look across all meeting platforms.

Turn Meetings Into Opportunities: Highlight your expertise and attract leads with a QR code on your background. Make it easy for attendees to connect with you and capture leads effortlessly during virtual interactions.

Be Part of the Change with Ekko!

These NFC powered Cards stand out as a beacon of innovation and sustainability. By combining modern technology with ease of use, they are redefining how we build and maintain professional connections. Transitioning to Ekko means embracing a smarter, more efficient way to build lasting relationships in the professional world.

For more information, visit their official website and discover how you can simplify your professional presence today!

विधानसभा निर्वाचन क्षेत्र की निर्वाचक नामावलियों का विशेष संक्षिप्त पुनरीक्षण कार्यक्रम 29 अक्टूबर से 28 नवंबर 2024 तक

अमेठी। अपर जिलाधिकारी/उप जिला निर्वाचन अधिकारी अर्पित गुप्ता ने बताया कि भारत निर्वाचन आयोग के निर्देश के क्रम में 29 अक्टूबर 2024 को मतदाता सूची का आलेख्य प्रकाशन जनपद के समस्त मतदेय स्थलों एवं तहसीलों पर किया जायेगा तथा दावे और आपत्ति प्राप्त करने की अवधि 29 अक्टूबर 2024 से 28 नवम्बर 2024 तक निर्धारित है। उन्होंने बताया कि उक्त निर्धारित अवधि में सम्बन्धित बी0एल0ओ0, तहसील स्तर पर स्थापित मतदाता पंजीकरण केन्द्र में अथवा जिला निर्वाचन कार्यालय अमेठी से फार्म प्राप्त अथवा जमा कर सकते है ।

इस अवधि में 09 व 10 नवम्बर 2024 एवं 23 व 24 नवम्बर 2024 को विशेष अभियान की तिथियॉ भी निर्धारित है तथा मतदाता सूची का अन्तिम प्रकाशन 06 जनवरी 2024 को किया जायेगा। इस सम्बन्ध में उन्होंने बताया कि भावी मतदाताओं के साथ-साथ विशेष संक्षिप्त पुनरीक्षण 2025 का पूर्ण लाभ वर्तमान मतदाताओं को प्राप्त हो, इसके लिए आवश्यक है कि वर्तमान मतदाता, मतदाता सूची में ससमय अपना नाम चेक कर लें तथा तदानुसार अग्रिम अपेक्षित कार्यवाही करें।

इस हेतु मतदाताओं द्वारा अपना नाम मतदाता सूची में देखने के लिए विभिन्न व्यवस्थायें की गयी है। उन्होंने बताया कि मतदाता सूची 29 अक्टूबर 2024 से 28 नवम्बर 2024 के मध्य सभी मतदान केन्द्रों पर देखने के लिए उपलब्ध रहेगी तथा वेबसाइट www.ceouttarpradesh.nic.in पर Search Your Name Electoral Roll बटन पर क्लिक करके मतदाताओं द्वारा अपने से सम्बन्धित विवरण की पुष्टि की जा सकती है। उन्होंने बताया कि मतदाता https://electoralsearch.in एवं https://voters.eci.gov.in पर भी अपना नाम मतदाता सूची में देख सकते है तथा अपने मोबाइल में वोटर हेल्पलाइन ऐप डाउनलोड करके भी उक्त सेवाओं को प्राप्त कर सकते है।

inGrade: Empowering Learners with Innovative Tech Education


inGrade is changing how we learn in today’s digital world. By offering affordable, hands-on tech education, this platform is helping people from all walks of life build the skills needed to thrive in modern industries. With a team of dedicated leaders — Jaya K. Soni, Hritik Gupta, and Astha Chopra — inGrade aims to make quality education accessible to everyone, no matter their background.At the heart of inGrade’s mission is its Founder and CEO, Jaya K. Soni. With a deep passion for education and a vision for equality, Jaya has been instrumental in shaping inGrade’s journey. Her career began in operations, where she gained valuable experience managing teams and streamlining processes. However, it was her realization of the transformative power of education that inspired her to focus on creating a platform like inGrade.

Jaya’s background in science, having studied zoology and botany, gives her a unique perspective on education. Despite her non-technical academic roots, she developed a keen interest in the tech industry, believing that analytical thinking and problem-solving are universal skills applicable in any field.

“I believe education should be a door-opener for everyone,” says Jaya. “It’s not about where you start; it’s about where you can go with the right tools.”

Under her leadership, inGrade provides industry-relevant courses designed to help individuals and businesses alike. The platform offers training in fields such as coding, data science, and digital marketing, helping learners build real-world skills that can advance their careers.

Hritik Gupta, the Founder and Managing Director, is a driving force behind inGrade’s operational success and growth. With a strategic mindset and a passion for innovation, Hritik has helped expand inGrade’s reach both locally and internationally.

His role focuses on building partnerships with leading companies and educational institutions, ensuring that inGrade stays ahead of the curve in providing top-notch education. Thanks to Hritik’s vision, inGrade has established strong connections with industry leaders, which helps students gain real-world experience and access to job opportunities.

Hritik’s leadership extends beyond the operational side of the business. His vision for inGrade includes a focus on helping startups and professionals grow. Under his guidance, inGrade has successfully supported numerous startups, helping them gain the skills needed to build and scale their businesses.

“Our goal is not just to educate,” Hritik says. “We want to create a global community where learners can grow, innovate, and contribute to their industries in meaningful ways.”

As Co-Founder, Astha Chopra is the backbone of inGrade’s curriculum development. With more than a decade of experience in the education sector, Astha is committed to designing courses that are both comprehensive and practical. Her focus is on ensuring that learners leave inGrade with skills they can immediately apply in their careers.

Astha’s approach to education is hands-on. She understands that students learn best when they can directly relate their lessons to real-world situations. Whether it’s creating project-based assignments or providing mentorship, Astha ensures that every course at inGrade prepares students for the challenges of the workforce.

“Education isn’t just about learning facts,” Astha explains. “It’s about gaining experience, building confidence, and developing the ability to think critically and solve problems in real time.”

Her expertise in educational design has made inGrade’s programs engaging and effective. From technology to business, the courses are tailored to meet industry demands, helping learners build the practical knowledge needed for success.

A Holistic Learning Experience

inGrade offers more than just traditional courses. The platform is built on the idea that education should be a holistic experience, combining technical skills with mentorship, career guidance, and personal growth. inGrade’s comprehensive support system helps students from the start of their journey through to job placement.

Learners benefit from one-on-one mentorship, where industry experts provide guidance on everything from project work to career development. In addition, inGrade’s dedicated placement team works closely with students to help them secure jobs that match their skills and ambitions.

inGrade also places a strong emphasis on soft skills. Students receive training in communication, teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving — all critical for success in today’s workplaces. This well-rounded approach ensures that graduates are not just prepared for their chosen fields but are also ready to become leaders in their industries.

Transforming Lives and Communities

Through the combined efforts of Jaya, Hritik, and Astha, inGrade has made a significant impact on individuals and communities alike. The platform has helped countless students break into new industries, change careers, and even start their own businesses.

By focusing on accessibility, affordability, and practical learning, inGrade continues to build a global community of learners who are empowered to succeed. Its leaders share a common goal: to transform lives through education.

Whether you’re looking to upskill, switch careers, or build your own business, inGrade provides the tools, support, and inspiration to help you reach your goals.

For more information, visit www.ingrade.io.

Find Your Vibe: where FOMO is never on the table


Find Your Vibe connects people to the coolest, most action-packed events happening around them. Whether that means live music for one person, being an art enthusiast or discovering the next great festival to try out one's foodie bag, this platform has had all of it covered. Behind the making of this platform is the fun, enthusiastic team that keeps no one from ever missing out!.

FYV is the ultimate personal event guru! It’s a go-to platform for discovering unforgettable experiences that match each user’s unique vibe. Across categories like Concerts, Parties, Stand-up Comedy, Exhibitions, and more!—if it’s happening, users will know about it! The platform curates the coolest events that align with diverse interests, making sure there’s something for everyone. Plus, we also bring exclusive Offers from top brands, so users get more value while enjoying amazing experiences.

Why Was Find Your Vibe Created?

Ever had FOMO pop up after missing an amazing event? So has the team at Find Your Vibe! They built this site because no one should ever feel cut off and left out. Nowadays, it can be really tough to come across those really good events, and let's be honest, there is nothing worse than sifting through page-long endless lists. Find Your Vibe was built to cope with this, to keep users updated, connected, entertained, and as a part of something bigger than just themselves

What’s Next for Find Your Vibe?

This is just the beginning! The vision for Find Your Vibe is to grow into a complete social ecosystem. Personalized event recommendations tailored to each individual, virtual events that bring fun directly to users' screens, and collaborative tools that help forge new friendships and partnerships. The team is on a mission to ensure users thrive—both personally and socially!

Stay tuned for upcoming events in Raipur—from thrilling Concerts to exclusive Exhibitions, epic Parties, chill Meetups, and more happening near you. With our easy booking system, you’ll never miss out on the events you’re Interested in. Whether you're into live vibes or exploring new hobbies, Find Your Vibe keeps you connected to all the exciting happenings in Raipur!

1st Networking Event: “Find Your Vibe!” Recap

The first networking event, "Find Your Vibe," was a resounding success! Like-minded individuals came together to exchange ideas, create new partnerships, and vibe with fresh connections. It was the perfect chance for participants to meet their tribe and explore future collaborations. Stay tuned for more exciting events—there’s always something new coming up!

Event Recap: Strike Showdown – 22nd Sept 2024

The Strike Showdown on September 22nd, 2024, was an absolute hit! Bowling enthusiasts from all over came together for a day filled with friendly competition, great prizes, and unforgettable fun. The atmosphere was electric, with people bonding over shared interests, lively networking, and plenty of laughs.

Top Performers: Congratulations to our standout bowlers who walked away with some fantastic prizes!

New Connections: The event was a great opportunity for participants to meet like-minded people and form lasting connections.

Missed out on this one? Don’t worry—there are plenty more exciting events coming soon! Stay tuned on findyourvibe.in for updates, new offers, and more chances to catch your next favorite event.

All happenings at Find Your Vibe are a chance to connect, discover, and create memories that will last. Whether it's about music, art, food, community gathering, or whatnot, there's something there for everyone.

So, are you ready to say goodbye to FOMO and get dive in to the exciting party? Find Your Vibe is here to guide you. Stay tuned, stay connected, and most importantly—find your vibe. Because life's too short to miss out on the fun!

अब आप  घर बैठे पता लगा सकते है वोटर लिस्ट में आपका नाम है या नहीं

डेस्क:–चुनाव आयोग ने महाराष्ट्र और झारखण्ड में चुनावों का ऐलान कर दिया है। अगर आप भी इन चुनावों में वोटिंग के लिए जा रहे हैं और अपना नाम वोटर लिस्ट में चेक करना चाहते हैं तो इन आसान तरीकों से कर सकते हैं।

महाराष्ट्र और झारखण्ड में चुनावों का ऐलान हो चुका है, अब ऐसे में हर कोई इसी सवाल का जवाब खोजने लगा है कि वोटर लिस्ट में हमारा नाम शामिल है या नहीं? आज हम आपको इसी सवाल का जवाब देंगे कि आखिर आप घर बैठे कैसे इस बात का पता लगा सकते हैं। वोटर लिस्ट में आपका नाम है या नहीं, इस बात का पता लगाने के लिए बस कुछ सिंपल स्टेप्स को फॉलो करना होगा।

राष्ट्रीय मतदाता सेवा पोर्टल Elections24.eci.gov.in पर जाकर अपना नाम ऑनलाइन वोटर लिस्ट में चेक कर सकते हैं। इसके लिए “Search Your Name in Electoral Roll” पर क्लिक करें। यहां आपको तीन विकल्प मिलते हैं।

अगर आपके पास EPIC नंबर है, तो आप इसे SMS के माध्यम से भी वोटर लिस्ट में अपना नाम खोज सकते हैं। इसके लिए आपको अपने मोबाइल से “ECI <स्पेस> EPIC नंबर” लिखकर 1950 पर भेजना होगा। कुछ ही समय में आपको SMS के जरिए यह जानकारी मिल जाएगी कि आपका नाम वोटर लिस्ट में है या नहीं।

अगर आप स्मार्टफोन का उपयोग करते हैं, तो आप “मतदाता हेल्पलाइन” ऐप डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं। इस ऐप के जरिए आप न सिर्फ वोटर लिस्ट में अपना नाम खोज सकते हैं, बल्कि अन्य मतदाता सेवाओं का भी लाभ उठा सकते हैं. यह ऐप उपयोग करने में बहुत आसान है और आपको तुरंत जानकारी प्रदान करता है।
Confidence of Mr. Vishal Choksi - "The Metal Master"

If there’s one thing that can make or break a business, it’s confidence. Confidence in the services offered, in the products sold, and in the company, itself can make a huge difference in how the public views the business and how successful it ultimately becomes. That’s why building and maintaining confidence is so important for any entrepreneur.

Mr. Vishal Choksi, founder and CEO of the DVN Group, knows this well. He has been in the Jewelry industry for decades and has made a name for himself as someone who can be trusted. Mr. Vishal Choksi, the master of metals, and is known for his extensive knowledge of metals and his dedication to providing the best possible service. One of the key ways that Mr. Choksi builds confidence is by providing high-quality products and services. His company, DVN Group specializes in providing a wide range of Jewelries to clients all over the world.  And because Mr. Choksi is committed to quality, clients know that they can trust that they are getting the best products possible. 

Another way that Mr. Choksi maintains confidence in his company is by being transparent about his business practices. He believes in the importance of ethical guidelines, and has implemented strict policies to ensure that his company operates with integrity. By being open and honest about his methods, Mr. Choksi has earned the respect and trust of his clients and the broader public.

Mr. Choksi also believes in fostering trust and confidence through his philanthropic efforts. As someone who has been blessed with success, he believes that it’s important to give back to the community. He is particularly interested in supporting charities that help to advance education and improve health care.

In conclusion, Mr. Vishal Choksi is known as "The Metal Master" for a reason. He is a successful businessman who has built his reputation on providing high-quality services and products. He is committed to ethical guidelines and has earned the confidence of his clients through his transparent business practices. With a dedication to giving back to the community, he is a true leader in the metals industry. And with his strong sense of self-confidence, he is poised to continue achieving great things in the years to come. As he often says, "With a strong sense of confidence, you can conquer any challenge that comes your way." It’s no wonder that he is known as “The Metal Master.” His dedication to building and maintaining confidence has been instrumental in his success. And for that, he should be commended. Indeed, Mr. Vishal Choksi’s commitment to confidence has helped him become a true legend in his field. With his strong work ethic, ethical practices, and dedication to giving back, he is someone who we can all look up to as a role model. And that is something that will make a lasting impact on the business world. So, here’s to Mr. Choksi and his unwavering confidence in himself, his company, and the future. With people like him leading the way, there is nothing that we cannot accomplish. As Mr. Choksi would say, “The future is bright. Trust in yourself and believe in your dreams. And above all else, be confident.” These are wise words of wisdom from a man who truly knows what he’s talking about.

DVNGroup site: https://www.dvngroup.org/

DVNJewelry site:  https://www.dvnjewelry.com/

Official site: https://www.vishalchoksi.com/ 


क्या आपको पता है अन-इंस्टॉल ऐप्स भी आपके डेटा को एक्सेस कर सकते हैं! जानें कैसे पता करें और कैसे रोकें

हर वो व्यक्ति जो Smartphone चलाता है इस बात से परेशान होता है कि क्यों ये ऐप्स इंस्टॉल होने के बाद इतनी सारी परमिशन मांगने लगते हैं. मैसेज, कॉन्टैक्ट्स, फोन की गैलरी और भी ढेरों परमिशन मांगने के बाद तो ये ऐप्स आपके फोन में काम करने लगते हैं. ऐप को चलाने के लिए आप और हम सभी इन Mobile Apps को परमिशन दे भी देते हैं लेकिन क्या आपको पता है कि फोन से अन-इंस्टॉल होने के बाद भी इन ऐप्स के पास आपके फोन का एक्सेस रहता है?

आज हम आपको बताएंगे कि कैसे आप इस बात का पता लगा सकते हैं कि कौन सा ऐप फोन का डेटा एक्सेस कर रहा है और किस तरह से इन ऐप्स को रोकें?

ऐसे बचाएं अपना Mobile Data

फोन की सेटिंग्स में Google ऑप्शन में जाएं और Manage Your Google Account पर क्लिक करें.

इसके बाद डेटा एंड प्राइवेसी पर क्लिक करने के बाद थोड़ा नीचे स्क्रॉल करने पर Third Party Apps & Services ऑप्शन दिखेगा.

थर्ड पार्टी ऐप्स एंड सर्विस ऑप्शन पर टैप करने के बाद आपके सामने सभी ऐप्स की लिस्ट आ जाएगी जिन्हें अब तक आपने अपने फोन में इंस्टॉल किया है. इस लिस्ट में आपको उन ऐप्स के भी नाम दिखेंगे जिन्हें आप फोन से अन-इंस्टॉल कर चुके हैं.

जिस ऐप को आप अन-इंस्टॉल कर चुके हैं, एक-एक कर ऐप के नाम पर क्लिक करें, इसके बाद आपको लिखा मिलेगा कि ऐप के पास कुछ एक्सेस अब भी है. इसके अलावा आप लोगों को इन ऐप्स के साथ सभी कनेक्शन डिलीट करने का एक ऑप्शन भी दिखेगा.

आपको इस ऑप्शन पर क्लिक करना है. इस ऑप्शन पर क्लिक करते ही आपका काम बन जाएगा. ऐसा ही काम आपको हर एक ऐप के लिए करना होगा जिसे आप फोन से बाहर का रास्ता दिखा चुके हैं.

'आपका शरीर, हमारी पसंद': डोनाल्ड ट्रंप की जीत पर महिलाओं के पलटवार के बाद घातक MATGA ट्रेंड सामने आया


Matga Trend (X/meme)

डोनाल्ड ट्रंप की जीत ने अमेरिका में कई लोगों को चौंका दिया, गर्भपात के अधिकारों को लेकर महिलाओं में डर बढ़ गया है क्योंकि रिपब्लिकन नेता ने पहले भी गर्भपात पर प्रतिबंध का समर्थन किया है। एक वायरल ट्रेंड में, महिलाएं इस डर का इस्तेमाल वीडियो बनाने के लिए कर रही हैं, जिसमें वे पुरुषों के पेय में जहर मिलाती हुई दिखाई दे रही हैं।

यह तब हुआ जब ट्रंप की जीत के तुरंत बाद सोशल मीडिया पर "आपका शरीर, मेरी पसंद" जैसे महिला विरोधी वाक्यांश वायरल हो गए, जिसमें पुरुषों ने ऑनलाइन यादृच्छिक महिलाओं को संदेश भेजकर धमकी दी कि उनका शरीर अब उनका नहीं है। ये वीडियो, जो बढ़ती महिला विरोधी नफरत की प्रतिक्रिया प्रतीत होते हैं, उन्हें 'MATGA आंदोलन' कहा जा रहा है और इस तरह के कई वीडियो X या TikTok पर तेज़ी से वायरल हो गए हैं।

MATGA आंदोलन क्या है?

"मेक एक्वा टोफाना ग्रेट अगेन" या "MATGA" आंदोलन ट्रंप के लोकप्रिय मेक अमेरिका ग्रेट अगेन (MAGA) नारे पर हमला करता है। एक्वा टोफाना का मतलब 17वीं सदी की पेशेवर जहर देने वाली गिउलिया टोफाना के कुख्यात जहर से है। इतालवी महिला ने एक्वा टोफाना जहर बेचा, जिसे कथित तौर पर उसकी माँ ने बनाया था, उन महिलाओं के लिए जो घर में हिंसा के कारण अपने पतियों की हत्या करना चाहती थीं।

ऐसा कहा जाता है कि इस जहर की वजह से उसके पकड़े जाने से पहले 600 से ज़्यादा पुरुषों की मौत हो गई थी। एक्वा टोफाना जहर में बेलाडोना और आर्सेनिक जैसे घातक तत्व शामिल थे, लेकिन कहा जाता है कि यह बेस्वाद था और पतियों की नज़रों से बचने के लिए कॉस्मेटिक बोतल में रखा जाता था।

वायरल वीडियो में महिलाओं को मुस्कुराते हुए चाय या दूसरे पेय पदार्थों में अज्ञात घटक मिलाते हुए दिखाया गया है। अन्य में उन्हें उंगलियों पर पहने जा सकने वाले ज़हर के छल्ले का विज्ञापन करते हुए दिखाया गया है।

हालाँकि, कुछ महिलाओं ने TikTok वीडियो भी अपलोड किए हैं, जिसमें "MATGA" में भाग लेने वाली महिलाओं से लोगों को ज़हर देने के परिणामों के बारे में सोचने का आग्रह किया गया है। एक वीडियो में लिखा था, "आप जानते हैं कि उन वीडियो का इस्तेमाल आपके खिलाफ किया जा सकता है, है न? इंटरनेट हमेशा के लिए है। इसके अलावा, 1600 का दशक जहर का पता लगाने में 2024 की प्रगति से बहुत अलग था।"

ट्रंम्प की जीत के बाद अमेरिका और बाकि देशों में बहुत ही मिले जुले माहौल हैं, कुछ लोग उनकी रणनीतियों को लेकर काफी खुश है वही कुछ लोग उनके आगामी क़दमों और विचारों से खुद को खतरे में देख रहे है। अब देखना यह है की आने वाले समय में ट्रम्प अपने मैनिफेस्टो की किन बातों पर अमल करेंगे। 

नॉर्दर्न फ्रंटियर रेलवे में सरकारी नौकरी पाने का सुनहरा मौका, 5647 पदों के लिए 3 दिसंबर तक कर सकते हैं अप्लाई

नई दिल्ली:- रेलवे में सरकारी नौकरी पाने का सपना देख रहे अभ्यर्थियों के लिए बड़ी खबर है। नॉर्दर्न फ्रंटियर रेलवे में अप्रेंटिसशिप के 5647 पदों पर भर्ती निकाली गई है। इस भर्ती के लिए आवेदन प्रक्रिया 4 नवंबर 2024 से शुरू कर दी गई है जो निर्धारित अंतिम तिथि 3 दिसंबर 2024 तक जारी रहेगी। जो भी अभ्यर्थी इस भर्ती में भाग लेने के लिए पात्रता पूरी करते हैं वे ऑनलाइन माध्यम से NFR की ऑफिशियल वेबसाइट nfr.indianrailways.gov.in पर जाकर आवेदन प्रक्रिया पूर्ण कर सकते हैं। इसके अलावा आप इस पेज पर उपलब्ध करवाए गए डायरेक्ट लिंक से फॉर्म भर सकते हैं।

फॉर्म भरने से पहले चेक करें पात्रता

इस भर्ती में भाग लेने के लिए अभ्यर्थी का मान्यता प्राप्त बोर्ड/ संस्थान से 10th, 12th, ITI (NTC/STC) उत्तीर्ण होना आवश्यक है। इसके साथ ही उम्मीदवार की न्यूनतम आयु 14 वर्ष से कम और अधिकतम आयु 24 साल से अधिक नहीं होनी चाहिए। ऊपरी उम्र में रेलवे के नियमानुसार छूट दी जाएगी। 

उम्मीदवार ध्यान रखें की उम्र की गणना आवेदन की लास्ट डेट 3 दिसंबर 2024 को ध्यान में रखकर की जाएगी। पात्रता एवं मापदंड की विस्तृत डिटेल के लिए आधिकारिक अधिसूचना का अवलोकन अवश्य कर लें।

एप्लीकेशन प्रॉसेस

इस भर्ती में शामिल होने के लिए अभ्यर्थी स्वयं ही एप्लीकेशन फॉर्म भर सकते हैं। आवेदन करने के लिए इन स्टेप्स को फॉलो करें-

आवेदन पत्र भरने के लिए सबसे पहले आधिकारिक वेबसाइट nfr.indianrailways.gov.in पर विजिट करें।

वेबसाइट के मुख्य पेज पर आपको NOTIFICATION FOR ENGAGEMENT OF ACT APPRENTICES OVER N.F.RAILWAY FOR THE YEAR 2023-24 & 2024-25 Click Here to Apply पर क्लिक करना है।

अब नए पेज पर हाउ टू अप्लाई में Step-1 Register Yourself पर क्लिक करें और मांगी गई डिटेल भरकर पंजीकरण कर लें।

इसके बाद Step-2 Log in पर क्लिक करें और अन्य जानकारी अपलोड करें।

अंत में अभ्यर्थी भर्ती के लिए निर्धारित आवेदन शुल्क जमा करें और पूर्ण रूप से भरे हुए फॉर्म का एक पप्रिंटआउट निकालकर सुरक्षित रख लें।

कितना लगेगा शुल्क

इस भर्ती में आवेदन पत्र भरने के साथ अन्य सभी वर्ग के उम्मीदवारों को शुल्क के रूप में 100 रुपये का भुगतान करना होगा। एससी, एसटी, पीडब्ल्यूबीडी एवं महिला अभ्यर्थी इस भर्ती में शामिल होने के लिए निशुल्क आवेदन कर सकते हैं। आवेदन में त्रुटि होने पर संशोधन करने पर आपको 50 रुपये अतिरिक्त जमा करना होगा।

Skytime is Changing the Tours and Travel Industry in Kerala


In the rapidly evolving travel industry, Skytime Tours and Travels has set itself apart by delivering unparalleled experiences to customers. Established in 2019 with just one staff member, Skytime has grown into a thriving company with offices in Kochi and Tirur, a team of 19 dedicated professionals, and a record of more than 10,000 satisfied customers. What makes Skytime truly unique is their unwavering commitment to ensuring customer satisfaction, which has earned them a solid reputation as the best travel agency in Kerala.Whether you’re looking for a Thailand trip package from Kerala or planning an unforgettable journey to Malaysia, Skytime offers carefully curated Thailand packages from Kerala and Malaysia trip packages from Kerala that cater to every traveller’s needs. With their wide range of Thailand tourism packages from Kerala and Malaysia tour packages from Kerala, Skytime provides a seamless experience from start to finish, ensuring that every detail is taken care of. From Thailand tour packages from Cochin to exotic Malaysia tour packages from Kerala, Skytime has options to suit every budget and preference.

What sets Skytime Tours and Travels apart is their personalised approach. Each package is designed to provide travellers with a unique and memorable experience, ensuring that no two trips are the same. With their strategic collaborations with major airlines and travel brands like Royal Caribbean, they are able to offer unbeatable packages to destinations around the world, including Europe, Japan, China, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, the Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Kashmir, Manali, the Golden Triangle, and Goa.

Skytime's success is no accident. From its humble beginnings, with just one employee and a single office, to its current status as one of the best tour operators in Kerala, the company's growth has been driven by a relentless focus on quality and customer care. Their services range from holiday packages to flight booking, with tailored assistance to ensure a stress-free journey.

Planning a Thailand trip from Kerala has never been easier, thanks to Skytime’s commitment to crafting the perfect travel experience. They offer Thailand tour packages from Kerala that not only cover the best attractions but also provide unique insights into local culture. Whether you’re interested in exploring the bustling streets of Bangkok, the tranquil beaches of Phuket, or the cultural riches of Chiang Mai, Skytime has a package that’s right for you.

For those seeking an adventure in Malaysia, Skytime offers some of the most comprehensive Malaysia packages from Kerala. Their expert team designs Malaysia tour packages from Kerala that take travellers through the vibrant cities of Kuala Lumpur, the lush rainforests of Borneo, and the pristine beaches of Langkawi. Every detail is meticulously planned to ensure that your trip is not only enjoyable but also unforgettable.

Since their founding, Skytime’s growth has been nothing short of remarkable. They’ve expanded their services to cater to travellers all over India, and now, their sights are set on global expansion. In the next 1.5 years, Skytime plans to extend its operations to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, creating new opportunities for growth. By 2030, they aim to operate in at least three additional countries, with a team exceeding 100 professionals, all dedicated to providing the best travel experiences.

At the heart of Skytime’s success is their customer-first approach. Unlike many other travel agencies, Skytime has a spotless track record when it comes to customer satisfaction. Every traveller’s needs are taken seriously, and the company ensures that all aspects of the trip, from planning to execution, are seamless and stress-free. This dedication to excellence has earned them the loyalty of thousands of customers, making them one of the best travel agencies in Kerala.

Skytime’s commitment to personalised travel experiences is what truly sets them apart. Whether you're booking a Thailand tour package from Kerala or a Malaysia trip package from Kerala, you can trust Skytime to handle every detail with precision and care. Their reputation as one of the best tour operators in Kerala has been built on this foundation of trust, reliability, and a genuine passion for travel.

With their diverse range of holiday packages, from the stunning beaches of Thailand and Malaysia to the snow-capped peaks of Kashmir and Manali, Skytime ensures that every traveller’s dreams come true. Their growing portfolio also includes trips to Europe, Japan, China, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Singapore, Goa, and the Golden Triangle, offering a truly global selection of travel options.

In conclusion, Skytime Tours and Travels is revolutionising the way people in Kerala experience the world. With two thriving offices, 19 dedicated staff members, and over 10,000 happy customers, they are leading the way in the travel industry. Their plans for expansion into the GCC market signal even greater things to come. For those seeking an unforgettable travel experience, Skytime is the perfect companion.

Ekko: Where Smart Cards Meet Smart Networking.


In today's world, staying ahead means adapting to new ways of connecting. Traditional business cards are rapidly falling out of favor, unable to keep pace with the evolving needs of modern professionals. As the demand for efficiency and convenience skyrockets, innovative networking solutions are no longer just a trend—they're a necessity. Professionals are seeking smarter alternatives that not only simplify the way we connect but also enhance how we manage our valuable relationships.Meet Ekko Network: A New Era in Konnectivity. 

In 2022, Ekko Network stepped onto the scene, bringing a bold new vision to the age-old concept of business cards. By offering an efficient and modern way to store, manage, and share contact information, it is addressing the growing need for convenience and sustainability in professional networking. Its innovative technology allows professionals to enhance their digital presence.

In a tech driven world, transforming the way people communicate and interact in the professional space is something it envisions for. At the heart of this innovation is Ekko’s founder, Tejas Bhuwania. “With smart cards, we’re setting up a new standard for professional connections—one that’s efficient, adaptable, and built for the digital age," he says. Find out more about Tejas and see how it works here.

Be Smart, Carry Smart, Connect Smarter.


Ekko provides digital business cards that simplify online presence management, making it easy for clients and collaborators to find you. Powered by Near Field Communication technology, these smart cards enable instant updates without an app and allow effortless profile sharing by consolidating all essential links in one place. With a quick tap on a compatible device or by using a QR code, you can share your profile in just a few seconds, including key details like your name, phone number, and links to social media platforms. You have the option to customize your QR code with either a square or round background. Combining advanced technology with user-friendly features, these cards emerge as a revolutionary tool to streamline the entire networking process in the fastest way possible.

What Makes Ekko Stand Out? Unveiling Key Features:

1. Eco-Friendly - These virtual smart cards provide a versatile and eco-friendly solution, compatible with both iOS and Android devices for seamless sharing. 

Ekko cards eliminate the need for traditional paper cards, reducing waste and supporting cost effective practices.  

With real-time updates, digital cards prevent the frequent reprints and disposal associated with paper cards.  

Transitioning to Ekko cards helps conserve natural resources and minimizes your environmental impact.  

You enhance your brand’s green credentials and appeal to eco-conscious clients.

2. Effortless Sharing & Management

Share your Ekko card via link or QR code without needing an app, allowing for quick networking at events or meetings. Instantly exchange contact information without requiring others to download anything.

Consolidate all your professional and personal links into one easy-to-manage card, simplifying your online presence. Gather your social profiles, websites, and contact details into a single, dynamic card for seamless sharing.

3. Secure Digital Identity - Ekko cards prioritize data privacy, giving users full control over what personal or professional information they choose to share. This empowers users to maintain privacy and avoid sharing unnecessary details, ensuring that only relevant contacts can access their information.

Ensure your digital identity is secure and safeguarded at all times with advanced encryption and security features. Ekko’s platform is designed to protect sensitive information, preventing unauthorized access and offering peace of mind in an increasingly digital world.

Enjoy a lasting, trusted digital identity with lifetime protection, as your Ekko card remains up-to-date and secure. No need for frequent changes or updates—your digital identity is built to last, supporting your professional and personal connections for years to come.

4. Customizable Digital Cards for Your Brand - Ekko cards offer a unique feature that allows users to customize their digital cards, ensuring they authentically represent their personal or business brand. 

Users can effortlessly update essential details in real-time, guaranteeing that contacts always have the most accurate information.  

Whether changing your phone number, updating social media handles, or refreshing your website link, keeping your card up to date has never been easier.

5. Email Signature - Create polished, brand-compliant email signatures effortlessly with Ekko.

Unified Team Management: Manage your team’s email signatures from one centralized dashboard. Use templates, group settings, and bulk actions to streamline the process and save time.

Effortless Email Compatibility: Our signature generator works seamlessly with any email provider. Follow a simple step-by-step guide to apply your new signature effortlessly.

6. Follow-Up Emails - Enhance follow-up emails by attaching useful resources, such as educational materials or marketing content, making every message more valuable and engaging for recipients.

Tailored Personalization for Higher Engagement: Boost email responses by using dynamic fields like {Lead Name} and {Lead Company} in subject lines. Personalizing your emails captures attention and increases open rates.

Enhance Follow-ups with Targeted Attachments: Include valuable educational or marketing materials in your follow-ups. Customize email templates with unique attachments to provide relevant content to your leads.

7. Lead Capture - Ekko simplifies lead capture and management, offering a seamless way to collect, organize, and follow up with prospects. From real-time tracking to form customization and compliance, Ekko ensures your leads are efficiently managed and integrated into your workflow.

Track Your Leads in Real-Time: Capture and integrate leads instantly into your CRM, setting up custom workflows and automations to streamline your follow-up process.

Customize Your Lead Forms: Design lead forms with various elements like text fields, multiple-choice options, and checkboxes to gather essential information and tailor your data collection.

Effortlessly Scan and Sync: Use Ekko’s in-app scanner to capture leads from business cards, event badges, or QR codes. Auto-sync leads to your CRM, reducing manual data entry and improving efficiency.

8. Zoom Meeting Background - Ekko provides stylish virtual Zoom backgrounds featuring QR codes, professionals can turn meetings into networking opportunities, allowing them to make meaningful connections.

Effortless Customization: Design a unique background with images, colors, logos, and your QR code. Any updates to your digital card automatically refresh the QR code in your background.

Compatibility with All Platform: Ekko’s virtual backgrounds integrate seamlessly with Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, and more, ensuring a polished look across all meeting platforms.

Turn Meetings Into Opportunities: Highlight your expertise and attract leads with a QR code on your background. Make it easy for attendees to connect with you and capture leads effortlessly during virtual interactions.

Be Part of the Change with Ekko!

These NFC powered Cards stand out as a beacon of innovation and sustainability. By combining modern technology with ease of use, they are redefining how we build and maintain professional connections. Transitioning to Ekko means embracing a smarter, more efficient way to build lasting relationships in the professional world.

For more information, visit their official website and discover how you can simplify your professional presence today!

विधानसभा निर्वाचन क्षेत्र की निर्वाचक नामावलियों का विशेष संक्षिप्त पुनरीक्षण कार्यक्रम 29 अक्टूबर से 28 नवंबर 2024 तक

अमेठी। अपर जिलाधिकारी/उप जिला निर्वाचन अधिकारी अर्पित गुप्ता ने बताया कि भारत निर्वाचन आयोग के निर्देश के क्रम में 29 अक्टूबर 2024 को मतदाता सूची का आलेख्य प्रकाशन जनपद के समस्त मतदेय स्थलों एवं तहसीलों पर किया जायेगा तथा दावे और आपत्ति प्राप्त करने की अवधि 29 अक्टूबर 2024 से 28 नवम्बर 2024 तक निर्धारित है। उन्होंने बताया कि उक्त निर्धारित अवधि में सम्बन्धित बी0एल0ओ0, तहसील स्तर पर स्थापित मतदाता पंजीकरण केन्द्र में अथवा जिला निर्वाचन कार्यालय अमेठी से फार्म प्राप्त अथवा जमा कर सकते है ।

इस अवधि में 09 व 10 नवम्बर 2024 एवं 23 व 24 नवम्बर 2024 को विशेष अभियान की तिथियॉ भी निर्धारित है तथा मतदाता सूची का अन्तिम प्रकाशन 06 जनवरी 2024 को किया जायेगा। इस सम्बन्ध में उन्होंने बताया कि भावी मतदाताओं के साथ-साथ विशेष संक्षिप्त पुनरीक्षण 2025 का पूर्ण लाभ वर्तमान मतदाताओं को प्राप्त हो, इसके लिए आवश्यक है कि वर्तमान मतदाता, मतदाता सूची में ससमय अपना नाम चेक कर लें तथा तदानुसार अग्रिम अपेक्षित कार्यवाही करें।

इस हेतु मतदाताओं द्वारा अपना नाम मतदाता सूची में देखने के लिए विभिन्न व्यवस्थायें की गयी है। उन्होंने बताया कि मतदाता सूची 29 अक्टूबर 2024 से 28 नवम्बर 2024 के मध्य सभी मतदान केन्द्रों पर देखने के लिए उपलब्ध रहेगी तथा वेबसाइट www.ceouttarpradesh.nic.in पर Search Your Name Electoral Roll बटन पर क्लिक करके मतदाताओं द्वारा अपने से सम्बन्धित विवरण की पुष्टि की जा सकती है। उन्होंने बताया कि मतदाता https://electoralsearch.in एवं https://voters.eci.gov.in पर भी अपना नाम मतदाता सूची में देख सकते है तथा अपने मोबाइल में वोटर हेल्पलाइन ऐप डाउनलोड करके भी उक्त सेवाओं को प्राप्त कर सकते है।

inGrade: Empowering Learners with Innovative Tech Education


inGrade is changing how we learn in today’s digital world. By offering affordable, hands-on tech education, this platform is helping people from all walks of life build the skills needed to thrive in modern industries. With a team of dedicated leaders — Jaya K. Soni, Hritik Gupta, and Astha Chopra — inGrade aims to make quality education accessible to everyone, no matter their background.At the heart of inGrade’s mission is its Founder and CEO, Jaya K. Soni. With a deep passion for education and a vision for equality, Jaya has been instrumental in shaping inGrade’s journey. Her career began in operations, where she gained valuable experience managing teams and streamlining processes. However, it was her realization of the transformative power of education that inspired her to focus on creating a platform like inGrade.

Jaya’s background in science, having studied zoology and botany, gives her a unique perspective on education. Despite her non-technical academic roots, she developed a keen interest in the tech industry, believing that analytical thinking and problem-solving are universal skills applicable in any field.

“I believe education should be a door-opener for everyone,” says Jaya. “It’s not about where you start; it’s about where you can go with the right tools.”

Under her leadership, inGrade provides industry-relevant courses designed to help individuals and businesses alike. The platform offers training in fields such as coding, data science, and digital marketing, helping learners build real-world skills that can advance their careers.

Hritik Gupta, the Founder and Managing Director, is a driving force behind inGrade’s operational success and growth. With a strategic mindset and a passion for innovation, Hritik has helped expand inGrade’s reach both locally and internationally.

His role focuses on building partnerships with leading companies and educational institutions, ensuring that inGrade stays ahead of the curve in providing top-notch education. Thanks to Hritik’s vision, inGrade has established strong connections with industry leaders, which helps students gain real-world experience and access to job opportunities.

Hritik’s leadership extends beyond the operational side of the business. His vision for inGrade includes a focus on helping startups and professionals grow. Under his guidance, inGrade has successfully supported numerous startups, helping them gain the skills needed to build and scale their businesses.

“Our goal is not just to educate,” Hritik says. “We want to create a global community where learners can grow, innovate, and contribute to their industries in meaningful ways.”

As Co-Founder, Astha Chopra is the backbone of inGrade’s curriculum development. With more than a decade of experience in the education sector, Astha is committed to designing courses that are both comprehensive and practical. Her focus is on ensuring that learners leave inGrade with skills they can immediately apply in their careers.

Astha’s approach to education is hands-on. She understands that students learn best when they can directly relate their lessons to real-world situations. Whether it’s creating project-based assignments or providing mentorship, Astha ensures that every course at inGrade prepares students for the challenges of the workforce.

“Education isn’t just about learning facts,” Astha explains. “It’s about gaining experience, building confidence, and developing the ability to think critically and solve problems in real time.”

Her expertise in educational design has made inGrade’s programs engaging and effective. From technology to business, the courses are tailored to meet industry demands, helping learners build the practical knowledge needed for success.

A Holistic Learning Experience

inGrade offers more than just traditional courses. The platform is built on the idea that education should be a holistic experience, combining technical skills with mentorship, career guidance, and personal growth. inGrade’s comprehensive support system helps students from the start of their journey through to job placement.

Learners benefit from one-on-one mentorship, where industry experts provide guidance on everything from project work to career development. In addition, inGrade’s dedicated placement team works closely with students to help them secure jobs that match their skills and ambitions.

inGrade also places a strong emphasis on soft skills. Students receive training in communication, teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving — all critical for success in today’s workplaces. This well-rounded approach ensures that graduates are not just prepared for their chosen fields but are also ready to become leaders in their industries.

Transforming Lives and Communities

Through the combined efforts of Jaya, Hritik, and Astha, inGrade has made a significant impact on individuals and communities alike. The platform has helped countless students break into new industries, change careers, and even start their own businesses.

By focusing on accessibility, affordability, and practical learning, inGrade continues to build a global community of learners who are empowered to succeed. Its leaders share a common goal: to transform lives through education.

Whether you’re looking to upskill, switch careers, or build your own business, inGrade provides the tools, support, and inspiration to help you reach your goals.

For more information, visit www.ingrade.io.

Find Your Vibe: where FOMO is never on the table


Find Your Vibe connects people to the coolest, most action-packed events happening around them. Whether that means live music for one person, being an art enthusiast or discovering the next great festival to try out one's foodie bag, this platform has had all of it covered. Behind the making of this platform is the fun, enthusiastic team that keeps no one from ever missing out!.

FYV is the ultimate personal event guru! It’s a go-to platform for discovering unforgettable experiences that match each user’s unique vibe. Across categories like Concerts, Parties, Stand-up Comedy, Exhibitions, and more!—if it’s happening, users will know about it! The platform curates the coolest events that align with diverse interests, making sure there’s something for everyone. Plus, we also bring exclusive Offers from top brands, so users get more value while enjoying amazing experiences.

Why Was Find Your Vibe Created?

Ever had FOMO pop up after missing an amazing event? So has the team at Find Your Vibe! They built this site because no one should ever feel cut off and left out. Nowadays, it can be really tough to come across those really good events, and let's be honest, there is nothing worse than sifting through page-long endless lists. Find Your Vibe was built to cope with this, to keep users updated, connected, entertained, and as a part of something bigger than just themselves

What’s Next for Find Your Vibe?

This is just the beginning! The vision for Find Your Vibe is to grow into a complete social ecosystem. Personalized event recommendations tailored to each individual, virtual events that bring fun directly to users' screens, and collaborative tools that help forge new friendships and partnerships. The team is on a mission to ensure users thrive—both personally and socially!

Stay tuned for upcoming events in Raipur—from thrilling Concerts to exclusive Exhibitions, epic Parties, chill Meetups, and more happening near you. With our easy booking system, you’ll never miss out on the events you’re Interested in. Whether you're into live vibes or exploring new hobbies, Find Your Vibe keeps you connected to all the exciting happenings in Raipur!

1st Networking Event: “Find Your Vibe!” Recap

The first networking event, "Find Your Vibe," was a resounding success! Like-minded individuals came together to exchange ideas, create new partnerships, and vibe with fresh connections. It was the perfect chance for participants to meet their tribe and explore future collaborations. Stay tuned for more exciting events—there’s always something new coming up!

Event Recap: Strike Showdown – 22nd Sept 2024

The Strike Showdown on September 22nd, 2024, was an absolute hit! Bowling enthusiasts from all over came together for a day filled with friendly competition, great prizes, and unforgettable fun. The atmosphere was electric, with people bonding over shared interests, lively networking, and plenty of laughs.

Top Performers: Congratulations to our standout bowlers who walked away with some fantastic prizes!

New Connections: The event was a great opportunity for participants to meet like-minded people and form lasting connections.

Missed out on this one? Don’t worry—there are plenty more exciting events coming soon! Stay tuned on findyourvibe.in for updates, new offers, and more chances to catch your next favorite event.

All happenings at Find Your Vibe are a chance to connect, discover, and create memories that will last. Whether it's about music, art, food, community gathering, or whatnot, there's something there for everyone.

So, are you ready to say goodbye to FOMO and get dive in to the exciting party? Find Your Vibe is here to guide you. Stay tuned, stay connected, and most importantly—find your vibe. Because life's too short to miss out on the fun!

अब आप  घर बैठे पता लगा सकते है वोटर लिस्ट में आपका नाम है या नहीं

डेस्क:–चुनाव आयोग ने महाराष्ट्र और झारखण्ड में चुनावों का ऐलान कर दिया है। अगर आप भी इन चुनावों में वोटिंग के लिए जा रहे हैं और अपना नाम वोटर लिस्ट में चेक करना चाहते हैं तो इन आसान तरीकों से कर सकते हैं।

महाराष्ट्र और झारखण्ड में चुनावों का ऐलान हो चुका है, अब ऐसे में हर कोई इसी सवाल का जवाब खोजने लगा है कि वोटर लिस्ट में हमारा नाम शामिल है या नहीं? आज हम आपको इसी सवाल का जवाब देंगे कि आखिर आप घर बैठे कैसे इस बात का पता लगा सकते हैं। वोटर लिस्ट में आपका नाम है या नहीं, इस बात का पता लगाने के लिए बस कुछ सिंपल स्टेप्स को फॉलो करना होगा।

राष्ट्रीय मतदाता सेवा पोर्टल Elections24.eci.gov.in पर जाकर अपना नाम ऑनलाइन वोटर लिस्ट में चेक कर सकते हैं। इसके लिए “Search Your Name in Electoral Roll” पर क्लिक करें। यहां आपको तीन विकल्प मिलते हैं।

अगर आपके पास EPIC नंबर है, तो आप इसे SMS के माध्यम से भी वोटर लिस्ट में अपना नाम खोज सकते हैं। इसके लिए आपको अपने मोबाइल से “ECI <स्पेस> EPIC नंबर” लिखकर 1950 पर भेजना होगा। कुछ ही समय में आपको SMS के जरिए यह जानकारी मिल जाएगी कि आपका नाम वोटर लिस्ट में है या नहीं।

अगर आप स्मार्टफोन का उपयोग करते हैं, तो आप “मतदाता हेल्पलाइन” ऐप डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं। इस ऐप के जरिए आप न सिर्फ वोटर लिस्ट में अपना नाम खोज सकते हैं, बल्कि अन्य मतदाता सेवाओं का भी लाभ उठा सकते हैं. यह ऐप उपयोग करने में बहुत आसान है और आपको तुरंत जानकारी प्रदान करता है।
Confidence of Mr. Vishal Choksi - "The Metal Master"

If there’s one thing that can make or break a business, it’s confidence. Confidence in the services offered, in the products sold, and in the company, itself can make a huge difference in how the public views the business and how successful it ultimately becomes. That’s why building and maintaining confidence is so important for any entrepreneur.

Mr. Vishal Choksi, founder and CEO of the DVN Group, knows this well. He has been in the Jewelry industry for decades and has made a name for himself as someone who can be trusted. Mr. Vishal Choksi, the master of metals, and is known for his extensive knowledge of metals and his dedication to providing the best possible service. One of the key ways that Mr. Choksi builds confidence is by providing high-quality products and services. His company, DVN Group specializes in providing a wide range of Jewelries to clients all over the world.  And because Mr. Choksi is committed to quality, clients know that they can trust that they are getting the best products possible. 

Another way that Mr. Choksi maintains confidence in his company is by being transparent about his business practices. He believes in the importance of ethical guidelines, and has implemented strict policies to ensure that his company operates with integrity. By being open and honest about his methods, Mr. Choksi has earned the respect and trust of his clients and the broader public.

Mr. Choksi also believes in fostering trust and confidence through his philanthropic efforts. As someone who has been blessed with success, he believes that it’s important to give back to the community. He is particularly interested in supporting charities that help to advance education and improve health care.

In conclusion, Mr. Vishal Choksi is known as "The Metal Master" for a reason. He is a successful businessman who has built his reputation on providing high-quality services and products. He is committed to ethical guidelines and has earned the confidence of his clients through his transparent business practices. With a dedication to giving back to the community, he is a true leader in the metals industry. And with his strong sense of self-confidence, he is poised to continue achieving great things in the years to come. As he often says, "With a strong sense of confidence, you can conquer any challenge that comes your way." It’s no wonder that he is known as “The Metal Master.” His dedication to building and maintaining confidence has been instrumental in his success. And for that, he should be commended. Indeed, Mr. Vishal Choksi’s commitment to confidence has helped him become a true legend in his field. With his strong work ethic, ethical practices, and dedication to giving back, he is someone who we can all look up to as a role model. And that is something that will make a lasting impact on the business world. So, here’s to Mr. Choksi and his unwavering confidence in himself, his company, and the future. With people like him leading the way, there is nothing that we cannot accomplish. As Mr. Choksi would say, “The future is bright. Trust in yourself and believe in your dreams. And above all else, be confident.” These are wise words of wisdom from a man who truly knows what he’s talking about.

DVNGroup site: https://www.dvngroup.org/

DVNJewelry site:  https://www.dvnjewelry.com/

Official site: https://www.vishalchoksi.com/ 


क्या आपको पता है अन-इंस्टॉल ऐप्स भी आपके डेटा को एक्सेस कर सकते हैं! जानें कैसे पता करें और कैसे रोकें

हर वो व्यक्ति जो Smartphone चलाता है इस बात से परेशान होता है कि क्यों ये ऐप्स इंस्टॉल होने के बाद इतनी सारी परमिशन मांगने लगते हैं. मैसेज, कॉन्टैक्ट्स, फोन की गैलरी और भी ढेरों परमिशन मांगने के बाद तो ये ऐप्स आपके फोन में काम करने लगते हैं. ऐप को चलाने के लिए आप और हम सभी इन Mobile Apps को परमिशन दे भी देते हैं लेकिन क्या आपको पता है कि फोन से अन-इंस्टॉल होने के बाद भी इन ऐप्स के पास आपके फोन का एक्सेस रहता है?

आज हम आपको बताएंगे कि कैसे आप इस बात का पता लगा सकते हैं कि कौन सा ऐप फोन का डेटा एक्सेस कर रहा है और किस तरह से इन ऐप्स को रोकें?

ऐसे बचाएं अपना Mobile Data

फोन की सेटिंग्स में Google ऑप्शन में जाएं और Manage Your Google Account पर क्लिक करें.

इसके बाद डेटा एंड प्राइवेसी पर क्लिक करने के बाद थोड़ा नीचे स्क्रॉल करने पर Third Party Apps & Services ऑप्शन दिखेगा.

थर्ड पार्टी ऐप्स एंड सर्विस ऑप्शन पर टैप करने के बाद आपके सामने सभी ऐप्स की लिस्ट आ जाएगी जिन्हें अब तक आपने अपने फोन में इंस्टॉल किया है. इस लिस्ट में आपको उन ऐप्स के भी नाम दिखेंगे जिन्हें आप फोन से अन-इंस्टॉल कर चुके हैं.

जिस ऐप को आप अन-इंस्टॉल कर चुके हैं, एक-एक कर ऐप के नाम पर क्लिक करें, इसके बाद आपको लिखा मिलेगा कि ऐप के पास कुछ एक्सेस अब भी है. इसके अलावा आप लोगों को इन ऐप्स के साथ सभी कनेक्शन डिलीट करने का एक ऑप्शन भी दिखेगा.

आपको इस ऑप्शन पर क्लिक करना है. इस ऑप्शन पर क्लिक करते ही आपका काम बन जाएगा. ऐसा ही काम आपको हर एक ऐप के लिए करना होगा जिसे आप फोन से बाहर का रास्ता दिखा चुके हैं.