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नसरल्लाह की मौत ने ईरान दे रहा धमकी, क्या इजराइल को अकेले रोक पाएंगे अयातुल्ला खामनेई?


इजराइल के हमले में लेबानानी गुट हिजबुल्लाह के नेता हसन नसरल्लाह की मौत से ईरान को बड़ा झटका लगा है। ईरान अब बदले की आग में धधक रहा है। ईरान के सामने ये सवाल खड़ा हो गया है कि वह अपने महत्वपूर्ण सहयोगी हिजबुल्लाह को हुए नुकसान की भरपाई कैसे करे और अपने क्षेत्रीय प्रभाव को कैसे बरकरार रखे। दरअसल, ईरान ये भली भांति जानता है कि वो चाहकर भी इजरायल का बाल भी बांका नहीं कर पाएगा।

करीब एक साल से इजराइल ने पूरे मिडिल ईस्ट की नाक में दम कर रखा है। दुनिया के बड़े बड़े ताकतवर मुल्क इजराइल से युद्ध रोकने की मांग रहे हैं, बावजूद इसके वो अपने एजेंडे को अंजाम देने में जुटा है और हर गुजरते दिन के साथ अपने दुश्मनों का खात्मा कर रहा है। इजराइल ने लेबनान पर ताबड़तोड़ हवाई हमले कर हाल ही में हिजबुल्ला प्रमुख सयैद हसन नसरल्ला का खात्मा कर दिया।

ईरान के सुप्रीम लीडर अयातुल्ला अली खामनेई ने नसरल्लाह की मौत पर आक्रामक रुख दिखाते हुए कहा है कि उनकी मौत व्यर्थ नहीं जाएगी। ईरान के आईआरजीसी कमांडर अब्बास निलफोरोशान की मौत भी नसरल्ला के साथ हुई है। अपने सैन्य अफसर की हत्या ईरान के लिए शर्म की वजह बनी है और इससे उस पर इजरायल के खिलाफ कार्रवाई का दबाव बढ़ा है। हालांकि, ये भी सच है कि नसरल्लाह की हत्या से भी इस तथ्य में कोई बदलाव नहीं आया है कि तेहरान संघर्ष में सीधे शामिल नहीं होना चाहता है। क्योंकि ईरान ये अच्छी तरह से जानता है कि वो चाहकर भी इजरायल का बाल भी बांका नहीं कर पाएगा।

दरअसल, इजरायल के पीछे अमेरिका खड़ा है।अमेरिका हर तरफ फैले अपने सैन्य ठिकानों का इस्तेमाल दुनिया में कहीं भी बैठे दुश्मनों से निपटने और सहयोगियों की मदद करने के लिए करता है। हाल के सालों में अमेरिका ने मिडिल ईस्ट के साथ-साथ साऊथ एशिया में भी अपनी सैन्य मौजूदगी बढ़ाई है। इस समय अमेरिका के 80 देशों में करीब 750 सैन्य अड्डे हैं, इन देशों में सबसे ज्यादा 120 मिलिट्री बेस जपान में हैं।

अमेरिका ने पूरे मिडिल ईस्ट में मिलिट्री बेस का ऐसा जाल बिछा लिया है। मिडिल ईस्ट के लगभग 19 देशों में अमेरिका के मिलिट्री बेस हैं, जिनमें से प्रमुख कतर, बहरीन, जॉर्डन, और सऊदी अरब में हैं। मिडिल ईस्ट में बढ़े तनाव में अमेरिका के ये मिलिट्री बेस अहम भूमिका निभा रहे हैं और इजराइल की सुरक्षा के लिए कवच बने हुए हैं। जिसे चाह कर भी अरब देश इसे नहीं तोड़ पा रहे हैं। 

इसके अलावा अमेरिका के सैन्य अड्डे तुर्की और जिबूती में भी हैं, ये देश पूरी तरह मिडिल ईस्ट में तो नहीं आते पर कई रणनीतिक तौर से इन देशों में सेना रखने से पूरे मिडिल ईस्ट पर नजर रखने में मदद मिलती है।

अमेरिकी सेना का मजबूती के साथ मिडिल ईस्ट के देशों में बने रहने का एक बड़ा कारण ईरान और क्षेत्रीय मिलिशिया भी हैं जो कट्टर इस्लामी राज को मिडिल ईस्ट में स्थापित करना चाहती हैं। ईरान की शिया विचारधारा को सुन्नी देश अपने अस्तित्व के लिए खतरा मानते हैं और ईरान से सुरक्षा के लिए अमेरिका से मदद की उम्मीद रखते हैं। ज्यादातर अरब देश अमेरिका की सेना की उपस्थिति को अपने देश की स्थिरता के लिए जरूरी मानते हैं। अमेरिका अपना सैन्य बेस बनाने के बदले उन देशों को बाहरी खतरों से सुरक्षा की गारंटी और अंतरराष्ट्रीय स्थर पर कई राणनीतिक लाभ देता है। साथ ही गरीब देशों को भारी सैन्य और आर्थिक मदद भी दी जाती है।

मिडिल ईस्ट में इजराइल अमेरिका का खास अलाय है और दोनों के मजबूत राजनीतिक और सैन्य संबंध हैं। इजराइल चारों तरफ से मुस्लिम देशों से घिरा एक यहूदी देश है और फिलिस्तीनियों की जमीन पर कब्जे के कारण, ये देश इजराइल से उलझते रहे हैं। इस हालात में मिडिल ईस्ट के चारों तरफ इतनी बड़ी तदाद में अमेरिकी सैन्य अड्डे होने से इजराइल को बड़ा लाभ मिल रहा है।

गाजा लेबनान में अमानवीय कार्रवाई के बावजूद कोई देश भी उसपर सैन्य कार्रवाई करने की हिम्मत नहीं जुटा पा रहा है। यहां तक कि ईरान भी अभी तक धमकी ही दे पाया है, लेकिन वे सीधे तौर पर इस जंग में कूदने का साहस नहीं ला पाया है।

यही नहीं हाल के दिनों में इजराइल की ओर से तेज हुए हमलों और हिजबुल्लाह के नेता हसन नसरल्लाह की मौत के बाद पैदा हे जंग के हालात के बीच अमेरिकी रक्षा मंत्रालय ने बड़ा कदम उठाया है। इजरायल का साथ देने के लिए अमेरिका ने समूचे पश्चिम एशिया में लड़ाकू विमानों का दस्ता और विमान वाहक पोत तैनात करने का फैसला किया है। अमेरिकी रक्षा मंत्रालय के मुख्यालय पेंटागन ने यह जानकारी दी। पेंटागन ने बताया कि अमेरिका के राष्ट्रपति जो बाइडेन ने ईरान और उसके सहयोगियों के संभावित हमलों से इजरायल की रक्षा करने और अमेरिकी सैनिकों की सुरक्षा सुनिश्चित करने के लिए पश्चिम एशिया में सैन्य उपस्थिति बढ़ाने का निर्णय लिया है। इसके तहत अमेरिकी लड़ाकू विमानों और युद्ध पोत के दस्ते ने इजरायल के चारों ओर उसकी रक्षा के लिए घेरा बनाना शुरू कर दिया है।

India play goalless draw against Kuwait
*Sports News*

Khabar kolkata:  India's hopes for qualifying for the third round of the FIFA World Cup 2026 and AFC Asian Cup 2027 Preliminary Joint Qualification took a hit as they were held 0-0 by Kuwait in their penultimate Group A game at the Salt Lake Yubo bharati Stadium on Thursday.

In what was Sunil Chhetri's 151st and last dance in Indian colours, victory may have eluded him at the full-time whistle, but emotions couldn't. After a lap around the 58,921 fans at the Salt Lake Stadium, the captain, leader, legend, let out his farewell tears when the Indian players and team officials gave him a guard of honour to the tunnel. In a warm gesture, each one of Kuwait's players and officials also paid their respects with handshakes and hugs with the Indian skipper.

As far as the match is concerned, it was far from a drab affair, with a host of chances at both ends, particularly in the first half. But some top-notch defending and fine saves reduced the contest to a goalless one.

Igor Stimac handed out a full India debut to left-back Jay Gupta, while Edmund Lalrindika came on in the last seven minutes in Gupta's place to make his debut too.

With the draw, India remain in second place with five points (Qatar will play Afghanistan later in the day), but importantly for Kuwait, they stay alive with four points. India will now hope for Qatar's victory over Afghanistan, and a draw between Kuwait and Afghanistan on June 11. In that scenario, a point for India against Qatar in five days' time in Doha will be enough to progress to the third round.

Kuwait made the earliest inroad in the fifth minute when left-winger Mohammad Abdulah shouldered his way into the box and came one-on-one with Gurpreet Singh Sandhu, but the Indian custodian stood strong, sticking his leg out to make a vital save early on.

India also responded with frantic pace on the left courtesy of Liston Colaco, who raced his way past the Kuwait right-back and put in a low cross, but Hasan Alanezi stabbed the ball clear for the visitors. India had their first shot from the resulting Anirudh Thapa corner, with an unmarked Anwar Ali heading it inches over the bar.

In the 25th minute, both teams had their heart-in-the-mouth moments in the space of a few seconds. First, it was Eid Alrashidi breaking the offside trap to stray clear on goal before dinking the ball over an onrushing Gurpreet. It landed just wide of the goal net. Immediately after, Jay Gupta burst forward and put an inviting low cross from the left. But Alanezi was on hand again to clear the danger for Kuwait at full stretch.

Slowly and steadily, India grew in confidence and began stringing attacks patiently, mostly utilising the speed of their wingers. Lallianzuala Chhangte got the better of left-back Meshari Alenezi on a couple of occasions and swung in dangerous crosses from the right, but Kuwait actively hacked them clear. Stimac's men were quicker to the second balls as well, winning the ball in the final third and making Kuwait sweat at the back.

On a couple of occasions, Liston also tried his luck from distance, first smashing the side-netting, before skying it wayward from an audacious 40-yard attempt.

At half-time, Stimac made two changes, sacrificing midfielder Thapa to bring on striker Rahim Ali, while Brandon Fernandes replaced Sahal Abdul Samad in the middle.

The start to the second half was as wild as the first. Both goalkeepers were tested to the fullest in and came out on top. Faisal Alharbi's stinging volley from barely six yards out was met with a stunning reflex save from Gurpreet, who dipped his entire 196-centimetre figure to palm it out. A few minutes later, he had to stretch to the top corner to push out Yousef Alsulaiman's effort.

Sandwiched between Gurpreet's heroics was Sulaiman Abdulghafoor's one-on-one save for Kuwait. He made himself big to deny Rahim, who had latched on to a great through ball.

India struggled to maintain their first-half intensity and the tempo shifted towards Kuwait for a while. Substitute Ali Matar got plenty of space near the edge of the box, but he hesitated to shoot early and by the time he did, Rahul Bheke had thrown his body to make a solid block.

For those in blue, time seemed to pass quicker as they were left frustrated by Kuwait slowing down the tempo of the game.

The Blue Tigers sprang to some life in injury time, but it was not enough. Brandon Fernandes flashed a low ball across the face of the goal, but it was Alenezi once again to clear the danger for Kuwait for the umpteenth time on the night. Seconds later, Chhangte picked out Manvir with an inch-perfect cross but the latter nodded it wide of the near post. P ic : AIFA & Sanjay Hazra (khabar kolkata)
Pilot Chef’s vision to open 100+ outlet in 2 years

Once upon a time in a Delhi Govt Boys School Friends , one of young boy named Satvir Singh He was bright, ambitious, and full of ideas. Despite coming from a middle-class family, Satvir Singh always dreamt big. His parents, hardworking individuals with modest means, instilled in him the values of diligence and perseverance.

From a young age, Satvir Singh after completion of study , Satvir got jobs in multiple companies but he not satisfied because his dream was big and dreaming of creating something that would change the world. His best friend, Akash Kumar shared his passion for innovation. Together, they spent countless afternoons brainstorming ideas every day,

One day proposed Satvir Singh click an idea in his mind that 90% percents Indians have dream to travel by airplane and get flights experience because in India flights travelling quite expensive so he started a cafe with airplane concept with air hostess and service , interior like as is it like airplane to full fill Indians customers dream to have flights experience with very innovative foods with amazing taste ,They spent weeks refining their concept, conducting market research, and teaching themselves the necessary skills to bring their idea to life.

With their savings from summer jobs and a small loan from Akash kumar relatives they finally launched their Business concept , Pilot Chef’s into the world. Initially, the response was lukewarm, but Satvir Singh and Akash Kumar refused to give up. They tirelessly promoted their concept on social media, reached out to influencers, and attended local events to spread the word.

Slowly but surely, their hard work began to pay off. Customers who took services and have burgers of pilot Chef’s praised cafe over all services ,Encouraged by their initial success, Satvir Singh and Akash worked day and night to improve their Pilot Chef’s Services to serve better experience to customers adding more services to give pilot chef’s customers food experience which touches customers soul.

Pilot Chef’s gained traction, investors began to take notice. With their pitch decks in hand and passion in their hearts, Satvir Singh and Akash Kumar pitched their startup to venture capitalists, highlighting their vision for the future of Cafe technology with very Unique cafe experience for customers . Despite facing numerous rejections, they remained undeterred, refining their pitch with each setback.

Finally, their perseverance paid off when they secured their first round of funding from a Akash kumar brother.

Years passed, and Pilot Chefs continued to thrive. Satvir Singh and Akash kumar once-small startup had grown into a multinational brand employing hundreds of people and full fill thousands of customers dream to have airplanes experience Despite their success, they remained grounded, never forgetting their humble beginnings .

Their journey from middle-class boys with a dream to successful entrepreneurs served as an inspiration to countless others. And as they looked back on their incredible journey, they knew that with determination, hard work, and a dash of creativity, anything was possible.

Pilot chefs vision to open 100+ outlet in 3 Countries to provide very amazing cafe experience to customers. This Indian startup ready to touch 100 outlet milestone till September 2025 , Satvir Singh added.


"From Village Roots to Global Heights: The Inspiring Journey of Deepesh Raj, Founder of Shine Well Digital Solutions”

Renowned digital marketing expert, Mr. Deepesh Raj, is the Founder and CEO of Shine Well Digital Solutions, India's Leading Digital Marketing agency, serving 150+ brands, PAN India & abroad. 

Born in Samastipur, a small village in Bihar, Raj’s journey is an inspiring tale of determination, hard work & the never-give-up spirit. 

Coming from a middle class family, nobody ever imagined that Deepesh's remarkable journey and idealistic vision would revolutionize the digital marketing industry in India.

Like any other Indian family, his parents were completely against business & they wanted him to choose the conventional path. But, being a hardworking boy, he cracked the prestigious NDA & SSC exams, qualified UGC NET in CSE and got into a very comfortable Govt. Job with a good salary.

But, as it is rightly said, you cannot contain the storm for more than a moment. Mr. Deepesh quit his job, believed in himself and without any financial support, went on to fulfill his dreams. As if the idea of not utilizing his key-skills, seemed scary. 

He has always been a passionate Digital Marketer, who is excited with the idea of driving huge profits for his clients. 

Initially, he did digital marketing for a few companies in Patna, Bihar and within a year, scaled one business to become a millionaire. This gave him a boost and he decided to establish his own venture.

Mr. Raj is not only a Google certified digital marketing expert but also a certified ethical hacker and knows 13+ programming languages. He is currently pursuing a PHD in Cyber Securities and is a career counsellor to hundreds of learners. He has graced numerous MBA Colleges as a guest lecturer, inspiring young entrepreneurs. 

His journey is a testament to the power of passion, hardwork and perseverance.

And, with a vision to support small businesses and start-ups, with affordable yet premium digital marketing services, Shine Well quickly gained momentum, expanding its reach from Patna to PAN India and beyond. Today, with over 150 clients globally, including top tech startups Shine Well has solidified its position as India's leading digital marketing agency.

Mr. Deepesh along with his expert team has now stepped into revolutionizing the web-hosting industry with the launch of HostinGlow, India’s best and most affordable hosting service provider with 24X7 expert support. HostinGlow is established with the vision to support small businesses & Indian startups. With its data centres located in India, HostinGlow also ensures data security for Indian companies. It is a made in India, Made for Indians, product. 

And, noticing the current unemployment rate in India, the expert team at Shine Well, has also developed a one of its kind job platform named Direct Jobs, which is all set to rule the job market in just a few months. Direct Jobs is a completely free job platform, i.e. they do not charge any fee from either employer or the candidates.  

Shine Well believes in making a positive impact, both in business and the society. The company’s work culture supports both freshers and women in the workplace.

With over 70% of its team comprising women, Shine Well has been recognized and awarded for its efforts in creating equal opportunities for all.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, when people were struggling to meet basic needs, Shine Well’s team proved its commitment to social responsibility by providing free digital marketing services to their clients. Because it is a client-first company & they treat monetary benefits as secondary. 

The company never prioritizes money, instead it prioritizes it's clients growth.

Mr. Deepesh is not just a boss, he is an ideal leader who takes everybody together. He ensures growth and fosters learning for all the team members, treating them like family. The work culture at Shine Well is heavenly, with people wanting to work under his leadership. This culture of inclusivity and support is the main reason behind Shine Well's success.

As it is rightly said that good leadership is about empowering others to achieve greatness. At Shine Well, Mr. Raj’s vision is to create a dream workplace for employees, where they feel valued, supported, and inspired to excel.

The company, because of it's excellent work culture, visionary leadership and revolutionary ideas is all set to become the next Indian unicorn.

Shine Well Digital Solutions, continues to achieve milestones in the world of digital marketing, not only in India but also in UK, Qatar, Dubai, Nigeria, South Africa & more.

Rather than working for big established businesses, they believe in creating bigger brands out of small businesses.This shows the expertise and confidence that is vested in the team at Shine Well Digital Solutions.

You can viisit their website at shinewell.in to learn more about this incredible company and see how they're changing the world. You can also reach them directly at 9262386604

Website : www.shinewell.in

facebook : www.facebook.com/shinewelldigital

The Entrepreneurial Journey of Punam Gupta, A social Worker


Punam Gupta is a renowned name in the field of social work, not just in India but also globally. Along with being the Director of Immuno Life Pvt. Ltd., Punam Gupta is also the Founder of Octa Life Sciences, Director of Quality Services & Training Pvt. Ltd. and the President of Together We Can Foundation, An NGO. In her more than two-and-a-half decades of a professional and entrepreneurial career, Punam Gupta has received numerous awards and accolades.Born in 1973 into a middle-class family, Punam Gupta did her post-graduation with different diplomas in Computer Science and Food Nutrition, Mass Communication, Journalism, and LLB. After that, she opened a computer center and a consultancy firm and became an entrepreneur. Today, she has more than 25 years of experience in Pharma, Food and other manufacturing Sectors.

Punam Gupta began her career with auditing work in ISO. After that, in 2011, she joined FSSAI, which was established in India. Punam Gupta is certified as a FoSTaC trainer, and her company Quality Services and Training Pvt Ltd is empanelled as a training partner on the FoSTaC portal. "In 2020, she got awarded by the FoSTaC team for conducting the second-highest number of training sessions during 2019 in all over India."

Moreover, in 2015, she started her other unit Octa Life Sciences, under PMEGP Scheme and set up its manufacturing unit in 2017 with the production of Animal Feed Supplements and Ayurvedic Products. Apart from these businesses, she has conceived an NGO named ‘Together We Can Foundation,’ intending to serve people. She informs, "Our NGO works for Food Safety, Animal Welfare, Organ Donation, Employment Generation, and other issues of society." In 2020, at the time of COVID–19, Punam Gupta established her firm, Immuno Life Pvt Ltd, by considering the various needs of society to serve them with some high-quality immunity-boosting Ayurvedic products.

According to Punam Gupta, her motivation and keen interest in business and entrepreneurship inspired her extraordinary saga of four decades. "From a young age, I always wanted to start my own business, where there would be no time limitation. I still have that same hunger for success," she states.

Punam Gupta's success story is an inspiration to countless women across the globe who is struggling to make their mark in the world of business. She has proven that with hard work. She got award and recognitions from Mr. Sunil Gavaskar, Cricket Champion, Mr. Rajat Sharma, NDTV News Editor, Suniel Shetty, Sonu Sood, etc. for commendable social works.

She also conducted two Millet Melas in Ambala. Recently, she got awarded by Mr. Bandaru Dattatreya ji, Honorable Governor of India for her contributions in social work. 

Also, She received Certificate of Excellence from RIISM (Research Institute in Indian Systems of Medicine), awarded by MOTHER TERESA NARI SAMMAN Awards for best contribution in Entrepreneurship and Social work, Also, certified as Women Faces of the Year 2024 by Fox Story India, Moreover, got honored by Director of NIFTEM, a venture of MOFPI on International Women Day, Received a certificate of Record holder for doing maximum trainings and awareness of Food Safety by Harvard World Records. Not only this, she also got Udyog Ratan Award For Start Up Immuno Life Private Limited by Famous dancer cum bollywood actress Ms. Sudha Chandaran.

To know more: www.punamgupta.com



Aishwarya Vignesh: Empowering Minds and Transforming Futures in Madurai

Aishwarya Vignesh's story is one of humble beginnings and unwavering resolve. Hailing from a middle-

class family, she understood the value of education and hard work from an early age.

Armed with a passion for content creation and a vision to make a difference, Aishwarya embarked on her journey,

determined to carve a path of success against all odds.

With over a decade of experience in the content creation industry, Aishwarya brings a wealth of

knowledge and expertise to the table. Her journey from a novice creator to a seasoned professional

has been marked by countless hours of dedication, learning, and growth. Through her work, she has

not only honed her craft but has also inspired others to pursue their passions fearlessly.

Empowering Minds through Education

Driven by her passion for education and a desire to empower the youth, Aishwarya founded Right

Click Computer Education and Online Job Training Academy. What started as a humble initiative has

now blossomed into a thriving institution, offering a diverse range of courses in programming,

multimedia, animation, and Online Job skill training. With a focus on practical learning and industry-

relevant curriculum, Right Click Computer Education is empowering students to build successful

careers in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

From Humble Beginnings to Educational Excellence

Coming from a middle-class family, Aishwarya's journey is a testament to hard work and

determination. Despite challenges, she pursued her passion for education and content creation.

Today, she runs a prominent institution in Madurai, where she teaches programming, multimedia,

animation, and various skills to students, aiming to help them build successful careers.

Empowering Women through Online Jobs

Aishwarya is not just focused on traditional education; she also empowers women by providing

opportunities for online jobs in content creation. Recognizing the importance of financial

independence, she offers training and support to women, enabling them to earn income from the

comfort of their homes.

Affiliation with NSDC for Government Certification

Through her dedication to quality education, Aishwarya secured affiliation with the Hope Organization

NSDC Training partner. This partnership allows her institution to provide Central Government

certification, giving students nationally recognized credentials to boost their career prospects.

Shaping Futures and Changing Lives

Aishwarya Vignesh's efforts are not just about teaching skills; they're about transforming lives. Her

commitment to education and empowerment is making a tangible difference in the lives of individuals

in Madurai and beyond. As she continues her mission, she inspires others to dream big and achieve

their goals.

Students Success Stories

With a track record of success, Right Click Computer Education and Online Job Training Academy have

trained over 3000 students, equipping them with the skills and knowledge to thrive in the digital

world. What sets us apart is not just the number of students we've trained, but the impact we've had

on their lives. Many of our graduates are now earning a good income from the comfort of their homes,

thanks to the online job opportunities we've provided. Moreover, our focus on empowering women

has resulted in the transformation of countless lives. By breaking down barriers and providing

opportunities for financial independence, we're proud to say that we've played a significant role in

empowering women in Madurai and beyond.

From Student to Entrepreneur: Sowmiya's Journey

Sowmiya, one of our standout students at Right Click Computer Education, started her journey with a

humble dream and a thirst for knowledge. Through our training programs, she honed her skills in

programming and multimedia, laying the foundation for her future success. Armed with determination

and the expertise gained from our institution, Sowmiya embarked on her entrepreneurial journey.

Starting small, she ventured into the world of digital marketing and web development, leveraging the

skills she acquired during her time with us. Today, Sowmiya's business has flourished, providing

employment opportunities for over 20 individuals in her community. Her story is a testament to the

transformative power of education and the entrepreneurial spirit that thrives within our students.

Empowering Financial Independence: Nandhini's Success Story

Nandhini, another shining example of our student success stories, found herself at a crossroads

before joining Right Click Computer Education. Struggling to make ends meet, she yearned for a way

to break free from financial constraints and secure a better future for herself and her family. Through

our online job training program, Nandhini discovered the potential of content creation as a means of

earning income from home. With dedication and perseverance, she honed her skills and soon found

herself earning an impressive income of 10 lakhs. Nandhini's journey from financial uncertainty to

stability is a testament to the transformative impact of education and the opportunities that await

those who dare to dream big.

Arun Kumar: Overcoming Adversity and Achieving Financial Freedom

For Arun Kumar, the path to success was paved with challenges and setbacks. Burdened by debt and

financial struggles, he felt trapped and hopeless. However, upon enrolling in our skill training

programs, Arun found a glimmer of hope and a chance for a fresh start. Through hard work and

determination, he mastered the skills needed to excel in the tech industry. Armed with newfound

knowledge and confidence, Arun embarked on a journey to financial freedom. Today, he stands tall as

a testament to resilience and perseverance, having paid off his debts and secured a brighter future for

himself and his loved ones. Arun's story is a powerful reminder of the transformative power of

education and the boundless opportunities it offers to those who dare to pursue their dreams.


In Aishwarya Vignesh, Madurai has found a visionary leader who is not only transforming education

but also shaping the future of its youth. Through her dedication, innovation, and unwavering

commitment to empowerment, she is paving the way for a brighter, more inclusive future for all. As

she continues to inspire and uplift those around her, her impact reverberates far beyond the

boundaries of Madurai, leaving an indelible mark on generations to come.

Facebook :- https://www.facebook.com/MaduraiOnlineJobworkers?mibextid=ZbWKwL
"Houseful Holi Bash: Rainbow Haze 3.0 Achieves Grand Success with Actress Harneet Kour, Acclaimed DJs and Prominent Influencers"

Mumbai, India: As the city of Thane embraced the hues of spring, Rainbow Haze 3.0 unfolded as a spectacular celebration of love, colors, and community spirit at the Metro Ground. Hosted by the visionary entrepreneur Pradip Waghmare, this year's edition of Rainbow Haze witnessed an overwhelming response, with tickets selling out well in advance, setting the stage for an unforgettable extravaganza.

In a jubilant display of festivity and camaraderie, Rainbow Haze 3.0 illuminated the skies of Thane, ushering in the spirit of Holi with unparalleled fervor.

The heartbeat of the event resonated through the electrifying performances of some of the industry's finest DJs, including the dynamic quartet of DJ VDJ Ketro, DJ Gracy, DJ Bhavik, and DJ Shiko. Their pulsating rhythms kept the dance floor ablaze with energy, ensuring that the festivities remained in full swing throughout the day.

However, what truly elevated Rainbow Haze 3.0 to new heights were the luminaries who graced the occasion, infusing the event with an extra dose of glamour and excitement. Among the distinguished guests was the radiant Bollywood actress and entrepreneur, Harneet Kour. Known for her upcoming Bollywood venture slated for release in June 2024 and her recent success in the Punjabi film "Udeekan Teriyan," Harneet Kour's presence added a touch of star-studded allure to the festivities. Interacting warmly with attendees, Kaur shared her enthusiasm for the celebrations, further enhancing the electric atmosphere.

Joining the galaxy of stars was the magnetic Irfan Shaukat, acclaimed as the emerging Travel Influencer of 2023, whose charismatic charm resonated with the crowd, leaving a lasting impression on all who crossed his path. The event also saw the esteemed presence of renowned influencers, including the illustrious Neha Sadoiya. Revered as one of Mumbai's favorite food influencers on Instagram, Neha boasts a monthly average reach of 10 million, captivating audiences with her delectable recommendations. Accompanying her was the glamorous Tanu Agarwal, 700+ collaborations solidifying her status as a powerhouse in the influencer sphere.

Adding to the allure was Sneha Naidu, renowned for her captivating food blogging on Instagram and beloved for her engaging YouTube vlogs.

Guiding the festivities with her infectious energy was the effervescent anchor Ingila Gill. With her wealth of experience across India and the Middle East, Gill ensured a seamless flow of entertainment throughout the event.

As the day unfolded, attendees were treated to a mesmerizing showcase of talent, with acclaimed DJs and local artists alike setting the stage ablaze with their captivating performances. The melodic strains of the popular band Asmani resonated through the air, while local talents like Thane's very own Zumba instructor, Shubhu, infused the event with their unique flair, ensuring that every moment was filled with joy and excitement.

Capturing the essence of Rainbow Haze 3.0 was the talented photographer Harry Lodh from The Candid Love Story, whose stunning visuals immortalized the spirit of the festivities for posterity.

Looking towards the future, organizers have already set their sights on Rainbow Haze 4.0, promising an even more spectacular extravaganza for attendees to look forward to. With plans to enlist celebrity DJs and elevate the overall festival experience, Rainbow Haze 4.0 aims to redefine Holi celebrations in Thane and beyond, promising an unforgettable experience for all who partake in its colorful splendor.

Rainbow Haze 3.0 wasn't just a festival; it was a celebration of unity, joy, and the vibrant tapestry of life. As attendees bid farewell to yet another unforgettable edition, their hearts were filled with cherished memories and anticipation for the magic that Rainbow Haze 4.0 is poised to unveil next year.

For media inquiries and coverage, contact RV at 7710030004.

Aditya Jogani reaping praise from Indians as Nirvana’s lab-grown diamonds become a household name

Diamonds is one of the most lucrative and most demanded but not so affordable things nowadays for people across the country. And, Aditya Jogani introduced a like-for-like replacement of diamonds to Indians. He started developing lab-grown diamonds that certainly became a new trend among people and Gen-Z youth.

Diamond is something that everyone wants to buy but it is so costly that it becomes very difficult for many to buy the precious gem from the daily jewellery showrooms. So keeping the same thing in mind Aditya Jogani and his wife Avani founded a brand Nirvana that went viral across the globe in no time.

This development coming from an Indian business tycoon certainly took India’s flag in jewellery industry to a different stage. He managed to leave a big positive impact on the diamond market across the globe starting from his home country India. He set the foundation of Nirvana back in 2016.

Nirvana didn’t need any traditional marketing stint but its mouth publicity among youth was enough to place lab-grown diamond as the new trend in the market. The impact was so big that diamond companies started feeling the heat and challenge as the people were more interested in buying differently crafted and cheaper diamonds from Nirvana than buying it at a costly price from showrooms.

The I.P of Nirvana is that the lab-grown diamonds are crafted as per the requirement of the customer and this is an attractive thing from a customer perspective. Nirvana has managed to get some top tenders from government tenders in order to promote this new technology of lab-grown diamonds.

With surging prices of diamonds and jewellery across the globe, Aditya Jogani and Avani Jogani have certainly done a fantabulous job by giving the Indian middle class a choice of diamonds that gives them utterly good confidence.

आज प्रदोष व्रत,यह दिन महादेव को है समर्पित,इस दिन सुख समृद्धि के लिए लोग रखते हैं ब्रत

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साहिबगंज नींबू पहाड़ में हुए अवैध खनन की जांच को लेकर फिर एक बार सीबीआई की दविश।

साहिबगंज नींबू पहाड़ में हुए अवैध खनन की जांच को लेकर फिर एक बार सीबीआई की दविश।

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नसरल्लाह की मौत ने ईरान दे रहा धमकी, क्या इजराइल को अकेले रोक पाएंगे अयातुल्ला खामनेई?


इजराइल के हमले में लेबानानी गुट हिजबुल्लाह के नेता हसन नसरल्लाह की मौत से ईरान को बड़ा झटका लगा है। ईरान अब बदले की आग में धधक रहा है। ईरान के सामने ये सवाल खड़ा हो गया है कि वह अपने महत्वपूर्ण सहयोगी हिजबुल्लाह को हुए नुकसान की भरपाई कैसे करे और अपने क्षेत्रीय प्रभाव को कैसे बरकरार रखे। दरअसल, ईरान ये भली भांति जानता है कि वो चाहकर भी इजरायल का बाल भी बांका नहीं कर पाएगा।

करीब एक साल से इजराइल ने पूरे मिडिल ईस्ट की नाक में दम कर रखा है। दुनिया के बड़े बड़े ताकतवर मुल्क इजराइल से युद्ध रोकने की मांग रहे हैं, बावजूद इसके वो अपने एजेंडे को अंजाम देने में जुटा है और हर गुजरते दिन के साथ अपने दुश्मनों का खात्मा कर रहा है। इजराइल ने लेबनान पर ताबड़तोड़ हवाई हमले कर हाल ही में हिजबुल्ला प्रमुख सयैद हसन नसरल्ला का खात्मा कर दिया।

ईरान के सुप्रीम लीडर अयातुल्ला अली खामनेई ने नसरल्लाह की मौत पर आक्रामक रुख दिखाते हुए कहा है कि उनकी मौत व्यर्थ नहीं जाएगी। ईरान के आईआरजीसी कमांडर अब्बास निलफोरोशान की मौत भी नसरल्ला के साथ हुई है। अपने सैन्य अफसर की हत्या ईरान के लिए शर्म की वजह बनी है और इससे उस पर इजरायल के खिलाफ कार्रवाई का दबाव बढ़ा है। हालांकि, ये भी सच है कि नसरल्लाह की हत्या से भी इस तथ्य में कोई बदलाव नहीं आया है कि तेहरान संघर्ष में सीधे शामिल नहीं होना चाहता है। क्योंकि ईरान ये अच्छी तरह से जानता है कि वो चाहकर भी इजरायल का बाल भी बांका नहीं कर पाएगा।

दरअसल, इजरायल के पीछे अमेरिका खड़ा है।अमेरिका हर तरफ फैले अपने सैन्य ठिकानों का इस्तेमाल दुनिया में कहीं भी बैठे दुश्मनों से निपटने और सहयोगियों की मदद करने के लिए करता है। हाल के सालों में अमेरिका ने मिडिल ईस्ट के साथ-साथ साऊथ एशिया में भी अपनी सैन्य मौजूदगी बढ़ाई है। इस समय अमेरिका के 80 देशों में करीब 750 सैन्य अड्डे हैं, इन देशों में सबसे ज्यादा 120 मिलिट्री बेस जपान में हैं।

अमेरिका ने पूरे मिडिल ईस्ट में मिलिट्री बेस का ऐसा जाल बिछा लिया है। मिडिल ईस्ट के लगभग 19 देशों में अमेरिका के मिलिट्री बेस हैं, जिनमें से प्रमुख कतर, बहरीन, जॉर्डन, और सऊदी अरब में हैं। मिडिल ईस्ट में बढ़े तनाव में अमेरिका के ये मिलिट्री बेस अहम भूमिका निभा रहे हैं और इजराइल की सुरक्षा के लिए कवच बने हुए हैं। जिसे चाह कर भी अरब देश इसे नहीं तोड़ पा रहे हैं। 

इसके अलावा अमेरिका के सैन्य अड्डे तुर्की और जिबूती में भी हैं, ये देश पूरी तरह मिडिल ईस्ट में तो नहीं आते पर कई रणनीतिक तौर से इन देशों में सेना रखने से पूरे मिडिल ईस्ट पर नजर रखने में मदद मिलती है।

अमेरिकी सेना का मजबूती के साथ मिडिल ईस्ट के देशों में बने रहने का एक बड़ा कारण ईरान और क्षेत्रीय मिलिशिया भी हैं जो कट्टर इस्लामी राज को मिडिल ईस्ट में स्थापित करना चाहती हैं। ईरान की शिया विचारधारा को सुन्नी देश अपने अस्तित्व के लिए खतरा मानते हैं और ईरान से सुरक्षा के लिए अमेरिका से मदद की उम्मीद रखते हैं। ज्यादातर अरब देश अमेरिका की सेना की उपस्थिति को अपने देश की स्थिरता के लिए जरूरी मानते हैं। अमेरिका अपना सैन्य बेस बनाने के बदले उन देशों को बाहरी खतरों से सुरक्षा की गारंटी और अंतरराष्ट्रीय स्थर पर कई राणनीतिक लाभ देता है। साथ ही गरीब देशों को भारी सैन्य और आर्थिक मदद भी दी जाती है।

मिडिल ईस्ट में इजराइल अमेरिका का खास अलाय है और दोनों के मजबूत राजनीतिक और सैन्य संबंध हैं। इजराइल चारों तरफ से मुस्लिम देशों से घिरा एक यहूदी देश है और फिलिस्तीनियों की जमीन पर कब्जे के कारण, ये देश इजराइल से उलझते रहे हैं। इस हालात में मिडिल ईस्ट के चारों तरफ इतनी बड़ी तदाद में अमेरिकी सैन्य अड्डे होने से इजराइल को बड़ा लाभ मिल रहा है।

गाजा लेबनान में अमानवीय कार्रवाई के बावजूद कोई देश भी उसपर सैन्य कार्रवाई करने की हिम्मत नहीं जुटा पा रहा है। यहां तक कि ईरान भी अभी तक धमकी ही दे पाया है, लेकिन वे सीधे तौर पर इस जंग में कूदने का साहस नहीं ला पाया है।

यही नहीं हाल के दिनों में इजराइल की ओर से तेज हुए हमलों और हिजबुल्लाह के नेता हसन नसरल्लाह की मौत के बाद पैदा हे जंग के हालात के बीच अमेरिकी रक्षा मंत्रालय ने बड़ा कदम उठाया है। इजरायल का साथ देने के लिए अमेरिका ने समूचे पश्चिम एशिया में लड़ाकू विमानों का दस्ता और विमान वाहक पोत तैनात करने का फैसला किया है। अमेरिकी रक्षा मंत्रालय के मुख्यालय पेंटागन ने यह जानकारी दी। पेंटागन ने बताया कि अमेरिका के राष्ट्रपति जो बाइडेन ने ईरान और उसके सहयोगियों के संभावित हमलों से इजरायल की रक्षा करने और अमेरिकी सैनिकों की सुरक्षा सुनिश्चित करने के लिए पश्चिम एशिया में सैन्य उपस्थिति बढ़ाने का निर्णय लिया है। इसके तहत अमेरिकी लड़ाकू विमानों और युद्ध पोत के दस्ते ने इजरायल के चारों ओर उसकी रक्षा के लिए घेरा बनाना शुरू कर दिया है।

India play goalless draw against Kuwait
*Sports News*

Khabar kolkata:  India's hopes for qualifying for the third round of the FIFA World Cup 2026 and AFC Asian Cup 2027 Preliminary Joint Qualification took a hit as they were held 0-0 by Kuwait in their penultimate Group A game at the Salt Lake Yubo bharati Stadium on Thursday.

In what was Sunil Chhetri's 151st and last dance in Indian colours, victory may have eluded him at the full-time whistle, but emotions couldn't. After a lap around the 58,921 fans at the Salt Lake Stadium, the captain, leader, legend, let out his farewell tears when the Indian players and team officials gave him a guard of honour to the tunnel. In a warm gesture, each one of Kuwait's players and officials also paid their respects with handshakes and hugs with the Indian skipper.

As far as the match is concerned, it was far from a drab affair, with a host of chances at both ends, particularly in the first half. But some top-notch defending and fine saves reduced the contest to a goalless one.

Igor Stimac handed out a full India debut to left-back Jay Gupta, while Edmund Lalrindika came on in the last seven minutes in Gupta's place to make his debut too.

With the draw, India remain in second place with five points (Qatar will play Afghanistan later in the day), but importantly for Kuwait, they stay alive with four points. India will now hope for Qatar's victory over Afghanistan, and a draw between Kuwait and Afghanistan on June 11. In that scenario, a point for India against Qatar in five days' time in Doha will be enough to progress to the third round.

Kuwait made the earliest inroad in the fifth minute when left-winger Mohammad Abdulah shouldered his way into the box and came one-on-one with Gurpreet Singh Sandhu, but the Indian custodian stood strong, sticking his leg out to make a vital save early on.

India also responded with frantic pace on the left courtesy of Liston Colaco, who raced his way past the Kuwait right-back and put in a low cross, but Hasan Alanezi stabbed the ball clear for the visitors. India had their first shot from the resulting Anirudh Thapa corner, with an unmarked Anwar Ali heading it inches over the bar.

In the 25th minute, both teams had their heart-in-the-mouth moments in the space of a few seconds. First, it was Eid Alrashidi breaking the offside trap to stray clear on goal before dinking the ball over an onrushing Gurpreet. It landed just wide of the goal net. Immediately after, Jay Gupta burst forward and put an inviting low cross from the left. But Alanezi was on hand again to clear the danger for Kuwait at full stretch.

Slowly and steadily, India grew in confidence and began stringing attacks patiently, mostly utilising the speed of their wingers. Lallianzuala Chhangte got the better of left-back Meshari Alenezi on a couple of occasions and swung in dangerous crosses from the right, but Kuwait actively hacked them clear. Stimac's men were quicker to the second balls as well, winning the ball in the final third and making Kuwait sweat at the back.

On a couple of occasions, Liston also tried his luck from distance, first smashing the side-netting, before skying it wayward from an audacious 40-yard attempt.

At half-time, Stimac made two changes, sacrificing midfielder Thapa to bring on striker Rahim Ali, while Brandon Fernandes replaced Sahal Abdul Samad in the middle.

The start to the second half was as wild as the first. Both goalkeepers were tested to the fullest in and came out on top. Faisal Alharbi's stinging volley from barely six yards out was met with a stunning reflex save from Gurpreet, who dipped his entire 196-centimetre figure to palm it out. A few minutes later, he had to stretch to the top corner to push out Yousef Alsulaiman's effort.

Sandwiched between Gurpreet's heroics was Sulaiman Abdulghafoor's one-on-one save for Kuwait. He made himself big to deny Rahim, who had latched on to a great through ball.

India struggled to maintain their first-half intensity and the tempo shifted towards Kuwait for a while. Substitute Ali Matar got plenty of space near the edge of the box, but he hesitated to shoot early and by the time he did, Rahul Bheke had thrown his body to make a solid block.

For those in blue, time seemed to pass quicker as they were left frustrated by Kuwait slowing down the tempo of the game.

The Blue Tigers sprang to some life in injury time, but it was not enough. Brandon Fernandes flashed a low ball across the face of the goal, but it was Alenezi once again to clear the danger for Kuwait for the umpteenth time on the night. Seconds later, Chhangte picked out Manvir with an inch-perfect cross but the latter nodded it wide of the near post. P ic : AIFA & Sanjay Hazra (khabar kolkata)
Pilot Chef’s vision to open 100+ outlet in 2 years

Once upon a time in a Delhi Govt Boys School Friends , one of young boy named Satvir Singh He was bright, ambitious, and full of ideas. Despite coming from a middle-class family, Satvir Singh always dreamt big. His parents, hardworking individuals with modest means, instilled in him the values of diligence and perseverance.

From a young age, Satvir Singh after completion of study , Satvir got jobs in multiple companies but he not satisfied because his dream was big and dreaming of creating something that would change the world. His best friend, Akash Kumar shared his passion for innovation. Together, they spent countless afternoons brainstorming ideas every day,

One day proposed Satvir Singh click an idea in his mind that 90% percents Indians have dream to travel by airplane and get flights experience because in India flights travelling quite expensive so he started a cafe with airplane concept with air hostess and service , interior like as is it like airplane to full fill Indians customers dream to have flights experience with very innovative foods with amazing taste ,They spent weeks refining their concept, conducting market research, and teaching themselves the necessary skills to bring their idea to life.

With their savings from summer jobs and a small loan from Akash kumar relatives they finally launched their Business concept , Pilot Chef’s into the world. Initially, the response was lukewarm, but Satvir Singh and Akash Kumar refused to give up. They tirelessly promoted their concept on social media, reached out to influencers, and attended local events to spread the word.

Slowly but surely, their hard work began to pay off. Customers who took services and have burgers of pilot Chef’s praised cafe over all services ,Encouraged by their initial success, Satvir Singh and Akash worked day and night to improve their Pilot Chef’s Services to serve better experience to customers adding more services to give pilot chef’s customers food experience which touches customers soul.

Pilot Chef’s gained traction, investors began to take notice. With their pitch decks in hand and passion in their hearts, Satvir Singh and Akash Kumar pitched their startup to venture capitalists, highlighting their vision for the future of Cafe technology with very Unique cafe experience for customers . Despite facing numerous rejections, they remained undeterred, refining their pitch with each setback.

Finally, their perseverance paid off when they secured their first round of funding from a Akash kumar brother.

Years passed, and Pilot Chefs continued to thrive. Satvir Singh and Akash kumar once-small startup had grown into a multinational brand employing hundreds of people and full fill thousands of customers dream to have airplanes experience Despite their success, they remained grounded, never forgetting their humble beginnings .

Their journey from middle-class boys with a dream to successful entrepreneurs served as an inspiration to countless others. And as they looked back on their incredible journey, they knew that with determination, hard work, and a dash of creativity, anything was possible.

Pilot chefs vision to open 100+ outlet in 3 Countries to provide very amazing cafe experience to customers. This Indian startup ready to touch 100 outlet milestone till September 2025 , Satvir Singh added.


"From Village Roots to Global Heights: The Inspiring Journey of Deepesh Raj, Founder of Shine Well Digital Solutions”

Renowned digital marketing expert, Mr. Deepesh Raj, is the Founder and CEO of Shine Well Digital Solutions, India's Leading Digital Marketing agency, serving 150+ brands, PAN India & abroad. 

Born in Samastipur, a small village in Bihar, Raj’s journey is an inspiring tale of determination, hard work & the never-give-up spirit. 

Coming from a middle class family, nobody ever imagined that Deepesh's remarkable journey and idealistic vision would revolutionize the digital marketing industry in India.

Like any other Indian family, his parents were completely against business & they wanted him to choose the conventional path. But, being a hardworking boy, he cracked the prestigious NDA & SSC exams, qualified UGC NET in CSE and got into a very comfortable Govt. Job with a good salary.

But, as it is rightly said, you cannot contain the storm for more than a moment. Mr. Deepesh quit his job, believed in himself and without any financial support, went on to fulfill his dreams. As if the idea of not utilizing his key-skills, seemed scary. 

He has always been a passionate Digital Marketer, who is excited with the idea of driving huge profits for his clients. 

Initially, he did digital marketing for a few companies in Patna, Bihar and within a year, scaled one business to become a millionaire. This gave him a boost and he decided to establish his own venture.

Mr. Raj is not only a Google certified digital marketing expert but also a certified ethical hacker and knows 13+ programming languages. He is currently pursuing a PHD in Cyber Securities and is a career counsellor to hundreds of learners. He has graced numerous MBA Colleges as a guest lecturer, inspiring young entrepreneurs. 

His journey is a testament to the power of passion, hardwork and perseverance.

And, with a vision to support small businesses and start-ups, with affordable yet premium digital marketing services, Shine Well quickly gained momentum, expanding its reach from Patna to PAN India and beyond. Today, with over 150 clients globally, including top tech startups Shine Well has solidified its position as India's leading digital marketing agency.

Mr. Deepesh along with his expert team has now stepped into revolutionizing the web-hosting industry with the launch of HostinGlow, India’s best and most affordable hosting service provider with 24X7 expert support. HostinGlow is established with the vision to support small businesses & Indian startups. With its data centres located in India, HostinGlow also ensures data security for Indian companies. It is a made in India, Made for Indians, product. 

And, noticing the current unemployment rate in India, the expert team at Shine Well, has also developed a one of its kind job platform named Direct Jobs, which is all set to rule the job market in just a few months. Direct Jobs is a completely free job platform, i.e. they do not charge any fee from either employer or the candidates.  

Shine Well believes in making a positive impact, both in business and the society. The company’s work culture supports both freshers and women in the workplace.

With over 70% of its team comprising women, Shine Well has been recognized and awarded for its efforts in creating equal opportunities for all.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, when people were struggling to meet basic needs, Shine Well’s team proved its commitment to social responsibility by providing free digital marketing services to their clients. Because it is a client-first company & they treat monetary benefits as secondary. 

The company never prioritizes money, instead it prioritizes it's clients growth.

Mr. Deepesh is not just a boss, he is an ideal leader who takes everybody together. He ensures growth and fosters learning for all the team members, treating them like family. The work culture at Shine Well is heavenly, with people wanting to work under his leadership. This culture of inclusivity and support is the main reason behind Shine Well's success.

As it is rightly said that good leadership is about empowering others to achieve greatness. At Shine Well, Mr. Raj’s vision is to create a dream workplace for employees, where they feel valued, supported, and inspired to excel.

The company, because of it's excellent work culture, visionary leadership and revolutionary ideas is all set to become the next Indian unicorn.

Shine Well Digital Solutions, continues to achieve milestones in the world of digital marketing, not only in India but also in UK, Qatar, Dubai, Nigeria, South Africa & more.

Rather than working for big established businesses, they believe in creating bigger brands out of small businesses.This shows the expertise and confidence that is vested in the team at Shine Well Digital Solutions.

You can viisit their website at shinewell.in to learn more about this incredible company and see how they're changing the world. You can also reach them directly at 9262386604

Website : www.shinewell.in

facebook : www.facebook.com/shinewelldigital

The Entrepreneurial Journey of Punam Gupta, A social Worker


Punam Gupta is a renowned name in the field of social work, not just in India but also globally. Along with being the Director of Immuno Life Pvt. Ltd., Punam Gupta is also the Founder of Octa Life Sciences, Director of Quality Services & Training Pvt. Ltd. and the President of Together We Can Foundation, An NGO. In her more than two-and-a-half decades of a professional and entrepreneurial career, Punam Gupta has received numerous awards and accolades.Born in 1973 into a middle-class family, Punam Gupta did her post-graduation with different diplomas in Computer Science and Food Nutrition, Mass Communication, Journalism, and LLB. After that, she opened a computer center and a consultancy firm and became an entrepreneur. Today, she has more than 25 years of experience in Pharma, Food and other manufacturing Sectors.

Punam Gupta began her career with auditing work in ISO. After that, in 2011, she joined FSSAI, which was established in India. Punam Gupta is certified as a FoSTaC trainer, and her company Quality Services and Training Pvt Ltd is empanelled as a training partner on the FoSTaC portal. "In 2020, she got awarded by the FoSTaC team for conducting the second-highest number of training sessions during 2019 in all over India."

Moreover, in 2015, she started her other unit Octa Life Sciences, under PMEGP Scheme and set up its manufacturing unit in 2017 with the production of Animal Feed Supplements and Ayurvedic Products. Apart from these businesses, she has conceived an NGO named ‘Together We Can Foundation,’ intending to serve people. She informs, "Our NGO works for Food Safety, Animal Welfare, Organ Donation, Employment Generation, and other issues of society." In 2020, at the time of COVID–19, Punam Gupta established her firm, Immuno Life Pvt Ltd, by considering the various needs of society to serve them with some high-quality immunity-boosting Ayurvedic products.

According to Punam Gupta, her motivation and keen interest in business and entrepreneurship inspired her extraordinary saga of four decades. "From a young age, I always wanted to start my own business, where there would be no time limitation. I still have that same hunger for success," she states.

Punam Gupta's success story is an inspiration to countless women across the globe who is struggling to make their mark in the world of business. She has proven that with hard work. She got award and recognitions from Mr. Sunil Gavaskar, Cricket Champion, Mr. Rajat Sharma, NDTV News Editor, Suniel Shetty, Sonu Sood, etc. for commendable social works.

She also conducted two Millet Melas in Ambala. Recently, she got awarded by Mr. Bandaru Dattatreya ji, Honorable Governor of India for her contributions in social work. 

Also, She received Certificate of Excellence from RIISM (Research Institute in Indian Systems of Medicine), awarded by MOTHER TERESA NARI SAMMAN Awards for best contribution in Entrepreneurship and Social work, Also, certified as Women Faces of the Year 2024 by Fox Story India, Moreover, got honored by Director of NIFTEM, a venture of MOFPI on International Women Day, Received a certificate of Record holder for doing maximum trainings and awareness of Food Safety by Harvard World Records. Not only this, she also got Udyog Ratan Award For Start Up Immuno Life Private Limited by Famous dancer cum bollywood actress Ms. Sudha Chandaran.

To know more: www.punamgupta.com



Aishwarya Vignesh: Empowering Minds and Transforming Futures in Madurai

Aishwarya Vignesh's story is one of humble beginnings and unwavering resolve. Hailing from a middle-

class family, she understood the value of education and hard work from an early age.

Armed with a passion for content creation and a vision to make a difference, Aishwarya embarked on her journey,

determined to carve a path of success against all odds.

With over a decade of experience in the content creation industry, Aishwarya brings a wealth of

knowledge and expertise to the table. Her journey from a novice creator to a seasoned professional

has been marked by countless hours of dedication, learning, and growth. Through her work, she has

not only honed her craft but has also inspired others to pursue their passions fearlessly.

Empowering Minds through Education

Driven by her passion for education and a desire to empower the youth, Aishwarya founded Right

Click Computer Education and Online Job Training Academy. What started as a humble initiative has

now blossomed into a thriving institution, offering a diverse range of courses in programming,

multimedia, animation, and Online Job skill training. With a focus on practical learning and industry-

relevant curriculum, Right Click Computer Education is empowering students to build successful

careers in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

From Humble Beginnings to Educational Excellence

Coming from a middle-class family, Aishwarya's journey is a testament to hard work and

determination. Despite challenges, she pursued her passion for education and content creation.

Today, she runs a prominent institution in Madurai, where she teaches programming, multimedia,

animation, and various skills to students, aiming to help them build successful careers.

Empowering Women through Online Jobs

Aishwarya is not just focused on traditional education; she also empowers women by providing

opportunities for online jobs in content creation. Recognizing the importance of financial

independence, she offers training and support to women, enabling them to earn income from the

comfort of their homes.

Affiliation with NSDC for Government Certification

Through her dedication to quality education, Aishwarya secured affiliation with the Hope Organization

NSDC Training partner. This partnership allows her institution to provide Central Government

certification, giving students nationally recognized credentials to boost their career prospects.

Shaping Futures and Changing Lives

Aishwarya Vignesh's efforts are not just about teaching skills; they're about transforming lives. Her

commitment to education and empowerment is making a tangible difference in the lives of individuals

in Madurai and beyond. As she continues her mission, she inspires others to dream big and achieve

their goals.

Students Success Stories

With a track record of success, Right Click Computer Education and Online Job Training Academy have

trained over 3000 students, equipping them with the skills and knowledge to thrive in the digital

world. What sets us apart is not just the number of students we've trained, but the impact we've had

on their lives. Many of our graduates are now earning a good income from the comfort of their homes,

thanks to the online job opportunities we've provided. Moreover, our focus on empowering women

has resulted in the transformation of countless lives. By breaking down barriers and providing

opportunities for financial independence, we're proud to say that we've played a significant role in

empowering women in Madurai and beyond.

From Student to Entrepreneur: Sowmiya's Journey

Sowmiya, one of our standout students at Right Click Computer Education, started her journey with a

humble dream and a thirst for knowledge. Through our training programs, she honed her skills in

programming and multimedia, laying the foundation for her future success. Armed with determination

and the expertise gained from our institution, Sowmiya embarked on her entrepreneurial journey.

Starting small, she ventured into the world of digital marketing and web development, leveraging the

skills she acquired during her time with us. Today, Sowmiya's business has flourished, providing

employment opportunities for over 20 individuals in her community. Her story is a testament to the

transformative power of education and the entrepreneurial spirit that thrives within our students.

Empowering Financial Independence: Nandhini's Success Story

Nandhini, another shining example of our student success stories, found herself at a crossroads

before joining Right Click Computer Education. Struggling to make ends meet, she yearned for a way

to break free from financial constraints and secure a better future for herself and her family. Through

our online job training program, Nandhini discovered the potential of content creation as a means of

earning income from home. With dedication and perseverance, she honed her skills and soon found

herself earning an impressive income of 10 lakhs. Nandhini's journey from financial uncertainty to

stability is a testament to the transformative impact of education and the opportunities that await

those who dare to dream big.

Arun Kumar: Overcoming Adversity and Achieving Financial Freedom

For Arun Kumar, the path to success was paved with challenges and setbacks. Burdened by debt and

financial struggles, he felt trapped and hopeless. However, upon enrolling in our skill training

programs, Arun found a glimmer of hope and a chance for a fresh start. Through hard work and

determination, he mastered the skills needed to excel in the tech industry. Armed with newfound

knowledge and confidence, Arun embarked on a journey to financial freedom. Today, he stands tall as

a testament to resilience and perseverance, having paid off his debts and secured a brighter future for

himself and his loved ones. Arun's story is a powerful reminder of the transformative power of

education and the boundless opportunities it offers to those who dare to pursue their dreams.


In Aishwarya Vignesh, Madurai has found a visionary leader who is not only transforming education

but also shaping the future of its youth. Through her dedication, innovation, and unwavering

commitment to empowerment, she is paving the way for a brighter, more inclusive future for all. As

she continues to inspire and uplift those around her, her impact reverberates far beyond the

boundaries of Madurai, leaving an indelible mark on generations to come.

Facebook :- https://www.facebook.com/MaduraiOnlineJobworkers?mibextid=ZbWKwL
"Houseful Holi Bash: Rainbow Haze 3.0 Achieves Grand Success with Actress Harneet Kour, Acclaimed DJs and Prominent Influencers"

Mumbai, India: As the city of Thane embraced the hues of spring, Rainbow Haze 3.0 unfolded as a spectacular celebration of love, colors, and community spirit at the Metro Ground. Hosted by the visionary entrepreneur Pradip Waghmare, this year's edition of Rainbow Haze witnessed an overwhelming response, with tickets selling out well in advance, setting the stage for an unforgettable extravaganza.

In a jubilant display of festivity and camaraderie, Rainbow Haze 3.0 illuminated the skies of Thane, ushering in the spirit of Holi with unparalleled fervor.

The heartbeat of the event resonated through the electrifying performances of some of the industry's finest DJs, including the dynamic quartet of DJ VDJ Ketro, DJ Gracy, DJ Bhavik, and DJ Shiko. Their pulsating rhythms kept the dance floor ablaze with energy, ensuring that the festivities remained in full swing throughout the day.

However, what truly elevated Rainbow Haze 3.0 to new heights were the luminaries who graced the occasion, infusing the event with an extra dose of glamour and excitement. Among the distinguished guests was the radiant Bollywood actress and entrepreneur, Harneet Kour. Known for her upcoming Bollywood venture slated for release in June 2024 and her recent success in the Punjabi film "Udeekan Teriyan," Harneet Kour's presence added a touch of star-studded allure to the festivities. Interacting warmly with attendees, Kaur shared her enthusiasm for the celebrations, further enhancing the electric atmosphere.

Joining the galaxy of stars was the magnetic Irfan Shaukat, acclaimed as the emerging Travel Influencer of 2023, whose charismatic charm resonated with the crowd, leaving a lasting impression on all who crossed his path. The event also saw the esteemed presence of renowned influencers, including the illustrious Neha Sadoiya. Revered as one of Mumbai's favorite food influencers on Instagram, Neha boasts a monthly average reach of 10 million, captivating audiences with her delectable recommendations. Accompanying her was the glamorous Tanu Agarwal, 700+ collaborations solidifying her status as a powerhouse in the influencer sphere.

Adding to the allure was Sneha Naidu, renowned for her captivating food blogging on Instagram and beloved for her engaging YouTube vlogs.

Guiding the festivities with her infectious energy was the effervescent anchor Ingila Gill. With her wealth of experience across India and the Middle East, Gill ensured a seamless flow of entertainment throughout the event.

As the day unfolded, attendees were treated to a mesmerizing showcase of talent, with acclaimed DJs and local artists alike setting the stage ablaze with their captivating performances. The melodic strains of the popular band Asmani resonated through the air, while local talents like Thane's very own Zumba instructor, Shubhu, infused the event with their unique flair, ensuring that every moment was filled with joy and excitement.

Capturing the essence of Rainbow Haze 3.0 was the talented photographer Harry Lodh from The Candid Love Story, whose stunning visuals immortalized the spirit of the festivities for posterity.

Looking towards the future, organizers have already set their sights on Rainbow Haze 4.0, promising an even more spectacular extravaganza for attendees to look forward to. With plans to enlist celebrity DJs and elevate the overall festival experience, Rainbow Haze 4.0 aims to redefine Holi celebrations in Thane and beyond, promising an unforgettable experience for all who partake in its colorful splendor.

Rainbow Haze 3.0 wasn't just a festival; it was a celebration of unity, joy, and the vibrant tapestry of life. As attendees bid farewell to yet another unforgettable edition, their hearts were filled with cherished memories and anticipation for the magic that Rainbow Haze 4.0 is poised to unveil next year.

For media inquiries and coverage, contact RV at 7710030004.

Aditya Jogani reaping praise from Indians as Nirvana’s lab-grown diamonds become a household name

Diamonds is one of the most lucrative and most demanded but not so affordable things nowadays for people across the country. And, Aditya Jogani introduced a like-for-like replacement of diamonds to Indians. He started developing lab-grown diamonds that certainly became a new trend among people and Gen-Z youth.

Diamond is something that everyone wants to buy but it is so costly that it becomes very difficult for many to buy the precious gem from the daily jewellery showrooms. So keeping the same thing in mind Aditya Jogani and his wife Avani founded a brand Nirvana that went viral across the globe in no time.

This development coming from an Indian business tycoon certainly took India’s flag in jewellery industry to a different stage. He managed to leave a big positive impact on the diamond market across the globe starting from his home country India. He set the foundation of Nirvana back in 2016.

Nirvana didn’t need any traditional marketing stint but its mouth publicity among youth was enough to place lab-grown diamond as the new trend in the market. The impact was so big that diamond companies started feeling the heat and challenge as the people were more interested in buying differently crafted and cheaper diamonds from Nirvana than buying it at a costly price from showrooms.

The I.P of Nirvana is that the lab-grown diamonds are crafted as per the requirement of the customer and this is an attractive thing from a customer perspective. Nirvana has managed to get some top tenders from government tenders in order to promote this new technology of lab-grown diamonds.

With surging prices of diamonds and jewellery across the globe, Aditya Jogani and Avani Jogani have certainly done a fantabulous job by giving the Indian middle class a choice of diamonds that gives them utterly good confidence.

आज प्रदोष व्रत,यह दिन महादेव को है समर्पित,इस दिन सुख समृद्धि के लिए लोग रखते हैं ब्रत

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