*Bengal crowned champions of Women’s U-15 One-Day Trophy*

Sports News 


 Khabar kolkata sports Desk: The wait is finally over. Bengal’s wait for a title at the national level finally ended on Tuesday as the Women’s Under-15 team displayed a brilliant all-round performance to outclass Punjab by 47 runs in the summit clash to emerge champions in the One-Day Trophy. 

Adrija Sarkar (62 off 63 balls) was awarded the player of the final for her superb batting. Toriya Singha Roy (43 off 68), skipper Sandipta Patra (22 not out, 2-11), Debjani Das (2-23), Snigdha Bag (1-22) were the other star performers for Bengal in the final.

Opting to bat, Bengal posted a challenging 157/8 in 35 overs, thanks to a superb 116-run opening stand between Adrija and Toriya.

In reply, Punjab lost wickets and succumbed under pressure, falling short of the target, scoring just 110/6 in 35 overs.

 Pic Courtesy by: CAB

लोकसभा में पेश हुआ एक देश एक चुनाव बिल, विपक्ष ने किया विरोध, जेपीसी में भेजेगी सरकार


वन नेशन वन इलेक्शन विधेयक आज लोकसभा में पेश हो गया है।केंद्रीय कानून मंत्री अर्जुन राम मेघवाल मंगलवार को लोकसभा और विधानसभा चुनाव एक साथ कराने का संविधान संशोधन विधेयक पेश किया। इसके बाद, विधेयक पर व्यापक विचार-विमर्श के लिए इसे संसद की संयुक्त समिति को भेजा जा सकता है।

कानून मंत्री अर्जुन राम मेघवाल ने कहा कि कुछ सदस्यों ने बिल के इंट्रोडक्शन पर आपत्ति की है जो ज्यादातर लेजिस्लेटिव पर ही है। एक विषय आया कि आर्टिकल 368 का ये उल्लंघन करता है। ये आर्टिकल संविधान में संशोधन की प्रक्रिया बताता है और संसद को शक्ति देता है। एक विषय आया अनुच्छेद 327 सदन को विधानमंडलों के संबंध में चुनाव के प्रावधान का अधिकार देता है। इसमें कहा गया है कि संविधान के प्रावधान के तहत विधानमंडल के किसी भी चुनाव के संबंध में प्रावधान कर सकती है। ये संवैधानिक है। सभी आवश्यक मामले इसमें शामिल हैं। अनुच्छेद 83 सदनों की अवधि और राज्यों के विधानमंडल के चुनाव की अवधि को पुनर्निधारित किया जा सकता है। संविधा के सातवें अनुच्छेद के प्रावधान का उल्लेख करते हुए कानून मंत्री ने कहा कि ये केंद्र को शक्ति प्रदान करता है। ये संविधान सम्मत संशोधन है।

जेपीसी में जाएगा वन नेशन वन इलेक्शन बिल

वन नेशन,वन इलेक्शन बिल पर जारी विरोध के बीच विपक्ष ने मांग की कि बिल को जेपीसी में भेजा जाएगा। इस बीच गृह मंत्री अमित शाह ने कहा कि बिल को जेपीसी को भेजा जाएगा। जेपीसी में सारी चर्चा होगी। जेपीसी के रिपोर्ट के आधार पर कैबिनेट फिर से चर्चा करेगी। अगर मंत्री जी(अर्जुन राम मेघवाल) ये बताते हैं तो इसे जेपीसी के पास भेजा जा सकता है। तब मेघवाल ने कहा कि रूल 74 के तहत सरकार जेपीसी का प्रस्ताव लाएगी। सरकार की तरफ से ये मंशा भी है।

टीडीपी ने की 'अटूट' समर्थन देने की घोषणा

चंद्रबाबू नायडू के नेतृत्व वाली टीडीपी ने लोकसभा में पेश किए गए एक राष्ट्र, एक चुनाव विधेयक को ‘अटूट’ समर्थन देने की घोषणा की है। वहीं शिवसेना एकनाथ शिंदे गुट ने भी इस बिल का समर्थन किया। वन नेशन वन इलेक्शन विधेयक का कांग्रेस और सपा ने विरोध किया है। इसके अलावा टीएमसी और डीएमके ने भी बिल का विरोध किया है। इंडियन यूनियन मुस्लिम लीग, शिवसेना यूबीटी, एआईएमआईएम, सीपीएम और एनसीपी शरद पवार ने बिल का विरोध किया है। टीडीपी ने बिल का समर्थन किया है।

सत्ता को केंद्रीकृत करने का प्रयास है- सुप्रिया सुले

एनसीपी (एसपी)सांसद सुप्रिया सुले ने मंगलवार को कहा कि उन्होंने “वन नेशन, वन इलेक्शन” विधेयक का विरोध किया है और इसे संघवाद और संविधान की कीमत पर सत्ता को केंद्रीकृत करने का प्रयास बताया है। उन्होंने सरकार से आग्रह किया कि वह इस विधेयक को तुरंत वापस ले या आगे के परामर्श के लिए इसे संयुक्त संसदीय समिति को भेज दे।

असदुद्दीन ओवैसी ने जमकर किया वन नेशन वन इलेक्शन बिल का विरोध

असदुद्दीन ओवैसी ने कहा कि वन नेशन वन इलेक्शन बिल का मैं विरोध करता हूं। ये बिल लोकतांत्रिक स्वराज के अधिकारों का उल्लंघन करता है। राज्य विधानसभा का कार्यकाल 5 साल का नहीं होगा। ये अपने आप में संविधान का उल्लंघन है। संघवाद के प्रिसिंपल के खिलाफ है ये बिल।

लोकसभा में आज एक देश-एक चुनाव बिल आएगा, बीजेपी-कांग्रेस-शिवसेना ने व्हिप जारी किया


लोकसभा और राज्य विधानसभाओं के चुनाव एक साथ कराने के लिए 'एक देश, एक चुनाव' का संविधान (129वां संशोधन) विधेयक मंगलवार को संसद में पेश होने वाला है। संसद के शीतकालीन सत्र के 17वें दिन आज सरकार लोकसभा में एक देश-एक चुनाव से जुड़े 2 बिल पेश करेगी। दोनों बिल को 12 दिसंबर को केंद्रीय कैबिनेट से मंजूरी मिल चुकी है। केंद्रीय कानून मंत्री अर्जुन राम मेघवाल पहले एक देश-एक चुनाव के लिए 129वां संविधान संशोधन बिल पेश करेंगे। इसको लेकर बीजेपी, कांग्रेस और शिवसेना ने अपने सांसदों को व्हिप जारी किया है।

सूत्रों के मुताबिक, ये भी कहा जा रहा है कि बिल पर सहमति के लिए इसे जेपीसी में भेजा जाएगा। एक शीर्ष सरकारी पदाधिकारी ने बताया कि केंद्रीय कानून मंत्री अर्जुन राम मेघवाल विधेयक पेश करेंगे। इसके बाद वह लोकसभा स्पीकर ओम बिरला से विधेयक को व्यापक विचार-विमर्श के लिए संयुक्त संसदीय समिति को संदर्भित करने का निवेदन करेंगे। समिति का गठन विभिन्न पार्टियों के सांसदों की संख्या के आधार पर आनुपातिक रूप से किया जाएगा।

बीजेपी और शिवसेना ने सभी सांसदों को तीन लाइन का व्हिप जारी किया है। साथ ही सदन में मौजूद रहने के लिए कहा है। बिल को एनडीए के सहयोगी दलों का भी साथ मिल चुका है। सहयोगी दल सरकार और बिल के साथ खड़े नजर आ रहे हैं। विपक्ष वन नेशन, वन इलेक्शन बिल के विरोध में है। विपक्ष इसे गैरजरूरी और असल मुद्दों से भटकाने वाला बिल बता रहा है। वहीं, सभी कांग्रेस लोकसभा सांसदों को व्हिप जारी किया गया है, जिसमें आज की महत्वपूर्ण कार्यवाही के लिए सदन में उनकी उपस्थिति अनिवार्य की गई है।

विधेयक के जरिये संविधान में अनुच्छेद-82ए (लोकसभा एवं विधानसभाओं के एकसाथ चुनाव) को जोड़ा जाएगा। जबकि अनुच्छेद-83 (संसद के सदनों की अवधि), अनुच्छेद-172 (राज्य विधानसभाओं की अवधि) और अनुच्छेद-327 (विधायिकाओं के चुनाव से जुड़े प्रविधान करने की संसद की शक्ति) में संशोधन किए जाएंगे।विधेयक में यह भी प्रविधान है कि इसके कानून बनने के बाद आम चुनाव के पश्चात लोकसभा की पहली बैठक की तिथि पर राष्ट्रपति की ओर से अधिसूचना जारी की जाएगी और अधिसूचना जारी करने की तिथि को नियत तिथि कहा जाएगा। लोकसभा का कार्यकाल उस तिथि से पांच वर्ष का होगा।

वहीं, राज्यसभा में संविधान पर विशेष चर्चा दूसरे दिन भी जारी रहेगी। प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी शाम को चर्चा पर जवाब दे सकते हैं। इससे पहले PM ने 14 दिसंबर को लोकसभा में संविधान पर विशेष चर्चा में भाग लिया था। चर्चा के दौरान उन्होंने कांग्रेस को संविधान का शिकार करने वाली पार्टी बताया था।

*Dominant Bengal storm into final of Women’s U-15 One-Day meet*

Sports News 


 Khabar kolkata sports Desk: Riding on a brilliant all-round performance, Bengal outclassed Rajasthan by 31 runs in the semifinal clash on Sunday to storm into the final of the Women’s Under-15 One Day Trophy.

In the summit clash, Bengal will be up against Punjab on Tuesday.

Toriya Singha Roy was awarded the player of the match for her superb 65 off 84 balls.

Nilanjana Barik (4-26), skipper Sandipta Patra (45 off 29), Debjani Das (2-27) and Remondina Khatun (2-27) were the other star performers for Bengal in the last-four clash.

Batting first, Bengal scored a challenging 190/5 in 35 overs. Chasing the target, Rajasthan lost wickets at regular intervals and were bundled out for 159 in 32 overs.

 PIC Courtesy by: CAB

*Bengal outclass Karnataka to enter semifinals of Women’s U-15 One-Day Trophy*

Sports News

Khabar kolkata sports Desk : A dominant performance by the bowlers, followed by a superb effort by the batters powered Bengal into the semifinals of the Women’s Under-15 One Day Trophy.

Bengal outclassed Karnataka by 3 wickets in Jaipur on Thursday to seal a place in the last four.

Leading from the front, Sandipta Patra smashed a brilliant 64 off 82 balls while Remondina Khatun (3-26) and Debjani Das (2-35) impressed with the ball for Bengal.

Batting first, Karnataka scored 154/8 in 35 overs. Sandipta and Snigdha Bag also bagged a wicket each for Bengal. In reply, Bengal went over the line, scoring 155/7 in 34.1 overs.

Bengal will play their last-four match on Sunday.

Pic Courtesy by: CAB

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Empowering Dreams: The Inspiring Success Story of Karthik Raja Karnan and MADique Technologies

Salem, India – December 2024 – The extraordinary journey of Karthik Raja Karnan showcases how creativity, perseverance, and a deep commitment to social impact can transform an industry. As the founder and CEO of MADique Technologies, Karthik has redefined the food processing industry by designing affordable, sustainable, and efficient machinery for small-scale entrepreneurs. His life story is a testament to how a humble beginning can lead to a remarkable legacy. 

Early Life: The Foundation of a Visionary Leader 

Born on May 30, 1994, into a middle-class family in Salem, Tamil Nadu, Karthik grew up in Ammapet, a small town steeped in weaving traditions. His parents, Mr. Karnan and Mrs. Kaladevi were skilled weavers who nurtured Karthik’s curious and inventive nature. Since the family could not afford expensive toys, Karthik began creating his own, showcasing an innate talent for innovation from a young age. Karthik attended a government school, where his aptitude for science and experimentation became evident. Known for applying classroom lessons through practical experiments at home, he earned multiple accolades during his school years, including the Brahma Award, the District-Level Best Student Award, and the State-Level Best Student Award.

From Engineering Graduate to Entrepreneurial Trailblazer 

After excelling academically, Karthik pursued engineering at the Knowledge Institute of Technology in Salem, specializing in Electrical and Electronics. During his college years, he developed several innovative products that earned national recognition. Prestigious honors such as the Young Scientist Award, the Edison Award, and the Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Award celebrated his creativity and ingenuity. Graduating in 2016, Karthik was offered a job at Titan. However, his entrepreneurial spirit burned brighter. Despite familial pressure to accept the secure job, Karthik made the bold decision to decline the offer and follow his dreams. With little more than his vision and determination, he started a small company in a car shed, becoming its sole employee. 

Overcoming Challenges and Building MADique Technologies 

Karthik’s entrepreneurial journey was far from easy. His first project a Murukku Machine failed, but he remained undeterred. Neighbors mocked him for looking like a “mechanic boy” while his peers secured lucrative jobs. Facing mounting failures, Karthik’s mother repeatedly urged him to take a stable job, but he asked his parents for one year to prove himself. That pivotal year marked a turning point. Karthik successfully developed the Automatic Murukku Machine and the Automatic Idiyappam Machine, which quickly gained popularity. His focus on creating low-cost, high-quality food processing machines helped countless middle-class entrepreneurs launch their businesses. In 2021, Karthik unveiled the world’s smallest Automatic Idiyappam Machine at an unprecedentedly low price, earning a record in the prestigious Kalam Book of World Records. This milestone paved the way for MADique Technologies to expand internationally, reaching over 30 countries. 

Innovating to Empower Small-Scale Food Entrepreneurs Since its inception in 2013, MADique Technologies has become synonymous with innovation, efficiency, and affordability. The company’s flagship product, the Idiyappam Machine, consumes

only 60 watts of power—comparable to a ceiling fan—and produces 400 pieces per hour. Priced at just ₹41,300, the machine enables small-scale entrepreneurs, including housewives, differentlyabled individuals, and rural business owners, to enter the food processing industry without significant financial burdens. MADique’s product range now includes dough kneaders, murukku makers, and other innovative machines designed to simplify food production processes. Over 3,000 entrepreneurs globally have benefited from these technologies, which provide an affordable pathway to success.

 A Commitment to Social Responsibility and Sustainability 

MADique Technologies stands out for its focus on social impact. Karthik offers a 10% discount to differently-abled entrepreneurs, fostering inclusivity in business. In a tribute to his inspiration, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, the company gifts a copy of Dr. Kalam’s biography to every customer, encouraging lifelong learning and self-improvement. Environmental sustainability is also a cornerstone of MADique’s mission. With every machine sold, customers receive seed balls to support reforestation efforts, aligning with the company’s commitment to a greener planet. Moreover, MADique’s energy-efficient designs help reduce the carbon footprint of small-scale food production.

Awards and Recognitions 

Karthik’s relentless dedication to innovation and entrepreneurship has earned him numerous prestigious awards, including:

 • Fast Growing 500 CEO Award – Benchmark Trust, Mumbai (2024)

 • Young Achiever of the Year Award – Global Triumph Foundation (2024) • Tamil Nadu Business Icon Award – IBTHINK Academy (2024)

 • India Top 500 Best Brand Award – INDIA 5000 MSME Business Awards (2024)

 • Innovative Company of the Year Award – GTF, World Business Summit (2024)

 • Outstanding Young Entrepreneur Award – JCI Metro (2024)

 • Best Innovative Entrepreneur Award – IMPA Association (2024)

 • Star Young Entrepreneur Award – Thozhil Valarchi Media (2023)

 • Global Excellence Award – World Peace University (2019)

 • Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Award – Institute of Engineers (2015) 

These accolades are a testament to Karthik’s tireless pursuit of excellence and his dedication to making a meaningful impact on the world. Vision for the Future Karthik’s unwavering focus on research and development drives MADique Technologies forward. The company’s ambitious goal is to empower 10,000 entrepreneurs globally by 2030, further solidifying its impact on food processing and entrepreneurship. Karthik’s journey from a car shed to global recognition has inspired countless individuals. 

For more information, visit https://madique.com/.

How India’s Favourite Kunafa World won the Kunafa Chocolate Bar Trend


The chocolate kunafa bar has been a sweet sensation in recent months. Originally gaining viral fame in the UAE, this sweet twist on the traditional kunafa has made its way to India, quickly becoming a major hit. With its perfect blend of textures and flavors, the chocolate kunafa bar has become a favorite dessert among food enthusiasts and sweet lovers alike. Even though many places now offer their own version of the chocolate kunafa bar, Kunafa World has set itself apart by delivering the best one, and the best part, they deliver all around India, ensuring that everyone can have a bite of this delicious treat.Founders of Kunafa World, Jameela Ruhi and Zamzeer Ahamed, started their journey with a simple idea sparked over a homemade dessert. When Jameela served her husband a delicious kunafa, Zamzeer saw the potential for it to become a crowd-pleaser. They launched their business online in Mangalore, and it quickly gained popularity. Their big break came on Shark Tank India, where their kunafa-focused concept wowed the judges. Today, Kunafa World is India’s first kunafa-centric quick-service restaurant (QSR), offering over 30 varieties, including the introduction of viral chocolate kunafa bar in India, and has expanded to five states across India.

Kunafa, a Middle Eastern dish known for its crispy phyllo layers and rich fillings, has always had its admirers. But adding a chocolatey twist was a game changer. The chocolate bar from Kunafa World features an outer layer of smooth, rich chocolate that perfectly complements the inner crispy kunafa, which is paired with a creamy and buttery pistachio paste. This delightful combination of flavors and textures creates an indulgent experience that is simply irresistible. It is a must-try dessert for kunafa enthusiasts as well as anyone who loves a good dessert with a twist.

The trend originated in the UAE, where social media influencers began posting mouth-watering videos of the chocolate kunafa bar. These videos quickly went viral, and followers rushed to get their hands on this new treat. India was quick to hop on the trend, with many establishments trying to recreate the bars. Kunafa World was also onboard with the trend, they brought in their signature quality and dedication to the table. Known for their passion for creating kunafa variations, Kunafa World created the chocolate kunafa bar which gained major popularity.

Customers who have tried the chocolate kunafa bar from Kunafa World have been raving about it, leaving positive reviews and sharing their delightful experiences. The dessert has not only met but exceeded expectations, becoming a major hit and a signature item for Kunafa World. And with their delivery service available across India, chocolate kunafa lovers from all over the country can now experience the magic of Kunafa World’s creation right at their doorstep. The buzz around this treat shows no sign of slowing down, as more and more people discover its irresistible charm.

*Dominant Bengal off to a flying start in Senior Women’s One-Day Trophy*

Sports News

Khabar kolkata sports Desk: Bengal began their Senior Women's One-Day Trophy campaign with a dominant eight-wicket victory over Pondicherry in Sultanpur, Haryana, on Wednesday.

Mita Paul (52 not out, 2-23), Dhara Gujjar (53 not out, 1-0), Tanushree Sarkar (2-22), Saika Ishaque (2-15) were the star performers for Bengal.

Batting first, Pondicherry were bundled out for just 119 in 45.2 overs. Aruna Barman, Tithi Das, Monika Mal also bagged a wicket each for Bengal.

In reply, Dhara and Mita, with an unbeaten 98-run stand for the third wicket, helped Bengal chase down the target comfortably, scoring 123/2 in 24.5 overs.

Pic Courtesy by: CAB

*Dominant Bengal off to a flying start in Senior Women’s One-Day Trophy*

Sports News 

 Khabar kolkata sports Desk: Bengal began their Senior Women's One-Day Trophy campaign with a dominant eight-wicket victory over Pondicherry in Sultanpur, Haryana, on Wednesday.

Mita Paul (52 not out, 2-23), Dhara Gujjar (53 not out, 1-0), Tanushree Sarkar (2-22), Saika Ishaque (2-15) were the star performers for Bengal.

Batting first, Pondicherry were bundled out for just 119 in 45.2 overs. Aruna Barman, Tithi Das, Monika Mal also bagged a wicket each for Bengal. 

In reply, Dhara and Mita, with an unbeaten 98-run stand for the third wicket, helped Bengal chase down the target comfortably, scoring 123/2 in 24.5 overs.

 Pic Courtesy by: CAB

*Bengal crowned champions of Women’s U-15 One-Day Trophy*

Sports News 


 Khabar kolkata sports Desk: The wait is finally over. Bengal’s wait for a title at the national level finally ended on Tuesday as the Women’s Under-15 team displayed a brilliant all-round performance to outclass Punjab by 47 runs in the summit clash to emerge champions in the One-Day Trophy. 

Adrija Sarkar (62 off 63 balls) was awarded the player of the final for her superb batting. Toriya Singha Roy (43 off 68), skipper Sandipta Patra (22 not out, 2-11), Debjani Das (2-23), Snigdha Bag (1-22) were the other star performers for Bengal in the final.

Opting to bat, Bengal posted a challenging 157/8 in 35 overs, thanks to a superb 116-run opening stand between Adrija and Toriya.

In reply, Punjab lost wickets and succumbed under pressure, falling short of the target, scoring just 110/6 in 35 overs.

 Pic Courtesy by: CAB

लोकसभा में पेश हुआ एक देश एक चुनाव बिल, विपक्ष ने किया विरोध, जेपीसी में भेजेगी सरकार


वन नेशन वन इलेक्शन विधेयक आज लोकसभा में पेश हो गया है।केंद्रीय कानून मंत्री अर्जुन राम मेघवाल मंगलवार को लोकसभा और विधानसभा चुनाव एक साथ कराने का संविधान संशोधन विधेयक पेश किया। इसके बाद, विधेयक पर व्यापक विचार-विमर्श के लिए इसे संसद की संयुक्त समिति को भेजा जा सकता है।

कानून मंत्री अर्जुन राम मेघवाल ने कहा कि कुछ सदस्यों ने बिल के इंट्रोडक्शन पर आपत्ति की है जो ज्यादातर लेजिस्लेटिव पर ही है। एक विषय आया कि आर्टिकल 368 का ये उल्लंघन करता है। ये आर्टिकल संविधान में संशोधन की प्रक्रिया बताता है और संसद को शक्ति देता है। एक विषय आया अनुच्छेद 327 सदन को विधानमंडलों के संबंध में चुनाव के प्रावधान का अधिकार देता है। इसमें कहा गया है कि संविधान के प्रावधान के तहत विधानमंडल के किसी भी चुनाव के संबंध में प्रावधान कर सकती है। ये संवैधानिक है। सभी आवश्यक मामले इसमें शामिल हैं। अनुच्छेद 83 सदनों की अवधि और राज्यों के विधानमंडल के चुनाव की अवधि को पुनर्निधारित किया जा सकता है। संविधा के सातवें अनुच्छेद के प्रावधान का उल्लेख करते हुए कानून मंत्री ने कहा कि ये केंद्र को शक्ति प्रदान करता है। ये संविधान सम्मत संशोधन है।

जेपीसी में जाएगा वन नेशन वन इलेक्शन बिल

वन नेशन,वन इलेक्शन बिल पर जारी विरोध के बीच विपक्ष ने मांग की कि बिल को जेपीसी में भेजा जाएगा। इस बीच गृह मंत्री अमित शाह ने कहा कि बिल को जेपीसी को भेजा जाएगा। जेपीसी में सारी चर्चा होगी। जेपीसी के रिपोर्ट के आधार पर कैबिनेट फिर से चर्चा करेगी। अगर मंत्री जी(अर्जुन राम मेघवाल) ये बताते हैं तो इसे जेपीसी के पास भेजा जा सकता है। तब मेघवाल ने कहा कि रूल 74 के तहत सरकार जेपीसी का प्रस्ताव लाएगी। सरकार की तरफ से ये मंशा भी है।

टीडीपी ने की 'अटूट' समर्थन देने की घोषणा

चंद्रबाबू नायडू के नेतृत्व वाली टीडीपी ने लोकसभा में पेश किए गए एक राष्ट्र, एक चुनाव विधेयक को ‘अटूट’ समर्थन देने की घोषणा की है। वहीं शिवसेना एकनाथ शिंदे गुट ने भी इस बिल का समर्थन किया। वन नेशन वन इलेक्शन विधेयक का कांग्रेस और सपा ने विरोध किया है। इसके अलावा टीएमसी और डीएमके ने भी बिल का विरोध किया है। इंडियन यूनियन मुस्लिम लीग, शिवसेना यूबीटी, एआईएमआईएम, सीपीएम और एनसीपी शरद पवार ने बिल का विरोध किया है। टीडीपी ने बिल का समर्थन किया है।

सत्ता को केंद्रीकृत करने का प्रयास है- सुप्रिया सुले

एनसीपी (एसपी)सांसद सुप्रिया सुले ने मंगलवार को कहा कि उन्होंने “वन नेशन, वन इलेक्शन” विधेयक का विरोध किया है और इसे संघवाद और संविधान की कीमत पर सत्ता को केंद्रीकृत करने का प्रयास बताया है। उन्होंने सरकार से आग्रह किया कि वह इस विधेयक को तुरंत वापस ले या आगे के परामर्श के लिए इसे संयुक्त संसदीय समिति को भेज दे।

असदुद्दीन ओवैसी ने जमकर किया वन नेशन वन इलेक्शन बिल का विरोध

असदुद्दीन ओवैसी ने कहा कि वन नेशन वन इलेक्शन बिल का मैं विरोध करता हूं। ये बिल लोकतांत्रिक स्वराज के अधिकारों का उल्लंघन करता है। राज्य विधानसभा का कार्यकाल 5 साल का नहीं होगा। ये अपने आप में संविधान का उल्लंघन है। संघवाद के प्रिसिंपल के खिलाफ है ये बिल।

लोकसभा में आज एक देश-एक चुनाव बिल आएगा, बीजेपी-कांग्रेस-शिवसेना ने व्हिप जारी किया


लोकसभा और राज्य विधानसभाओं के चुनाव एक साथ कराने के लिए 'एक देश, एक चुनाव' का संविधान (129वां संशोधन) विधेयक मंगलवार को संसद में पेश होने वाला है। संसद के शीतकालीन सत्र के 17वें दिन आज सरकार लोकसभा में एक देश-एक चुनाव से जुड़े 2 बिल पेश करेगी। दोनों बिल को 12 दिसंबर को केंद्रीय कैबिनेट से मंजूरी मिल चुकी है। केंद्रीय कानून मंत्री अर्जुन राम मेघवाल पहले एक देश-एक चुनाव के लिए 129वां संविधान संशोधन बिल पेश करेंगे। इसको लेकर बीजेपी, कांग्रेस और शिवसेना ने अपने सांसदों को व्हिप जारी किया है।

सूत्रों के मुताबिक, ये भी कहा जा रहा है कि बिल पर सहमति के लिए इसे जेपीसी में भेजा जाएगा। एक शीर्ष सरकारी पदाधिकारी ने बताया कि केंद्रीय कानून मंत्री अर्जुन राम मेघवाल विधेयक पेश करेंगे। इसके बाद वह लोकसभा स्पीकर ओम बिरला से विधेयक को व्यापक विचार-विमर्श के लिए संयुक्त संसदीय समिति को संदर्भित करने का निवेदन करेंगे। समिति का गठन विभिन्न पार्टियों के सांसदों की संख्या के आधार पर आनुपातिक रूप से किया जाएगा।

बीजेपी और शिवसेना ने सभी सांसदों को तीन लाइन का व्हिप जारी किया है। साथ ही सदन में मौजूद रहने के लिए कहा है। बिल को एनडीए के सहयोगी दलों का भी साथ मिल चुका है। सहयोगी दल सरकार और बिल के साथ खड़े नजर आ रहे हैं। विपक्ष वन नेशन, वन इलेक्शन बिल के विरोध में है। विपक्ष इसे गैरजरूरी और असल मुद्दों से भटकाने वाला बिल बता रहा है। वहीं, सभी कांग्रेस लोकसभा सांसदों को व्हिप जारी किया गया है, जिसमें आज की महत्वपूर्ण कार्यवाही के लिए सदन में उनकी उपस्थिति अनिवार्य की गई है।

विधेयक के जरिये संविधान में अनुच्छेद-82ए (लोकसभा एवं विधानसभाओं के एकसाथ चुनाव) को जोड़ा जाएगा। जबकि अनुच्छेद-83 (संसद के सदनों की अवधि), अनुच्छेद-172 (राज्य विधानसभाओं की अवधि) और अनुच्छेद-327 (विधायिकाओं के चुनाव से जुड़े प्रविधान करने की संसद की शक्ति) में संशोधन किए जाएंगे।विधेयक में यह भी प्रविधान है कि इसके कानून बनने के बाद आम चुनाव के पश्चात लोकसभा की पहली बैठक की तिथि पर राष्ट्रपति की ओर से अधिसूचना जारी की जाएगी और अधिसूचना जारी करने की तिथि को नियत तिथि कहा जाएगा। लोकसभा का कार्यकाल उस तिथि से पांच वर्ष का होगा।

वहीं, राज्यसभा में संविधान पर विशेष चर्चा दूसरे दिन भी जारी रहेगी। प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी शाम को चर्चा पर जवाब दे सकते हैं। इससे पहले PM ने 14 दिसंबर को लोकसभा में संविधान पर विशेष चर्चा में भाग लिया था। चर्चा के दौरान उन्होंने कांग्रेस को संविधान का शिकार करने वाली पार्टी बताया था।

*Dominant Bengal storm into final of Women’s U-15 One-Day meet*

Sports News 


 Khabar kolkata sports Desk: Riding on a brilliant all-round performance, Bengal outclassed Rajasthan by 31 runs in the semifinal clash on Sunday to storm into the final of the Women’s Under-15 One Day Trophy.

In the summit clash, Bengal will be up against Punjab on Tuesday.

Toriya Singha Roy was awarded the player of the match for her superb 65 off 84 balls.

Nilanjana Barik (4-26), skipper Sandipta Patra (45 off 29), Debjani Das (2-27) and Remondina Khatun (2-27) were the other star performers for Bengal in the last-four clash.

Batting first, Bengal scored a challenging 190/5 in 35 overs. Chasing the target, Rajasthan lost wickets at regular intervals and were bundled out for 159 in 32 overs.

 PIC Courtesy by: CAB

*Bengal outclass Karnataka to enter semifinals of Women’s U-15 One-Day Trophy*

Sports News

Khabar kolkata sports Desk : A dominant performance by the bowlers, followed by a superb effort by the batters powered Bengal into the semifinals of the Women’s Under-15 One Day Trophy.

Bengal outclassed Karnataka by 3 wickets in Jaipur on Thursday to seal a place in the last four.

Leading from the front, Sandipta Patra smashed a brilliant 64 off 82 balls while Remondina Khatun (3-26) and Debjani Das (2-35) impressed with the ball for Bengal.

Batting first, Karnataka scored 154/8 in 35 overs. Sandipta and Snigdha Bag also bagged a wicket each for Bengal. In reply, Bengal went over the line, scoring 155/7 in 34.1 overs.

Bengal will play their last-four match on Sunday.

Pic Courtesy by: CAB

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Empowering Dreams: The Inspiring Success Story of Karthik Raja Karnan and MADique Technologies

Salem, India – December 2024 – The extraordinary journey of Karthik Raja Karnan showcases how creativity, perseverance, and a deep commitment to social impact can transform an industry. As the founder and CEO of MADique Technologies, Karthik has redefined the food processing industry by designing affordable, sustainable, and efficient machinery for small-scale entrepreneurs. His life story is a testament to how a humble beginning can lead to a remarkable legacy. 

Early Life: The Foundation of a Visionary Leader 

Born on May 30, 1994, into a middle-class family in Salem, Tamil Nadu, Karthik grew up in Ammapet, a small town steeped in weaving traditions. His parents, Mr. Karnan and Mrs. Kaladevi were skilled weavers who nurtured Karthik’s curious and inventive nature. Since the family could not afford expensive toys, Karthik began creating his own, showcasing an innate talent for innovation from a young age. Karthik attended a government school, where his aptitude for science and experimentation became evident. Known for applying classroom lessons through practical experiments at home, he earned multiple accolades during his school years, including the Brahma Award, the District-Level Best Student Award, and the State-Level Best Student Award.

From Engineering Graduate to Entrepreneurial Trailblazer 

After excelling academically, Karthik pursued engineering at the Knowledge Institute of Technology in Salem, specializing in Electrical and Electronics. During his college years, he developed several innovative products that earned national recognition. Prestigious honors such as the Young Scientist Award, the Edison Award, and the Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Award celebrated his creativity and ingenuity. Graduating in 2016, Karthik was offered a job at Titan. However, his entrepreneurial spirit burned brighter. Despite familial pressure to accept the secure job, Karthik made the bold decision to decline the offer and follow his dreams. With little more than his vision and determination, he started a small company in a car shed, becoming its sole employee. 

Overcoming Challenges and Building MADique Technologies 

Karthik’s entrepreneurial journey was far from easy. His first project a Murukku Machine failed, but he remained undeterred. Neighbors mocked him for looking like a “mechanic boy” while his peers secured lucrative jobs. Facing mounting failures, Karthik’s mother repeatedly urged him to take a stable job, but he asked his parents for one year to prove himself. That pivotal year marked a turning point. Karthik successfully developed the Automatic Murukku Machine and the Automatic Idiyappam Machine, which quickly gained popularity. His focus on creating low-cost, high-quality food processing machines helped countless middle-class entrepreneurs launch their businesses. In 2021, Karthik unveiled the world’s smallest Automatic Idiyappam Machine at an unprecedentedly low price, earning a record in the prestigious Kalam Book of World Records. This milestone paved the way for MADique Technologies to expand internationally, reaching over 30 countries. 

Innovating to Empower Small-Scale Food Entrepreneurs Since its inception in 2013, MADique Technologies has become synonymous with innovation, efficiency, and affordability. The company’s flagship product, the Idiyappam Machine, consumes

only 60 watts of power—comparable to a ceiling fan—and produces 400 pieces per hour. Priced at just ₹41,300, the machine enables small-scale entrepreneurs, including housewives, differentlyabled individuals, and rural business owners, to enter the food processing industry without significant financial burdens. MADique’s product range now includes dough kneaders, murukku makers, and other innovative machines designed to simplify food production processes. Over 3,000 entrepreneurs globally have benefited from these technologies, which provide an affordable pathway to success.

 A Commitment to Social Responsibility and Sustainability 

MADique Technologies stands out for its focus on social impact. Karthik offers a 10% discount to differently-abled entrepreneurs, fostering inclusivity in business. In a tribute to his inspiration, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, the company gifts a copy of Dr. Kalam’s biography to every customer, encouraging lifelong learning and self-improvement. Environmental sustainability is also a cornerstone of MADique’s mission. With every machine sold, customers receive seed balls to support reforestation efforts, aligning with the company’s commitment to a greener planet. Moreover, MADique’s energy-efficient designs help reduce the carbon footprint of small-scale food production.

Awards and Recognitions 

Karthik’s relentless dedication to innovation and entrepreneurship has earned him numerous prestigious awards, including:

 • Fast Growing 500 CEO Award – Benchmark Trust, Mumbai (2024)

 • Young Achiever of the Year Award – Global Triumph Foundation (2024) • Tamil Nadu Business Icon Award – IBTHINK Academy (2024)

 • India Top 500 Best Brand Award – INDIA 5000 MSME Business Awards (2024)

 • Innovative Company of the Year Award – GTF, World Business Summit (2024)

 • Outstanding Young Entrepreneur Award – JCI Metro (2024)

 • Best Innovative Entrepreneur Award – IMPA Association (2024)

 • Star Young Entrepreneur Award – Thozhil Valarchi Media (2023)

 • Global Excellence Award – World Peace University (2019)

 • Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Award – Institute of Engineers (2015) 

These accolades are a testament to Karthik’s tireless pursuit of excellence and his dedication to making a meaningful impact on the world. Vision for the Future Karthik’s unwavering focus on research and development drives MADique Technologies forward. The company’s ambitious goal is to empower 10,000 entrepreneurs globally by 2030, further solidifying its impact on food processing and entrepreneurship. Karthik’s journey from a car shed to global recognition has inspired countless individuals. 

For more information, visit https://madique.com/.

How India’s Favourite Kunafa World won the Kunafa Chocolate Bar Trend


The chocolate kunafa bar has been a sweet sensation in recent months. Originally gaining viral fame in the UAE, this sweet twist on the traditional kunafa has made its way to India, quickly becoming a major hit. With its perfect blend of textures and flavors, the chocolate kunafa bar has become a favorite dessert among food enthusiasts and sweet lovers alike. Even though many places now offer their own version of the chocolate kunafa bar, Kunafa World has set itself apart by delivering the best one, and the best part, they deliver all around India, ensuring that everyone can have a bite of this delicious treat.Founders of Kunafa World, Jameela Ruhi and Zamzeer Ahamed, started their journey with a simple idea sparked over a homemade dessert. When Jameela served her husband a delicious kunafa, Zamzeer saw the potential for it to become a crowd-pleaser. They launched their business online in Mangalore, and it quickly gained popularity. Their big break came on Shark Tank India, where their kunafa-focused concept wowed the judges. Today, Kunafa World is India’s first kunafa-centric quick-service restaurant (QSR), offering over 30 varieties, including the introduction of viral chocolate kunafa bar in India, and has expanded to five states across India.

Kunafa, a Middle Eastern dish known for its crispy phyllo layers and rich fillings, has always had its admirers. But adding a chocolatey twist was a game changer. The chocolate bar from Kunafa World features an outer layer of smooth, rich chocolate that perfectly complements the inner crispy kunafa, which is paired with a creamy and buttery pistachio paste. This delightful combination of flavors and textures creates an indulgent experience that is simply irresistible. It is a must-try dessert for kunafa enthusiasts as well as anyone who loves a good dessert with a twist.

The trend originated in the UAE, where social media influencers began posting mouth-watering videos of the chocolate kunafa bar. These videos quickly went viral, and followers rushed to get their hands on this new treat. India was quick to hop on the trend, with many establishments trying to recreate the bars. Kunafa World was also onboard with the trend, they brought in their signature quality and dedication to the table. Known for their passion for creating kunafa variations, Kunafa World created the chocolate kunafa bar which gained major popularity.

Customers who have tried the chocolate kunafa bar from Kunafa World have been raving about it, leaving positive reviews and sharing their delightful experiences. The dessert has not only met but exceeded expectations, becoming a major hit and a signature item for Kunafa World. And with their delivery service available across India, chocolate kunafa lovers from all over the country can now experience the magic of Kunafa World’s creation right at their doorstep. The buzz around this treat shows no sign of slowing down, as more and more people discover its irresistible charm.

*Dominant Bengal off to a flying start in Senior Women’s One-Day Trophy*

Sports News

Khabar kolkata sports Desk: Bengal began their Senior Women's One-Day Trophy campaign with a dominant eight-wicket victory over Pondicherry in Sultanpur, Haryana, on Wednesday.

Mita Paul (52 not out, 2-23), Dhara Gujjar (53 not out, 1-0), Tanushree Sarkar (2-22), Saika Ishaque (2-15) were the star performers for Bengal.

Batting first, Pondicherry were bundled out for just 119 in 45.2 overs. Aruna Barman, Tithi Das, Monika Mal also bagged a wicket each for Bengal.

In reply, Dhara and Mita, with an unbeaten 98-run stand for the third wicket, helped Bengal chase down the target comfortably, scoring 123/2 in 24.5 overs.

Pic Courtesy by: CAB

*Dominant Bengal off to a flying start in Senior Women’s One-Day Trophy*

Sports News 

 Khabar kolkata sports Desk: Bengal began their Senior Women's One-Day Trophy campaign with a dominant eight-wicket victory over Pondicherry in Sultanpur, Haryana, on Wednesday.

Mita Paul (52 not out, 2-23), Dhara Gujjar (53 not out, 1-0), Tanushree Sarkar (2-22), Saika Ishaque (2-15) were the star performers for Bengal.

Batting first, Pondicherry were bundled out for just 119 in 45.2 overs. Aruna Barman, Tithi Das, Monika Mal also bagged a wicket each for Bengal. 

In reply, Dhara and Mita, with an unbeaten 98-run stand for the third wicket, helped Bengal chase down the target comfortably, scoring 123/2 in 24.5 overs.

 Pic Courtesy by: CAB