दूसरे देशों में फंसे भारतीयों को वापस ला रही सरकार, जानें कैसी आई ऐसी नौबत


दुनियाभर में ऑनलाइन स्कैम का जाल तेजी से फैल रहे हैं। लोगों को आकर्षक नौकरी, निवेश या अन्य प्रलोभनों का लालच देते हैं और फिर उन्हें जबरन धोखाधड़ी वाले कामों में धकेल देते हैं। म्यांमार, कंबोडिया और कई अन्य देशों में ऐसे स्कैम हब फल-फूल रहे हैं। इसी तरह के गैर-कानूनी काम के चंगुल में फंसे 266 लोगों को भारत सरकार वापस लाई है।इसकी जानकारी विदेश मंत्रालय (एमईए) के प्रवक्ता रणधीर जायसवाल ने बुधवार को दी।

विदेश मंत्रालय के प्रवक्ता ने बताया कि भारत सरकार ने कल भारतीय वायुसेना के विमान से 266 भारतीयों की सुरक्षित वापसी की व्यवस्था की। जिन्हें दक्षिण पूर्व एशिया के साइबर अपराध केंद्रों से रिहा कराया गया। इससे पहले सोमवार को भी इसी तरह 283 भारतीयों को वापस लाया गया था। उन्होंने आगे कहा कि भारतीय दूतावास ने म्यांमार और थाईलैंड सरकारों के साथ मिलकर उनकी रिहाई सुनिश्चित करने और उनके स्वदेश वापसी में सहायता करने के लिए काम किया है।

भारत सरकार ने सी-17 ट्रांसपोर्ट एयरक्राफ्ट भेजकर इन लोगों को भारत वापस लाया, जिनमें 266 पुरुषों और 17 महिलाएं शामिल है। सभी लोगों इससे पहले सात बसों के जरिए थाईलैंड के माई सॉट हवाई अड्डे तक पहुंचाया। इसके अलावा, तीन बसों से उनके सामान को भी लाया गया। अब अगले दिन 257 और भारतीयों को वापस लाने की योजना है।

बीते कुछ हफ्तों में इन ऑनलाइन स्कैम सेंटरों से कम से कम 24 देशों के लगभग 7,000 लोगों को सुरक्षित निकाला गया है । सैन्य शासन वाले म्यान्मार के इस हिस्से में कानून-व्यवस्था ढेर हो चुकी है। रिहा कराए गए लोगों में ज्यादातर चीनी नागरिक हैं। चीन अब तक 2,000 से ज्यादा नागरिकों को वापस ला चुका है और इन सभी को अपराधी मानते हुए हथकड़ी लगाकर लाया गया। चीन इन स्कैम नेटवर्क को खत्म करने के लिए बड़े स्तर पर कार्रवाई कर रहा है।

म्यांमार के अपराधग्रस्त सीमावर्ती इलाकों में ये ठगी के केंद्र बड़े पैमाने पर एक्टिव हैं। यहां लोगों को अच्छी नौकरी का झांसा देकर बुलाया जाता है, लेकिन वहां उन्हें ऑनलाइन धोखाधड़ी जैसे रोमांस और इन्वेस्टमेंट स्कैम में काम करने के लिए मजबूर किया जाता है। कई लोग शोषण और दुर्व्यवहार का शिकार होते हैं। विदेशी दबाव के बाद म्यान्मार प्रशासन ने अरबों डॉलर के इस अवैध आपराधिक ‘उद्योग’ पर कार्रवाई की है। संयुक्त राष्ट्र के ड्रग्स एंड क्राइम्स ऑफिस का अनुमान है कि सिर्फ एशिया में ही साल 2023 में ऐसे ‘स्कैमों’ की वजह से लगभग 18 अरब डॉलर से लेकर 37 अरब डॉलर तक का संभावित नुकसान हुआ है।

यूएस से डिपोर्ट भारतीयों को लेकर आया प्लेन पंजाब में क्यों उतरा? कांग्रेस उठा रही सवाल


अमेरिका से 104 अवैध अप्रवासियों की वापसी हो चुकी है। उनको लेकर आए सैन्य विमान की लैंडिंग पंजाब के अमृतसर में हुई। निर्वासित लोगों में से 30 पंजाब से, 33-33 हरियाणा और गुजरात से, तीन-तीन महाराष्ट्र और उत्तर प्रदेश, दो चंडीगढ़ से हैं। निर्वासित किए गए लोगों में 19 महिलाएं और चार वर्षीय एक बच्चा, पांच व सात वर्षीय दो लड़कियों सहित 13 नाबालिग शामिल हैं। इस बीच प्लेन के देश की राजधानी दिल्ली की जगह अमृतसर में लैंडिंग को लेकर सवाल उठने लगे हैं।

कांग्रेस ने निर्वासित भारतीयों को ले जा रहे अमेरिकी सैन्य विमान को दिल्ली के बजाय अमृतसर में उतरने की अनुमति देने के केंद्र सरकार के फैसले पर सवाल उठाया है। कांग्रेस ने कहा कि शहर को 'धारणा' और 'नैरेटिव' को ध्यान में रखते हुए चुना गया था।

“बदनाम करने वाले नैरेटिव”

कांग्रेस के जालंधर कैंट विधायक परगट सिंह ने कहा कि पंजाब की तुलना में गुजरात सहित अन्य राज्यों से अधिक निर्वासित लोग हैं। परगट सिंह ने सोशल मीडिया प्लोट कहा कि जब पंजाब अंतरराष्ट्रीय उड़ानों की मांग करता है, तो पंजाब को आर्थिक लाभ से वंचित करने के लिए केवल दिल्ली एयरपोर्ट को अनुमति दी जाती है। लेकिन जब बदनाम करने वाले नैरेटिव की बात आती है, तो एक अमेरिकी निर्वासन विमान पंजाब में उतरता है। भले ही उसमें अधिककर निर्वासित गुजरात और हरियाणा से हों।

लोकसभा में इस पर चर्चा की मांग

वहीं, अमृतसर से सांसद और कांग्रेस नेता गुरजीत औजला ने विमान को अमृतसर में उतारे जाने पर सवाल खड़े किए हैं। उन्होंने लोकसभा में इस पर चर्चा की मांग का नोटिस देते हुए पूछा कि प्लेन को दिल्ली में क्यों नहीं उतारा गया? उन्होंने केंद्र सरकार पर हमला बोलते हुए एक्स पर लिखा, शर्मनाक और अस्वीकार्य! मोदी सरकार ने भारतीय अप्रवासियों को बेड़ियों में जकड़े हुए विदेशी सैन्य विमान से वापस भेजने की अनुमति दी। कोई विरोध क्यों नहीं? वाणिज्यिक उड़ान क्यों नहीं? विमान दिल्ली में क्यों नहीं उतरा? यह हमारे लोगों और हमारी संप्रभुता का अपमान है। सरकार को जवाब देना चाहिए!’

आप ने भी घेरा

इस बीच, आम आदमी पार्टी (आप) ने सवाल किया है कि विमान की लैंडिंग अमृतसर में क्यों कराई गई। देश के किसी अन्य राज्य में विमान को क्यों नहीं उतारा गया। आप पंजाब के अध्यक्ष अमन अरोड़ा ने सवाल किया कि विमान अमृतसर में क्यों उतरा, देश के किसी अन्य हवाई अड्डे पर क्यों नहीं। उन्होंने कहा, जब निर्वासित लोग पूरे देश से हैं, तो विमान को उतारने के लिए अमृतसर को क्यों चुना गया? यह सवाल हर किसी के दिमाग में है। अमन अरोड़ा ने कहा कि केंद्र सरकार ने पंजाब के साथ हमेशा सौतेला व्यवहार किया है। पंजाब की तुलना में अन्य राज्यों के लोग (निर्वासित) अधिक हैं. इस विमान को उतारने के लिए अमृतसर को चुनना एक सवालिया निशान खड़ा करता है।

भारत ने सीरिया से 75 लोगों को किया एयरलिफ्ट, जम्मू कश्मीर के 44 जायरीन शामिल


सीरिया में तख्त पलट हो गया है। विरोधी ग्रुप हयात तहरीर अल शाम ने सीरिया पर कब्जा कर लिया है और अब देश की बागडोर उसके हाथों में आ गई है। विद्रोहियों के कब्जे के बावजूद जगह-जगह विस्फोट हो रहे हैं। हमले हो रहे हैं। सरकारी इमारतें जलाई जा रही हैं। लूटपाट की जा रही है। सीरिया के हालात को खराब होता देख सभी देश अपने-अपने नागरिकों की सुरक्षा में लगे हुए हैं। भारत ने भी अपने 75 नागरिकों को सीरिया से बाहर निकाला है।

भारत ने सीरिया में विद्रोही बलों द्वारा बशर अल असद की सरकार को अपदस्थ किए जाने के दो दिन बाद मंगलवार को वहां से 75 भारतीय नागरिकों को बाहर निकाला। वि0श मंत्रालय ने इस बात की जानकारी दी। विदेश मंत्रालय ने कहा कि सुरक्षा स्थिति के आकलन के बाद दमिश्क और बेरूत स्थित भारतीय दूतावासों ने निकासी की प्रक्रिया की। देर रात जारी बयान में कहा गया, ‘भारत सरकार ने सीरिया में हाल में हुए घटनाक्रम के बाद आज 75 भारतीय नागरिकों को वहां से निकाला।’ इसमें कहा गया, ‘निकाले गए लोगों में जम्मू कश्मीर के 44 जायरीन शामिल हैं, जो सईदा जैनब(सीरिया में शिया मुस्लिमों का एक महत्वपूर्ण तीर्थ स्थल) में फंसे हुए थे। सभी भारतीय नागरिक सुरक्षित रूप से लेबनान पहुंच गए हैं और वे उपलब्ध कमर्शियल उड़ानों से भारत लौटेंगे।’

विदेश मंत्रालय ने कहा कि विदेशों में रह रहे भारतीय नागरिकों की सुरक्षा सरकार की सबसे बड़ी प्राथमिकता है। विदेश मंत्रालय के बयान के मुताबिक, यह अभियान दमिश्क और बेरूत में मौजूद भारतीय दूतावास की देखरेख में चलाया गया। विदेश मंत्रालय ने बताया कि सीरिया में सुरक्षा स्थिति का आकलन करने के बाद यह कदम उठाया गया है।

सेना से जुड़े लोगों को ढूंढ रहे विद्रोही

बता दें कि सीरिया की सत्ता पर अब हयात तहरीर अल-शाम (एचटीएस) का कब्जा है। एचटीएस के लड़ाके बशर अल-असद सरकार और सेना से जुड़े लोगों को ढूंढ रही है। उन्हें पकड़कर कत्ल कर रही है। राष्ट्रपति रहे असद के भतीजे को पहले बीच चौराहे पर मारा-पीटा फिर फांसी दे दी। जिसको लटकाया गया, उसका नाम सुलेमान असद है। सुलेमान असद, सीरियाई सेना में बड़ा अफसर था। एचटीएस का खौफ इस कदर है कि अब कुर्द लड़ाके और असद सेना के सैनिक सरेंडर कर रहे हैं। घुटनों के बल बैठकर सैनिकों ने विद्रोहियों का साथ देने का ऐलान कर दिया।

ऐसे खौफ कायम कर रहा एचटीएस चीफ

एचटीएस चीफ मोहम्मद अल गोलानी ने कहा है कि जो भी अधिकारी, कर्मचारी सीरिया के लोगों के साथ अत्याचार में शामिल रहा है उनकी एक लिस्ट बनाई जा रही है। इनके बारे में जो भी सूचना देगा उसे ईनाम दिया जाएगा। गोलानी ने ये भी कहा कि हम ऐसे लोगों को बख्शेंगे नहीं। खौफनाक सजा देंगे, जिसका ट्रेलर असद के भतीजे को बीच चौराहे फांसी देकर दिखा भी दिया।

Pilot Chef’s vision to open 100+ outlet in 2 years

Once upon a time in a Delhi Govt Boys School Friends , one of young boy named Satvir Singh He was bright, ambitious, and full of ideas. Despite coming from a middle-class family, Satvir Singh always dreamt big. His parents, hardworking individuals with modest means, instilled in him the values of diligence and perseverance.

From a young age, Satvir Singh after completion of study , Satvir got jobs in multiple companies but he not satisfied because his dream was big and dreaming of creating something that would change the world. His best friend, Akash Kumar shared his passion for innovation. Together, they spent countless afternoons brainstorming ideas every day,

One day proposed Satvir Singh click an idea in his mind that 90% percents Indians have dream to travel by airplane and get flights experience because in India flights travelling quite expensive so he started a cafe with airplane concept with air hostess and service , interior like as is it like airplane to full fill Indians customers dream to have flights experience with very innovative foods with amazing taste ,They spent weeks refining their concept, conducting market research, and teaching themselves the necessary skills to bring their idea to life.

With their savings from summer jobs and a small loan from Akash kumar relatives they finally launched their Business concept , Pilot Chef’s into the world. Initially, the response was lukewarm, but Satvir Singh and Akash Kumar refused to give up. They tirelessly promoted their concept on social media, reached out to influencers, and attended local events to spread the word.

Slowly but surely, their hard work began to pay off. Customers who took services and have burgers of pilot Chef’s praised cafe over all services ,Encouraged by their initial success, Satvir Singh and Akash worked day and night to improve their Pilot Chef’s Services to serve better experience to customers adding more services to give pilot chef’s customers food experience which touches customers soul.

Pilot Chef’s gained traction, investors began to take notice. With their pitch decks in hand and passion in their hearts, Satvir Singh and Akash Kumar pitched their startup to venture capitalists, highlighting their vision for the future of Cafe technology with very Unique cafe experience for customers . Despite facing numerous rejections, they remained undeterred, refining their pitch with each setback.

Finally, their perseverance paid off when they secured their first round of funding from a Akash kumar brother.

Years passed, and Pilot Chefs continued to thrive. Satvir Singh and Akash kumar once-small startup had grown into a multinational brand employing hundreds of people and full fill thousands of customers dream to have airplanes experience Despite their success, they remained grounded, never forgetting their humble beginnings .

Their journey from middle-class boys with a dream to successful entrepreneurs served as an inspiration to countless others. And as they looked back on their incredible journey, they knew that with determination, hard work, and a dash of creativity, anything was possible.

Pilot chefs vision to open 100+ outlet in 3 Countries to provide very amazing cafe experience to customers. This Indian startup ready to touch 100 outlet milestone till September 2025 , Satvir Singh added.


"From Village Roots to Global Heights: The Inspiring Journey of Deepesh Raj, Founder of Shine Well Digital Solutions”

Renowned digital marketing expert, Mr. Deepesh Raj, is the Founder and CEO of Shine Well Digital Solutions, India's Leading Digital Marketing agency, serving 150+ brands, PAN India & abroad. 

Born in Samastipur, a small village in Bihar, Raj’s journey is an inspiring tale of determination, hard work & the never-give-up spirit. 

Coming from a middle class family, nobody ever imagined that Deepesh's remarkable journey and idealistic vision would revolutionize the digital marketing industry in India.

Like any other Indian family, his parents were completely against business & they wanted him to choose the conventional path. But, being a hardworking boy, he cracked the prestigious NDA & SSC exams, qualified UGC NET in CSE and got into a very comfortable Govt. Job with a good salary.

But, as it is rightly said, you cannot contain the storm for more than a moment. Mr. Deepesh quit his job, believed in himself and without any financial support, went on to fulfill his dreams. As if the idea of not utilizing his key-skills, seemed scary. 

He has always been a passionate Digital Marketer, who is excited with the idea of driving huge profits for his clients. 

Initially, he did digital marketing for a few companies in Patna, Bihar and within a year, scaled one business to become a millionaire. This gave him a boost and he decided to establish his own venture.

Mr. Raj is not only a Google certified digital marketing expert but also a certified ethical hacker and knows 13+ programming languages. He is currently pursuing a PHD in Cyber Securities and is a career counsellor to hundreds of learners. He has graced numerous MBA Colleges as a guest lecturer, inspiring young entrepreneurs. 

His journey is a testament to the power of passion, hardwork and perseverance.

And, with a vision to support small businesses and start-ups, with affordable yet premium digital marketing services, Shine Well quickly gained momentum, expanding its reach from Patna to PAN India and beyond. Today, with over 150 clients globally, including top tech startups Shine Well has solidified its position as India's leading digital marketing agency.

Mr. Deepesh along with his expert team has now stepped into revolutionizing the web-hosting industry with the launch of HostinGlow, India’s best and most affordable hosting service provider with 24X7 expert support. HostinGlow is established with the vision to support small businesses & Indian startups. With its data centres located in India, HostinGlow also ensures data security for Indian companies. It is a made in India, Made for Indians, product. 

And, noticing the current unemployment rate in India, the expert team at Shine Well, has also developed a one of its kind job platform named Direct Jobs, which is all set to rule the job market in just a few months. Direct Jobs is a completely free job platform, i.e. they do not charge any fee from either employer or the candidates.  

Shine Well believes in making a positive impact, both in business and the society. The company’s work culture supports both freshers and women in the workplace.

With over 70% of its team comprising women, Shine Well has been recognized and awarded for its efforts in creating equal opportunities for all.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, when people were struggling to meet basic needs, Shine Well’s team proved its commitment to social responsibility by providing free digital marketing services to their clients. Because it is a client-first company & they treat monetary benefits as secondary. 

The company never prioritizes money, instead it prioritizes it's clients growth.

Mr. Deepesh is not just a boss, he is an ideal leader who takes everybody together. He ensures growth and fosters learning for all the team members, treating them like family. The work culture at Shine Well is heavenly, with people wanting to work under his leadership. This culture of inclusivity and support is the main reason behind Shine Well's success.

As it is rightly said that good leadership is about empowering others to achieve greatness. At Shine Well, Mr. Raj’s vision is to create a dream workplace for employees, where they feel valued, supported, and inspired to excel.

The company, because of it's excellent work culture, visionary leadership and revolutionary ideas is all set to become the next Indian unicorn.

Shine Well Digital Solutions, continues to achieve milestones in the world of digital marketing, not only in India but also in UK, Qatar, Dubai, Nigeria, South Africa & more.

Rather than working for big established businesses, they believe in creating bigger brands out of small businesses.This shows the expertise and confidence that is vested in the team at Shine Well Digital Solutions.

You can viisit their website at shinewell.in to learn more about this incredible company and see how they're changing the world. You can also reach them directly at 9262386604

Website : www.shinewell.in

facebook : www.facebook.com/shinewelldigital

Chef Saransh's Culinary Marvels: Goila Butter Chicken Unveils New Menu in Noida

Indians across regions, from the bustling lanes of Delhi to the verdant landscapes of Uttar Pradesh, share a profound love for authentic Indian cuisine. 

Leading this culinary renaissance is Celebrity MasterChef Saransh Goila, a visionary entrepreneur whose passion for authentic Indian flavours has elevated Butter Chicken into a symbol of culinary innovation and excellence. The journey of Goila Butter Chicken commenced with MasterChef Saransh Goila's ingenious reinvention of the classic Butter Chicken recipe, establishing a dish that now defines the brand's identity. From humble beginnings as a passionate home cook to achieving celebrity chef status and being invited as a judge in Masterchef Australia, Saransh Goila's culinary journey has been nothing short of remarkable.

At an event hosted by Goila Butter Chicken on March 20, 2024, in Noida, Chef Saransh Goila captivated guests with live demonstrations of his famous smoky butter chicken recipe. Amidst the festivities, Chef Saransh Goila took the opportunity to introduce the latest menu innovations, emphasising the brand's commitment to culinary excellence and innovation.

The new menu at Goila Butter Chicken presents an enticing array of dishes, ranging from the aromatic delight of Mutton Rogan Josh to the vegetarian indulgence of Soya Chaap and Hara Bhara Kebab. The menu now boasts the beloved street food classic, Amritsari Chole Kulche, alongside creamy delights like Paneer Lababdar and Dal Tadka Desi Ghee. Not to be missed are the tantalising Tawa Chaap Chatkara and the robust flavours of Kadhai Chicken, while starters such as Tandoori Soya Chaap and Malai Chaap tantalise the taste buds. Vegetarian options like Dahi Ke Kebab and hearty bread choices like Tawa Roti and Amritsari Stuffed Kulcha complete the ensemble. 

Goila Butter Chicken has positioned itself as the Premium North Indian/Mughlai Cuisine with a total of 80+ stores Pan-India .Furthermore, in a move aimed at enhancing accessibility, Goila Butter Chicken now offers new website delivery services, available across Delhi NCR. Whether craving the indulgent flavours of butter chicken or eager to explore the new menu offerings, food enthusiasts can now enjoy the signature taste of Goila Butter Chicken from the comfort of their homes. For those looking to embark on a culinary journey with Goila Butter Chicken, visit www.goilabutterchicken.com to explore the menu and place delivery orders in Delhi NCR.

Aditya Jogani reaping praise from Indians as Nirvana’s lab-grown diamonds become a household name

Diamonds is one of the most lucrative and most demanded but not so affordable things nowadays for people across the country. And, Aditya Jogani introduced a like-for-like replacement of diamonds to Indians. He started developing lab-grown diamonds that certainly became a new trend among people and Gen-Z youth.

Diamond is something that everyone wants to buy but it is so costly that it becomes very difficult for many to buy the precious gem from the daily jewellery showrooms. So keeping the same thing in mind Aditya Jogani and his wife Avani founded a brand Nirvana that went viral across the globe in no time.

This development coming from an Indian business tycoon certainly took India’s flag in jewellery industry to a different stage. He managed to leave a big positive impact on the diamond market across the globe starting from his home country India. He set the foundation of Nirvana back in 2016.

Nirvana didn’t need any traditional marketing stint but its mouth publicity among youth was enough to place lab-grown diamond as the new trend in the market. The impact was so big that diamond companies started feeling the heat and challenge as the people were more interested in buying differently crafted and cheaper diamonds from Nirvana than buying it at a costly price from showrooms.

The I.P of Nirvana is that the lab-grown diamonds are crafted as per the requirement of the customer and this is an attractive thing from a customer perspective. Nirvana has managed to get some top tenders from government tenders in order to promote this new technology of lab-grown diamonds.

With surging prices of diamonds and jewellery across the globe, Aditya Jogani and Avani Jogani have certainly done a fantabulous job by giving the Indian middle class a choice of diamonds that gives them utterly good confidence.

*CAB felicitates Sir Clive Lloyd*

Sports News 


 Khabar kolkata News bureau : In the last 24 hours, the temperature had plummeted in Kolkata. There was a chill in the air. But the mercury had gone up a few notches at the Eden Gardens on Saturday as the towering personality of Sir Clive Hubert Lloyd walked down the lawns with his leisured ease on to the stage. 

Cricket Association of Bengal was felicitating the living legend from the Caribbeans. 

After a 10 minute audio-visual of the man himself, he was felicitated with a gold wristlet with his name engraved on it and the customery blazer. 

"It is special to return here at Eden Gardens. I played my first series in India here as Captain and played here at Eden. I have so many good memories of this ground. The West Indians love to come to Kolkata for the love that is showered on them. I have felt the same love this time also, and I am overwhelmed. I would like to thank the association for their warmth and love," Sir Clive said.

Like the tough captain he was, he did some straight talking, "I have no qualms with T20. I would love to see the players earning their money. But I would love to see either three or five Test matches in any bilateral series. I would call a T20 an exhibition and a Test match an examination."

He also talked about the distribution of money from ICC so that cricket can flourish and thrive in the Caribbeans, which is a conglomerate of 14 islands. "This is a plea from me, and let's see what happens," he said. 

Sir Clive Lloyd invited the crowd at Eden Gardens to come to the West Indies for the forthcoming T20 World Cup. "I welcome all of you to my country. It is a great atmosphere there. You will be taken care of, and you will enjoy the games there."

Asked what brand of cricket he would like to play if he had his team come here today, he said: "Any brand. I would love to play it all. The crowd loves their cricket here. But I am a Test mach guy."

He also wanted to see Chandrasekhar play T20 cricket today. 

Speaking on the occasion, the CAB President said, "I thank Sir Clive Lloyd for taking out his valuable time to be present at the Eden Gardens. CAB and the Eden Gardens have got a lot of memories with Sir Clive Lloyd. The immediate memory that is coming to my mind as a flashback is that in the year 1974 when Clive Lloyd came as captain to Eden Gardens. The Indian team was led by Nawab Pataudi. 

"That was the West Indies team that had the likes of Greenidge, Richards and this team dominated world Cricket for the next 15 years under his leadership.

That team produced greats like Sir Gordon Greenidge, Sir Vivian Richards, Alvin Kallicharran, Lawrence Rowe. It is Clive Lloyd who has shown the world Cricket how fast bowlers can make an impact during that time. 

"The introduction of Sir Andy Roberts, supported by Michael Holding, Joel Garner, Colin Croft, and later Malcolm Marshall. These were the players of 70s and 80s who played under Clive Lloyd with tremendous control on the game. The way he handled all the great players of that West Indies team in that era is something extraordinary."

Sir Clive left the crowd enthralled with his wisdom and humour before retiring for the evening.

While on his way out, Sir Clive was given a guard of honour by 20 age-group cricketers from Bengal.

 Pic Courtesy by: CAB

*Is Hardik the leader of India in T20 World Cup? There is a sudden confusion about Rohit*

Sports News

Khabar kolkata: Is Hardik Pandya laying paws on all the empires of Rohit Sharma? Hardik Pandya returned to Mumbai Indians in December last year. He got the captaincy right after coming to the MI camp. Rohit's tenure at Mumbai Indians is over. Rohit Sharma has not played in the Twenty20 format in the country's jersey since last year's T20 World Cup. In his absence, Hardik Pandya has been seen as the T20 leader for India.In the new year, it is heard that Rohit wants to continue playing in the T20 format. Since then it was heard in the cricket circles that maybe Rohit Sharma will lead India in T20 World Cup. The schedule of this year's T20 World Cup was published on January 5.Then a picture has come out, which many are saying, Hardik Pandya may be India's leader in T20 World Cup, not Rohit Sharma.

Pic Courtesy by: Google

Consult Sexologist in Bihar at Dubey Clinic | Dr. Sunil Dubey

If you are living in Patna or anywhere in Bihar then you can easily reach at Dubey Clinic. It is Bihar’s No-1 Ayurveda medical clinic located at Patna. Dr. Sunil Dubey is India’s most trusted and highly educated senior sexologist doctors in Bihar. He treats all types of sexual patients at Dubey Clinic and the large numbers of sexual patients come to Dubey Clinic every day.

About the low libido or low sexual drive sexual dysfunction, he says that this is a common sexual problem older than 40 years persons. If a person who is suffering from the under age of 40, then it is really a matter of concern. This world famous Ayurvedacharya says that there are many causes of this low sexual drive. These are following:-

  1. Excess consumption of drinking, smoking, and drugs
  2. Medical conditions such as- diabetes, sleep apnoea
  3. Negative sexual experience and past trauma
  4. Low self confidence and self-esteem
  5. History of unwanted sexual content
  6. Low level of sexual hormone in persons

The above factors lead a person to low sexual drive and affect his/her sexual life badly. By the way, the low libido sexual patients should not worry too much but he/she should consult the experienced sexologist or sexual healthcare counselor for the treatment.

About treatment and medication for low libido sexual patients:

Dr. Sunil Dubey is a world renowned name in the field of Ayurveda and Sexology medical sciences in India. He has been honored with many international, national, state-level and district-level awards for her great contribution to the sexologist profession. Presently, most of the Indians rate him as the best sexologist in Patna as he is from this city and practices at his native place.

He has researched on this loss of libido sexual disease in men and women and discovered the most impartial medication and treatment in this Ayurveda medical science. In his treatment and medical of Ayurveda Medicare, he provides herbal medicines, natural bhasma, effective oil, naturopathy medication, and home remedies to resolve their sexual problems.

Till now, he has treated more than three lakh sexual patients in India that is really a good record for the senior and experienced sexologist doctors. Dubey Clinic provides all over India Ayurveda medication and treatment privileges where any needy sexual patient can contact this clinic over the phone and get his remedy.

With best wishes:

Dubey Clinic

A Certified Clinic of India

Helpline No: +91 98350 92586; +91 93340 58336

Venue: Subash Market, near Globe Time Telecom, Dariyapur Gola, Langar Toli, Chauraha, Patna, Bihar 800004

Location: https://maps.app.goo.gl/gA7AQTiNTzscfi2v7


दूसरे देशों में फंसे भारतीयों को वापस ला रही सरकार, जानें कैसी आई ऐसी नौबत


दुनियाभर में ऑनलाइन स्कैम का जाल तेजी से फैल रहे हैं। लोगों को आकर्षक नौकरी, निवेश या अन्य प्रलोभनों का लालच देते हैं और फिर उन्हें जबरन धोखाधड़ी वाले कामों में धकेल देते हैं। म्यांमार, कंबोडिया और कई अन्य देशों में ऐसे स्कैम हब फल-फूल रहे हैं। इसी तरह के गैर-कानूनी काम के चंगुल में फंसे 266 लोगों को भारत सरकार वापस लाई है।इसकी जानकारी विदेश मंत्रालय (एमईए) के प्रवक्ता रणधीर जायसवाल ने बुधवार को दी।

विदेश मंत्रालय के प्रवक्ता ने बताया कि भारत सरकार ने कल भारतीय वायुसेना के विमान से 266 भारतीयों की सुरक्षित वापसी की व्यवस्था की। जिन्हें दक्षिण पूर्व एशिया के साइबर अपराध केंद्रों से रिहा कराया गया। इससे पहले सोमवार को भी इसी तरह 283 भारतीयों को वापस लाया गया था। उन्होंने आगे कहा कि भारतीय दूतावास ने म्यांमार और थाईलैंड सरकारों के साथ मिलकर उनकी रिहाई सुनिश्चित करने और उनके स्वदेश वापसी में सहायता करने के लिए काम किया है।

भारत सरकार ने सी-17 ट्रांसपोर्ट एयरक्राफ्ट भेजकर इन लोगों को भारत वापस लाया, जिनमें 266 पुरुषों और 17 महिलाएं शामिल है। सभी लोगों इससे पहले सात बसों के जरिए थाईलैंड के माई सॉट हवाई अड्डे तक पहुंचाया। इसके अलावा, तीन बसों से उनके सामान को भी लाया गया। अब अगले दिन 257 और भारतीयों को वापस लाने की योजना है।

बीते कुछ हफ्तों में इन ऑनलाइन स्कैम सेंटरों से कम से कम 24 देशों के लगभग 7,000 लोगों को सुरक्षित निकाला गया है । सैन्य शासन वाले म्यान्मार के इस हिस्से में कानून-व्यवस्था ढेर हो चुकी है। रिहा कराए गए लोगों में ज्यादातर चीनी नागरिक हैं। चीन अब तक 2,000 से ज्यादा नागरिकों को वापस ला चुका है और इन सभी को अपराधी मानते हुए हथकड़ी लगाकर लाया गया। चीन इन स्कैम नेटवर्क को खत्म करने के लिए बड़े स्तर पर कार्रवाई कर रहा है।

म्यांमार के अपराधग्रस्त सीमावर्ती इलाकों में ये ठगी के केंद्र बड़े पैमाने पर एक्टिव हैं। यहां लोगों को अच्छी नौकरी का झांसा देकर बुलाया जाता है, लेकिन वहां उन्हें ऑनलाइन धोखाधड़ी जैसे रोमांस और इन्वेस्टमेंट स्कैम में काम करने के लिए मजबूर किया जाता है। कई लोग शोषण और दुर्व्यवहार का शिकार होते हैं। विदेशी दबाव के बाद म्यान्मार प्रशासन ने अरबों डॉलर के इस अवैध आपराधिक ‘उद्योग’ पर कार्रवाई की है। संयुक्त राष्ट्र के ड्रग्स एंड क्राइम्स ऑफिस का अनुमान है कि सिर्फ एशिया में ही साल 2023 में ऐसे ‘स्कैमों’ की वजह से लगभग 18 अरब डॉलर से लेकर 37 अरब डॉलर तक का संभावित नुकसान हुआ है।

यूएस से डिपोर्ट भारतीयों को लेकर आया प्लेन पंजाब में क्यों उतरा? कांग्रेस उठा रही सवाल


अमेरिका से 104 अवैध अप्रवासियों की वापसी हो चुकी है। उनको लेकर आए सैन्य विमान की लैंडिंग पंजाब के अमृतसर में हुई। निर्वासित लोगों में से 30 पंजाब से, 33-33 हरियाणा और गुजरात से, तीन-तीन महाराष्ट्र और उत्तर प्रदेश, दो चंडीगढ़ से हैं। निर्वासित किए गए लोगों में 19 महिलाएं और चार वर्षीय एक बच्चा, पांच व सात वर्षीय दो लड़कियों सहित 13 नाबालिग शामिल हैं। इस बीच प्लेन के देश की राजधानी दिल्ली की जगह अमृतसर में लैंडिंग को लेकर सवाल उठने लगे हैं।

कांग्रेस ने निर्वासित भारतीयों को ले जा रहे अमेरिकी सैन्य विमान को दिल्ली के बजाय अमृतसर में उतरने की अनुमति देने के केंद्र सरकार के फैसले पर सवाल उठाया है। कांग्रेस ने कहा कि शहर को 'धारणा' और 'नैरेटिव' को ध्यान में रखते हुए चुना गया था।

“बदनाम करने वाले नैरेटिव”

कांग्रेस के जालंधर कैंट विधायक परगट सिंह ने कहा कि पंजाब की तुलना में गुजरात सहित अन्य राज्यों से अधिक निर्वासित लोग हैं। परगट सिंह ने सोशल मीडिया प्लोट कहा कि जब पंजाब अंतरराष्ट्रीय उड़ानों की मांग करता है, तो पंजाब को आर्थिक लाभ से वंचित करने के लिए केवल दिल्ली एयरपोर्ट को अनुमति दी जाती है। लेकिन जब बदनाम करने वाले नैरेटिव की बात आती है, तो एक अमेरिकी निर्वासन विमान पंजाब में उतरता है। भले ही उसमें अधिककर निर्वासित गुजरात और हरियाणा से हों।

लोकसभा में इस पर चर्चा की मांग

वहीं, अमृतसर से सांसद और कांग्रेस नेता गुरजीत औजला ने विमान को अमृतसर में उतारे जाने पर सवाल खड़े किए हैं। उन्होंने लोकसभा में इस पर चर्चा की मांग का नोटिस देते हुए पूछा कि प्लेन को दिल्ली में क्यों नहीं उतारा गया? उन्होंने केंद्र सरकार पर हमला बोलते हुए एक्स पर लिखा, शर्मनाक और अस्वीकार्य! मोदी सरकार ने भारतीय अप्रवासियों को बेड़ियों में जकड़े हुए विदेशी सैन्य विमान से वापस भेजने की अनुमति दी। कोई विरोध क्यों नहीं? वाणिज्यिक उड़ान क्यों नहीं? विमान दिल्ली में क्यों नहीं उतरा? यह हमारे लोगों और हमारी संप्रभुता का अपमान है। सरकार को जवाब देना चाहिए!’

आप ने भी घेरा

इस बीच, आम आदमी पार्टी (आप) ने सवाल किया है कि विमान की लैंडिंग अमृतसर में क्यों कराई गई। देश के किसी अन्य राज्य में विमान को क्यों नहीं उतारा गया। आप पंजाब के अध्यक्ष अमन अरोड़ा ने सवाल किया कि विमान अमृतसर में क्यों उतरा, देश के किसी अन्य हवाई अड्डे पर क्यों नहीं। उन्होंने कहा, जब निर्वासित लोग पूरे देश से हैं, तो विमान को उतारने के लिए अमृतसर को क्यों चुना गया? यह सवाल हर किसी के दिमाग में है। अमन अरोड़ा ने कहा कि केंद्र सरकार ने पंजाब के साथ हमेशा सौतेला व्यवहार किया है। पंजाब की तुलना में अन्य राज्यों के लोग (निर्वासित) अधिक हैं. इस विमान को उतारने के लिए अमृतसर को चुनना एक सवालिया निशान खड़ा करता है।

भारत ने सीरिया से 75 लोगों को किया एयरलिफ्ट, जम्मू कश्मीर के 44 जायरीन शामिल


सीरिया में तख्त पलट हो गया है। विरोधी ग्रुप हयात तहरीर अल शाम ने सीरिया पर कब्जा कर लिया है और अब देश की बागडोर उसके हाथों में आ गई है। विद्रोहियों के कब्जे के बावजूद जगह-जगह विस्फोट हो रहे हैं। हमले हो रहे हैं। सरकारी इमारतें जलाई जा रही हैं। लूटपाट की जा रही है। सीरिया के हालात को खराब होता देख सभी देश अपने-अपने नागरिकों की सुरक्षा में लगे हुए हैं। भारत ने भी अपने 75 नागरिकों को सीरिया से बाहर निकाला है।

भारत ने सीरिया में विद्रोही बलों द्वारा बशर अल असद की सरकार को अपदस्थ किए जाने के दो दिन बाद मंगलवार को वहां से 75 भारतीय नागरिकों को बाहर निकाला। वि0श मंत्रालय ने इस बात की जानकारी दी। विदेश मंत्रालय ने कहा कि सुरक्षा स्थिति के आकलन के बाद दमिश्क और बेरूत स्थित भारतीय दूतावासों ने निकासी की प्रक्रिया की। देर रात जारी बयान में कहा गया, ‘भारत सरकार ने सीरिया में हाल में हुए घटनाक्रम के बाद आज 75 भारतीय नागरिकों को वहां से निकाला।’ इसमें कहा गया, ‘निकाले गए लोगों में जम्मू कश्मीर के 44 जायरीन शामिल हैं, जो सईदा जैनब(सीरिया में शिया मुस्लिमों का एक महत्वपूर्ण तीर्थ स्थल) में फंसे हुए थे। सभी भारतीय नागरिक सुरक्षित रूप से लेबनान पहुंच गए हैं और वे उपलब्ध कमर्शियल उड़ानों से भारत लौटेंगे।’

विदेश मंत्रालय ने कहा कि विदेशों में रह रहे भारतीय नागरिकों की सुरक्षा सरकार की सबसे बड़ी प्राथमिकता है। विदेश मंत्रालय के बयान के मुताबिक, यह अभियान दमिश्क और बेरूत में मौजूद भारतीय दूतावास की देखरेख में चलाया गया। विदेश मंत्रालय ने बताया कि सीरिया में सुरक्षा स्थिति का आकलन करने के बाद यह कदम उठाया गया है।

सेना से जुड़े लोगों को ढूंढ रहे विद्रोही

बता दें कि सीरिया की सत्ता पर अब हयात तहरीर अल-शाम (एचटीएस) का कब्जा है। एचटीएस के लड़ाके बशर अल-असद सरकार और सेना से जुड़े लोगों को ढूंढ रही है। उन्हें पकड़कर कत्ल कर रही है। राष्ट्रपति रहे असद के भतीजे को पहले बीच चौराहे पर मारा-पीटा फिर फांसी दे दी। जिसको लटकाया गया, उसका नाम सुलेमान असद है। सुलेमान असद, सीरियाई सेना में बड़ा अफसर था। एचटीएस का खौफ इस कदर है कि अब कुर्द लड़ाके और असद सेना के सैनिक सरेंडर कर रहे हैं। घुटनों के बल बैठकर सैनिकों ने विद्रोहियों का साथ देने का ऐलान कर दिया।

ऐसे खौफ कायम कर रहा एचटीएस चीफ

एचटीएस चीफ मोहम्मद अल गोलानी ने कहा है कि जो भी अधिकारी, कर्मचारी सीरिया के लोगों के साथ अत्याचार में शामिल रहा है उनकी एक लिस्ट बनाई जा रही है। इनके बारे में जो भी सूचना देगा उसे ईनाम दिया जाएगा। गोलानी ने ये भी कहा कि हम ऐसे लोगों को बख्शेंगे नहीं। खौफनाक सजा देंगे, जिसका ट्रेलर असद के भतीजे को बीच चौराहे फांसी देकर दिखा भी दिया।

Pilot Chef’s vision to open 100+ outlet in 2 years

Once upon a time in a Delhi Govt Boys School Friends , one of young boy named Satvir Singh He was bright, ambitious, and full of ideas. Despite coming from a middle-class family, Satvir Singh always dreamt big. His parents, hardworking individuals with modest means, instilled in him the values of diligence and perseverance.

From a young age, Satvir Singh after completion of study , Satvir got jobs in multiple companies but he not satisfied because his dream was big and dreaming of creating something that would change the world. His best friend, Akash Kumar shared his passion for innovation. Together, they spent countless afternoons brainstorming ideas every day,

One day proposed Satvir Singh click an idea in his mind that 90% percents Indians have dream to travel by airplane and get flights experience because in India flights travelling quite expensive so he started a cafe with airplane concept with air hostess and service , interior like as is it like airplane to full fill Indians customers dream to have flights experience with very innovative foods with amazing taste ,They spent weeks refining their concept, conducting market research, and teaching themselves the necessary skills to bring their idea to life.

With their savings from summer jobs and a small loan from Akash kumar relatives they finally launched their Business concept , Pilot Chef’s into the world. Initially, the response was lukewarm, but Satvir Singh and Akash Kumar refused to give up. They tirelessly promoted their concept on social media, reached out to influencers, and attended local events to spread the word.

Slowly but surely, their hard work began to pay off. Customers who took services and have burgers of pilot Chef’s praised cafe over all services ,Encouraged by their initial success, Satvir Singh and Akash worked day and night to improve their Pilot Chef’s Services to serve better experience to customers adding more services to give pilot chef’s customers food experience which touches customers soul.

Pilot Chef’s gained traction, investors began to take notice. With their pitch decks in hand and passion in their hearts, Satvir Singh and Akash Kumar pitched their startup to venture capitalists, highlighting their vision for the future of Cafe technology with very Unique cafe experience for customers . Despite facing numerous rejections, they remained undeterred, refining their pitch with each setback.

Finally, their perseverance paid off when they secured their first round of funding from a Akash kumar brother.

Years passed, and Pilot Chefs continued to thrive. Satvir Singh and Akash kumar once-small startup had grown into a multinational brand employing hundreds of people and full fill thousands of customers dream to have airplanes experience Despite their success, they remained grounded, never forgetting their humble beginnings .

Their journey from middle-class boys with a dream to successful entrepreneurs served as an inspiration to countless others. And as they looked back on their incredible journey, they knew that with determination, hard work, and a dash of creativity, anything was possible.

Pilot chefs vision to open 100+ outlet in 3 Countries to provide very amazing cafe experience to customers. This Indian startup ready to touch 100 outlet milestone till September 2025 , Satvir Singh added.


"From Village Roots to Global Heights: The Inspiring Journey of Deepesh Raj, Founder of Shine Well Digital Solutions”

Renowned digital marketing expert, Mr. Deepesh Raj, is the Founder and CEO of Shine Well Digital Solutions, India's Leading Digital Marketing agency, serving 150+ brands, PAN India & abroad. 

Born in Samastipur, a small village in Bihar, Raj’s journey is an inspiring tale of determination, hard work & the never-give-up spirit. 

Coming from a middle class family, nobody ever imagined that Deepesh's remarkable journey and idealistic vision would revolutionize the digital marketing industry in India.

Like any other Indian family, his parents were completely against business & they wanted him to choose the conventional path. But, being a hardworking boy, he cracked the prestigious NDA & SSC exams, qualified UGC NET in CSE and got into a very comfortable Govt. Job with a good salary.

But, as it is rightly said, you cannot contain the storm for more than a moment. Mr. Deepesh quit his job, believed in himself and without any financial support, went on to fulfill his dreams. As if the idea of not utilizing his key-skills, seemed scary. 

He has always been a passionate Digital Marketer, who is excited with the idea of driving huge profits for his clients. 

Initially, he did digital marketing for a few companies in Patna, Bihar and within a year, scaled one business to become a millionaire. This gave him a boost and he decided to establish his own venture.

Mr. Raj is not only a Google certified digital marketing expert but also a certified ethical hacker and knows 13+ programming languages. He is currently pursuing a PHD in Cyber Securities and is a career counsellor to hundreds of learners. He has graced numerous MBA Colleges as a guest lecturer, inspiring young entrepreneurs. 

His journey is a testament to the power of passion, hardwork and perseverance.

And, with a vision to support small businesses and start-ups, with affordable yet premium digital marketing services, Shine Well quickly gained momentum, expanding its reach from Patna to PAN India and beyond. Today, with over 150 clients globally, including top tech startups Shine Well has solidified its position as India's leading digital marketing agency.

Mr. Deepesh along with his expert team has now stepped into revolutionizing the web-hosting industry with the launch of HostinGlow, India’s best and most affordable hosting service provider with 24X7 expert support. HostinGlow is established with the vision to support small businesses & Indian startups. With its data centres located in India, HostinGlow also ensures data security for Indian companies. It is a made in India, Made for Indians, product. 

And, noticing the current unemployment rate in India, the expert team at Shine Well, has also developed a one of its kind job platform named Direct Jobs, which is all set to rule the job market in just a few months. Direct Jobs is a completely free job platform, i.e. they do not charge any fee from either employer or the candidates.  

Shine Well believes in making a positive impact, both in business and the society. The company’s work culture supports both freshers and women in the workplace.

With over 70% of its team comprising women, Shine Well has been recognized and awarded for its efforts in creating equal opportunities for all.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, when people were struggling to meet basic needs, Shine Well’s team proved its commitment to social responsibility by providing free digital marketing services to their clients. Because it is a client-first company & they treat monetary benefits as secondary. 

The company never prioritizes money, instead it prioritizes it's clients growth.

Mr. Deepesh is not just a boss, he is an ideal leader who takes everybody together. He ensures growth and fosters learning for all the team members, treating them like family. The work culture at Shine Well is heavenly, with people wanting to work under his leadership. This culture of inclusivity and support is the main reason behind Shine Well's success.

As it is rightly said that good leadership is about empowering others to achieve greatness. At Shine Well, Mr. Raj’s vision is to create a dream workplace for employees, where they feel valued, supported, and inspired to excel.

The company, because of it's excellent work culture, visionary leadership and revolutionary ideas is all set to become the next Indian unicorn.

Shine Well Digital Solutions, continues to achieve milestones in the world of digital marketing, not only in India but also in UK, Qatar, Dubai, Nigeria, South Africa & more.

Rather than working for big established businesses, they believe in creating bigger brands out of small businesses.This shows the expertise and confidence that is vested in the team at Shine Well Digital Solutions.

You can viisit their website at shinewell.in to learn more about this incredible company and see how they're changing the world. You can also reach them directly at 9262386604

Website : www.shinewell.in

facebook : www.facebook.com/shinewelldigital

Chef Saransh's Culinary Marvels: Goila Butter Chicken Unveils New Menu in Noida

Indians across regions, from the bustling lanes of Delhi to the verdant landscapes of Uttar Pradesh, share a profound love for authentic Indian cuisine. 

Leading this culinary renaissance is Celebrity MasterChef Saransh Goila, a visionary entrepreneur whose passion for authentic Indian flavours has elevated Butter Chicken into a symbol of culinary innovation and excellence. The journey of Goila Butter Chicken commenced with MasterChef Saransh Goila's ingenious reinvention of the classic Butter Chicken recipe, establishing a dish that now defines the brand's identity. From humble beginnings as a passionate home cook to achieving celebrity chef status and being invited as a judge in Masterchef Australia, Saransh Goila's culinary journey has been nothing short of remarkable.

At an event hosted by Goila Butter Chicken on March 20, 2024, in Noida, Chef Saransh Goila captivated guests with live demonstrations of his famous smoky butter chicken recipe. Amidst the festivities, Chef Saransh Goila took the opportunity to introduce the latest menu innovations, emphasising the brand's commitment to culinary excellence and innovation.

The new menu at Goila Butter Chicken presents an enticing array of dishes, ranging from the aromatic delight of Mutton Rogan Josh to the vegetarian indulgence of Soya Chaap and Hara Bhara Kebab. The menu now boasts the beloved street food classic, Amritsari Chole Kulche, alongside creamy delights like Paneer Lababdar and Dal Tadka Desi Ghee. Not to be missed are the tantalising Tawa Chaap Chatkara and the robust flavours of Kadhai Chicken, while starters such as Tandoori Soya Chaap and Malai Chaap tantalise the taste buds. Vegetarian options like Dahi Ke Kebab and hearty bread choices like Tawa Roti and Amritsari Stuffed Kulcha complete the ensemble. 

Goila Butter Chicken has positioned itself as the Premium North Indian/Mughlai Cuisine with a total of 80+ stores Pan-India .Furthermore, in a move aimed at enhancing accessibility, Goila Butter Chicken now offers new website delivery services, available across Delhi NCR. Whether craving the indulgent flavours of butter chicken or eager to explore the new menu offerings, food enthusiasts can now enjoy the signature taste of Goila Butter Chicken from the comfort of their homes. For those looking to embark on a culinary journey with Goila Butter Chicken, visit www.goilabutterchicken.com to explore the menu and place delivery orders in Delhi NCR.

Aditya Jogani reaping praise from Indians as Nirvana’s lab-grown diamonds become a household name

Diamonds is one of the most lucrative and most demanded but not so affordable things nowadays for people across the country. And, Aditya Jogani introduced a like-for-like replacement of diamonds to Indians. He started developing lab-grown diamonds that certainly became a new trend among people and Gen-Z youth.

Diamond is something that everyone wants to buy but it is so costly that it becomes very difficult for many to buy the precious gem from the daily jewellery showrooms. So keeping the same thing in mind Aditya Jogani and his wife Avani founded a brand Nirvana that went viral across the globe in no time.

This development coming from an Indian business tycoon certainly took India’s flag in jewellery industry to a different stage. He managed to leave a big positive impact on the diamond market across the globe starting from his home country India. He set the foundation of Nirvana back in 2016.

Nirvana didn’t need any traditional marketing stint but its mouth publicity among youth was enough to place lab-grown diamond as the new trend in the market. The impact was so big that diamond companies started feeling the heat and challenge as the people were more interested in buying differently crafted and cheaper diamonds from Nirvana than buying it at a costly price from showrooms.

The I.P of Nirvana is that the lab-grown diamonds are crafted as per the requirement of the customer and this is an attractive thing from a customer perspective. Nirvana has managed to get some top tenders from government tenders in order to promote this new technology of lab-grown diamonds.

With surging prices of diamonds and jewellery across the globe, Aditya Jogani and Avani Jogani have certainly done a fantabulous job by giving the Indian middle class a choice of diamonds that gives them utterly good confidence.

*CAB felicitates Sir Clive Lloyd*

Sports News 


 Khabar kolkata News bureau : In the last 24 hours, the temperature had plummeted in Kolkata. There was a chill in the air. But the mercury had gone up a few notches at the Eden Gardens on Saturday as the towering personality of Sir Clive Hubert Lloyd walked down the lawns with his leisured ease on to the stage. 

Cricket Association of Bengal was felicitating the living legend from the Caribbeans. 

After a 10 minute audio-visual of the man himself, he was felicitated with a gold wristlet with his name engraved on it and the customery blazer. 

"It is special to return here at Eden Gardens. I played my first series in India here as Captain and played here at Eden. I have so many good memories of this ground. The West Indians love to come to Kolkata for the love that is showered on them. I have felt the same love this time also, and I am overwhelmed. I would like to thank the association for their warmth and love," Sir Clive said.

Like the tough captain he was, he did some straight talking, "I have no qualms with T20. I would love to see the players earning their money. But I would love to see either three or five Test matches in any bilateral series. I would call a T20 an exhibition and a Test match an examination."

He also talked about the distribution of money from ICC so that cricket can flourish and thrive in the Caribbeans, which is a conglomerate of 14 islands. "This is a plea from me, and let's see what happens," he said. 

Sir Clive Lloyd invited the crowd at Eden Gardens to come to the West Indies for the forthcoming T20 World Cup. "I welcome all of you to my country. It is a great atmosphere there. You will be taken care of, and you will enjoy the games there."

Asked what brand of cricket he would like to play if he had his team come here today, he said: "Any brand. I would love to play it all. The crowd loves their cricket here. But I am a Test mach guy."

He also wanted to see Chandrasekhar play T20 cricket today. 

Speaking on the occasion, the CAB President said, "I thank Sir Clive Lloyd for taking out his valuable time to be present at the Eden Gardens. CAB and the Eden Gardens have got a lot of memories with Sir Clive Lloyd. The immediate memory that is coming to my mind as a flashback is that in the year 1974 when Clive Lloyd came as captain to Eden Gardens. The Indian team was led by Nawab Pataudi. 

"That was the West Indies team that had the likes of Greenidge, Richards and this team dominated world Cricket for the next 15 years under his leadership.

That team produced greats like Sir Gordon Greenidge, Sir Vivian Richards, Alvin Kallicharran, Lawrence Rowe. It is Clive Lloyd who has shown the world Cricket how fast bowlers can make an impact during that time. 

"The introduction of Sir Andy Roberts, supported by Michael Holding, Joel Garner, Colin Croft, and later Malcolm Marshall. These were the players of 70s and 80s who played under Clive Lloyd with tremendous control on the game. The way he handled all the great players of that West Indies team in that era is something extraordinary."

Sir Clive left the crowd enthralled with his wisdom and humour before retiring for the evening.

While on his way out, Sir Clive was given a guard of honour by 20 age-group cricketers from Bengal.

 Pic Courtesy by: CAB

*Is Hardik the leader of India in T20 World Cup? There is a sudden confusion about Rohit*

Sports News

Khabar kolkata: Is Hardik Pandya laying paws on all the empires of Rohit Sharma? Hardik Pandya returned to Mumbai Indians in December last year. He got the captaincy right after coming to the MI camp. Rohit's tenure at Mumbai Indians is over. Rohit Sharma has not played in the Twenty20 format in the country's jersey since last year's T20 World Cup. In his absence, Hardik Pandya has been seen as the T20 leader for India.In the new year, it is heard that Rohit wants to continue playing in the T20 format. Since then it was heard in the cricket circles that maybe Rohit Sharma will lead India in T20 World Cup. The schedule of this year's T20 World Cup was published on January 5.Then a picture has come out, which many are saying, Hardik Pandya may be India's leader in T20 World Cup, not Rohit Sharma.

Pic Courtesy by: Google

Consult Sexologist in Bihar at Dubey Clinic | Dr. Sunil Dubey

If you are living in Patna or anywhere in Bihar then you can easily reach at Dubey Clinic. It is Bihar’s No-1 Ayurveda medical clinic located at Patna. Dr. Sunil Dubey is India’s most trusted and highly educated senior sexologist doctors in Bihar. He treats all types of sexual patients at Dubey Clinic and the large numbers of sexual patients come to Dubey Clinic every day.

About the low libido or low sexual drive sexual dysfunction, he says that this is a common sexual problem older than 40 years persons. If a person who is suffering from the under age of 40, then it is really a matter of concern. This world famous Ayurvedacharya says that there are many causes of this low sexual drive. These are following:-

  1. Excess consumption of drinking, smoking, and drugs
  2. Medical conditions such as- diabetes, sleep apnoea
  3. Negative sexual experience and past trauma
  4. Low self confidence and self-esteem
  5. History of unwanted sexual content
  6. Low level of sexual hormone in persons

The above factors lead a person to low sexual drive and affect his/her sexual life badly. By the way, the low libido sexual patients should not worry too much but he/she should consult the experienced sexologist or sexual healthcare counselor for the treatment.

About treatment and medication for low libido sexual patients:

Dr. Sunil Dubey is a world renowned name in the field of Ayurveda and Sexology medical sciences in India. He has been honored with many international, national, state-level and district-level awards for her great contribution to the sexologist profession. Presently, most of the Indians rate him as the best sexologist in Patna as he is from this city and practices at his native place.

He has researched on this loss of libido sexual disease in men and women and discovered the most impartial medication and treatment in this Ayurveda medical science. In his treatment and medical of Ayurveda Medicare, he provides herbal medicines, natural bhasma, effective oil, naturopathy medication, and home remedies to resolve their sexual problems.

Till now, he has treated more than three lakh sexual patients in India that is really a good record for the senior and experienced sexologist doctors. Dubey Clinic provides all over India Ayurveda medication and treatment privileges where any needy sexual patient can contact this clinic over the phone and get his remedy.

With best wishes:

Dubey Clinic

A Certified Clinic of India

Helpline No: +91 98350 92586; +91 93340 58336

Venue: Subash Market, near Globe Time Telecom, Dariyapur Gola, Langar Toli, Chauraha, Patna, Bihar 800004

Location: https://maps.app.goo.gl/gA7AQTiNTzscfi2v7
