उद्धव गुट का बड़ा दांव, संजय राउत ने की बाला साहब को भारत रत्न देने की मांग


शिवसेना के संसथापक बाला साहब ठाकरे की आज जयंती है। बाला साहब ठाकरे की 99वीं जयंती पर शिंदे गुट की शिवसेना (यूबीटी) ने बाल ठाकरे को भारत रत्न दिए जाने की मांग उठाई। संजय राउत ने कहा कि पीएम नरेंद्र मोदी को 26 जनवरी के मौके पर बाला साहब ठाकरे भारत रत्न देने का ऐलान करना चाहिए।

संजय राउत ने कहा कि बालासाहेब ठाकरे ने अपने पूरे जीवनकाल में सिर्फ दूसरों को आगे बढ़ाया। उन्होंने कभी भी वसूलों के साथ समझौता नहीं किया। ठाकरे को जब देशहित में जो फैसला लगा, वो किया। चाहे इंदिरा को समर्थन देने की बात हो चाहे बीजेपी को।राउत ने कहा कि पिछले दस वर्षों में भाजपा सरकार ने कुछ ऐसे लोगों को भारत रत्न दिया है, जो इसके हकदार नहीं थे।

बाल ठाकरे के भारत रत्न से सावरकर को कैसे मिलेगा सम्मान?

बाल ठाकरे की जयंती के अवसर पर बोलते हुए संजय राउत ने कहा कि बाल ठाकरे को इस पुरस्कार से सम्मानित किया जाना चाहिए क्योंकि उन्होंने हिंदुत्व के बीज इस देश में बोए। उन्होंने कहा कि ठाकरे की जन्म शताब्दी एक साल दूर है और इस शताब्दी से पहले उन्हें भारत रत्न मिलना चाहिए। इसके अलावा उन्होंने यह भी कहा कि अगर बाल ठाकरे को भारत रत्न मिलेगा, तो इससे वीर सावरकर को भी सम्मान मिलेगा।

पीएम मोदी ने दी श्रद्धांजलि

इधर, बालासाहेब ठाकरे की जयंती पर प्रधानमंत्री मोदी ने श्रद्धांजलि दी। पीएम मोदी ने सोशल मीडिया पर पोस्ट लिखा है। पीएम ने अपने पोस्ट में लिखा- मैं बालासाहेब ठाकरे जी को उनके जन्मदिन पर श्रद्धांजलि अर्पित करता हूं। उन्हें जन कल्याण और महाराष्ट्र के विकास के प्रति उनकी प्रतिबद्धता के लिए व्यापक रूप से सम्मान दिया जाता है और याद किया जाता है। उन्होंने अपनी मूल मान्यताओं से कभी समझौता नहीं किया और हमेशा भारतीय संस्कृति के गौरव को बढ़ाने में अपना योगदान दिया।

*Samantha Ruth Prabhu unveils Chennai Super Champs jersey; Announces Partnership with Sathyabama University*


Khabar kolkata sports Desk: Chennai Super Champs owner and celebrated actor-entrepreneur Ms. Samantha Ruth Prabhu unveiled the team’s fiery yellow-and-red jersey at a vibrant event held at Sathyabama University in Chennai, yesterday.

The occasion also marked the announcement of Sathyabama University as the team’s principal partner ahead of the inaugural World Pickleball League (WPBL), bringing the spirit of Chennai to the global pickleball stage.

The jersey reflects the fiery passion for sports that defines Chennai, encapsulating the city’s energy and determination. Chennai Super Champs are set to debut this jersey on the court when the league kicks off on January 24, 2025.

Ms. Samantha Ruth Prabhu expressed, "Chennai has a vibe that’s unmatched—spirited, fiery, and always up for a challenge! That’s exactly what we wanted the Chennai Super Champs jersey to reflect. Pickleball is an exciting sport that brings people together for fun, competition, and fitness, and I couldn’t be more proud to see Chennai Super Champs take the lead. Launching this jersey with and at Sathyabama University is special because it adds another pioneering chapter to our visionary partnership, taking pickleball to the youth and growing the sport with their energy. Together, we’re taking Chennai’s passion for sports to a whole new level!”

Highlighting the partnership, Dr. Mariazeena Johnson, Chancellor of Sathyabama University, said: “We are delighted to partner with Chennai Super Champs, a team that embodies the dynamic spirit of Chennai. This partnership reflects our commitment towards fostering ambition and excellence among today’s youth. The Chennai Super Champs’ journey in the WPBL is a celebration of Chennai’s love for sports, and we wish them great success in their campaign.”

Mr. Joey Farias, Chennai Super Champs Head Coach said, “Chennai Super Champs is ready to represent the city with pride and determination. The support and enthusiasm from the city, and now from Sathyabama University, will undoubtedly fuel our players’ drive to excel. We’re excited to showcase the team’s talent and passion on the global stage.”

Ms. Samantha Ruth Prabhu was the first-ever franchise owner to invest in WPBL, taking her love for both the city and the sport to the next level. Chennai Super Champs aims to put the city on the global map of pickleball, a rapidly growing sport that celebrates inclusivity across age groups and genders.

ईसाई समाज को लेकर ऐसा क्या बोल गए मोहन भागवत, बिफर गए बिशप


राष्ट्रीय स्वयं सेवक संघ (आरएसएस) प्रमुख मोहन भागवत इन दिनों अपने बयानों को लेकर चर्चा में बने हुए हैं। अब मोहन भागवत के धर्मांतरण और आदिवासी समुदायों से संबंधित एक बयान पर बवाल मच गया है। आरएसएस प्रमुख मोहन भागवत ने दावा किया है कि भारत के दिवंगत पूर्व राष्ट्रपति प्रणब मुखर्जी ने ‘घर वापसी’ कार्यक्रम की सराहना करते हुए उनसे कहा था कि अगर संघ द्वारा धर्मांतरण पर काम नहीं किया गया होता तो आदिवासियों का एक वर्ग राष्ट्र-विरोधी हो गया होता। कैथोलिक बिशपों के एक निकाय ने भागवत के इस बयान की निंदा की है।

कैथोलिक बिशपों की संस्था सीबीसीआई ने जारी एक बयान में उन खबरों का हवाला दिया, जिनमें कथित तौर पर कहा गया है कि भागवत ने सोमवार को एक कार्यक्रम में दावा किया था कि मुखर्जी ने राष्ट्रपति रहते हुए 'घर वापसी' की सराहना की थी और उनसे कहा था कि यदि संघ ने धर्मांतरण पर काम नहीं किया होता तो आदिवासियों का एक वर्ग ‘‘राष्ट्र-विरोधी’’ हो गया होता। सीबीसीआई ने इन खबरों को चौंकाने वाला बताया। संस्था ने सवाल किया कि मुखर्जी के जीवित रहते भागवत ने इस बारे में कुछ क्यों नहीं बोला। सीबीसीआई कहा, हम 2.3 प्रतिशत ईसाई भारतीय नागरिक इस तरह के छलपूर्ण और दुर्भावनापूर्ण प्रचार से बहुत आहत महसूस कर रहे हैं।

संघ प्रमुख मोहन भागवत ने यह बात इंदौर में राष्ट्रीय देवी अहिल्या पुरस्कार के वितरण समारोह में कही है। भागवत ने कहा, डॉ प्रणब मुखर्जी राष्ट्रपति थे, तब मैं पहली बार उनसे मिलने गया। संसद में घर वापसी को लेकर बहुत बड़ा हल्ला चल रहा थाय़ मैं तैयार हो कर गया कि वे बहुत कुछ पूछेंगे, बहुत बताना पड़ेगा। लेकिन उन्होंने कहा कि आप लोगों ने कुछ लोगों को वापस लाया और प्रेस कॉन्फ्रेंस की.. ऐसा कैसे करते हो आप? ऐसा करने से हो-हल्ला होता है क्योंकि वो राजनीति है। मैं भी अगर आज कांग्रेस पार्टी में होता, राष्ट्रपति नहीं होता, तो मैं भी संसद में यही करता।

आरएसएस प्रमुख ने आगे कहा, प्रणब मुखर्जी ने फिर कहा लेकिन आप लोगों ने ये जो काम किया है उसके कारण भारत के 30% आदिवासी… मैंने उनकी लाइन पकड़ ली और उनके बोलने के अंदाज से मुझे बहुत खुशी हुई। इस पर मैंने कहा ये लोग ईसाई बन जाते, तो वो बोले ईसाई नहीं, देशद्रोही बन जाते।

बता दें कि ‘घर वापसी’ शब्द का इस्तेमाल आरएसएस और उससे जुड़े संगठनों मुसलमानों और ईसाइयों के हिंदू धर्म में लौटने के लिए करते हैं।संघ का मानना ये है कि सभी भारतीय मूल रूप से हिंदू हैं और इस प्रकार इस धर्मांतरण का अर्थ अनिवार्य रूप से ‘घर वापसी’ है।

प्रधानमंत्री मोदी आज करेंगे ऑटो एक्सपो का उद्घाटन, 100 से ज्यादा मॉडल पेश होंगे


भारत मोबिलिटी ग्लोबल एक्सपो 2025 का आयोजन 17 जनवरी से लेकर 22 जनवरी के बीच आयोजित होने जा रहा है। इसका आयोजन नई दिल्ली के भारत मंडपम में किया जाएगा। इसका उद्घाटन प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी करेंगे।इसमें ऑटोमोबाइल, कंपोनेंट और तकनीकों से संबंधित 100 से अधिक नए उत्पाद लॉन्च होने की उम्मीद इस एक्सपो में आम लोगों को एक ही छत के नीचे अलग-अलग तरह के वाहन और गाड़ियों से जुड़ी हर चीज देखने को मिलेगी। नी इसमें वाहन विनिर्माताओं के साथ-साथ कलपुर्जा, इलेक्ट्रॉनिक उपकरण, टायर और ऊर्जा भंडारण बनाने वालों से लेकर वाहन सॉफ्टवेयर कंपनियों के उत्पाद देखने को मिलेंगे।इस बार एक्सपो की थीम सीमाओं से परे भविष्य के लिए ऑटो वैल्यू चेन में सहयोग को बढ़ाना है। या

दुनिया भर की कंपनियां होंगी शामिल

दिल्ली के प्रगति मैदान स्थित भारत मंडपम, द्वारका में यशोभूमि और ग्रेटर नोएडा में इंडिया एक्सपो सेंटर एंड मार्ट में ऑटो एक्सपो सज गया है। करीब दो लाख वर्ग मीटर के दायरे में फैले भारत मोबिलिटी ग्लोबल एक्सपो में दुनिया भर की नामचीन ऑटोमोटिव और मोबिलिटी कंपनियां शिरकत कर रही हैं।

100 से ज्यादा नई गाड़ियां होंगी लॉन्च

ऑटो एक्सपो में देश की सबसे बड़ी कार कंपनी मारुति सुजुकी इंडिया की पहली इलेक्ट्रिक कार Maruti eVitara लॉन्च होने जा रही है। वहीं हुंडई मोटर इंडिया की क्रेटा इलेक्ट्रिक, टाटा मोटर्स की सिएरा ईवी, सफारी ईवी और हैरियर ईवी की भी झलक दिखने वाली है। इसके अलावा सुजुकी मोटरसाइकिल से लेकर हीरो मोटोकॉर्प, एमजी मोटर, मर्सडीज बेंज और ओलेक्ट्रा ग्रीन टेक जैसी बस कंपनी तक अपनी गाड़ियां यहां पेश करने वाली हैं।

100 से ज्यादा नए मॉडल होंगे पेश

इस बार का भारत मोबिलिटी ग्लोबल एक्सपो काफी खास है क्योंकि इस बार यहां पर 100 से ज्यादा नए वाहनों को लॉन्च किया जाने वाला है। वहीं ऑटो कंपोनेंट्स से लेकर कंस्ट्रक्शन इक्विपमेंट, साइकिल और फ्यूचर मोबिलिटी टेक्नोलॉजी से जुड़े टोटल 9 एक्सपो एक साथ आयोजित हो रहे हैं।

When Alumni Became Chief Guests: RV, Harmeet, and Inderjit Return to Nazrana 2025

Guru Nanak Khalsa College hosted the grand spectacle of Nazrana 2025, an evening brimming with creativity, glamour, and cultural pride. The much-anticipated fashion show was the centerpiece of the event, captivating the audience with its stunning sequences and impeccable execution.

The judging panel evoked waves of nostalgia as Rajveer Singh (RV), Harmeet Singh Gupta, and Inderjit Singh, all proud alumni of the college, returned to grace the occasion. Rajveer, a celebrated influencer, branding expert, and winner of 13 prestigious awards, inspired the audience with his charisma and expertise. Joining him in the judging panel was Tamanna Bharat, an international beauty queen, crowned Miss Asia Global 2024, Miss Queen of India Runner-Up 2024, and Miss Navi Mumbai 2024. Their insightful commentary and radiant presence added a touch of stardom to the evening.

The judges, alongside chief guests Harmeet and Inderjit, brought an emotional and lively vibe to the celebration, reliving fond college memories while applauding the creativity and talent of the current generation. Trustee Chairman S. Gurinder Singh Bawa, Dr. Jasbir Kaur Makkar, and Dr. Kiran Mangaonkar provided steadfast support, ensuring every aspect of the event was executed seamlessly.

The Fashion Show: A Creative Extravaganza

The fashion show, meticulously planned under the leadership of Principal Dr. Ratna Sharma, was a testament to the teamwork and dedication of hundreds of students and non-teaching staff. Dr Jasmeet Kaur Ghai & Latit Bhodare were the head of Nazrana 2025.

The event, choreographed by Rohan, was managed by a dynamic committee comprising Dr. Gaganjyot Kaur, Dr. Gursimran Kaur Uppal, Dr. Charanjit Kaur, Dr. Sharad Tripathi, Mohd Shahid Qureshi, Sheetal, Komal Kaur, and Jagdeep Kaur. Together, they delivered an evening of unmatched artistry and elegance.

The sequences included:

Non-Teaching Staff Walk: A tribute to the unsung heroes of the college.

Kapoor Group: A vibrant Bollywood-inspired showcase, crowned the winner.

Dream Sequence: An ethereal and imaginative performance.

Chemistry: A creative depiction of bonds and unity.

Cabaret: A dazzling high-energy presentation.

Kishore Kumar Group: A nostalgic musical tribute, winning third place.

Sikh Group: A rich cultural celebration, securing second place.

The evening reached its peak when the Giddha and Bhangra performances ignited the stage, compelling even the judges and chief guests to join the teachers in dancing, much to the crowd's delight.

A Collective Effort Behind the Success

The collaborative efforts of students, teachers, and non-teaching staff transformed Nazrana 2025 into an unforgettable celebration. Weeks of meticulous planning, rigorous rehearsals, and unwavering dedication were evident in every performance. Beyond a showcase of fashion, the event became a symbol of unity, creativity, and cultural pride.

For alumni Rajveer, Harmeet, and Inderjit, the evening was an emotional reunion, celebrating not just the talent of today but also the cherished memories of their college years.

With over 7,000 attendees, Nazrana 2025 was a resounding success, setting a new benchmark for future celebrations and leaving everyone eagerly awaiting the next chapter of this remarkable tradition.

**"Chilli and Acidity: The Fiery Truth Behind Spicy Reactions"**

Overview of Chilli Acidity

Chillies are known for their fiery heat, but they also have a certain level of acidity that can impact digestion and health. While chillies themselves are not highly acidic compared to citrus fruits or vinegar, they can still cause acidity-related discomfort in some people due to their capsaicin content.

Causes and Symptoms of Chilli-Induced Acidity

Capsaicin Irritation: The active compound in chillies, capsaicin, can irritate the stomach lining and trigger excess acid production.

Heartburn: A burning sensation in the chest, especially after eating spicy foods.

Why Choose Homeopathy for Chilli-Induced Acidity?

Homeopathy offers a natural and holistic approach to managing acidity caused by chillies. Instead of merely suppressing symptoms, homeopathic remedies aim to restore balance in the digestive system and strengthen the body's ability to handle spicy foods without discomfort.

Spiritual Homeopathy Clinic in Madhapur, Hyderabad, is available at 194, Road Number 1, MIG No 1, KPHB Phase 1, Kukatpally, Hyderabad, Telangana 500072.


You can contact them at +91-9030176176. 

Dipnock: Innovating Business Growth Through Next-Generation Software

In a world where technological advancements define success, businesses are increasingly seeking innovative solutions to stay competitive. DIPNOCK, a prominent software development company, has steadily gained recognition for delivering customized solutions and driving digital transformation.

A Journey of Innovation

DIPNOCK began its journey by developing visitor management systems and real estate management software. Over time, it expanded its expertise to cater to a wide range of industries, emphasizing innovation, automation, and artificial intelligence (AI). In the past year alone, the company successfully delivered solutions to 13 clients, showcasing its ability to address diverse business challenges with precision and excellence.

Visionary Leadership

The operational and strategic growth of DIPNOCK is driven by its founder, Tinku Krishnan, a visionary leader committed to transforming businesses through technology. Under his guidance, the organization has established a dedicated Research and Development (R&D) team specializing in AI-driven automation. This team focuses on integrating AI to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and unlock new opportunities for businesses.

Global Reach

DIPNOCK operates with a head office in Sharjah, UAE, and software development teams based in Sharjah and Bangalore, India. This dual presence enables the company to combine global reach with local expertise, ensuring agile and effective delivery of tailored solutions.

Focus on Artificial Intelligence

DIPNOCK's emphasis on AI and automation positions it as a leader in helping businesses adapt to an ever-evolving technological landscape. Its R&D team is at the forefront of leveraging AI to develop advanced solutions that enable businesses to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and stay ahead of the competition.

A Commitment to Exceed Expectations

According to Tinku Krishnan, businesses today require more than just conventional solutions—they need forward-thinking strategies that address immediate challenges while anticipating future demands. As he states, “The goal is to help businesses exceed their expectations by leveraging cutting-edge technologies and robust infrastructure.”

Why Businesses Choose DIPNOCK

Customized Solutions: Software tailored to specific business needs.

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How to recognize fertility issues early advice from experts.


Fertility issues have been on the rise and are something that is coming out for open discussion. However, there are still several couples and individuals who hesitate when it comes to visiting a fertility doctor. 

Being aware enough to pay close attention to the early signs of fertility issues makes it a lot easier to deal with and eventually get rid of them (if medically possible). Timely medical intervention is the safest way out and there.  


Dr Pooja Bajaj Wadhwa, Senior Consultant- IVF & Reproductive Medicine at Ferticity IVF & Fertility Clinics, highlights the importance of having a proactive approach. “Fertility issues may not always show obvious alarming symptoms, but there are subtle signs you mustn’t ignore,” she says.


When should you start paying attention?


It’s not true that problems of fertility come with ageing, it largely depends on your overall well-being and how well you are taking care of your sexual health and fertility. The question is how to know it’s time to get into the details.


Dr. Bajaj explains it in the easiest way possible:

● Irregular period cycle: A disturbed menstrual cycle is not only inconvenient but also a sign that hormones might not be in balance. This often disrupts ovulation, making it harder to conceive.

● Severe pain during menstruation: Intense cramps and abdominal pain that make it difficult to carry on with daily routine is also a big alarming sign that something is off with your sexual health and fertility. It's important to consult a doctor if this happens regularly.

● Problems in conceiving: If you’ve been trying for a year (or six months if you’re over 35) without success, consulting a fertility doctor is necessary.  

● Multiple miscarriages: Experiencing recurrent miscarriages is emotionally draining, and exhausting and indicates an underlying condition that needs attention and care.

● Other health clues: Female fertility issues like PCOS, endometriosis, or even unexplained weight gain can quietly impact your fertility.


Dr. Bajaj emphasizes, “Both partners need to be involved. Fertility issues are not limited to women. Men can go through issues like low sperm count or motility issues, which we can address with the right guidance.”


Why does early detection matter a lot?


Addressing fertility concerns early doesn’t just improve the chances of successful treatment—it saves time, and emotional energy, and opens up more options.

“Every couple’s situation is different and requires a personalized treatment plan,” says Dr. Bajaj. “The sooner we find out the root of the problem, the more tailored and effective our approach can be.”

Ferticity IVF and Fertility Clinics blend comprehensive care with advanced procedures such as IVF (in-vitro fertilization) and ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) to make it possible for couples to achieve a pregnancy.


What can you do to better manage fertility issues?


Making the right lifestyle changes also greatly influences your fertility and overall health. Following a nutritious, balanced diet balances hormones, while a regular exercise routine helps with healthy body weight, which is crucial in fertility. Giving up smoking and limiting alcohol improves both egg and sperm quality. Another important aspect is stress management given the fast pace of life these days. Continuous high-stress levels affect ovulation and sperm health. Baby steps like these create a huge impact.


It’s never too early to get medical help


One of the biggest misconceptions about fertility is that you need to wait until you’re actively trying to conceive to see a specialist. Dr Pooja Bajaj Wadhwa encourages couples to be proactive. “If you feel something is off or have concerns, don’t ignore them. Fertility is time-sensitive, but it’s also filled with possibilities.”


Parenthood is a wholesome experience, and you don’t have to go through the challenges alone. Dr. Bajaj along with her team at Ferticity IVF & Fertility Clinics extends expert care and support to such couples wanting to consider advanced reproductive techniques and explore their chances of pregnancy.

13-Year-Old Martial Arts Sensation Basil Punathil Shines on the Global Stage.

Basil Punathil, a 13-year-old martial arts prodigy, is quickly becoming a household name in the world of sports. Born on February 1, 2011, in Kozhikode, Kerala, Basil’s journey has been nothing short of inspiring. With an impressive list of achievements under his belt at such a young age, he is setting benchmarks and inspiring young athletes across the globe. Supported by a loving and encouraging family, Basil has been able to balance his academics and martial arts training with remarkable discipline. Currently studying in the 8th grade at St. Paul’s High School in Bangalore, he is proving that dedication and hard work can yield extraordinary results.

Basil’s versatility in martial arts is what sets him apart. He has trained in a variety of disciplines, including boxing, kickboxing, Muay Thai, wrestling, jujitsu, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), and mixed martial arts (MMA). This diverse skill set allows him to excel in both national and international competitions, showcasing his adaptability and commitment to mastering multiple techniques. His rigorous training and focus have earned him accolades that most athletes can only dream of.

Among his notable accomplishments, Basil’s gold medal at the GAMMA World Championship 2024 in the Under-14 category stands out as a crowning achievement. This victory established him as an international champion and highlighted his determination and talent. In addition to his global success, Basil is also the National MMA Champion in the Under-14 category, further solidifying his dominance in the sport. His prowess is not limited to MMA, as he has also claimed the state championship title in Jiu-Jitsu, demonstrating his technical expertise and versatility.

Basil’s athletic achievements extend beyond combat sports. On October 31, 2021, he set a record recognized by the Indian Book of Records for the longest duration holding the abdominal plank position by a child. With an astonishing time of 2 hours, 34 minutes, and 40 seconds, Basil displayed incredible physical endurance and mental strength. This achievement, accomplished at Ezone Lagoon Resort in Bengaluru, is a testament to his unyielding determination and focus.

The driving force behind Basil’s success is his father and coach, Abdulmuneer, fondly known as Cutman Muneer. A passionate and experienced trainer, Abdulmuneer has been instrumental in shaping Basil’s martial arts career. Under his guidance, Basil has developed the discipline and skills necessary to excel at the highest level. He got his training at Body Force Fight Club. His mother, Nimshida, and sister, Mishamariyam, also play vital roles in providing Basil with a supportive environment that allows him to pursue his dreams.

While martial arts remain his primary focus, Basil is a multi-talented individual with diverse interests. He has a keen fascination with robotics and artificial intelligence, showcasing his curiosity and drive to learn beyond the ring. These interests reflect his well-rounded personality and his determination to excel in various fields.

Basil’s ambitions extend far beyond his current achievements. He aspires to become a world champion in MMA and aims to inspire a new generation of Indian fighters. With his hard work, passion, and dedication, Basil is well on his way to achieving his goals and making a significant impact on the global martial arts stage. His journey serves as a beacon of hope and motivation for aspiring athletes, proving that age is no barrier to success.

For those who want to follow Basil’s incredible journey, his achievements and updates are regularly shared on his social media platforms. Fans and supporters can connect with him on Instagram at and Facebook to stay updated on his progress. His journey has already inspired many, and he continues to motivate young athletes through his accomplishments.

To connect with Basil or his team, please email at With his impressive track record and unwavering dedication, Basil Punathil is undoubtedly a name to watch in the world of martial arts. His journey is just beginning, and the future looks exceptionally bright for this young champion.

Young Indian Polymath Sounak Ghosal Inspires with His Diverse Talents and Achievements

Asansol, West Bengal – Born on 15 July 2008, Sounak Ghosal is a young prodigy whose talents and achievements span multiple fields, including literature, science, art, and music. Currently a Class 11 student at DAV Model School, KSTP Asansol, Sounak’s journey is a testament to passion, curiosity, and creativity.

Growing up in Asansol, West Bengal, Sounak’s early years were filled with boundless energy and a thirst for knowledge. His parents, Subir and Baisakhi Ghosal, nurtured his diverse interests, encouraging him to explore science, storytelling, and music. His grandmother’s tales and the works of literary greats like Ruskin Bond and J.K. Rowling further fueled his imagination, setting him on a path of creative discovery.

Sounak has always excelled academically, balancing his studies with his extracurricular passions. After achieving an impressive 94% in his Class 10 CBSE exams in 2023, he is now pursuing the Science stream, focusing on Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. Despite his demanding schedule, he continues to participate in science fairs and Olympiads, earning recognition for his innovative ideas.

Sounak’s artistic talents shine in his paintings, which have been featured in exhibitions. His love for poetry and music composition led him to write heartfelt lyrics and compose soulful melodies. These creations have endeared him to his schoolmates and the local community, showcasing his ability to blend artistic expression with profound insights.

Among all his interests, astronomy holds a special place in Sounak’s heart. His fascination with space began at a young age and intensified when he received his first telescope at 12. Since then, he has spent countless nights exploring the universe, conducting independent research, and sharing his findings with fellow enthusiasts.

In 2024, Sounak published two books: "The Silence of The Hills," a critically acclaimed literary work, and "The Space-Time: As I Know It," a groundbreaking exploration of space and Einstein’s theories. His innovative "Ghosal’s Gravitation Hypotheses" has captured the attention of the scientific community, marking him as a promising voice in astrophysics.

Sounak’s home doubles as a laboratory where he experiments with various scientific concepts. This hands-on approach to learning allows him to test ideas and push boundaries, reflecting his commitment to understanding the complexities of the universe.

Looking ahead, Sounak dreams of becoming a leading researcher in astrophysics and astronomy. He aims to make groundbreaking discoveries that contribute to humanity’s understanding of the cosmos. With his talent, determination, and innovative spirit, he is well-positioned to achieve these aspirations.

Connect with Sounak Ghosal

Sounak’s incredible journey inspires people of all ages, proving that passion and perseverance can lead to extraordinary achievements. To learn more about Sounak and his work, visit his website or connect with him on LinkedIn and X:

Website: sounakghosal.com

LinkedIn: Sounak Ghosal

Sounak Ghosal is an Indian author, amateur astronomer, researcher, poet, music composer, and lyricist. Born in 2008, he has achieved remarkable success in both academic and artistic fields. With his books and contributions to science, Sounak continues to inspire others with his multifaceted talents and unwavering dedication.

उद्धव गुट का बड़ा दांव, संजय राउत ने की बाला साहब को भारत रत्न देने की मांग


शिवसेना के संसथापक बाला साहब ठाकरे की आज जयंती है। बाला साहब ठाकरे की 99वीं जयंती पर शिंदे गुट की शिवसेना (यूबीटी) ने बाल ठाकरे को भारत रत्न दिए जाने की मांग उठाई। संजय राउत ने कहा कि पीएम नरेंद्र मोदी को 26 जनवरी के मौके पर बाला साहब ठाकरे भारत रत्न देने का ऐलान करना चाहिए।

संजय राउत ने कहा कि बालासाहेब ठाकरे ने अपने पूरे जीवनकाल में सिर्फ दूसरों को आगे बढ़ाया। उन्होंने कभी भी वसूलों के साथ समझौता नहीं किया। ठाकरे को जब देशहित में जो फैसला लगा, वो किया। चाहे इंदिरा को समर्थन देने की बात हो चाहे बीजेपी को।राउत ने कहा कि पिछले दस वर्षों में भाजपा सरकार ने कुछ ऐसे लोगों को भारत रत्न दिया है, जो इसके हकदार नहीं थे।

बाल ठाकरे के भारत रत्न से सावरकर को कैसे मिलेगा सम्मान?

बाल ठाकरे की जयंती के अवसर पर बोलते हुए संजय राउत ने कहा कि बाल ठाकरे को इस पुरस्कार से सम्मानित किया जाना चाहिए क्योंकि उन्होंने हिंदुत्व के बीज इस देश में बोए। उन्होंने कहा कि ठाकरे की जन्म शताब्दी एक साल दूर है और इस शताब्दी से पहले उन्हें भारत रत्न मिलना चाहिए। इसके अलावा उन्होंने यह भी कहा कि अगर बाल ठाकरे को भारत रत्न मिलेगा, तो इससे वीर सावरकर को भी सम्मान मिलेगा।

पीएम मोदी ने दी श्रद्धांजलि

इधर, बालासाहेब ठाकरे की जयंती पर प्रधानमंत्री मोदी ने श्रद्धांजलि दी। पीएम मोदी ने सोशल मीडिया पर पोस्ट लिखा है। पीएम ने अपने पोस्ट में लिखा- मैं बालासाहेब ठाकरे जी को उनके जन्मदिन पर श्रद्धांजलि अर्पित करता हूं। उन्हें जन कल्याण और महाराष्ट्र के विकास के प्रति उनकी प्रतिबद्धता के लिए व्यापक रूप से सम्मान दिया जाता है और याद किया जाता है। उन्होंने अपनी मूल मान्यताओं से कभी समझौता नहीं किया और हमेशा भारतीय संस्कृति के गौरव को बढ़ाने में अपना योगदान दिया।

*Samantha Ruth Prabhu unveils Chennai Super Champs jersey; Announces Partnership with Sathyabama University*


Khabar kolkata sports Desk: Chennai Super Champs owner and celebrated actor-entrepreneur Ms. Samantha Ruth Prabhu unveiled the team’s fiery yellow-and-red jersey at a vibrant event held at Sathyabama University in Chennai, yesterday.

The occasion also marked the announcement of Sathyabama University as the team’s principal partner ahead of the inaugural World Pickleball League (WPBL), bringing the spirit of Chennai to the global pickleball stage.

The jersey reflects the fiery passion for sports that defines Chennai, encapsulating the city’s energy and determination. Chennai Super Champs are set to debut this jersey on the court when the league kicks off on January 24, 2025.

Ms. Samantha Ruth Prabhu expressed, "Chennai has a vibe that’s unmatched—spirited, fiery, and always up for a challenge! That’s exactly what we wanted the Chennai Super Champs jersey to reflect. Pickleball is an exciting sport that brings people together for fun, competition, and fitness, and I couldn’t be more proud to see Chennai Super Champs take the lead. Launching this jersey with and at Sathyabama University is special because it adds another pioneering chapter to our visionary partnership, taking pickleball to the youth and growing the sport with their energy. Together, we’re taking Chennai’s passion for sports to a whole new level!”

Highlighting the partnership, Dr. Mariazeena Johnson, Chancellor of Sathyabama University, said: “We are delighted to partner with Chennai Super Champs, a team that embodies the dynamic spirit of Chennai. This partnership reflects our commitment towards fostering ambition and excellence among today’s youth. The Chennai Super Champs’ journey in the WPBL is a celebration of Chennai’s love for sports, and we wish them great success in their campaign.”

Mr. Joey Farias, Chennai Super Champs Head Coach said, “Chennai Super Champs is ready to represent the city with pride and determination. The support and enthusiasm from the city, and now from Sathyabama University, will undoubtedly fuel our players’ drive to excel. We’re excited to showcase the team’s talent and passion on the global stage.”

Ms. Samantha Ruth Prabhu was the first-ever franchise owner to invest in WPBL, taking her love for both the city and the sport to the next level. Chennai Super Champs aims to put the city on the global map of pickleball, a rapidly growing sport that celebrates inclusivity across age groups and genders.

ईसाई समाज को लेकर ऐसा क्या बोल गए मोहन भागवत, बिफर गए बिशप


राष्ट्रीय स्वयं सेवक संघ (आरएसएस) प्रमुख मोहन भागवत इन दिनों अपने बयानों को लेकर चर्चा में बने हुए हैं। अब मोहन भागवत के धर्मांतरण और आदिवासी समुदायों से संबंधित एक बयान पर बवाल मच गया है। आरएसएस प्रमुख मोहन भागवत ने दावा किया है कि भारत के दिवंगत पूर्व राष्ट्रपति प्रणब मुखर्जी ने ‘घर वापसी’ कार्यक्रम की सराहना करते हुए उनसे कहा था कि अगर संघ द्वारा धर्मांतरण पर काम नहीं किया गया होता तो आदिवासियों का एक वर्ग राष्ट्र-विरोधी हो गया होता। कैथोलिक बिशपों के एक निकाय ने भागवत के इस बयान की निंदा की है।

कैथोलिक बिशपों की संस्था सीबीसीआई ने जारी एक बयान में उन खबरों का हवाला दिया, जिनमें कथित तौर पर कहा गया है कि भागवत ने सोमवार को एक कार्यक्रम में दावा किया था कि मुखर्जी ने राष्ट्रपति रहते हुए 'घर वापसी' की सराहना की थी और उनसे कहा था कि यदि संघ ने धर्मांतरण पर काम नहीं किया होता तो आदिवासियों का एक वर्ग ‘‘राष्ट्र-विरोधी’’ हो गया होता। सीबीसीआई ने इन खबरों को चौंकाने वाला बताया। संस्था ने सवाल किया कि मुखर्जी के जीवित रहते भागवत ने इस बारे में कुछ क्यों नहीं बोला। सीबीसीआई कहा, हम 2.3 प्रतिशत ईसाई भारतीय नागरिक इस तरह के छलपूर्ण और दुर्भावनापूर्ण प्रचार से बहुत आहत महसूस कर रहे हैं।

संघ प्रमुख मोहन भागवत ने यह बात इंदौर में राष्ट्रीय देवी अहिल्या पुरस्कार के वितरण समारोह में कही है। भागवत ने कहा, डॉ प्रणब मुखर्जी राष्ट्रपति थे, तब मैं पहली बार उनसे मिलने गया। संसद में घर वापसी को लेकर बहुत बड़ा हल्ला चल रहा थाय़ मैं तैयार हो कर गया कि वे बहुत कुछ पूछेंगे, बहुत बताना पड़ेगा। लेकिन उन्होंने कहा कि आप लोगों ने कुछ लोगों को वापस लाया और प्रेस कॉन्फ्रेंस की.. ऐसा कैसे करते हो आप? ऐसा करने से हो-हल्ला होता है क्योंकि वो राजनीति है। मैं भी अगर आज कांग्रेस पार्टी में होता, राष्ट्रपति नहीं होता, तो मैं भी संसद में यही करता।

आरएसएस प्रमुख ने आगे कहा, प्रणब मुखर्जी ने फिर कहा लेकिन आप लोगों ने ये जो काम किया है उसके कारण भारत के 30% आदिवासी… मैंने उनकी लाइन पकड़ ली और उनके बोलने के अंदाज से मुझे बहुत खुशी हुई। इस पर मैंने कहा ये लोग ईसाई बन जाते, तो वो बोले ईसाई नहीं, देशद्रोही बन जाते।

बता दें कि ‘घर वापसी’ शब्द का इस्तेमाल आरएसएस और उससे जुड़े संगठनों मुसलमानों और ईसाइयों के हिंदू धर्म में लौटने के लिए करते हैं।संघ का मानना ये है कि सभी भारतीय मूल रूप से हिंदू हैं और इस प्रकार इस धर्मांतरण का अर्थ अनिवार्य रूप से ‘घर वापसी’ है।

प्रधानमंत्री मोदी आज करेंगे ऑटो एक्सपो का उद्घाटन, 100 से ज्यादा मॉडल पेश होंगे


भारत मोबिलिटी ग्लोबल एक्सपो 2025 का आयोजन 17 जनवरी से लेकर 22 जनवरी के बीच आयोजित होने जा रहा है। इसका आयोजन नई दिल्ली के भारत मंडपम में किया जाएगा। इसका उद्घाटन प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी करेंगे।इसमें ऑटोमोबाइल, कंपोनेंट और तकनीकों से संबंधित 100 से अधिक नए उत्पाद लॉन्च होने की उम्मीद इस एक्सपो में आम लोगों को एक ही छत के नीचे अलग-अलग तरह के वाहन और गाड़ियों से जुड़ी हर चीज देखने को मिलेगी। नी इसमें वाहन विनिर्माताओं के साथ-साथ कलपुर्जा, इलेक्ट्रॉनिक उपकरण, टायर और ऊर्जा भंडारण बनाने वालों से लेकर वाहन सॉफ्टवेयर कंपनियों के उत्पाद देखने को मिलेंगे।इस बार एक्सपो की थीम सीमाओं से परे भविष्य के लिए ऑटो वैल्यू चेन में सहयोग को बढ़ाना है। या

दुनिया भर की कंपनियां होंगी शामिल

दिल्ली के प्रगति मैदान स्थित भारत मंडपम, द्वारका में यशोभूमि और ग्रेटर नोएडा में इंडिया एक्सपो सेंटर एंड मार्ट में ऑटो एक्सपो सज गया है। करीब दो लाख वर्ग मीटर के दायरे में फैले भारत मोबिलिटी ग्लोबल एक्सपो में दुनिया भर की नामचीन ऑटोमोटिव और मोबिलिटी कंपनियां शिरकत कर रही हैं।

100 से ज्यादा नई गाड़ियां होंगी लॉन्च

ऑटो एक्सपो में देश की सबसे बड़ी कार कंपनी मारुति सुजुकी इंडिया की पहली इलेक्ट्रिक कार Maruti eVitara लॉन्च होने जा रही है। वहीं हुंडई मोटर इंडिया की क्रेटा इलेक्ट्रिक, टाटा मोटर्स की सिएरा ईवी, सफारी ईवी और हैरियर ईवी की भी झलक दिखने वाली है। इसके अलावा सुजुकी मोटरसाइकिल से लेकर हीरो मोटोकॉर्प, एमजी मोटर, मर्सडीज बेंज और ओलेक्ट्रा ग्रीन टेक जैसी बस कंपनी तक अपनी गाड़ियां यहां पेश करने वाली हैं।

100 से ज्यादा नए मॉडल होंगे पेश

इस बार का भारत मोबिलिटी ग्लोबल एक्सपो काफी खास है क्योंकि इस बार यहां पर 100 से ज्यादा नए वाहनों को लॉन्च किया जाने वाला है। वहीं ऑटो कंपोनेंट्स से लेकर कंस्ट्रक्शन इक्विपमेंट, साइकिल और फ्यूचर मोबिलिटी टेक्नोलॉजी से जुड़े टोटल 9 एक्सपो एक साथ आयोजित हो रहे हैं।

When Alumni Became Chief Guests: RV, Harmeet, and Inderjit Return to Nazrana 2025

Guru Nanak Khalsa College hosted the grand spectacle of Nazrana 2025, an evening brimming with creativity, glamour, and cultural pride. The much-anticipated fashion show was the centerpiece of the event, captivating the audience with its stunning sequences and impeccable execution.

The judging panel evoked waves of nostalgia as Rajveer Singh (RV), Harmeet Singh Gupta, and Inderjit Singh, all proud alumni of the college, returned to grace the occasion. Rajveer, a celebrated influencer, branding expert, and winner of 13 prestigious awards, inspired the audience with his charisma and expertise. Joining him in the judging panel was Tamanna Bharat, an international beauty queen, crowned Miss Asia Global 2024, Miss Queen of India Runner-Up 2024, and Miss Navi Mumbai 2024. Their insightful commentary and radiant presence added a touch of stardom to the evening.

The judges, alongside chief guests Harmeet and Inderjit, brought an emotional and lively vibe to the celebration, reliving fond college memories while applauding the creativity and talent of the current generation. Trustee Chairman S. Gurinder Singh Bawa, Dr. Jasbir Kaur Makkar, and Dr. Kiran Mangaonkar provided steadfast support, ensuring every aspect of the event was executed seamlessly.

The Fashion Show: A Creative Extravaganza

The fashion show, meticulously planned under the leadership of Principal Dr. Ratna Sharma, was a testament to the teamwork and dedication of hundreds of students and non-teaching staff. Dr Jasmeet Kaur Ghai & Latit Bhodare were the head of Nazrana 2025.

The event, choreographed by Rohan, was managed by a dynamic committee comprising Dr. Gaganjyot Kaur, Dr. Gursimran Kaur Uppal, Dr. Charanjit Kaur, Dr. Sharad Tripathi, Mohd Shahid Qureshi, Sheetal, Komal Kaur, and Jagdeep Kaur. Together, they delivered an evening of unmatched artistry and elegance.

The sequences included:

Non-Teaching Staff Walk: A tribute to the unsung heroes of the college.

Kapoor Group: A vibrant Bollywood-inspired showcase, crowned the winner.

Dream Sequence: An ethereal and imaginative performance.

Chemistry: A creative depiction of bonds and unity.

Cabaret: A dazzling high-energy presentation.

Kishore Kumar Group: A nostalgic musical tribute, winning third place.

Sikh Group: A rich cultural celebration, securing second place.

The evening reached its peak when the Giddha and Bhangra performances ignited the stage, compelling even the judges and chief guests to join the teachers in dancing, much to the crowd's delight.

A Collective Effort Behind the Success

The collaborative efforts of students, teachers, and non-teaching staff transformed Nazrana 2025 into an unforgettable celebration. Weeks of meticulous planning, rigorous rehearsals, and unwavering dedication were evident in every performance. Beyond a showcase of fashion, the event became a symbol of unity, creativity, and cultural pride.

For alumni Rajveer, Harmeet, and Inderjit, the evening was an emotional reunion, celebrating not just the talent of today but also the cherished memories of their college years.

With over 7,000 attendees, Nazrana 2025 was a resounding success, setting a new benchmark for future celebrations and leaving everyone eagerly awaiting the next chapter of this remarkable tradition.

**"Chilli and Acidity: The Fiery Truth Behind Spicy Reactions"**

Overview of Chilli Acidity

Chillies are known for their fiery heat, but they also have a certain level of acidity that can impact digestion and health. While chillies themselves are not highly acidic compared to citrus fruits or vinegar, they can still cause acidity-related discomfort in some people due to their capsaicin content.

Causes and Symptoms of Chilli-Induced Acidity

Capsaicin Irritation: The active compound in chillies, capsaicin, can irritate the stomach lining and trigger excess acid production.

Heartburn: A burning sensation in the chest, especially after eating spicy foods.

Why Choose Homeopathy for Chilli-Induced Acidity?

Homeopathy offers a natural and holistic approach to managing acidity caused by chillies. Instead of merely suppressing symptoms, homeopathic remedies aim to restore balance in the digestive system and strengthen the body's ability to handle spicy foods without discomfort.

Spiritual Homeopathy Clinic in Madhapur, Hyderabad, is available at 194, Road Number 1, MIG No 1, KPHB Phase 1, Kukatpally, Hyderabad, Telangana 500072.


You can contact them at +91-9030176176. 

Dipnock: Innovating Business Growth Through Next-Generation Software

In a world where technological advancements define success, businesses are increasingly seeking innovative solutions to stay competitive. DIPNOCK, a prominent software development company, has steadily gained recognition for delivering customized solutions and driving digital transformation.

A Journey of Innovation

DIPNOCK began its journey by developing visitor management systems and real estate management software. Over time, it expanded its expertise to cater to a wide range of industries, emphasizing innovation, automation, and artificial intelligence (AI). In the past year alone, the company successfully delivered solutions to 13 clients, showcasing its ability to address diverse business challenges with precision and excellence.

Visionary Leadership

The operational and strategic growth of DIPNOCK is driven by its founder, Tinku Krishnan, a visionary leader committed to transforming businesses through technology. Under his guidance, the organization has established a dedicated Research and Development (R&D) team specializing in AI-driven automation. This team focuses on integrating AI to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and unlock new opportunities for businesses.

Global Reach

DIPNOCK operates with a head office in Sharjah, UAE, and software development teams based in Sharjah and Bangalore, India. This dual presence enables the company to combine global reach with local expertise, ensuring agile and effective delivery of tailored solutions.

Focus on Artificial Intelligence

DIPNOCK's emphasis on AI and automation positions it as a leader in helping businesses adapt to an ever-evolving technological landscape. Its R&D team is at the forefront of leveraging AI to develop advanced solutions that enable businesses to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and stay ahead of the competition.

A Commitment to Exceed Expectations

According to Tinku Krishnan, businesses today require more than just conventional solutions—they need forward-thinking strategies that address immediate challenges while anticipating future demands. As he states, “The goal is to help businesses exceed their expectations by leveraging cutting-edge technologies and robust infrastructure.”

Why Businesses Choose DIPNOCK

Customized Solutions: Software tailored to specific business needs.

AI and Automation: Focus on integrating advanced technologies to enhance efficiency.

Experienced R&D Team: Dedicated to innovation and pushing technological boundaries.

Global Presence: Operations in the UAE and India for seamless collaboration.

A Partner for Transformation

For businesses planning to upgrade their operations, DIPNOCK provides solutions designed to go beyond expectations. With its expertise in innovation and advanced technologies, DIPNOCK is transforming businesses into future-ready enterprises.

This article highlights the impact DIPNOCK is making in the world of customized software development, innovation, and AI-driven automation. Organizations looking to navigate the complexities of digital transformation would benefit greatly from aligning with DIPNOCK’s vision and expertise.

Discover how DIPNOCK can transform your business:

Visit website: https://dipnock.com/


How to recognize fertility issues early advice from experts.


Fertility issues have been on the rise and are something that is coming out for open discussion. However, there are still several couples and individuals who hesitate when it comes to visiting a fertility doctor. 

Being aware enough to pay close attention to the early signs of fertility issues makes it a lot easier to deal with and eventually get rid of them (if medically possible). Timely medical intervention is the safest way out and there.  


Dr Pooja Bajaj Wadhwa, Senior Consultant- IVF & Reproductive Medicine at Ferticity IVF & Fertility Clinics, highlights the importance of having a proactive approach. “Fertility issues may not always show obvious alarming symptoms, but there are subtle signs you mustn’t ignore,” she says.


When should you start paying attention?


It’s not true that problems of fertility come with ageing, it largely depends on your overall well-being and how well you are taking care of your sexual health and fertility. The question is how to know it’s time to get into the details.


Dr. Bajaj explains it in the easiest way possible:

● Irregular period cycle: A disturbed menstrual cycle is not only inconvenient but also a sign that hormones might not be in balance. This often disrupts ovulation, making it harder to conceive.

● Severe pain during menstruation: Intense cramps and abdominal pain that make it difficult to carry on with daily routine is also a big alarming sign that something is off with your sexual health and fertility. It's important to consult a doctor if this happens regularly.

● Problems in conceiving: If you’ve been trying for a year (or six months if you’re over 35) without success, consulting a fertility doctor is necessary.  

● Multiple miscarriages: Experiencing recurrent miscarriages is emotionally draining, and exhausting and indicates an underlying condition that needs attention and care.

● Other health clues: Female fertility issues like PCOS, endometriosis, or even unexplained weight gain can quietly impact your fertility.


Dr. Bajaj emphasizes, “Both partners need to be involved. Fertility issues are not limited to women. Men can go through issues like low sperm count or motility issues, which we can address with the right guidance.”


Why does early detection matter a lot?


Addressing fertility concerns early doesn’t just improve the chances of successful treatment—it saves time, and emotional energy, and opens up more options.

“Every couple’s situation is different and requires a personalized treatment plan,” says Dr. Bajaj. “The sooner we find out the root of the problem, the more tailored and effective our approach can be.”

Ferticity IVF and Fertility Clinics blend comprehensive care with advanced procedures such as IVF (in-vitro fertilization) and ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) to make it possible for couples to achieve a pregnancy.


What can you do to better manage fertility issues?


Making the right lifestyle changes also greatly influences your fertility and overall health. Following a nutritious, balanced diet balances hormones, while a regular exercise routine helps with healthy body weight, which is crucial in fertility. Giving up smoking and limiting alcohol improves both egg and sperm quality. Another important aspect is stress management given the fast pace of life these days. Continuous high-stress levels affect ovulation and sperm health. Baby steps like these create a huge impact.


It’s never too early to get medical help


One of the biggest misconceptions about fertility is that you need to wait until you’re actively trying to conceive to see a specialist. Dr Pooja Bajaj Wadhwa encourages couples to be proactive. “If you feel something is off or have concerns, don’t ignore them. Fertility is time-sensitive, but it’s also filled with possibilities.”


Parenthood is a wholesome experience, and you don’t have to go through the challenges alone. Dr. Bajaj along with her team at Ferticity IVF & Fertility Clinics extends expert care and support to such couples wanting to consider advanced reproductive techniques and explore their chances of pregnancy.

13-Year-Old Martial Arts Sensation Basil Punathil Shines on the Global Stage.

Basil Punathil, a 13-year-old martial arts prodigy, is quickly becoming a household name in the world of sports. Born on February 1, 2011, in Kozhikode, Kerala, Basil’s journey has been nothing short of inspiring. With an impressive list of achievements under his belt at such a young age, he is setting benchmarks and inspiring young athletes across the globe. Supported by a loving and encouraging family, Basil has been able to balance his academics and martial arts training with remarkable discipline. Currently studying in the 8th grade at St. Paul’s High School in Bangalore, he is proving that dedication and hard work can yield extraordinary results.

Basil’s versatility in martial arts is what sets him apart. He has trained in a variety of disciplines, including boxing, kickboxing, Muay Thai, wrestling, jujitsu, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), and mixed martial arts (MMA). This diverse skill set allows him to excel in both national and international competitions, showcasing his adaptability and commitment to mastering multiple techniques. His rigorous training and focus have earned him accolades that most athletes can only dream of.

Among his notable accomplishments, Basil’s gold medal at the GAMMA World Championship 2024 in the Under-14 category stands out as a crowning achievement. This victory established him as an international champion and highlighted his determination and talent. In addition to his global success, Basil is also the National MMA Champion in the Under-14 category, further solidifying his dominance in the sport. His prowess is not limited to MMA, as he has also claimed the state championship title in Jiu-Jitsu, demonstrating his technical expertise and versatility.

Basil’s athletic achievements extend beyond combat sports. On October 31, 2021, he set a record recognized by the Indian Book of Records for the longest duration holding the abdominal plank position by a child. With an astonishing time of 2 hours, 34 minutes, and 40 seconds, Basil displayed incredible physical endurance and mental strength. This achievement, accomplished at Ezone Lagoon Resort in Bengaluru, is a testament to his unyielding determination and focus.

The driving force behind Basil’s success is his father and coach, Abdulmuneer, fondly known as Cutman Muneer. A passionate and experienced trainer, Abdulmuneer has been instrumental in shaping Basil’s martial arts career. Under his guidance, Basil has developed the discipline and skills necessary to excel at the highest level. He got his training at Body Force Fight Club. His mother, Nimshida, and sister, Mishamariyam, also play vital roles in providing Basil with a supportive environment that allows him to pursue his dreams.

While martial arts remain his primary focus, Basil is a multi-talented individual with diverse interests. He has a keen fascination with robotics and artificial intelligence, showcasing his curiosity and drive to learn beyond the ring. These interests reflect his well-rounded personality and his determination to excel in various fields.

Basil’s ambitions extend far beyond his current achievements. He aspires to become a world champion in MMA and aims to inspire a new generation of Indian fighters. With his hard work, passion, and dedication, Basil is well on his way to achieving his goals and making a significant impact on the global martial arts stage. His journey serves as a beacon of hope and motivation for aspiring athletes, proving that age is no barrier to success.

For those who want to follow Basil’s incredible journey, his achievements and updates are regularly shared on his social media platforms. Fans and supporters can connect with him on Instagram at and Facebook to stay updated on his progress. His journey has already inspired many, and he continues to motivate young athletes through his accomplishments.

To connect with Basil or his team, please email at With his impressive track record and unwavering dedication, Basil Punathil is undoubtedly a name to watch in the world of martial arts. His journey is just beginning, and the future looks exceptionally bright for this young champion.

Young Indian Polymath Sounak Ghosal Inspires with His Diverse Talents and Achievements

Asansol, West Bengal – Born on 15 July 2008, Sounak Ghosal is a young prodigy whose talents and achievements span multiple fields, including literature, science, art, and music. Currently a Class 11 student at DAV Model School, KSTP Asansol, Sounak’s journey is a testament to passion, curiosity, and creativity.

Growing up in Asansol, West Bengal, Sounak’s early years were filled with boundless energy and a thirst for knowledge. His parents, Subir and Baisakhi Ghosal, nurtured his diverse interests, encouraging him to explore science, storytelling, and music. His grandmother’s tales and the works of literary greats like Ruskin Bond and J.K. Rowling further fueled his imagination, setting him on a path of creative discovery.

Sounak has always excelled academically, balancing his studies with his extracurricular passions. After achieving an impressive 94% in his Class 10 CBSE exams in 2023, he is now pursuing the Science stream, focusing on Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. Despite his demanding schedule, he continues to participate in science fairs and Olympiads, earning recognition for his innovative ideas.

Sounak’s artistic talents shine in his paintings, which have been featured in exhibitions. His love for poetry and music composition led him to write heartfelt lyrics and compose soulful melodies. These creations have endeared him to his schoolmates and the local community, showcasing his ability to blend artistic expression with profound insights.

Among all his interests, astronomy holds a special place in Sounak’s heart. His fascination with space began at a young age and intensified when he received his first telescope at 12. Since then, he has spent countless nights exploring the universe, conducting independent research, and sharing his findings with fellow enthusiasts.

In 2024, Sounak published two books: "The Silence of The Hills," a critically acclaimed literary work, and "The Space-Time: As I Know It," a groundbreaking exploration of space and Einstein’s theories. His innovative "Ghosal’s Gravitation Hypotheses" has captured the attention of the scientific community, marking him as a promising voice in astrophysics.

Sounak’s home doubles as a laboratory where he experiments with various scientific concepts. This hands-on approach to learning allows him to test ideas and push boundaries, reflecting his commitment to understanding the complexities of the universe.

Looking ahead, Sounak dreams of becoming a leading researcher in astrophysics and astronomy. He aims to make groundbreaking discoveries that contribute to humanity’s understanding of the cosmos. With his talent, determination, and innovative spirit, he is well-positioned to achieve these aspirations.

Connect with Sounak Ghosal

Sounak’s incredible journey inspires people of all ages, proving that passion and perseverance can lead to extraordinary achievements. To learn more about Sounak and his work, visit his website or connect with him on LinkedIn and X:

Website: sounakghosal.com

LinkedIn: Sounak Ghosal

Sounak Ghosal is an Indian author, amateur astronomer, researcher, poet, music composer, and lyricist. Born in 2008, he has achieved remarkable success in both academic and artistic fields. With his books and contributions to science, Sounak continues to inspire others with his multifaceted talents and unwavering dedication.