तमिलनाडु और इसकी प्राकृतिक सुंदरता
तमिलनाडु दक्षिणी भारत का एक राज्य है, जो अपने द्रविड़ शैली के हिंदू मंदिरों के लिए जाना जाता है। यह भारत का चौथा सबसे बड़ा राज्य है, जिसका क्षेत्रफल 130,060 वर्ग किलोमीटर है। राज्य की सीमा पूर्व और दक्षिण में हिंद महासागर और केरल, कर्नाटक और आंध्र प्रदेश राज्यों से लगती है।
भारत का नक्शा
तमिलनाडु अपने साहित्य, कला, संगीत और नृत्य के लिए जाना जाता है। यह भारत में प्रौद्योगिकी और आधुनिक जीवन शैली का एक उभरता हुआ केंद्र भी है। राज्य में हिंदू धर्म सबसे प्रमुख धर्म है, 88% से अधिक आबादी हिंदू के रूप में पहचान रखती है।
तमिलनाडु ग्रेनाइट, लिग्नाइट और चूना पत्थर से समृद्ध है। यह टैन्ड त्वचा और चमड़े के सामान, सूत, चाय और कॉफी का भी एक प्रमुख निर्यातक है।
तमिलनाडु तमिल लोगों का घर है, जिन्हें अपनी द्रविड़ भाषा और संस्कृति पर गर्व है। राज्य पहले ब्रिटिश भारत के मद्रास प्रेसीडेंसी का हिस्सा था, और तमिलों ने हिंदी को एकमात्र राष्ट्रीय भाषा बनाने के केंद्र सरकार के प्रयासों का विरोध किया है।
तमिलनाडु की राजधानी चेन्नई है, जो फोर्ट सेंट जॉर्ज सहित अपने समुद्र तटों और स्थलों के लिए जाना जाता है। तमिलनाडु में अन्य उल्लेखनीय स्थानों में शामिल हैं:
मदुरै: मीनाक्षी अम्मन मंदिर का घर, जिसमें रंग-बिरंगे सजाए गए गोपुरम टावर हैं
पम्बन द्वीप: रामनाथस्वामी मंदिर का घर, एक तीर्थ स्थल
कन्याकुमारी: भारत का सबसे दक्षिणी छोर, जहां अनुष्ठानिक सूर्योदय होता है।
Chess.com releases new bots! The-Magni
Chess.com releases 'the Magni' impossible bot
Chess.com has released new bots on 1st January 2024.This includes sonic, Magnus Carlson playing football and sleeping?! In this new update chess.com also has released 'the-Magni' bot.
Why is this bot special?
The-magni bot is rated impossible by chess.com. Many streamers are challenging this incredible bot and are losing badly.
What is magni?
'Magni' is a short form of the name of the Norway grandmaster, Magnus Carlson. The Magni bot consists of three Magnus Carlson Into one game.
Is this bot impossible?
Well no, this bot can be defeated by higher level bots like stockfish and much more. But we can't wait to see more interesting bots from chess.com.
How much will this bot be rated?
We can't be so sure about it but we can say that he is rated around 3400-3600.
Chess news
Carlsen wins fifth Rapid World Championship
Magnus Carlsen won the 2023 FIDE World Rapid Chess Championship for the fifth time, earning $60,000.
Praggnanandhaa draws with Carlsen
Praggnanandhaa forced a stalemate against Carlsen in the first classical game of the 2023 Chess World Cup final.
Indian chess teams win silver medals
The Indian men's and women's chess teams both won silver medals at the Asian Games in Hangzhou.
Levan Pantsulaia wins 2023 Meghalaya GM Open
Levan Pantsulaia won the 2023 Meghalaya GM Open, with Aronyak Ghosh and Ratnakaran placing second and third.
Magnus Carlsen and Valentina Gunina win 2023 World Blitz
Magnus Carlsen and Valentina Gunina won the 2023 World Blitz.
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PM Modi visiting several southern states including Tamil Nadu, Kerala and more
PM Modi will be visiting Tamil Nadu and Lakshadweep for two days from January 2nd. He will inaugurate various developmental projects. Here is what PM Modi has to say:
“Over the next two days, I will be attending various programs in Tamil Nadu, Lakshadweep andI look forward to being among the people of Lakshadweep. Development works worth Rs. 1150 crore would either be inaugurated or their foundation stones would be laid. These works include projects relating to better internet connectivity, ensuring clean drinking water supply, solar energy, healthcare, and more,”
Here is his schedule:
PM Modi will reach Tamil Nadu on January 2nd to attend the 38th convocation ceremony of Bharathidasan University in Tiruchirappalli and give awards to students and address them. He will also inaugurate the new terminal at Tiruchirappalli. This terminal has been developed for over 1100 crore. This terminal can support over 44,00,000 passengers at a time. The PM will also dedicate several railway projects to the nation including - the doubling of 41.4 Km Salem–Magnesite Junction–Omalur–Mettur Dam section; the doubling of rail line section of 160 Km from Madurai - Tuticorin; three projects for rail line electrification viz Tiruchchirappalli- Manamadurai- Virudhunagar; Virudhunagar – Tenkasi Junction; Sengottai – Tenkasi Junction - Tirunelveli- Tiruchendur.
Modi will inaugurate the General Cargo Berth-II (Automobile Export/Import Terminal-II & Capital Dredging Phase-V) of Kamarajar Port and lay the foundation stone of important Petroleum and Natural Gas projects worth more than ₹9,000 crore, and the Demonstration Fast Reactor Fuel Reprocessing Plant (DFRP) at Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR) in Kalpakkam. Apart from these, he will also inaugurate the 500-bed boys’ hostel ‘AMETHYST’ of the National Institute of Technology (NIT) in Tiruchirappalli.
. According to the official release, the PM will inaugurate the Kochi-Lakshadweep Islands Submarine Optical Fiber Connection (KLI - SOFC) project in a move to resolve the challenge of slow internet speed in the union territory.
He will also inaugurate the Low-Temperature Thermal Desalination (LTTD) plant at Kadmat, which will produce 1.5 lakh liters of clean drinking water every day, and the Functional Household Tap Connections (FHTC) in all households of Agatti and Minicoy islands.
“Other projects which are dedicated to Nation include the solar power plant at Kavaratti, which is the first-ever battery-backed solar power project of Lakshadweep. Prime Minister will lay the foundation stone of the renovation of Primary Health Care facility in Kalpeni and the construction of five model Anganwadi Centres (Nand Ghars) in the five islands of Androth, Chetlat, Kadmat, Agatti and Minicoy,” the release said.
Jun 24 2024, 11:44