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दुनिया के 20 सबसे प्रदूषित शहरों में से 13 भारत में, जानें आपकी सांस तो हैं ना सुरक्षित?*
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देश की राजधानी दिल्ली और उसके आस-पास रहने वालों लोग खुद को सबसे प्रदूषित शहर में रहने वाला मानते हैं। ये सही भी है। हालांकि, भारत में केवल दिल्ली-एनसीआर ही प्रदूषित नहीं है। आपको जानकर आश्चर्य होगा कि दुनिया को 20 सबसे प्रदूषित शहरों में 13 भारत के हैं। मेघालय का बर्नीहाट शीर्ष पर है। वहीं, दिल्ली सबसे प्रदूषित कैपिटल की कैटेगरी में टॉप पर है। स्विस एयर क्वालिटी टेक्नॉलॉजी कंपनी एक्यू एयर की 2024 की रिपोर्ट में ये जानकारी सामने आई है।

ये हैं भारत के सबसे प्रदूषित शहर

रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक, दुनिया के 20 देशों में भारत के 13 शहर जो सबसे प्रदूषित हैं, उनमें बर्नीहाट, दिल्ली, मुल्लांपुर (पंजाब), फरीदाबाद, लोनी, नई दिल्ली, गुरुग्राम, गंगानगर, ग्रेटर नोएडा, भिवाड़ी, मुजफ्फरनगर, हनुमानगढ़ और नोएडा शामिल हैं। इसके अलावा, भारत 2024 में दुनिया के सबसे प्रदूषित शहरों में 5वें पायदान पर था। पहले स्थान पर चाड, दूसरे पर बांग्लादेश, तीसरे पर पाकिस्तान और चौथे पर कांगो रहा था। वायु प्रदूषण भारत में एक बड़ा खतरा बना हुआ है।

प्रदूषण में सुधार के बाद ऐसे हालात

2023 में हम तीसरे स्थान पर थे यानी पहले से दो स्थान नीचे आए हैं। मतलब भारत में पहले से प्रदूषण को लेकर कुछ सुधार हुआ है। रिपोर्ट में कहा गया है कि 2024 में भारत में पीएम 2.5 के स्तर में 7% की गिरावट देखी गई। 2024 में पीएम 2.5 का स्तर औसतन 50.6 माइक्रोग्राम प्रति क्यूबिक मीटर रहा, जबकि 2023 में यह 54.4 माइक्रोग्राम प्रति क्यूबिक मीटर था। फिर भी, दुनिया के 10 सबसे प्रदूषित शहरों में से 6 भारत में हैं। दिल्ली में लगातार प्रदूषण का लेवल हाई दर्ज किया गया। यहां पीएम 2.5 का सालाना औसत 91.6 माइक्रोग्राम प्रति क्यूबिक मीटर रहा।

क्या है पीएम 2.5

पीएम 2.5 हवा में मौजूद 2.5 माइक्रोन से छोटे सूक्ष्म प्रदूषण कणों को कहते हैं। ये कण फेफड़ों और रक्तप्रवाह में प्रवेश कर सकते हैं, जिससे सांस लेने में तकलीफ, हृदय रोग और यहां तक कि कैंसर भी हो सकता है। इसके स्रोतों में वाहनों से निकलने वाला धुआं, औद्योगिक उत्सर्जन और लकड़ी या फसल अवशेषों का जलना शामिल है।

वायु प्रदूषण गंभीर समस्या

भारत में वायु प्रदूषण एक गंभीर स्वास्थ्य जोखिम बना हुआ है, जिसकी वजह से लोगों की उम्र अनुमानित 5.2 वर्ष कम हो रही है। पिछले साल प्रकाशित लांसेट प्लैनेटरी हेल्थ अध्ययन के मुताबिक साल 2009 से साल 2019 तक भारत में हर साल करीब 15 लाख लोगों की मौत संभावित रूप से दीर्घकाल तक पीएम 2.5 प्रदूषण के संपर्क में रहने की वजह से हुई है।

Our journalist had the privilege of speaking with Commander Mandeep Pasricha
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Our journalist had the privilege of speaking with Commander Mandeep Pasricha, a seasoned veteran with 24 years of distinguished service in Indian Navy. He comes with management qualifications from JBIMS, Mumbai University, and Symbiosis Pune. He has also worked with aircraft giants like Boeing, Ilyushin and Israel Aerospace. He is a certified Project Management Professional, with wide exposure in Revenue and Capital procurements and Product Management.

With a wealth of leadership experience, strategic acumen, and an unshakable commitment to excellence, he has successfully navigated the challenging transition from military life to the corporate world. In this candid conversation, he shares invaluable insights, practical advice, and hard-earned lessons for fellow faujis considering their next mission—thriving in the business world.

Fauji to Fauji: The Corporate Transition Playbook – An Interview

Interviewer: Welcome, Cdr Pasricha! There’s always a lot of buzz around military personnel transitioning to the corporate world. Many serving officers are on the fence about making the switch. What’s the most common question you hear from your fellow faujis?

Cdr Pasricha: Oh, I get a range of them! "Will I adjust to the new world order?", "How is corporate life?", "Is there stability at work?", "What do I need to plan before leaving service?"—the list goes on. The transition can feel like stepping into uncharted territory, but trust me, it's nothing a Fauji can't handle!

Interviewer: That’s reassuring! But let's be honest—military life is all about discipline, structure, and a well-defined purpose. The corporate world, on the other hand, is more profit-driven. How does this impact retired personnel?

Cdr Pasricha: Ah, the great shift in purpose! In the military, every mission serves a greater good—national security, saving lives, protecting borders. In the corporate world, success is measured by profits, market shares, and business growth. Many veterans initially struggle to find meaning in their work. The trick is to align yourself with roles that resonate with your core values—leadership development, consulting, or even CSR initiatives. Find your mission within the mission!

Interviewer: Well said! Now, the work culture is another massive change. In the military, hierarchy is everything—orders are followed, no questions asked. But in corporate life, collaboration and debate are encouraged. How do retired officers adapt?

Cdr Pasricha: You nailed it! In the forces, when a command is given, it’s executed—period. In the corporate world, questioning, brainstorming, and debating ideas are the norm. Initially, this can feel chaotic for veterans. My advice? Observe first. Soak in the dynamics. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll see that leadership here is more about influence than authority.

And here’s a pro tip: Instead of giving orders, ask, "What do you think?"—it works wonders!

Interviewer: That’s a gold nugget right there! Another big shift must be decision-making. Military officers are trained to take quick, high-pressure decisions. But the corporate world thrives on stakeholder consensus. Is that a tough adjustment?

Cdr Pasricha: Absolutely! In the military, a delay in decision-making can be life-threatening. In business, it’s all about buy-in from different stakeholders, endless meetings, and navigating office politics. Initially, the pace can be frustrating. But once you learn the game, you’ll see that your ability to make firm, informed decisions is a superpower. Just learn to balance decisiveness with diplomacy.

Interviewer: Speaking of adjustments, work-life balance is another big one. Defence personnel live in a close-knit community. But in corporate life, people clock out and go their own way. How does this impact retired officers?

Cdr Pasricha: Oh, this is a real shocker! In the armed forces, your colleagues are your family. You live together, train together, celebrate together. Then suddenly, you’re in a world where relationships are transactional, and weekend plans are personal. The key is to build new networks—join corporate clubs, alumni groups, or even veteran communities. Find your tribe, and you won’t feel alone!

Interviewer: That makes sense. Now, let’s talk money. The military offers a structured salary, benefits, housing, and medical perks. In corporate life, it’s all about negotiations. How can veterans ensure they get their due?

Cdr Pasricha: Negotiating salaries? That’s foreign territory for most of us! In the forces, our pay scales are fixed. But in corporate life, everything is negotiable. My advice? Do your homework. Know your market value. Speak to other veterans who have transitioned. And don’t undersell yourself—your leadership, discipline, and crisis-management skills are priceless.

Interviewer: What about career progression? In the military, promotions are structured. But in business, growth depends on networking and performance. How do retired personnel adapt to this?

Cdr Pasricha: That’s a mindset shift! In the armed forces, you rise through the ranks over time. In corporate, you must actively chase opportunities—network, take on new challenges, switch functions if needed. It’s more of a jungle gym than a ladder. My tip? Be open to lateral moves; they often lead to bigger roles down the line!

Interviewer: This has been enlightening! Before we wrap up, can you share some tips for faujis planning their corporate transition?

Cdr Pasricha: Of course! Here are my top five:

Upskill yourself – An executive MBA, project management certification, or industry-specific training will make you job-ready.

Leverage veteran networks – Connect with those who have successfully transitioned; they’ll guide you through.

Embrace change – Be open to feedback, learn new skills, and adapt quickly.

Play to your strengths – Leadership, crisis management, discipline—these are gold in the corporate world.

Use specialized agencies – There are organizations that help veterans with job placements, resumes, and career counseling.

Interviewer: This has been an eye-opener! Thank you, Cdr Pasricha, for sharing your insights. One last question—would you say this transition is difficult?

Cdr Pasricha: Difficult? Not at all! Challenging? Yes. But show me a Fauji who doesn’t love a challenge! We’ve conquered tougher terrains—this is just another mission. Plan well, adapt fast, and march forward. The corporate world isn’t ready for the force that’s coming their way!

Interviewer: (Laughs) Well, that’s the spirit! Thanks again, Cdr Pasricha. Wishing all our veterans a smooth and successful transition!

Final Thought: For every Fauji considering the corporate shift, remember: You’re not just a job-seeker—you’re a leader, a strategist, and a problem-solver. The boardroom needs more of your kind. Go, own it!

"Today Mohun Bagan Super Giant fans are the happiest around the world,” says head coach Jose Molina after ecstatic ISL League Shield*
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Sports News 

 Khabar Kolkata Sports Desk: Mohun Bagan Super Giant have etched their name in the Indian Super League (ISL) history books, becoming the first-ever team to successfully defend their League Winners’ Shield. The Mariners, under the astute leadership of head coach Jose Molina, have amassed 52 points with two games still to play, asserting their dominance in the 2024-25 season. Their remarkable campaign has been marked by several record-breaking feats – the first team to surpass 50 points in a single ISL season, the most wins (16) in a campaign, and a defensive masterclass that has seen them register 14 clean sheets, a new league benchmark.

 Pic Courtesy by: ISL

*Mohun Bagan Super Giant defend ISL Shield after a late winner against Odisha FC*
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Sports News

Khabar Kolkata sports Desk: Mohun Bagan Super Giant became the Indian Super League (ISL) 2024-25 League Winners after their 1-0 victory against Odisha FC at the Vivekananda Yuba Bharati Krirangan Stadium, Kolkata yesterday. The Mariners successfully defended their title, first-ever team in ISL to do so, as they moved to 52 points after this triumph, gaining an unassailable lead over the second-placed FC Goa, who have bagged 42 points with three games to spare. The Jose Molina-coached team sealed this victory on the back of 16 victories and four draws, while recording their sixth consecutive clean sheet – the most ever done by a team in the competition.

Pic : Sanjay Hazra

भारत को F-35 बेचना चाहता है अमेरिका, जानें भारत के कितना मुश्किल सौदा
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प्रधानमंत्री नरेनेद्र मोदी ने फरवरी के दूसरे हफ्ते में अमेरिका का दौरा किया। अपने यूएस दौरे के दौरान पीएम मोदी ने अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति डोनाल्ड ट्रंप से मुलाकात की। इस दौरान ट्रंप ने भारत को अपना अत्याधुनिक लड़ाकू विमान F-35 देने की पेशकश की। पीएम मोदी के साथ व्हाइट हाउस में मुलाकात के बाद ट्रंप ने घोषणा की कि उनका प्रशासन अमेरिकी स्टील्थ फाइटर को भारत को बेचने के लिए तैयार है। इससे भारत अत्याधुनिक स्टील्थ विमानों वाले देशों के एलीट क्लब में शामिल हो जाएगा। ऐसे में सवाल ये है कि भारत अमेरिका से F-35 लड़ाकू विमान खरीदता है तो ये कितना जरूरी होगा? इसे खरीदने के लिए भारत को कितना पैसा खर्च करने पड़ेंगे? और सबसे अहम सवाल इसे खरीदने में क्या कहीं कोई झोल है?

कीमत सबसे बड़ा रोड़ा

F-35 अमेरिका का 5वीं जेनरेशन का लड़ाकू विमान है। इसे लॉकहीड मार्टिन कंपनी ने डेवलप किया है। इस प्लेन को 2006 से बनाना शुरू किया गया था। 2015 से यह अमेरिकी वायुसेना में शामिल है। ये पेंटागन के इतिहास का सबसे महंगा विमान है। अमेरिका एक F-35 फाइटर प्लेन पर औसतन 82.5 मिलियन डॉलर (करीब 715 करोड़ रुपए) खर्च करता है। अमेरिकी सरकार के कामों पर नजर रखने वाली संस्था गर्वनमेंट अकाउंटिबिलिटी ऑफिस (जीएओ) के मुताबिक, एक F-35 के रखरखाव पर हर साल 53 करोड़ रुपए का खर्च आएगा। ऐसे में अगर भारत 1000 करोड़ रुपए में ये विमान खरीदता है, तो इसके 60 साल के सर्विस पीरियड में 3,180 करोड़ रुपए खर्च होंगे। ये विमान की कीमत से तीन गुना ज्यादा है। इसके अलावा इसकी हर घंटे की उड़ान पर 30 लाख रुपए खर्च होंगे। इन विमानों की संख्या फ्रांसीसी राफेल लड़ाकू विमानों के दो स्क्वाड्रन (36 विमान) की मौजूदा संख्या के बराबर हो सकती है।

सरकार से सरकार के बीच होता है सौदा

एफ- 35 विमान को लॉकहीड मार्टिन सीधे किसी देश को बेच नहीं सकती है। इस विमान का सौदा सरकार से सरकार के बीच होता है। पेंटागन इसमें मध्यस्थ की भूमिका निभाता है। डोनाल्ड ट्रंप ने अभी तक इन विमानों को भारत को देने से जुड़ी कोई समय सीमा नहीं बताई है। मगर रॉयटर्स के मुताबिक स्टेल्थ एफ-35 जेट की डिलीवरी में वर्षों का समय लग जाता है। लिहाजा सवाल ये उठते हैं कि अगर भारत इस फाइटर जेट को खरीदने की सोचता है, तो वो सरकार से सरकार स्तर पर बातचीत करेगा या फिर डायरेक्ट कंपनी से ही डील करेगा? अगर 'सरकार से सरकार' रास्ते से अधिग्रहण का फैसला लिया जाता है, तो फाइटर जेट की क्वालिटी, उसकी कीमत, दूसरे लड़ाकू विमानों के साथ उसके कॉर्डिनेशन, ज्वाइंट प्रोडक्शन की संभावना और उसके ऑपरेशन की स्थितियों जैसे कई सवाल होंगे, जिनके जवाब तलाशने होंगे।

ड्रोन टेक्नोलॉजी के आगे फाइटर जेट्स पुराने

वहीं, ड्रोन टेक्नोलॉजी से युद्ध लड़े जाने का तरीका बदल गया है। फ्रंट लाइन पर फाइटर जेट्स की बजाय ड्रोन से हमला करना आसान है। रूस-यूक्रेन युद्ध में फ्रंट लाइन के पास एंटी-एयरक्राफ्ट सिस्टम लगे होने की वजह से फाइटर जेट्स का हमला कर पाना मुश्किल है। ऐसे में छोटे और बेहद कम कीमत वाले ड्रोन्स सबसे घातक हथियार साबित हुए हैं।

बता दे कि ट्रंप के करीबी लन मस्क भी इस फाइटर जेट पर सवाल उठा चुके हैं।मस्क ने एक्स पर एक पोस्ट में वीडियो अपलोड किया था। इसमें एक साथ सैकड़ों छोटे ड्रोन आसमान को घेरे हुए थे। मस्क ने लिखा था- कुछ बेवकूफ अभी भी F-35 जैसे पायलट वाले लड़ाकू जेट बना रहे हैं। मस्क ने कहा कि F-35 का डिजाइन शुरुआती लेवल पर ही खराब था। इसे ऐसे डिजाइन किया गया कि हर किसी को हर खासियत मिल सके। लेकिन इसकी वजह से F-35 महंगा हो गया और उलझा हुआ प्रोडक्ट बन गया। ऐसे डिजाइन को कभी सफल होना ही नहीं था। वैसे भी ड्रोन के जमाने में अब ऐसे फाइटर जेट्स का कोई मतलब नहीं है। ये सिर्फ पायलट की जान लेने के लिए हैं।

अमेरिका भारत को एफ-35 क्यों बेचना चाहता है?

दरअसल, ट्रंप सैन्य हथियारों के माध्यम से भारत के साथ होने वाले व्यापार घाटे को पाटना चाहते हैं। ट्रंप ने कहा कि इस साल से हम भारत को कई अरब डॉलर की सैन्य बिक्री बढ़ाएंगे। भारत को एफ- 35 स्टेल्थ लड़ाकू विमान बेचेंगे। ट्रंप ने यह भी कहा कि दोनों देशों के बीच एक समझौता हुआ है। इसके तहत भारत दोनों देशों के बीच व्यापार घाटे को कम करने के लिए अधिक मात्रा में अमेरिकी तेल और गैस का आयात भी करेगा।

यही नहीं, रूस ने भी भारत को सुखोई एसयू-57 देने की पेशकश की है। रूस ने तो इन विमानों को भारत में तैयार करने का प्रस्ताव भी दिया है। रूस ने भारत को तकनीक ट्रांसफर करने की बात भी कही है। भारत सबसे अधिक हथियार रूस से ही खरीदता है और भारत दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा हथियार बाजार है। रूस ने भारत के AMCA कार्यक्रम में भी मदद की पेशकश की है। यही वजह है कि ट्रंप यह डील रूस के हाथों नहीं जाने देना चाहते हैं।

From Rugged Roads to India’s World-Class Expressways: Rajveer Singh’s Mega Road Trip Begins April 13, 2025
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India’s Luxury Drive: Rajveer Singh’s Mega Road Expedition to Showcase India’s Highways, Culture, and Luxury Travel – Kicking Off on April 13, 2025.

Starting on April 13, 2025, Rajveer will embark on a spectacular 35-day journey covering the legendary Golden Quadrilateral and beyond. This ambitious campaign is already drawing national attention, with Rajveer’s team in discussions with key government bodies, including the Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of Culture, and the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, to support and amplify this initiative. Joining him on this drive are Vibha Narshana, CEO of Party and Travels, and Roshan Kamble, a talented cinematographer who will capture the essence of this groundbreaking expedition.

India’s highways have undergone a remarkable transformation, evolving from rugged roads into world-class expressways that now connect the entire nation with speed, safety, and efficiency. These roads are more than just infrastructure; they are the backbone of progress, fueling economic growth, tourism, and cultural exchange. To celebrate this monumental development and position India as a top-tier road-trip destination, Rajveer Singh an award-winning digital creator with 1.7 million followers, is launching India’s Luxury Drive—a grand digital campaign that will showcase the country’s highways, rich heritage, and luxury travel experiences like never before.

India’s Luxury Drive is more than just a road trip; it is a storytelling revolution that will redefine the way the world sees India’s highways and travel potential. With 175+ premium videos, 1000+ Instagram stories, and 50+ YouTube long videos, this drive is set to generate over 100 million digital impressions, making it one of the most high-impact travel campaigns ever.

Rajveer’s journey will highlight not just the speed and convenience of modern Indian highways but also the immersive cultural experiences that lie along these routes. With a portfolio that includes collaborations with top brands like Samsung, Canon, DJI, Thar, Nvidia, and Sahara Star, he will blend luxury, adventure, and heritage into an unforgettable digital experience.

For brands, tourism boards, and industry leaders, India’s Luxury Drive presents a golden opportunity to align with a campaign that will leave a lasting imprint on India's travel and digital landscape. The road to history is being paved—who’s ready to ride along? Instagram handle

ELearn InfoTech: Master Full Stack Development in Hyderabad with Expert Training
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The demand for skilled Full Stack Developers is soaring in the IT industry, making it one of the most sought-after career paths today. If you’re looking to build a successful career in software development, ELearn InfoTech offers the best Full Stack Developer courses in Hyderabad, designed to equip you with in-demand skills and hands-on experience.

Why Choose a Career in Full Stack Development?

A Full Stack Developer is proficient in both frontend and backend technologies, allowing them to build complete web applications from scratch. Companies highly value professionals who can handle everything from designing user interfaces to managing databases and servers.

With businesses rapidly shifting to digital platforms, Full Stack Developers are in high demand across industries, offering excellent job opportunities, high salaries, and career growth prospects.

Full Stack Development Courses at ELearn InfoTech

At ELearn InfoTech, we offer comprehensive Full Stack Development training in Hyderabad that covers all major programming languages, frameworks, and tools required to build dynamic and responsive web applications. Our courses include:

1. MERN Stack Full Stack Development

2. Java Full Stack Development

3. Python Full Stack Development

Key Features of Our Full Stack Developer Training

At ELearn InfoTech, we believe in a practical, project-based learning approach that prepares you for real-world challenges. Our training program offers:

✔ Expert-Led Training – Learn from industry professionals with years of experience in Full Stack Development.

✔ Hands-On Projects – Work on real-time projects to gain practical exposure and build a strong portfolio.

✔ Classroom & Online Training – Flexible learning options to suit your schedule.

✔ 1-on-1 Mentorship – Personalized guidance to help you master concepts.

✔ Placement Support – 100% job assistance with mock interviews and resume building.

✔ Limited Batch Size – Ensuring individual attention and better learning outcomes.

✔ Access to LMS – Get recorded sessions and study materials for revision.

✔ Regular Assignments & Case Studies – Enhance your problem-solving and coding skills.

✔ Flexible Batch Timings – Weekend and weekday batches available.

Who Can Enroll in This Course?

Our Full Stack Development courses are designed for:

Students & Freshers who want to start a career in software development.

Working Professionals looking to upskill or switch to a Full Stack Developer role.

Entrepreneurs & Freelancers who want to build and manage their own web applications.

Anyone passionate about coding and web development.

Career Opportunities after Full Stack Development Training

After completing our Full Stack Developer course, you can explore a variety of job roles, including:

Full Stack Developer

Frontend Developer

Backend Developer

Web Application Developer

Software Engineer

UI Developer

Our placement support ensures you get interview opportunities with top companies hiring for Full Stack Developer roles in Hyderabad and across India.

Why ELearn InfoTech is the Best Choice for Full Stack Development Training?

ELearn InfoTech, an ISO 9001:2015 certified training institute, has been a trusted name in IT education in Hyderabad for years. We are dedicated to providing high-quality, industry-oriented training that empowers students with job-ready skills.

Thousands of students trained successfully

Placement Opportunities in top companies.

Expert trainers with real-world development experience.

Well-structured curriculum covering the latest tools and technologies.

Enroll Today & Start Your Full Stack Developer Journey!

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced professional looking to upgrade your skills, ELearn InfoTech offers the best Full Stack Developer courses in Hyderabad with hands-on training, expert mentorship, and 100% placement support.

Don’t wait! Take the first step towards a successful career in Full Stack Development.

Call us at: +91 8464025086

Visit: https://www.elearninfotech.com

Join ELearn InfoTech today and transform your career with the best Full Stack Development training in Hyderabad!

ELearn InfoTech: Master Full Stack Development in Hyderabad with Expert Training
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The demand for skilled Full Stack Developers is soaring in the IT industry, making it one of the most sought-after career paths today. If you’re looking to build a successful career in software development, ELearn InfoTech offers the best Full Stack Developer courses in Hyderabad, designed to equip you with in-demand skills and hands-on experience.

Why Choose a Career in Full Stack Development?

A Full Stack Developer is proficient in both frontend and backend technologies, allowing them to build complete web applications from scratch. Companies highly value professionals who can handle everything from designing user interfaces to managing databases and servers.

With businesses rapidly shifting to digital platforms, Full Stack Developers are in high demand across industries, offering excellent job opportunities, high salaries, and career growth prospects.

Full Stack Development Courses at ELearn InfoTech

At ELearn InfoTech, we offer comprehensive Full Stack Development training in Hyderabad that covers all major programming languages, frameworks, and tools required to build dynamic and responsive web applications. Our courses include:

1. MERN Stack Full Stack Development

2. Java Full Stack Development

3. Python Full Stack Development

Key Features of Our Full Stack Developer Training

At ELearn InfoTech, we believe in a practical, project-based learning approach that prepares you for real-world challenges. Our training program offers:

✔ Expert-Led Training – Learn from industry professionals with years of experience in Full Stack Development.

✔ Hands-On Projects – Work on real-time projects to gain practical exposure and build a strong portfolio.

✔ Classroom & Online Training – Flexible learning options to suit your schedule.

✔ 1-on-1 Mentorship – Personalized guidance to help you master concepts.

✔ Placement Support – 100% job assistance with mock interviews and resume building.

✔ Limited Batch Size – Ensuring individual attention and better learning outcomes.

✔ Access to LMS – Get recorded sessions and study materials for revision.

✔ Regular Assignments & Case Studies – Enhance your problem-solving and coding skills.

✔ Flexible Batch Timings – Weekend and weekday batches available.

Who Can Enroll in This Course?

Our Full Stack Development courses are designed for:

Students & Freshers who want to start a career in software development.

Working Professionals looking to upskill or switch to a Full Stack Developer role.

Entrepreneurs & Freelancers who want to build and manage their own web applications.

Anyone passionate about coding and web development.

Career Opportunities after Full Stack Development Training

After completing our Full Stack Developer course, you can explore a variety of job roles, including:

Full Stack Developer

Frontend Developer

Backend Developer

Web Application Developer

Software Engineer

UI Developer

Our placement support ensures you get interview opportunities with top companies hiring for Full Stack Developer roles in Hyderabad and across India.

Why ELearn InfoTech is the Best Choice for Full Stack Development Training?

ELearn InfoTech, an ISO 9001:2015 certified training institute, has been a trusted name in IT education in Hyderabad for years. We are dedicated to providing high-quality, industry-oriented training that empowers students with job-ready skills.

Thousands of students trained successfully

Placement Opportunities in top companies.

Expert trainers with real-world development experience.

Well-structured curriculum covering the latest tools and technologies.

Enroll Today & Start Your Full Stack Developer Journey!

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced professional looking to upgrade your skills, ELearn InfoTech offers the best Full Stack Developer courses in Hyderabad with hands-on training, expert mentorship, and 100% placement support.

Don’t wait! Take the first step towards a successful career in Full Stack Development.

Call us at: +91 8464025086

Visit: https://www.elearninfotech.com

Join ELearn InfoTech today and transform your career with the best Full Stack Development training in Hyderabad!

13-Year-Old Martial Arts Sensation Basil Punathil Shines on the Global Stage.
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Basil Punathil, a 13-year-old martial arts prodigy, is quickly becoming a household name in the world of sports. Born on February 1, 2011, in Kozhikode, Kerala, Basil’s journey has been nothing short of inspiring. With an impressive list of achievements under his belt at such a young age, he is setting benchmarks and inspiring young athletes across the globe. Supported by a loving and encouraging family, Basil has been able to balance his academics and martial arts training with remarkable discipline. Currently studying in the 8th grade at St. Paul’s High School in Bangalore, he is proving that dedication and hard work can yield extraordinary results.

Basil’s versatility in martial arts is what sets him apart. He has trained in a variety of disciplines, including boxing, kickboxing, Muay Thai, wrestling, jujitsu, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), and mixed martial arts (MMA). This diverse skill set allows him to excel in both national and international competitions, showcasing his adaptability and commitment to mastering multiple techniques. His rigorous training and focus have earned him accolades that most athletes can only dream of.

Among his notable accomplishments, Basil’s gold medal at the GAMMA World Championship 2024 in the Under-14 category stands out as a crowning achievement. This victory established him as an international champion and highlighted his determination and talent. In addition to his global success, Basil is also the National MMA Champion in the Under-14 category, further solidifying his dominance in the sport. His prowess is not limited to MMA, as he has also claimed the state championship title in Jiu-Jitsu, demonstrating his technical expertise and versatility.

Basil’s athletic achievements extend beyond combat sports. On October 31, 2021, he set a record recognized by the Indian Book of Records for the longest duration holding the abdominal plank position by a child. With an astonishing time of 2 hours, 34 minutes, and 40 seconds, Basil displayed incredible physical endurance and mental strength. This achievement, accomplished at Ezone Lagoon Resort in Bengaluru, is a testament to his unyielding determination and focus.

The driving force behind Basil’s success is his father and coach, Abdulmuneer, fondly known as Cutman Muneer. A passionate and experienced trainer, Abdulmuneer has been instrumental in shaping Basil’s martial arts career. Under his guidance, Basil has developed the discipline and skills necessary to excel at the highest level. He got his training at Body Force Fight Club. His mother, Nimshida, and sister, Mishamariyam, also play vital roles in providing Basil with a supportive environment that allows him to pursue his dreams.

While martial arts remain his primary focus, Basil is a multi-talented individual with diverse interests. He has a keen fascination with robotics and artificial intelligence, showcasing his curiosity and drive to learn beyond the ring. These interests reflect his well-rounded personality and his determination to excel in various fields.

Basil’s ambitions extend far beyond his current achievements. He aspires to become a world champion in MMA and aims to inspire a new generation of Indian fighters. With his hard work, passion, and dedication, Basil is well on his way to achieving his goals and making a significant impact on the global martial arts stage. His journey serves as a beacon of hope and motivation for aspiring athletes, proving that age is no barrier to success.

For those who want to follow Basil’s incredible journey, his achievements and updates are regularly shared on his social media platforms. Fans and supporters can connect with him on Instagram at and Facebook to stay updated on his progress. His journey has already inspired many, and he continues to motivate young athletes through his accomplishments.

To connect with Basil or his team, please email at With his impressive track record and unwavering dedication, Basil Punathil is undoubtedly a name to watch in the world of martial arts. His journey is just beginning, and the future looks exceptionally bright for this young champion.

लॉस एंजिल्स में आग से 57 बिलियन डॉलर का नुकसान, अमेरिका की सबसे महंगी आपदाओं में शामिल
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ब्लूमबर्ग ने प्रारंभिक वित्तीय आकलन का हवाला देते हुए बताया कि लॉस एंजिल्स में लगी आग अमेरिका में अब तक की सबसे महंगी प्राकृतिक आपदाओं में से एक है। यह जंगल की आग देश में अब तक की सबसे महंगी आपदाओं में से एक हो सकती है। सांता मोनिका और मालिबू के आसपास देश के कुछ सबसे अमीर इलाकों में लगी आग उन इलाकों को प्रभावित कर रही है, जहां घरों की औसत कीमत 2 मिलियन डॉलर से अधिक है। नुकसान और आर्थिक नुकसान कुल 52 बिलियन डॉलर से 57 बिलियन डॉलर के बीच होने की उम्मीद है। तूफ़ान की तेज़ हवाओं के कारण आग इन समृद्ध समुदायों में और भी गहराई तक फैल सकती है, जिससे और भी ज़्यादा घर नष्ट हो सकते हैं।

नेशनल ओशनिक एंड एटमॉस्फेरिक एडमिनिस्ट्रेशन के डेटा के अनुसार, 2005 में आया तूफ़ान कैटरीना अमेरिकी इतिहास की सबसे महंगी प्राकृतिक आपदा बनी हुई है, जिसकी अनुमानित लागत 200 बिलियन डॉलर है। इसकी तुलना में, 2018 में कैलिफोर्निया में कैंप फायर सहित जंगल की आग से लगभग 30 बिलियन डॉलर का नुकसान हुआ।

संपत्ति के विनाश और जानमाल के नुकसान के अलावा, लॉस एंजिल्स के जंगल की आग से जहरीले धुएं से दीर्घकालिक स्वास्थ्य प्रभाव पड़ने की संभावना है और यह क्षेत्र के पर्यटन उद्योग को काफी नुकसान पहुंचा सकता है, AccuWeather ने नोट किया। "यह पहले से ही कैलिफोर्निया के इतिहास में सबसे खराब जंगल की आग में से एक है," AccuWeather के मुख्य मौसम विज्ञानी जोनाथन पोर्टर ने कहा। "अगर आने वाले दिनों में बड़ी संख्या में अतिरिक्त संरचनाएं जल जाती हैं, तो यह आधुनिक कैलिफोर्निया के इतिहास में सबसे खराब जंगल की आग बन सकती है, जो जली हुई संरचनाओं और आर्थिक नुकसान की संख्या के आधार पर है।"

कैलिफोर्निया के जंगल की आग: अब तक हम क्या जानते हैं ?

अधिकारियों ने कहा कि लॉस एंजिल्स क्षेत्र में भयंकर जंगल की आग में कम से कम पांच लोग मारे गए और 1,000 से अधिक संरचनाएं नष्ट हो गईं। तेजी से फैलती लपटों ने घरों और व्यवसायों को जला दिया क्योंकि निवासी धुएं से भरी घाटियों और सुरम्य पड़ोस से भाग गए, जो कई मशहूर हस्तियों के घर हैं।

मंगलवार को लगी आग में से कई जगहों पर सांता एना की तेज़ हवाएँ 70 मील प्रति घंटे (112 किलोमीटर प्रति घंटे) से भी ज़्यादा तेज़ थीं। बुधवार को भी हवाएँ चलती रहीं और कुछ समय के लिए विमानों के लिए आसमान से आग पर हमला करना बहुत ख़तरनाक हो गया, जिससे उनके प्रयासों में और भी बाधा आई। बुधवार सुबह हवाई आग बुझाने का काम फिर से शुरू हुआ।

दुनिया के 20 सबसे प्रदूषित शहरों में से 13 भारत में, जानें आपकी सांस तो हैं ना सुरक्षित?*
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देश की राजधानी दिल्ली और उसके आस-पास रहने वालों लोग खुद को सबसे प्रदूषित शहर में रहने वाला मानते हैं। ये सही भी है। हालांकि, भारत में केवल दिल्ली-एनसीआर ही प्रदूषित नहीं है। आपको जानकर आश्चर्य होगा कि दुनिया को 20 सबसे प्रदूषित शहरों में 13 भारत के हैं। मेघालय का बर्नीहाट शीर्ष पर है। वहीं, दिल्ली सबसे प्रदूषित कैपिटल की कैटेगरी में टॉप पर है। स्विस एयर क्वालिटी टेक्नॉलॉजी कंपनी एक्यू एयर की 2024 की रिपोर्ट में ये जानकारी सामने आई है।

ये हैं भारत के सबसे प्रदूषित शहर

रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक, दुनिया के 20 देशों में भारत के 13 शहर जो सबसे प्रदूषित हैं, उनमें बर्नीहाट, दिल्ली, मुल्लांपुर (पंजाब), फरीदाबाद, लोनी, नई दिल्ली, गुरुग्राम, गंगानगर, ग्रेटर नोएडा, भिवाड़ी, मुजफ्फरनगर, हनुमानगढ़ और नोएडा शामिल हैं। इसके अलावा, भारत 2024 में दुनिया के सबसे प्रदूषित शहरों में 5वें पायदान पर था। पहले स्थान पर चाड, दूसरे पर बांग्लादेश, तीसरे पर पाकिस्तान और चौथे पर कांगो रहा था। वायु प्रदूषण भारत में एक बड़ा खतरा बना हुआ है।

प्रदूषण में सुधार के बाद ऐसे हालात

2023 में हम तीसरे स्थान पर थे यानी पहले से दो स्थान नीचे आए हैं। मतलब भारत में पहले से प्रदूषण को लेकर कुछ सुधार हुआ है। रिपोर्ट में कहा गया है कि 2024 में भारत में पीएम 2.5 के स्तर में 7% की गिरावट देखी गई। 2024 में पीएम 2.5 का स्तर औसतन 50.6 माइक्रोग्राम प्रति क्यूबिक मीटर रहा, जबकि 2023 में यह 54.4 माइक्रोग्राम प्रति क्यूबिक मीटर था। फिर भी, दुनिया के 10 सबसे प्रदूषित शहरों में से 6 भारत में हैं। दिल्ली में लगातार प्रदूषण का लेवल हाई दर्ज किया गया। यहां पीएम 2.5 का सालाना औसत 91.6 माइक्रोग्राम प्रति क्यूबिक मीटर रहा।

क्या है पीएम 2.5

पीएम 2.5 हवा में मौजूद 2.5 माइक्रोन से छोटे सूक्ष्म प्रदूषण कणों को कहते हैं। ये कण फेफड़ों और रक्तप्रवाह में प्रवेश कर सकते हैं, जिससे सांस लेने में तकलीफ, हृदय रोग और यहां तक कि कैंसर भी हो सकता है। इसके स्रोतों में वाहनों से निकलने वाला धुआं, औद्योगिक उत्सर्जन और लकड़ी या फसल अवशेषों का जलना शामिल है।

वायु प्रदूषण गंभीर समस्या

भारत में वायु प्रदूषण एक गंभीर स्वास्थ्य जोखिम बना हुआ है, जिसकी वजह से लोगों की उम्र अनुमानित 5.2 वर्ष कम हो रही है। पिछले साल प्रकाशित लांसेट प्लैनेटरी हेल्थ अध्ययन के मुताबिक साल 2009 से साल 2019 तक भारत में हर साल करीब 15 लाख लोगों की मौत संभावित रूप से दीर्घकाल तक पीएम 2.5 प्रदूषण के संपर्क में रहने की वजह से हुई है।

Our journalist had the privilege of speaking with Commander Mandeep Pasricha
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Our journalist had the privilege of speaking with Commander Mandeep Pasricha, a seasoned veteran with 24 years of distinguished service in Indian Navy. He comes with management qualifications from JBIMS, Mumbai University, and Symbiosis Pune. He has also worked with aircraft giants like Boeing, Ilyushin and Israel Aerospace. He is a certified Project Management Professional, with wide exposure in Revenue and Capital procurements and Product Management.

With a wealth of leadership experience, strategic acumen, and an unshakable commitment to excellence, he has successfully navigated the challenging transition from military life to the corporate world. In this candid conversation, he shares invaluable insights, practical advice, and hard-earned lessons for fellow faujis considering their next mission—thriving in the business world.

Fauji to Fauji: The Corporate Transition Playbook – An Interview

Interviewer: Welcome, Cdr Pasricha! There’s always a lot of buzz around military personnel transitioning to the corporate world. Many serving officers are on the fence about making the switch. What’s the most common question you hear from your fellow faujis?

Cdr Pasricha: Oh, I get a range of them! "Will I adjust to the new world order?", "How is corporate life?", "Is there stability at work?", "What do I need to plan before leaving service?"—the list goes on. The transition can feel like stepping into uncharted territory, but trust me, it's nothing a Fauji can't handle!

Interviewer: That’s reassuring! But let's be honest—military life is all about discipline, structure, and a well-defined purpose. The corporate world, on the other hand, is more profit-driven. How does this impact retired personnel?

Cdr Pasricha: Ah, the great shift in purpose! In the military, every mission serves a greater good—national security, saving lives, protecting borders. In the corporate world, success is measured by profits, market shares, and business growth. Many veterans initially struggle to find meaning in their work. The trick is to align yourself with roles that resonate with your core values—leadership development, consulting, or even CSR initiatives. Find your mission within the mission!

Interviewer: Well said! Now, the work culture is another massive change. In the military, hierarchy is everything—orders are followed, no questions asked. But in corporate life, collaboration and debate are encouraged. How do retired officers adapt?

Cdr Pasricha: You nailed it! In the forces, when a command is given, it’s executed—period. In the corporate world, questioning, brainstorming, and debating ideas are the norm. Initially, this can feel chaotic for veterans. My advice? Observe first. Soak in the dynamics. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll see that leadership here is more about influence than authority.

And here’s a pro tip: Instead of giving orders, ask, "What do you think?"—it works wonders!

Interviewer: That’s a gold nugget right there! Another big shift must be decision-making. Military officers are trained to take quick, high-pressure decisions. But the corporate world thrives on stakeholder consensus. Is that a tough adjustment?

Cdr Pasricha: Absolutely! In the military, a delay in decision-making can be life-threatening. In business, it’s all about buy-in from different stakeholders, endless meetings, and navigating office politics. Initially, the pace can be frustrating. But once you learn the game, you’ll see that your ability to make firm, informed decisions is a superpower. Just learn to balance decisiveness with diplomacy.

Interviewer: Speaking of adjustments, work-life balance is another big one. Defence personnel live in a close-knit community. But in corporate life, people clock out and go their own way. How does this impact retired officers?

Cdr Pasricha: Oh, this is a real shocker! In the armed forces, your colleagues are your family. You live together, train together, celebrate together. Then suddenly, you’re in a world where relationships are transactional, and weekend plans are personal. The key is to build new networks—join corporate clubs, alumni groups, or even veteran communities. Find your tribe, and you won’t feel alone!

Interviewer: That makes sense. Now, let’s talk money. The military offers a structured salary, benefits, housing, and medical perks. In corporate life, it’s all about negotiations. How can veterans ensure they get their due?

Cdr Pasricha: Negotiating salaries? That’s foreign territory for most of us! In the forces, our pay scales are fixed. But in corporate life, everything is negotiable. My advice? Do your homework. Know your market value. Speak to other veterans who have transitioned. And don’t undersell yourself—your leadership, discipline, and crisis-management skills are priceless.

Interviewer: What about career progression? In the military, promotions are structured. But in business, growth depends on networking and performance. How do retired personnel adapt to this?

Cdr Pasricha: That’s a mindset shift! In the armed forces, you rise through the ranks over time. In corporate, you must actively chase opportunities—network, take on new challenges, switch functions if needed. It’s more of a jungle gym than a ladder. My tip? Be open to lateral moves; they often lead to bigger roles down the line!

Interviewer: This has been enlightening! Before we wrap up, can you share some tips for faujis planning their corporate transition?

Cdr Pasricha: Of course! Here are my top five:

Upskill yourself – An executive MBA, project management certification, or industry-specific training will make you job-ready.

Leverage veteran networks – Connect with those who have successfully transitioned; they’ll guide you through.

Embrace change – Be open to feedback, learn new skills, and adapt quickly.

Play to your strengths – Leadership, crisis management, discipline—these are gold in the corporate world.

Use specialized agencies – There are organizations that help veterans with job placements, resumes, and career counseling.

Interviewer: This has been an eye-opener! Thank you, Cdr Pasricha, for sharing your insights. One last question—would you say this transition is difficult?

Cdr Pasricha: Difficult? Not at all! Challenging? Yes. But show me a Fauji who doesn’t love a challenge! We’ve conquered tougher terrains—this is just another mission. Plan well, adapt fast, and march forward. The corporate world isn’t ready for the force that’s coming their way!

Interviewer: (Laughs) Well, that’s the spirit! Thanks again, Cdr Pasricha. Wishing all our veterans a smooth and successful transition!

Final Thought: For every Fauji considering the corporate shift, remember: You’re not just a job-seeker—you’re a leader, a strategist, and a problem-solver. The boardroom needs more of your kind. Go, own it!

"Today Mohun Bagan Super Giant fans are the happiest around the world,” says head coach Jose Molina after ecstatic ISL League Shield*
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Sports News 

 Khabar Kolkata Sports Desk: Mohun Bagan Super Giant have etched their name in the Indian Super League (ISL) history books, becoming the first-ever team to successfully defend their League Winners’ Shield. The Mariners, under the astute leadership of head coach Jose Molina, have amassed 52 points with two games still to play, asserting their dominance in the 2024-25 season. Their remarkable campaign has been marked by several record-breaking feats – the first team to surpass 50 points in a single ISL season, the most wins (16) in a campaign, and a defensive masterclass that has seen them register 14 clean sheets, a new league benchmark.

 Pic Courtesy by: ISL

*Mohun Bagan Super Giant defend ISL Shield after a late winner against Odisha FC*
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Sports News

Khabar Kolkata sports Desk: Mohun Bagan Super Giant became the Indian Super League (ISL) 2024-25 League Winners after their 1-0 victory against Odisha FC at the Vivekananda Yuba Bharati Krirangan Stadium, Kolkata yesterday. The Mariners successfully defended their title, first-ever team in ISL to do so, as they moved to 52 points after this triumph, gaining an unassailable lead over the second-placed FC Goa, who have bagged 42 points with three games to spare. The Jose Molina-coached team sealed this victory on the back of 16 victories and four draws, while recording their sixth consecutive clean sheet – the most ever done by a team in the competition.

Pic : Sanjay Hazra

भारत को F-35 बेचना चाहता है अमेरिका, जानें भारत के कितना मुश्किल सौदा
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प्रधानमंत्री नरेनेद्र मोदी ने फरवरी के दूसरे हफ्ते में अमेरिका का दौरा किया। अपने यूएस दौरे के दौरान पीएम मोदी ने अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति डोनाल्ड ट्रंप से मुलाकात की। इस दौरान ट्रंप ने भारत को अपना अत्याधुनिक लड़ाकू विमान F-35 देने की पेशकश की। पीएम मोदी के साथ व्हाइट हाउस में मुलाकात के बाद ट्रंप ने घोषणा की कि उनका प्रशासन अमेरिकी स्टील्थ फाइटर को भारत को बेचने के लिए तैयार है। इससे भारत अत्याधुनिक स्टील्थ विमानों वाले देशों के एलीट क्लब में शामिल हो जाएगा। ऐसे में सवाल ये है कि भारत अमेरिका से F-35 लड़ाकू विमान खरीदता है तो ये कितना जरूरी होगा? इसे खरीदने के लिए भारत को कितना पैसा खर्च करने पड़ेंगे? और सबसे अहम सवाल इसे खरीदने में क्या कहीं कोई झोल है?

कीमत सबसे बड़ा रोड़ा

F-35 अमेरिका का 5वीं जेनरेशन का लड़ाकू विमान है। इसे लॉकहीड मार्टिन कंपनी ने डेवलप किया है। इस प्लेन को 2006 से बनाना शुरू किया गया था। 2015 से यह अमेरिकी वायुसेना में शामिल है। ये पेंटागन के इतिहास का सबसे महंगा विमान है। अमेरिका एक F-35 फाइटर प्लेन पर औसतन 82.5 मिलियन डॉलर (करीब 715 करोड़ रुपए) खर्च करता है। अमेरिकी सरकार के कामों पर नजर रखने वाली संस्था गर्वनमेंट अकाउंटिबिलिटी ऑफिस (जीएओ) के मुताबिक, एक F-35 के रखरखाव पर हर साल 53 करोड़ रुपए का खर्च आएगा। ऐसे में अगर भारत 1000 करोड़ रुपए में ये विमान खरीदता है, तो इसके 60 साल के सर्विस पीरियड में 3,180 करोड़ रुपए खर्च होंगे। ये विमान की कीमत से तीन गुना ज्यादा है। इसके अलावा इसकी हर घंटे की उड़ान पर 30 लाख रुपए खर्च होंगे। इन विमानों की संख्या फ्रांसीसी राफेल लड़ाकू विमानों के दो स्क्वाड्रन (36 विमान) की मौजूदा संख्या के बराबर हो सकती है।

सरकार से सरकार के बीच होता है सौदा

एफ- 35 विमान को लॉकहीड मार्टिन सीधे किसी देश को बेच नहीं सकती है। इस विमान का सौदा सरकार से सरकार के बीच होता है। पेंटागन इसमें मध्यस्थ की भूमिका निभाता है। डोनाल्ड ट्रंप ने अभी तक इन विमानों को भारत को देने से जुड़ी कोई समय सीमा नहीं बताई है। मगर रॉयटर्स के मुताबिक स्टेल्थ एफ-35 जेट की डिलीवरी में वर्षों का समय लग जाता है। लिहाजा सवाल ये उठते हैं कि अगर भारत इस फाइटर जेट को खरीदने की सोचता है, तो वो सरकार से सरकार स्तर पर बातचीत करेगा या फिर डायरेक्ट कंपनी से ही डील करेगा? अगर 'सरकार से सरकार' रास्ते से अधिग्रहण का फैसला लिया जाता है, तो फाइटर जेट की क्वालिटी, उसकी कीमत, दूसरे लड़ाकू विमानों के साथ उसके कॉर्डिनेशन, ज्वाइंट प्रोडक्शन की संभावना और उसके ऑपरेशन की स्थितियों जैसे कई सवाल होंगे, जिनके जवाब तलाशने होंगे।

ड्रोन टेक्नोलॉजी के आगे फाइटर जेट्स पुराने

वहीं, ड्रोन टेक्नोलॉजी से युद्ध लड़े जाने का तरीका बदल गया है। फ्रंट लाइन पर फाइटर जेट्स की बजाय ड्रोन से हमला करना आसान है। रूस-यूक्रेन युद्ध में फ्रंट लाइन के पास एंटी-एयरक्राफ्ट सिस्टम लगे होने की वजह से फाइटर जेट्स का हमला कर पाना मुश्किल है। ऐसे में छोटे और बेहद कम कीमत वाले ड्रोन्स सबसे घातक हथियार साबित हुए हैं।

बता दे कि ट्रंप के करीबी लन मस्क भी इस फाइटर जेट पर सवाल उठा चुके हैं।मस्क ने एक्स पर एक पोस्ट में वीडियो अपलोड किया था। इसमें एक साथ सैकड़ों छोटे ड्रोन आसमान को घेरे हुए थे। मस्क ने लिखा था- कुछ बेवकूफ अभी भी F-35 जैसे पायलट वाले लड़ाकू जेट बना रहे हैं। मस्क ने कहा कि F-35 का डिजाइन शुरुआती लेवल पर ही खराब था। इसे ऐसे डिजाइन किया गया कि हर किसी को हर खासियत मिल सके। लेकिन इसकी वजह से F-35 महंगा हो गया और उलझा हुआ प्रोडक्ट बन गया। ऐसे डिजाइन को कभी सफल होना ही नहीं था। वैसे भी ड्रोन के जमाने में अब ऐसे फाइटर जेट्स का कोई मतलब नहीं है। ये सिर्फ पायलट की जान लेने के लिए हैं।

अमेरिका भारत को एफ-35 क्यों बेचना चाहता है?

दरअसल, ट्रंप सैन्य हथियारों के माध्यम से भारत के साथ होने वाले व्यापार घाटे को पाटना चाहते हैं। ट्रंप ने कहा कि इस साल से हम भारत को कई अरब डॉलर की सैन्य बिक्री बढ़ाएंगे। भारत को एफ- 35 स्टेल्थ लड़ाकू विमान बेचेंगे। ट्रंप ने यह भी कहा कि दोनों देशों के बीच एक समझौता हुआ है। इसके तहत भारत दोनों देशों के बीच व्यापार घाटे को कम करने के लिए अधिक मात्रा में अमेरिकी तेल और गैस का आयात भी करेगा।

यही नहीं, रूस ने भी भारत को सुखोई एसयू-57 देने की पेशकश की है। रूस ने तो इन विमानों को भारत में तैयार करने का प्रस्ताव भी दिया है। रूस ने भारत को तकनीक ट्रांसफर करने की बात भी कही है। भारत सबसे अधिक हथियार रूस से ही खरीदता है और भारत दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा हथियार बाजार है। रूस ने भारत के AMCA कार्यक्रम में भी मदद की पेशकश की है। यही वजह है कि ट्रंप यह डील रूस के हाथों नहीं जाने देना चाहते हैं।

From Rugged Roads to India’s World-Class Expressways: Rajveer Singh’s Mega Road Trip Begins April 13, 2025
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India’s Luxury Drive: Rajveer Singh’s Mega Road Expedition to Showcase India’s Highways, Culture, and Luxury Travel – Kicking Off on April 13, 2025.

Starting on April 13, 2025, Rajveer will embark on a spectacular 35-day journey covering the legendary Golden Quadrilateral and beyond. This ambitious campaign is already drawing national attention, with Rajveer’s team in discussions with key government bodies, including the Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of Culture, and the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, to support and amplify this initiative. Joining him on this drive are Vibha Narshana, CEO of Party and Travels, and Roshan Kamble, a talented cinematographer who will capture the essence of this groundbreaking expedition.

India’s highways have undergone a remarkable transformation, evolving from rugged roads into world-class expressways that now connect the entire nation with speed, safety, and efficiency. These roads are more than just infrastructure; they are the backbone of progress, fueling economic growth, tourism, and cultural exchange. To celebrate this monumental development and position India as a top-tier road-trip destination, Rajveer Singh an award-winning digital creator with 1.7 million followers, is launching India’s Luxury Drive—a grand digital campaign that will showcase the country’s highways, rich heritage, and luxury travel experiences like never before.

India’s Luxury Drive is more than just a road trip; it is a storytelling revolution that will redefine the way the world sees India’s highways and travel potential. With 175+ premium videos, 1000+ Instagram stories, and 50+ YouTube long videos, this drive is set to generate over 100 million digital impressions, making it one of the most high-impact travel campaigns ever.

Rajveer’s journey will highlight not just the speed and convenience of modern Indian highways but also the immersive cultural experiences that lie along these routes. With a portfolio that includes collaborations with top brands like Samsung, Canon, DJI, Thar, Nvidia, and Sahara Star, he will blend luxury, adventure, and heritage into an unforgettable digital experience.

For brands, tourism boards, and industry leaders, India’s Luxury Drive presents a golden opportunity to align with a campaign that will leave a lasting imprint on India's travel and digital landscape. The road to history is being paved—who’s ready to ride along? Instagram handle

ELearn InfoTech: Master Full Stack Development in Hyderabad with Expert Training
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The demand for skilled Full Stack Developers is soaring in the IT industry, making it one of the most sought-after career paths today. If you’re looking to build a successful career in software development, ELearn InfoTech offers the best Full Stack Developer courses in Hyderabad, designed to equip you with in-demand skills and hands-on experience.

Why Choose a Career in Full Stack Development?

A Full Stack Developer is proficient in both frontend and backend technologies, allowing them to build complete web applications from scratch. Companies highly value professionals who can handle everything from designing user interfaces to managing databases and servers.

With businesses rapidly shifting to digital platforms, Full Stack Developers are in high demand across industries, offering excellent job opportunities, high salaries, and career growth prospects.

Full Stack Development Courses at ELearn InfoTech

At ELearn InfoTech, we offer comprehensive Full Stack Development training in Hyderabad that covers all major programming languages, frameworks, and tools required to build dynamic and responsive web applications. Our courses include:

1. MERN Stack Full Stack Development

2. Java Full Stack Development

3. Python Full Stack Development

Key Features of Our Full Stack Developer Training

At ELearn InfoTech, we believe in a practical, project-based learning approach that prepares you for real-world challenges. Our training program offers:

✔ Expert-Led Training – Learn from industry professionals with years of experience in Full Stack Development.

✔ Hands-On Projects – Work on real-time projects to gain practical exposure and build a strong portfolio.

✔ Classroom & Online Training – Flexible learning options to suit your schedule.

✔ 1-on-1 Mentorship – Personalized guidance to help you master concepts.

✔ Placement Support – 100% job assistance with mock interviews and resume building.

✔ Limited Batch Size – Ensuring individual attention and better learning outcomes.

✔ Access to LMS – Get recorded sessions and study materials for revision.

✔ Regular Assignments & Case Studies – Enhance your problem-solving and coding skills.

✔ Flexible Batch Timings – Weekend and weekday batches available.

Who Can Enroll in This Course?

Our Full Stack Development courses are designed for:

Students & Freshers who want to start a career in software development.

Working Professionals looking to upskill or switch to a Full Stack Developer role.

Entrepreneurs & Freelancers who want to build and manage their own web applications.

Anyone passionate about coding and web development.

Career Opportunities after Full Stack Development Training

After completing our Full Stack Developer course, you can explore a variety of job roles, including:

Full Stack Developer

Frontend Developer

Backend Developer

Web Application Developer

Software Engineer

UI Developer

Our placement support ensures you get interview opportunities with top companies hiring for Full Stack Developer roles in Hyderabad and across India.

Why ELearn InfoTech is the Best Choice for Full Stack Development Training?

ELearn InfoTech, an ISO 9001:2015 certified training institute, has been a trusted name in IT education in Hyderabad for years. We are dedicated to providing high-quality, industry-oriented training that empowers students with job-ready skills.

Thousands of students trained successfully

Placement Opportunities in top companies.

Expert trainers with real-world development experience.

Well-structured curriculum covering the latest tools and technologies.

Enroll Today & Start Your Full Stack Developer Journey!

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced professional looking to upgrade your skills, ELearn InfoTech offers the best Full Stack Developer courses in Hyderabad with hands-on training, expert mentorship, and 100% placement support.

Don’t wait! Take the first step towards a successful career in Full Stack Development.

Call us at: +91 8464025086

Visit: https://www.elearninfotech.com

Join ELearn InfoTech today and transform your career with the best Full Stack Development training in Hyderabad!

ELearn InfoTech: Master Full Stack Development in Hyderabad with Expert Training
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The demand for skilled Full Stack Developers is soaring in the IT industry, making it one of the most sought-after career paths today. If you’re looking to build a successful career in software development, ELearn InfoTech offers the best Full Stack Developer courses in Hyderabad, designed to equip you with in-demand skills and hands-on experience.

Why Choose a Career in Full Stack Development?

A Full Stack Developer is proficient in both frontend and backend technologies, allowing them to build complete web applications from scratch. Companies highly value professionals who can handle everything from designing user interfaces to managing databases and servers.

With businesses rapidly shifting to digital platforms, Full Stack Developers are in high demand across industries, offering excellent job opportunities, high salaries, and career growth prospects.

Full Stack Development Courses at ELearn InfoTech

At ELearn InfoTech, we offer comprehensive Full Stack Development training in Hyderabad that covers all major programming languages, frameworks, and tools required to build dynamic and responsive web applications. Our courses include:

1. MERN Stack Full Stack Development

2. Java Full Stack Development

3. Python Full Stack Development

Key Features of Our Full Stack Developer Training

At ELearn InfoTech, we believe in a practical, project-based learning approach that prepares you for real-world challenges. Our training program offers:

✔ Expert-Led Training – Learn from industry professionals with years of experience in Full Stack Development.

✔ Hands-On Projects – Work on real-time projects to gain practical exposure and build a strong portfolio.

✔ Classroom & Online Training – Flexible learning options to suit your schedule.

✔ 1-on-1 Mentorship – Personalized guidance to help you master concepts.

✔ Placement Support – 100% job assistance with mock interviews and resume building.

✔ Limited Batch Size – Ensuring individual attention and better learning outcomes.

✔ Access to LMS – Get recorded sessions and study materials for revision.

✔ Regular Assignments & Case Studies – Enhance your problem-solving and coding skills.

✔ Flexible Batch Timings – Weekend and weekday batches available.

Who Can Enroll in This Course?

Our Full Stack Development courses are designed for:

Students & Freshers who want to start a career in software development.

Working Professionals looking to upskill or switch to a Full Stack Developer role.

Entrepreneurs & Freelancers who want to build and manage their own web applications.

Anyone passionate about coding and web development.

Career Opportunities after Full Stack Development Training

After completing our Full Stack Developer course, you can explore a variety of job roles, including:

Full Stack Developer

Frontend Developer

Backend Developer

Web Application Developer

Software Engineer

UI Developer

Our placement support ensures you get interview opportunities with top companies hiring for Full Stack Developer roles in Hyderabad and across India.

Why ELearn InfoTech is the Best Choice for Full Stack Development Training?

ELearn InfoTech, an ISO 9001:2015 certified training institute, has been a trusted name in IT education in Hyderabad for years. We are dedicated to providing high-quality, industry-oriented training that empowers students with job-ready skills.

Thousands of students trained successfully

Placement Opportunities in top companies.

Expert trainers with real-world development experience.

Well-structured curriculum covering the latest tools and technologies.

Enroll Today & Start Your Full Stack Developer Journey!

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced professional looking to upgrade your skills, ELearn InfoTech offers the best Full Stack Developer courses in Hyderabad with hands-on training, expert mentorship, and 100% placement support.

Don’t wait! Take the first step towards a successful career in Full Stack Development.

Call us at: +91 8464025086

Visit: https://www.elearninfotech.com

Join ELearn InfoTech today and transform your career with the best Full Stack Development training in Hyderabad!

13-Year-Old Martial Arts Sensation Basil Punathil Shines on the Global Stage.
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Basil Punathil, a 13-year-old martial arts prodigy, is quickly becoming a household name in the world of sports. Born on February 1, 2011, in Kozhikode, Kerala, Basil’s journey has been nothing short of inspiring. With an impressive list of achievements under his belt at such a young age, he is setting benchmarks and inspiring young athletes across the globe. Supported by a loving and encouraging family, Basil has been able to balance his academics and martial arts training with remarkable discipline. Currently studying in the 8th grade at St. Paul’s High School in Bangalore, he is proving that dedication and hard work can yield extraordinary results.

Basil’s versatility in martial arts is what sets him apart. He has trained in a variety of disciplines, including boxing, kickboxing, Muay Thai, wrestling, jujitsu, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), and mixed martial arts (MMA). This diverse skill set allows him to excel in both national and international competitions, showcasing his adaptability and commitment to mastering multiple techniques. His rigorous training and focus have earned him accolades that most athletes can only dream of.

Among his notable accomplishments, Basil’s gold medal at the GAMMA World Championship 2024 in the Under-14 category stands out as a crowning achievement. This victory established him as an international champion and highlighted his determination and talent. In addition to his global success, Basil is also the National MMA Champion in the Under-14 category, further solidifying his dominance in the sport. His prowess is not limited to MMA, as he has also claimed the state championship title in Jiu-Jitsu, demonstrating his technical expertise and versatility.

Basil’s athletic achievements extend beyond combat sports. On October 31, 2021, he set a record recognized by the Indian Book of Records for the longest duration holding the abdominal plank position by a child. With an astonishing time of 2 hours, 34 minutes, and 40 seconds, Basil displayed incredible physical endurance and mental strength. This achievement, accomplished at Ezone Lagoon Resort in Bengaluru, is a testament to his unyielding determination and focus.

The driving force behind Basil’s success is his father and coach, Abdulmuneer, fondly known as Cutman Muneer. A passionate and experienced trainer, Abdulmuneer has been instrumental in shaping Basil’s martial arts career. Under his guidance, Basil has developed the discipline and skills necessary to excel at the highest level. He got his training at Body Force Fight Club. His mother, Nimshida, and sister, Mishamariyam, also play vital roles in providing Basil with a supportive environment that allows him to pursue his dreams.

While martial arts remain his primary focus, Basil is a multi-talented individual with diverse interests. He has a keen fascination with robotics and artificial intelligence, showcasing his curiosity and drive to learn beyond the ring. These interests reflect his well-rounded personality and his determination to excel in various fields.

Basil’s ambitions extend far beyond his current achievements. He aspires to become a world champion in MMA and aims to inspire a new generation of Indian fighters. With his hard work, passion, and dedication, Basil is well on his way to achieving his goals and making a significant impact on the global martial arts stage. His journey serves as a beacon of hope and motivation for aspiring athletes, proving that age is no barrier to success.

For those who want to follow Basil’s incredible journey, his achievements and updates are regularly shared on his social media platforms. Fans and supporters can connect with him on Instagram at and Facebook to stay updated on his progress. His journey has already inspired many, and he continues to motivate young athletes through his accomplishments.

To connect with Basil or his team, please email at With his impressive track record and unwavering dedication, Basil Punathil is undoubtedly a name to watch in the world of martial arts. His journey is just beginning, and the future looks exceptionally bright for this young champion.

लॉस एंजिल्स में आग से 57 बिलियन डॉलर का नुकसान, अमेरिका की सबसे महंगी आपदाओं में शामिल
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ब्लूमबर्ग ने प्रारंभिक वित्तीय आकलन का हवाला देते हुए बताया कि लॉस एंजिल्स में लगी आग अमेरिका में अब तक की सबसे महंगी प्राकृतिक आपदाओं में से एक है। यह जंगल की आग देश में अब तक की सबसे महंगी आपदाओं में से एक हो सकती है। सांता मोनिका और मालिबू के आसपास देश के कुछ सबसे अमीर इलाकों में लगी आग उन इलाकों को प्रभावित कर रही है, जहां घरों की औसत कीमत 2 मिलियन डॉलर से अधिक है। नुकसान और आर्थिक नुकसान कुल 52 बिलियन डॉलर से 57 बिलियन डॉलर के बीच होने की उम्मीद है। तूफ़ान की तेज़ हवाओं के कारण आग इन समृद्ध समुदायों में और भी गहराई तक फैल सकती है, जिससे और भी ज़्यादा घर नष्ट हो सकते हैं।

नेशनल ओशनिक एंड एटमॉस्फेरिक एडमिनिस्ट्रेशन के डेटा के अनुसार, 2005 में आया तूफ़ान कैटरीना अमेरिकी इतिहास की सबसे महंगी प्राकृतिक आपदा बनी हुई है, जिसकी अनुमानित लागत 200 बिलियन डॉलर है। इसकी तुलना में, 2018 में कैलिफोर्निया में कैंप फायर सहित जंगल की आग से लगभग 30 बिलियन डॉलर का नुकसान हुआ।

संपत्ति के विनाश और जानमाल के नुकसान के अलावा, लॉस एंजिल्स के जंगल की आग से जहरीले धुएं से दीर्घकालिक स्वास्थ्य प्रभाव पड़ने की संभावना है और यह क्षेत्र के पर्यटन उद्योग को काफी नुकसान पहुंचा सकता है, AccuWeather ने नोट किया। "यह पहले से ही कैलिफोर्निया के इतिहास में सबसे खराब जंगल की आग में से एक है," AccuWeather के मुख्य मौसम विज्ञानी जोनाथन पोर्टर ने कहा। "अगर आने वाले दिनों में बड़ी संख्या में अतिरिक्त संरचनाएं जल जाती हैं, तो यह आधुनिक कैलिफोर्निया के इतिहास में सबसे खराब जंगल की आग बन सकती है, जो जली हुई संरचनाओं और आर्थिक नुकसान की संख्या के आधार पर है।"

कैलिफोर्निया के जंगल की आग: अब तक हम क्या जानते हैं ?

अधिकारियों ने कहा कि लॉस एंजिल्स क्षेत्र में भयंकर जंगल की आग में कम से कम पांच लोग मारे गए और 1,000 से अधिक संरचनाएं नष्ट हो गईं। तेजी से फैलती लपटों ने घरों और व्यवसायों को जला दिया क्योंकि निवासी धुएं से भरी घाटियों और सुरम्य पड़ोस से भाग गए, जो कई मशहूर हस्तियों के घर हैं।

मंगलवार को लगी आग में से कई जगहों पर सांता एना की तेज़ हवाएँ 70 मील प्रति घंटे (112 किलोमीटर प्रति घंटे) से भी ज़्यादा तेज़ थीं। बुधवार को भी हवाएँ चलती रहीं और कुछ समय के लिए विमानों के लिए आसमान से आग पर हमला करना बहुत ख़तरनाक हो गया, जिससे उनके प्रयासों में और भी बाधा आई। बुधवार सुबह हवाई आग बुझाने का काम फिर से शुरू हुआ।