केंद्र से क्यों नाराज हुए उपराष्ट्रपति जगदीप धनखड़, कहा- किया गया वादा क्यों नहीं निभाया?



किसान एक बार फिर सड़कों पर हैं। किसानों के विरोध प्रदर्शन को लेकर एक बार फिर सियासी पारा चढ़ता दिख रहा है। दरअसल, उपराष्ट्रपति जगदीप धनखड़ भी किसानों के समर्थन में आए। किसान आंदोलन को लेकर उन्होंने केंद्र सरकार पर निशाना साधा है। उन्होंने केंद्र सरकार से सवाल पूछा है। उन्होंने कहा, 'मुझे समझ में नहीं आ रहा है कि किसान से वार्ता क्यों नहीं हो रही है। हम किसान को पुरस्कृत करने की बजाय, उसका सही हक भी नहीं दे रहे हैं।'

मुंबई में एक कार्यक्रम में मंगलवार को जगदीप धनखड़ ने कहा कि जिनको गले लगाना है, उनको दुत्कारा नहीं जा सकता। मेरे कठोर शब्द हैं। कई बार गंभीर बीमारी के इलाज के लिए कड़वी दवाई पीनी पड़ती है। मैं किसान भाइयों से आह्वान करता हूं कि मेरी बात सुनें, समझें। आप अर्थव्यवस्था की धुरी हैं। राजनीति को प्रभावित करते हैं। भारत की विकास यात्रा के आप महत्वपूर्ण अंग हैं। सामाजिक समरसता की मिसाल हैं। बातचीत के लिए आपको भी आगे आना चाहिए। उन्होंने कहा कि क्या हम किसान और सरकार के बीच एक सीमा बना सकते हैं? मुझे समझ में नहीं आता कि किसानों के साथ कोई बातचीत क्यों नहीं हो रही है। मेरी चिंता यह है कि यह पहल अब तक क्यों नहीं हुई।

जगदीप धनखड के तीखे सवाल

उप राष्ट्रपति धनखड़ ने किसानों को लेकर केंद्रीय कृषि मंत्री शिवराज सिंह चौहान को भी निशाने पर लिया। उन्होंने कहा,'कृषि मंत्री जी एक एक पल आपका भारी है। मेरा आपसे आग्रह है, भारत के सिद्धांत के तहत दूसरे पद विराजमान व्यक्ति आपसे अनुरोध कर रहा है। कृप्या करके मुझे बताइए क्या किसान से वादा किया गया था और किया हुआ वादा क्यों नहीं निभाया गया।' जगदीप धनखड़ यहीं नहीं रुके, उन्होंने आगे कहा,'किसानों से किया गया वादा निभाने के लिए हम क्या कर रहे हैं। पिछले साल भी आंदोलन था और इस वर्ष भी आंदोलन है। काल चक्र घूम रहा है और हम कुछ कर नहीं रहे हैं।'

हमारी पॉलिसी मेकिंग सही ट्रैक पर नहीं है-धनखड़

उपराष्ट्रपति जगदीप धनखड़ ने कहा, 'ये समय मेरे लिए कष्टदायक है क्योंकि मैं राष्ट्रधर्म से ओतप्रोत हूं। पहली बार मैंने भारत को बदलते हुए देखा है। पहली बार मैं महसूस कर रहा हूं कि विकसित भारत हमारा सपना नहीं लक्ष्य है। दुनिया में भारत कभी इतनी बुलंदी पर नहीं था, दुनिया में हमारी साख पहले कभी इतनी नहीं थी, भारत का पीएम आज विश्व के शीर्ष नेताओं में गिना जाता है, जब ऐसा कोहरा है तो मेरा किसान परेशान क्यों है? ये बहुत गहराई का मुद्दा है। इसको हल्के में लेने का मतलब है कि हम प्रैक्टिकल नहीं हैं। हमारी पॉलिसी मेकिंग सही ट्रैक पर नहीं है। कौन हैं वो लोग जो किसानों को कहते हैं कि उसके उत्पाद का उचित मूल्य दे देंगे? मुझे समझ नहीं आता कि कोई पहाड़ गिरेगा। किसान अकेला है, जो असहाय है। '

कांग्रेस ने जताई खुशी

इस मामले पर कांग्रेस नेता जयराम रमेश ने खुशी जताई है, उन्होंने कहा कि जिन मामलों पर उपराष्ट्रपति ने सवाल किए हैं, यही मामले हमारी पार्टी और राहुल गांधी पिछले 5 सालों से उठा रहे हैं।कांग्रेस नेता जयराम रमेश ने कहा कि हम उपराष्ट्रपति का सम्मान करते हैं, उन्होंने आगे कहा कि वे राज्यसभा के संरक्षक और संविधान के रक्षक हैं। उन्होंने कृषि मंत्री से जो सवाल पूछा, कांग्रेस पार्टी भी पिछले 4-5 साल से वही सवाल प्रधानमंत्री से पूछ रही है। हम इसी बात पर चर्चा चाहते हैं, और हमने इसके लिए नोटिस भी दिया है, हमें खुशी है कि उपराष्ट्रपति ने ये सवाल पूछा है।

केंद्र से क्यों नाराज हुए उपराष्ट्रपति जगदीप धनखड़, कहा- किया गया वादा क्यों नहीं निभाया?


किसान एक बार फिर सड़कों पर हैं। किसानों के विरोध प्रदर्शन को लेकर एक बार फिर सियासी पारा चढ़ता दिख रहा है। दरअसल, उपराष्ट्रपति जगदीप धनखड़ भी किसानों के समर्थन में आए। किसान आंदोलन को लेकर उन्होंने केंद्र सरकार पर निशाना साधा है। उन्होंने केंद्र सरकार से सवाल पूछा है। उन्होंने कहा, 'मुझे समझ में नहीं आ रहा है कि किसान से वार्ता क्यों नहीं हो रही है। हम किसान को पुरस्कृत करने की बजाय, उसका सही हक भी नहीं दे रहे हैं।'

मुंबई में एक कार्यक्रम में मंगलवार को जगदीप धनखड़ ने कहा कि जिनको गले लगाना है, उनको दुत्कारा नहीं जा सकता। मेरे कठोर शब्द हैं। कई बार गंभीर बीमारी के इलाज के लिए कड़वी दवाई पीनी पड़ती है। मैं किसान भाइयों से आह्वान करता हूं कि मेरी बात सुनें, समझें। आप अर्थव्यवस्था की धुरी हैं। राजनीति को प्रभावित करते हैं। भारत की विकास यात्रा के आप महत्वपूर्ण अंग हैं। सामाजिक समरसता की मिसाल हैं। बातचीत के लिए आपको भी आगे आना चाहिए। उन्होंने कहा कि क्या हम किसान और सरकार के बीच एक सीमा बना सकते हैं? मुझे समझ में नहीं आता कि किसानों के साथ कोई बातचीत क्यों नहीं हो रही है। मेरी चिंता यह है कि यह पहल अब तक क्यों नहीं हुई।

जगदीप धनखड के तीखे सवाल

उप राष्ट्रपति धनखड़ ने किसानों को लेकर केंद्रीय कृषि मंत्री शिवराज सिंह चौहान को भी निशाने पर लिया। उन्होंने कहा,'कृषि मंत्री जी एक एक पल आपका भारी है। मेरा आपसे आग्रह है, भारत के सिद्धांत के तहत दूसरे पद विराजमान व्यक्ति आपसे अनुरोध कर रहा है। कृप्या करके मुझे बताइए क्या किसान से वादा किया गया था और किया हुआ वादा क्यों नहीं निभाया गया।' जगदीप धनखड़ यहीं नहीं रुके, उन्होंने आगे कहा,'किसानों से किया गया वादा निभाने के लिए हम क्या कर रहे हैं। पिछले साल भी आंदोलन था और इस वर्ष भी आंदोलन है। काल चक्र घूम रहा है और हम कुछ कर नहीं रहे हैं।'

हमारी पॉलिसी मेकिंग सही ट्रैक पर नहीं है-धनखड़

उपराष्ट्रपति जगदीप धनखड़ ने कहा, 'ये समय मेरे लिए कष्टदायक है क्योंकि मैं राष्ट्रधर्म से ओतप्रोत हूं। पहली बार मैंने भारत को बदलते हुए देखा है। पहली बार मैं महसूस कर रहा हूं कि विकसित भारत हमारा सपना नहीं लक्ष्य है। दुनिया में भारत कभी इतनी बुलंदी पर नहीं था, दुनिया में हमारी साख पहले कभी इतनी नहीं थी, भारत का पीएम आज विश्व के शीर्ष नेताओं में गिना जाता है, जब ऐसा कोहरा है तो मेरा किसान परेशान क्यों है? ये बहुत गहराई का मुद्दा है। इसको हल्के में लेने का मतलब है कि हम प्रैक्टिकल नहीं हैं। हमारी पॉलिसी मेकिंग सही ट्रैक पर नहीं है। कौन हैं वो लोग जो किसानों को कहते हैं कि उसके उत्पाद का उचित मूल्य दे देंगे? मुझे समझ नहीं आता कि कोई पहाड़ गिरेगा। किसान अकेला है, जो असहाय है। '

कांग्रेस ने जताई खुशी

इस मामले पर कांग्रेस नेता जयराम रमेश ने खुशी जताई है, उन्होंने कहा कि जिन मामलों पर उपराष्ट्रपति ने सवाल किए हैं, यही मामले हमारी पार्टी और राहुल गांधी पिछले 5 सालों से उठा रहे हैं।कांग्रेस नेता जयराम रमेश ने कहा कि हम उपराष्ट्रपति का सम्मान करते हैं, उन्होंने आगे कहा कि वे राज्यसभा के संरक्षक और संविधान के रक्षक हैं। उन्होंने कृषि मंत्री से जो सवाल पूछा, कांग्रेस पार्टी भी पिछले 4-5 साल से वही सवाल प्रधानमंत्री से पूछ रही है। हम इसी बात पर चर्चा चाहते हैं, और हमने इसके लिए नोटिस भी दिया है, हमें खुशी है कि उपराष्ट्रपति ने ये सवाल पूछा है।

CSC India and DevElet’s National Teaching Excellence Awards 2024: Celebrating India’s Distinguished Educators on National Education Day

In a fitting tribute on National Education Day,  the Council for Skills and Competencies (CSC India) and DevElet came together to host the National Teaching Excellence Awards 2024, celebrating outstanding educators who have had a transformative impact on India’s youth. This landmark event, organized in partnership with CSC India and DevElet, brought together luminaries from academia, industry leaders, and policymakers from across the nation, reinforcing the critical role of quality education in nation-building.

The ceremony was graced by Chief Guest Dr. G. Jaya Suma, Registrar and Professor at JNTU-GV, Vizianagaram, whose keynote address highlighted the indelible contributions of educators to society, paying homage to Maulana Abul Kalam Azad’s vision for an educated nation. Guest of Eminence Dr. R. Sujatha, Principal of Entrepreneur Education at the Wadhwani Entrepreneurship Network, offered insights on fostering entrepreneurial skills among students, while Guest of Honor Shri Krishna Chippalkatti, Joint Director and Chief Investigator in the IOT Group at C-DAC Bengaluru and FS Prime, emphasized the significance of integrating technology into education to prepare future-ready students.

The awards spanned multiple categories, recognizing excellence in areas such as Teaching, Leadership, Innovative Pedagogy, Curriculum Innovation, Research, and Professional Development. Recipients from various educational institutions nationwide were celebrated for their dedication to advancing educational standards and pioneering innovative teaching methods in alignment with India’s National Education Policy 2020.

Key Honorees:

Honorary Leadership for Academic Achievement:

  • Dr. VSK Reddy, Vice Chancellor, Malla Reddy University, Hyderabad – for his contributions to transformative education.
  • Dr. PHV Sesha Talpa Sai, Director - R&D, IQAC & Startups, Malla Reddy University, Hyderabad – for his exemplary academic leadership.
  • Dr. Srinivasa Rao, Principal, Malla Reddy College of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad – for his visionary leadership in education.

Best Researcher Award:

  • Dr. T. Kishore Kumar, Professor & Head, Centre for Training and Learning, National Institute of Technology, Warangal.
  • Dr. A.N. Sathyanarayana, former Group Head of the Antenna Maintenance Group at NRSC-ISRO and Professor at Sreenidhi Institute of Science & Technology, Hyderabad.
  • Dr. N. Balaji, Professor and Director of Legal & Government Affairs, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada.

Awards were also presented to distinguished faculty from prestigious institutions such as the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore; Srinivas University, Mangalore; CHRIST University, Bangalore; NIT Warangal; JNTU campuses in Kakinada and Anantapur; Sri Sri University, Cuttack; and numerous other esteemed institutions across the country.

Shared Vision and Commitment: The organizers, CSC India and DevElet, reiterated their shared commitment to bridging academia and industry. Known for pioneering digital learning and AI in education, DevElet has empowered thousands of students and professionals, while CSC India, a non-profit industry body, actively drives skill development and employment opportunities through strategic collaborations and initiatives.

The National Teaching Excellence Awards 2024 underscored CSC India and DevElet’s ongoing mission to support India’s educators, equipping students with the skills they need to thrive in a rapidly evolving world. In closing, Mr. Kishan Tiwari, CEO of DevElet LLP, and Mr. Y. Rammohan Rao, Senior Consultant at CSC India, expressed their heartfelt gratitude to all attendees, underscoring their dedication to recognizing and honoring excellence in education.

CSC India and DevElet’s National Teaching Excellence Awards 2024: Celebrating India’s Distinguished Educators on National Education Day

In a fitting tribute on National Education Day,  the Council for Skills and Competencies (CSC India) and DevElet came together to host the National Teaching Excellence Awards 2024, celebrating outstanding educators who have had a transformative impact on India’s youth. This landmark event, organized in partnership with CSC India and DevElet, brought together luminaries from academia, industry leaders, and policymakers from across the nation, reinforcing the critical role of quality education in nation-building.

The ceremony was graced by Chief Guest Dr. G. Jaya Suma, Registrar and Professor at JNTU-GV, Vizianagaram, whose keynote address highlighted the indelible contributions of educators to society, paying homage to Maulana Abul Kalam Azad’s vision for an educated nation. Guest of Eminence Dr. R. Sujatha, Principal of Entrepreneur Education at the Wadhwani Entrepreneurship Network, offered insights on fostering entrepreneurial skills among students, while Guest of Honor Shri Krishna Chippalkatti, Joint Director and Chief Investigator in the IOT Group at C-DAC Bengaluru and FS Prime, emphasized the significance of integrating technology into education to prepare future-ready students.

The awards spanned multiple categories, recognizing excellence in areas such as Teaching, Leadership, Innovative Pedagogy, Curriculum Innovation, Research, and Professional Development. Recipients from various educational institutions nationwide were celebrated for their dedication to advancing educational standards and pioneering innovative teaching methods in alignment with India’s National Education Policy 2020.

Key Honorees:

Honorary Leadership for Academic Achievement:

  • Dr. VSK Reddy, Vice Chancellor, Malla Reddy University, Hyderabad – for his contributions to transformative education.
  • Dr. PHV Sesha Talpa Sai, Director - R&D, IQAC & Startups, Malla Reddy University, Hyderabad – for his exemplary academic leadership.
  • Dr. Srinivasa Rao, Principal, Malla Reddy College of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad – for his visionary leadership in education.

Best Researcher Award:

  • Dr. T. Kishore Kumar, Professor & Head, Centre for Training and Learning, National Institute of Technology, Warangal.
  • Dr. A.N. Sathyanarayana, former Group Head of the Antenna Maintenance Group at NRSC-ISRO and Professor at Sreenidhi Institute of Science & Technology, Hyderabad.
  • Dr. N. Balaji, Professor and Director of Legal & Government Affairs, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada.

Awards were also presented to distinguished faculty from prestigious institutions such as the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore; Srinivas University, Mangalore; CHRIST University, Bangalore; NIT Warangal; JNTU campuses in Kakinada and Anantapur; Sri Sri University, Cuttack; and numerous other esteemed institutions across the country.

Shared Vision and Commitment: The organizers, CSC India and DevElet, reiterated their shared commitment to bridging academia and industry. Known for pioneering digital learning and AI in education, DevElet has empowered thousands of students and professionals, while CSC India, a non-profit industry body, actively drives skill development and employment opportunities through strategic collaborations and initiatives.

The National Teaching Excellence Awards 2024 underscored CSC India and DevElet’s ongoing mission to support India’s educators, equipping students with the skills they need to thrive in a rapidly evolving world. In closing, Mr. Kishan Tiwari, CEO of DevElet LLP, and Mr. Y. Rammohan Rao, Senior Consultant at CSC India, expressed their heartfelt gratitude to all attendees, underscoring their dedication to recognizing and honoring excellence in education.

*Mayor's Cup off to a colourful start at the Eden Gardens today*

Sports News

Khabar kolkata Sports Desk: The Mayor's Cup 2024-25, jointly organised by CAB & KMC in association with KKR, featuring students from 64 schools got off to a colourful start at the Eden Gardens on Tuesday, with CAB President Snehasish Ganguly sharing inspirational words and advice to all the participating teams in the tournament.

Also present for the inauguration was MMIC KMC Mr Debasish Kumar. Before the inaugural match, CAB President Ganguly felicitated Mr Kumar.

It was followed by CAB School Committee Chairman Sanjay Das felicitating CAB President Mr Ganguly. CAB Vice President Amalendu Biswas was felicitated by CAB School Committee member Koushik Mukherjee. CAB Hony Joint Secretary Debabrata Das was felicitated by CAB School Committee member Deep Chatterjee, while KKR representative Himanish Bhattacharjee was felicitated by CAB Medical Committee Chairman Pradip Kr Dey. The inauguration was well conducted by CAB Observers Committee Chairman Srimanta Kumar Mallick. Also present were Chairman of different CAB committees.

As all the captains of the participating teams stood with placards of their school names, the toss took place between St Johns Public School and Patha Bhavan. It was followed by the national anthem in front of the CAB Club House and special KKR merchandise caps were handed over to all the players. St Johns Public School won the toss and elected to bat.

Talking about the meet, Mr Ganguly said: "First of all, I would like to thank Mr Debasish Kumar for his presence here. I also thank KKR and KMC for their support. Through this tournament, I feel the next generation cricketers of India and Bengal will come forward."

"From this tournament, we had shortlisted a group of U-13 players who took part in a Vision camp. A lot of talents have come forward because of this tournament. I hope this year, too, this will be a success," Mr Ganguly added.

Mr. Kumar said, "At first, I would like to thank CAB for organizing a cricket tournament at the school level. I hope this tournament can produce more and more cricketers for the future. I also congratulate KKR for their support. I wish all the matches a success."

A total of 111 matches will be played in the tournament at different venues across the city. A total of 16 groups comprising 4 teams in each group will fight it out for the title. A total of 96 matches will be played in the group stage with 15 knockout matches.

The semifinals and final will be a two-day affair.

Pic Sanjay Hazra

*Mayor's Cup off to a colourful start at the Eden Gardens today*

Sports News 

 Khabar kolkata Sports Desk: The Mayor's Cup 2024-25, jointly organised by CAB & KMC in association with KKR, featuring students from 64 schools got off to a colourful start at the Eden Gardens on Tuesday, with CAB President Snehasish Ganguly sharing inspirational words and advice to all the participating teams in the tournament.

Also present for the inauguration was MMIC KMC Mr Debasish Kumar. Before the inaugural match, CAB President Ganguly felicitated Mr Kumar. 

It was followed by CAB School Committee Chairman Sanjay Das felicitating CAB President Mr Ganguly. CAB Vice President Amalendu Biswas was felicitated by CAB School Committee member Koushik Mukherjee. CAB Hony Joint Secretary Debabrata Das was felicitated by CAB School Committee member Deep Chatterjee, while KKR representative Himanish Bhattacharjee was felicitated by CAB Medical Committee Chairman Pradip Kr Dey. The inauguration was well conducted by CAB Observers Committee Chairman Srimanta Kumar Mallick. Also present were Chairman of different CAB committees. 

As all the captains of the participating teams stood with placards of their school names, the toss took place between St Johns Public School and Patha Bhavan. It was followed by the national anthem in front of the CAB Club House and special KKR merchandise caps were handed over to all the players. St Johns Public School won the toss and elected to bat. 

Talking about the meet, Mr Ganguly said: "First of all, I would like to thank Mr Debasish Kumar for his presence here. I also thank KKR and KMC for their support. Through this tournament, I feel the next generation cricketers of India and Bengal will come forward."

"From this tournament, we had shortlisted a group of U-13 players who took part in a Vision camp. A lot of talents have come forward because of this tournament. I hope this year, too, this will be a success," Mr Ganguly added.

Mr. Kumar said, "At first, I would like to thank CAB for organizing a cricket tournament at the school level. I hope this tournament can produce more and more cricketers for the future. I also congratulate KKR for their support. I wish all the matches a success."

A total of 111 matches will be played in the tournament at different venues across the city. A total of 16 groups comprising 4 teams in each group will fight it out for the title. A total of 96 matches will be played in the group stage with 15 knockout matches. 

The semifinals and final will be a two-day affair.

 Pic Sanjay Hazra

Easwaran, Abishek, Mukesh named in India A squad for Australia tour
*Sports News*

*Khabar kolkata News Desk:*  Bengal star opener Abhimanyu Easwaran, wicket-keeper batsman Abishek Porel and fast bowler Mukesh kumar has been named in the India A squad for the forthcoming Australia tour, it was announced by BCCI on Monday.

All eyes will be on in-form Easwaran, who has been rewarded for his consistent run, ahead of India’s Test series against Australia.

Easwaran, who is the vice-captain of India A, has been in superb form in the domestic circuit for the last couple of seasons. In this season, he scored two hundreds in the Duleep Trophy, another ton in the Irani Cup, and began the Ranji Trophy season with a century for Bengal.

On the other hand, it is an incredible opportunity for the young and talented Abishek to gather immense experience from the overseas tour. Mukesh will also aim to do well and make an impact in Australia.

India A are scheduled to take on Australia A in two first-class matches.  They then play against India squad in a warm-up match.

India A team,Ruturaj Gaikwad (C), Abhimanyu Easwaran (VC), Sai Sudharsan, Nitish Kumar Reddy, Devdutt Padikkal, Ricky Bhui, Baba Indrajith, Ishan Kishan (WK), Abishek Porel (WK), Mukesh Kumar, Khaleel Ahmed, Yash Dayal, Navdeep Saini, Manav Suthar, Tanush Kotian.

*Pic Courtesy by:CAB*
CAB felicitates Easwaran on 100th First-Class match achievement
*Sports News*

*Desk:* CAB on Friday felicitated Bengal star opener Abhimanyu Easwaran, commemorating his achievement of playing in 100th First-Class match.

CAB Hony Secretary Naresh Ojha, CAB Vice-President Amalendu Biswas, CAB Hony Treasurer Prabir Chakrabarty and CAB Hony Joint Secretary Debabrata Das felicitated Easwaran at the Bengal Cricket Academy in Kalyani.

Mr Ojha presented Easwaran with a silver plaque and congratulated the batsman for this incredible achievement. Mr Chakrabarty presented Easwaran with a shawl.

"We congratulate Abhimanyu for this incredible achievement. He has been in top form recently. We wish him best for the forthcoming matches. We hope he plays and brings success for India for a long time," Mr Ojha said.

Easwaran was thrilled on being felicitated by CAB. He said, "I thank CAB for honouring me on my 100th First-Class match. I will aim to keep performing for my team."

Srimanta Mallick, Chairman CAB Observer Committee, conducted the felicitation perfectly. Mr Mallick heaped praise on Easwaran for achieving the feat.

Bengal head coach Laxmi Ratan Shukla also congratulated Easwaran. The entire Bengal and Bihar team were present for the felicitation. All the players, support staff present applauded Easwaran's achievement. *Pic Courtesy by:CAB*
*Chandrahas to lead strong Bengal U-19 team in Vinoo Mankad Trophy knockouts*

Sports News

KKNB: Talented batsman Chandrahas Dash will lead a strong Bengal Under-19 team in the knockouts of the Vinoo Mankad Trophy.

Talented bowler Yudhajit Guha is the vice captain. Sourasish Lahiri is the chief coach of the team while Sanjib Sanyal is the coach.

Bengal is scheduled to take on Madhya Pradesh in the pre-quarterfinals of the Vinoo Mankad Trophy in Rajkot on Thursday. Bengal has made it to the Vinoo Mankad Trophy knockouts after 11 years.

Team squad,Chandrahas Dash (C), Yudhajit Guha (VC), Ankit Chatterjee, Agniswar Das, Abhiprai Biswas, Shoaib Ahmed Khan, Debangshu Pakhira, Raju R, Aditya Roy, Ganoranjan Kapat, Shivamm Bharati, Jeet Thakur, Vishal Bhati, Ashutosh Kumar, Irshad Alam, Sachin Yadav.

Pic Courtesy by:CAB

హైడ్రాపై ఎంఐఎం, బీఆర్‌ఎస్‌వి అడ్డగోలు విమర్శలు

రాష్ట్ర సర్కార్ హైడ్రాను ఏర్పాటు చేసి చెరువులు, కుంటలు, నాలాలు రక్షిస్తోందని కిసాన్ సెల్ జాతీయ ఉపాధ్యక్షుడు కోదండరెడ్డి అన్నారు. సోమవారం మీడియాతో మాట్లాడుతూ... దూరదృష్టితో హైడ్రాను ఏర్పాటు చేసిందన్నారు. రాజకీయాలకు అతీతంగా హైడ్రా పనిచేస్తుందని తెలిపారు. ప్రొటెక్షన్ ఆఫ్ లేక్స్ కమిటీ కూడా గతంలో వేసిందే అని చెప్పుకొచ్చారు.

తెలంగాణ సర్కార్ (Telangana Govt) హైడ్రాను (Hydra) ఏర్పాటు చేసి చెరువులు, కుంటలు, నాలాలు రక్షిస్తోందని కిసాన్ సెల్ జాతీయ ఉపాధ్యక్షుడు కోదండరెడ్డి ( Kisan Cell National Vice President Kodanda Reddy) అన్నారు. సోమవారం మీడియాతో మాట్లాడుతూ... దూరదృష్టితో హైడ్రాను ఏర్పాటు చేసిందన్నారు. రాజకీయాలకు అతీతంగా హైడ్రా పనిచేస్తుందని తెలిపారు. ప్రొటెక్షన్ ఆఫ్ లేక్స్ కమిటీ కూడా గతంలో వేసిందే అని చెప్పుకొచ్చారు. రాష్ట్ర విభజన కాకముంటే కాంగ్రెస్ సర్కార్ 2030 వరకు హెచ్‌ఎమ్‌డీఏ (HMDA) ద్వారా మాస్టర్ ప్లాన్ రూపొందించిందన్నారు.

తాగునీటి అవసరాల కోసం కూడా మాస్టర్ ప్లాన్‌లో లేక్స్ ప్రొటెక్షన్ చేయాలని నిర్ణయం తీసుకుందన్నారు. 2014 నుంచి అధికారంలో ఉన్న బీఆర్ఎస్ (BRS) అక్రమ నిర్మాణాలకు సపోర్ట్ చేసిందని ఆరోపించారు. హైడ్రా ఏర్పాటు చేసి ప్రజల మన్నన్నలు పొందుతున్న సీఎం రేవంత్‌పై (CM Revanth Reddy) ఎంఐఎం, బీఆర్ఎస్ నేతలు అడ్డగోలుగా విమర్శలు చేస్తున్నారని మండిపడ్డారు. సామాన్య ప్రజలు ఫుల్ సపోర్ట్ చేస్తున్నారన్నారు. ప్రజలు కూడా ర్యాలీ చేస్తున్నారన్నారు. హుస్సేన్ సాగర్ కాపాడుకోవాలని విజయభాస్కర్ రెడ్డి కాలంలో బుద్ధపూర్ణిమ ప్రాజెక్టు, నెక్లస్ రోడ్ ఏర్పాటైందన్నారు.

ప్రకృతిని కాపాడడానికి చెరువులు కాపాడాలన్నారు. హైదరాబాద్‌కు తాగునీటి అవసరాల కోసం కృష్ణ, గోదావరి నీటిని తీసుకొచ్చిందన్నారు. కాంగ్రెస్ సర్కారే రానున్న 30 ఏళ్ల వరకు తాగునీటి కోసం మాస్టర్ ప్లాన్ రూపొందించారని తెలిపారు. ధర్మం కోసం భగవత్ గీతను కూడా స్ఫూర్తిగా తీసుకున్నా అని సీఎం రేవంత్ నిన్న చెప్పారన్నారు. హెచ్‌ఎండీలో అధికారులు అవినీతికి పాల్పడుతున్నారని కోదండరెడ్డి వ్యాఖ్యలు చేశారు.

హైదరాబాద్ నగరంలో హైడ్రా కూల్చివేతలు ఆక్రమణదారుల గుండెల్లో దడపుట్టిస్తున్నాయి. వరసగా కూల్చివేతలు చేస్తూ అక్రమార్కుల గుండెల్లో హైడ్రా నిద్రపోతోంది. పేద, ధనిక, సినిమా స్టార్లు, రాజకీయ నేతలు ఇలా ఎవరినీ వదిలిపెట్టకుండా కబ్జాలకు అడ్డుకట్ట వేస్తోంది. ప్రభుత్వ స్థలాన్ని అంగులం ఆక్రమించిన తీవ్రంగా స్పందిస్తోంది. తాజాగా శేరిలింగంపల్లి మండలం రాయదుర్గంలో ప్రభుత్వ భూముల్లో వెలిసిన అక్రమ నిర్మాణాలను హైడ్రా అధికారులు కూల్చివేశారు. రాయదుర్గం సర్వే నంబర్ 3, 4, 5, 72లోని ప్రభుత్వ స్థలాల్లో అక్రమంగా కట్టిన భవనాలను కూల్చివేస్తున్నారు. అయితే తమకు ఎలాంటి నోటీసులు ఇవ్వకుండా చర్యలు చేపట్టారంటూ జీహెచ్ఎస్‌సీ టౌన్ ప్లానింగ్ అధికారులను స్థానికులు అడ్డుకున్నారు.తమ ఇళ్లను కూల్చవద్దంటూ ఆందోళనకు దిగారు. అధికారులతో స్థానికులు వాగ్వాదానికి దిగారు. దీంతో పరిస్థితి ఉద్రిక్తంగా మారింది. అధికారుల సమాచారం మేరకు ఘటనా స్థలానికి పోలీసులు భారీగా చేరుకున్నారు. పోలీసుల ఆధ్వర్యంలో కూల్చివేతల పర్వం సాగుతోంది.

केंद्र से क्यों नाराज हुए उपराष्ट्रपति जगदीप धनखड़, कहा- किया गया वादा क्यों नहीं निभाया?



किसान एक बार फिर सड़कों पर हैं। किसानों के विरोध प्रदर्शन को लेकर एक बार फिर सियासी पारा चढ़ता दिख रहा है। दरअसल, उपराष्ट्रपति जगदीप धनखड़ भी किसानों के समर्थन में आए। किसान आंदोलन को लेकर उन्होंने केंद्र सरकार पर निशाना साधा है। उन्होंने केंद्र सरकार से सवाल पूछा है। उन्होंने कहा, 'मुझे समझ में नहीं आ रहा है कि किसान से वार्ता क्यों नहीं हो रही है। हम किसान को पुरस्कृत करने की बजाय, उसका सही हक भी नहीं दे रहे हैं।'

मुंबई में एक कार्यक्रम में मंगलवार को जगदीप धनखड़ ने कहा कि जिनको गले लगाना है, उनको दुत्कारा नहीं जा सकता। मेरे कठोर शब्द हैं। कई बार गंभीर बीमारी के इलाज के लिए कड़वी दवाई पीनी पड़ती है। मैं किसान भाइयों से आह्वान करता हूं कि मेरी बात सुनें, समझें। आप अर्थव्यवस्था की धुरी हैं। राजनीति को प्रभावित करते हैं। भारत की विकास यात्रा के आप महत्वपूर्ण अंग हैं। सामाजिक समरसता की मिसाल हैं। बातचीत के लिए आपको भी आगे आना चाहिए। उन्होंने कहा कि क्या हम किसान और सरकार के बीच एक सीमा बना सकते हैं? मुझे समझ में नहीं आता कि किसानों के साथ कोई बातचीत क्यों नहीं हो रही है। मेरी चिंता यह है कि यह पहल अब तक क्यों नहीं हुई।

जगदीप धनखड के तीखे सवाल

उप राष्ट्रपति धनखड़ ने किसानों को लेकर केंद्रीय कृषि मंत्री शिवराज सिंह चौहान को भी निशाने पर लिया। उन्होंने कहा,'कृषि मंत्री जी एक एक पल आपका भारी है। मेरा आपसे आग्रह है, भारत के सिद्धांत के तहत दूसरे पद विराजमान व्यक्ति आपसे अनुरोध कर रहा है। कृप्या करके मुझे बताइए क्या किसान से वादा किया गया था और किया हुआ वादा क्यों नहीं निभाया गया।' जगदीप धनखड़ यहीं नहीं रुके, उन्होंने आगे कहा,'किसानों से किया गया वादा निभाने के लिए हम क्या कर रहे हैं। पिछले साल भी आंदोलन था और इस वर्ष भी आंदोलन है। काल चक्र घूम रहा है और हम कुछ कर नहीं रहे हैं।'

हमारी पॉलिसी मेकिंग सही ट्रैक पर नहीं है-धनखड़

उपराष्ट्रपति जगदीप धनखड़ ने कहा, 'ये समय मेरे लिए कष्टदायक है क्योंकि मैं राष्ट्रधर्म से ओतप्रोत हूं। पहली बार मैंने भारत को बदलते हुए देखा है। पहली बार मैं महसूस कर रहा हूं कि विकसित भारत हमारा सपना नहीं लक्ष्य है। दुनिया में भारत कभी इतनी बुलंदी पर नहीं था, दुनिया में हमारी साख पहले कभी इतनी नहीं थी, भारत का पीएम आज विश्व के शीर्ष नेताओं में गिना जाता है, जब ऐसा कोहरा है तो मेरा किसान परेशान क्यों है? ये बहुत गहराई का मुद्दा है। इसको हल्के में लेने का मतलब है कि हम प्रैक्टिकल नहीं हैं। हमारी पॉलिसी मेकिंग सही ट्रैक पर नहीं है। कौन हैं वो लोग जो किसानों को कहते हैं कि उसके उत्पाद का उचित मूल्य दे देंगे? मुझे समझ नहीं आता कि कोई पहाड़ गिरेगा। किसान अकेला है, जो असहाय है। '

कांग्रेस ने जताई खुशी

इस मामले पर कांग्रेस नेता जयराम रमेश ने खुशी जताई है, उन्होंने कहा कि जिन मामलों पर उपराष्ट्रपति ने सवाल किए हैं, यही मामले हमारी पार्टी और राहुल गांधी पिछले 5 सालों से उठा रहे हैं।कांग्रेस नेता जयराम रमेश ने कहा कि हम उपराष्ट्रपति का सम्मान करते हैं, उन्होंने आगे कहा कि वे राज्यसभा के संरक्षक और संविधान के रक्षक हैं। उन्होंने कृषि मंत्री से जो सवाल पूछा, कांग्रेस पार्टी भी पिछले 4-5 साल से वही सवाल प्रधानमंत्री से पूछ रही है। हम इसी बात पर चर्चा चाहते हैं, और हमने इसके लिए नोटिस भी दिया है, हमें खुशी है कि उपराष्ट्रपति ने ये सवाल पूछा है।

केंद्र से क्यों नाराज हुए उपराष्ट्रपति जगदीप धनखड़, कहा- किया गया वादा क्यों नहीं निभाया?


किसान एक बार फिर सड़कों पर हैं। किसानों के विरोध प्रदर्शन को लेकर एक बार फिर सियासी पारा चढ़ता दिख रहा है। दरअसल, उपराष्ट्रपति जगदीप धनखड़ भी किसानों के समर्थन में आए। किसान आंदोलन को लेकर उन्होंने केंद्र सरकार पर निशाना साधा है। उन्होंने केंद्र सरकार से सवाल पूछा है। उन्होंने कहा, 'मुझे समझ में नहीं आ रहा है कि किसान से वार्ता क्यों नहीं हो रही है। हम किसान को पुरस्कृत करने की बजाय, उसका सही हक भी नहीं दे रहे हैं।'

मुंबई में एक कार्यक्रम में मंगलवार को जगदीप धनखड़ ने कहा कि जिनको गले लगाना है, उनको दुत्कारा नहीं जा सकता। मेरे कठोर शब्द हैं। कई बार गंभीर बीमारी के इलाज के लिए कड़वी दवाई पीनी पड़ती है। मैं किसान भाइयों से आह्वान करता हूं कि मेरी बात सुनें, समझें। आप अर्थव्यवस्था की धुरी हैं। राजनीति को प्रभावित करते हैं। भारत की विकास यात्रा के आप महत्वपूर्ण अंग हैं। सामाजिक समरसता की मिसाल हैं। बातचीत के लिए आपको भी आगे आना चाहिए। उन्होंने कहा कि क्या हम किसान और सरकार के बीच एक सीमा बना सकते हैं? मुझे समझ में नहीं आता कि किसानों के साथ कोई बातचीत क्यों नहीं हो रही है। मेरी चिंता यह है कि यह पहल अब तक क्यों नहीं हुई।

जगदीप धनखड के तीखे सवाल

उप राष्ट्रपति धनखड़ ने किसानों को लेकर केंद्रीय कृषि मंत्री शिवराज सिंह चौहान को भी निशाने पर लिया। उन्होंने कहा,'कृषि मंत्री जी एक एक पल आपका भारी है। मेरा आपसे आग्रह है, भारत के सिद्धांत के तहत दूसरे पद विराजमान व्यक्ति आपसे अनुरोध कर रहा है। कृप्या करके मुझे बताइए क्या किसान से वादा किया गया था और किया हुआ वादा क्यों नहीं निभाया गया।' जगदीप धनखड़ यहीं नहीं रुके, उन्होंने आगे कहा,'किसानों से किया गया वादा निभाने के लिए हम क्या कर रहे हैं। पिछले साल भी आंदोलन था और इस वर्ष भी आंदोलन है। काल चक्र घूम रहा है और हम कुछ कर नहीं रहे हैं।'

हमारी पॉलिसी मेकिंग सही ट्रैक पर नहीं है-धनखड़

उपराष्ट्रपति जगदीप धनखड़ ने कहा, 'ये समय मेरे लिए कष्टदायक है क्योंकि मैं राष्ट्रधर्म से ओतप्रोत हूं। पहली बार मैंने भारत को बदलते हुए देखा है। पहली बार मैं महसूस कर रहा हूं कि विकसित भारत हमारा सपना नहीं लक्ष्य है। दुनिया में भारत कभी इतनी बुलंदी पर नहीं था, दुनिया में हमारी साख पहले कभी इतनी नहीं थी, भारत का पीएम आज विश्व के शीर्ष नेताओं में गिना जाता है, जब ऐसा कोहरा है तो मेरा किसान परेशान क्यों है? ये बहुत गहराई का मुद्दा है। इसको हल्के में लेने का मतलब है कि हम प्रैक्टिकल नहीं हैं। हमारी पॉलिसी मेकिंग सही ट्रैक पर नहीं है। कौन हैं वो लोग जो किसानों को कहते हैं कि उसके उत्पाद का उचित मूल्य दे देंगे? मुझे समझ नहीं आता कि कोई पहाड़ गिरेगा। किसान अकेला है, जो असहाय है। '

कांग्रेस ने जताई खुशी

इस मामले पर कांग्रेस नेता जयराम रमेश ने खुशी जताई है, उन्होंने कहा कि जिन मामलों पर उपराष्ट्रपति ने सवाल किए हैं, यही मामले हमारी पार्टी और राहुल गांधी पिछले 5 सालों से उठा रहे हैं।कांग्रेस नेता जयराम रमेश ने कहा कि हम उपराष्ट्रपति का सम्मान करते हैं, उन्होंने आगे कहा कि वे राज्यसभा के संरक्षक और संविधान के रक्षक हैं। उन्होंने कृषि मंत्री से जो सवाल पूछा, कांग्रेस पार्टी भी पिछले 4-5 साल से वही सवाल प्रधानमंत्री से पूछ रही है। हम इसी बात पर चर्चा चाहते हैं, और हमने इसके लिए नोटिस भी दिया है, हमें खुशी है कि उपराष्ट्रपति ने ये सवाल पूछा है।

CSC India and DevElet’s National Teaching Excellence Awards 2024: Celebrating India’s Distinguished Educators on National Education Day

In a fitting tribute on National Education Day,  the Council for Skills and Competencies (CSC India) and DevElet came together to host the National Teaching Excellence Awards 2024, celebrating outstanding educators who have had a transformative impact on India’s youth. This landmark event, organized in partnership with CSC India and DevElet, brought together luminaries from academia, industry leaders, and policymakers from across the nation, reinforcing the critical role of quality education in nation-building.

The ceremony was graced by Chief Guest Dr. G. Jaya Suma, Registrar and Professor at JNTU-GV, Vizianagaram, whose keynote address highlighted the indelible contributions of educators to society, paying homage to Maulana Abul Kalam Azad’s vision for an educated nation. Guest of Eminence Dr. R. Sujatha, Principal of Entrepreneur Education at the Wadhwani Entrepreneurship Network, offered insights on fostering entrepreneurial skills among students, while Guest of Honor Shri Krishna Chippalkatti, Joint Director and Chief Investigator in the IOT Group at C-DAC Bengaluru and FS Prime, emphasized the significance of integrating technology into education to prepare future-ready students.

The awards spanned multiple categories, recognizing excellence in areas such as Teaching, Leadership, Innovative Pedagogy, Curriculum Innovation, Research, and Professional Development. Recipients from various educational institutions nationwide were celebrated for their dedication to advancing educational standards and pioneering innovative teaching methods in alignment with India’s National Education Policy 2020.

Key Honorees:

Honorary Leadership for Academic Achievement:

  • Dr. VSK Reddy, Vice Chancellor, Malla Reddy University, Hyderabad – for his contributions to transformative education.
  • Dr. PHV Sesha Talpa Sai, Director - R&D, IQAC & Startups, Malla Reddy University, Hyderabad – for his exemplary academic leadership.
  • Dr. Srinivasa Rao, Principal, Malla Reddy College of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad – for his visionary leadership in education.

Best Researcher Award:

  • Dr. T. Kishore Kumar, Professor & Head, Centre for Training and Learning, National Institute of Technology, Warangal.
  • Dr. A.N. Sathyanarayana, former Group Head of the Antenna Maintenance Group at NRSC-ISRO and Professor at Sreenidhi Institute of Science & Technology, Hyderabad.
  • Dr. N. Balaji, Professor and Director of Legal & Government Affairs, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada.

Awards were also presented to distinguished faculty from prestigious institutions such as the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore; Srinivas University, Mangalore; CHRIST University, Bangalore; NIT Warangal; JNTU campuses in Kakinada and Anantapur; Sri Sri University, Cuttack; and numerous other esteemed institutions across the country.

Shared Vision and Commitment: The organizers, CSC India and DevElet, reiterated their shared commitment to bridging academia and industry. Known for pioneering digital learning and AI in education, DevElet has empowered thousands of students and professionals, while CSC India, a non-profit industry body, actively drives skill development and employment opportunities through strategic collaborations and initiatives.

The National Teaching Excellence Awards 2024 underscored CSC India and DevElet’s ongoing mission to support India’s educators, equipping students with the skills they need to thrive in a rapidly evolving world. In closing, Mr. Kishan Tiwari, CEO of DevElet LLP, and Mr. Y. Rammohan Rao, Senior Consultant at CSC India, expressed their heartfelt gratitude to all attendees, underscoring their dedication to recognizing and honoring excellence in education.

CSC India and DevElet’s National Teaching Excellence Awards 2024: Celebrating India’s Distinguished Educators on National Education Day

In a fitting tribute on National Education Day,  the Council for Skills and Competencies (CSC India) and DevElet came together to host the National Teaching Excellence Awards 2024, celebrating outstanding educators who have had a transformative impact on India’s youth. This landmark event, organized in partnership with CSC India and DevElet, brought together luminaries from academia, industry leaders, and policymakers from across the nation, reinforcing the critical role of quality education in nation-building.

The ceremony was graced by Chief Guest Dr. G. Jaya Suma, Registrar and Professor at JNTU-GV, Vizianagaram, whose keynote address highlighted the indelible contributions of educators to society, paying homage to Maulana Abul Kalam Azad’s vision for an educated nation. Guest of Eminence Dr. R. Sujatha, Principal of Entrepreneur Education at the Wadhwani Entrepreneurship Network, offered insights on fostering entrepreneurial skills among students, while Guest of Honor Shri Krishna Chippalkatti, Joint Director and Chief Investigator in the IOT Group at C-DAC Bengaluru and FS Prime, emphasized the significance of integrating technology into education to prepare future-ready students.

The awards spanned multiple categories, recognizing excellence in areas such as Teaching, Leadership, Innovative Pedagogy, Curriculum Innovation, Research, and Professional Development. Recipients from various educational institutions nationwide were celebrated for their dedication to advancing educational standards and pioneering innovative teaching methods in alignment with India’s National Education Policy 2020.

Key Honorees:

Honorary Leadership for Academic Achievement:

  • Dr. VSK Reddy, Vice Chancellor, Malla Reddy University, Hyderabad – for his contributions to transformative education.
  • Dr. PHV Sesha Talpa Sai, Director - R&D, IQAC & Startups, Malla Reddy University, Hyderabad – for his exemplary academic leadership.
  • Dr. Srinivasa Rao, Principal, Malla Reddy College of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad – for his visionary leadership in education.

Best Researcher Award:

  • Dr. T. Kishore Kumar, Professor & Head, Centre for Training and Learning, National Institute of Technology, Warangal.
  • Dr. A.N. Sathyanarayana, former Group Head of the Antenna Maintenance Group at NRSC-ISRO and Professor at Sreenidhi Institute of Science & Technology, Hyderabad.
  • Dr. N. Balaji, Professor and Director of Legal & Government Affairs, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada.

Awards were also presented to distinguished faculty from prestigious institutions such as the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore; Srinivas University, Mangalore; CHRIST University, Bangalore; NIT Warangal; JNTU campuses in Kakinada and Anantapur; Sri Sri University, Cuttack; and numerous other esteemed institutions across the country.

Shared Vision and Commitment: The organizers, CSC India and DevElet, reiterated their shared commitment to bridging academia and industry. Known for pioneering digital learning and AI in education, DevElet has empowered thousands of students and professionals, while CSC India, a non-profit industry body, actively drives skill development and employment opportunities through strategic collaborations and initiatives.

The National Teaching Excellence Awards 2024 underscored CSC India and DevElet’s ongoing mission to support India’s educators, equipping students with the skills they need to thrive in a rapidly evolving world. In closing, Mr. Kishan Tiwari, CEO of DevElet LLP, and Mr. Y. Rammohan Rao, Senior Consultant at CSC India, expressed their heartfelt gratitude to all attendees, underscoring their dedication to recognizing and honoring excellence in education.

*Mayor's Cup off to a colourful start at the Eden Gardens today*

Sports News

Khabar kolkata Sports Desk: The Mayor's Cup 2024-25, jointly organised by CAB & KMC in association with KKR, featuring students from 64 schools got off to a colourful start at the Eden Gardens on Tuesday, with CAB President Snehasish Ganguly sharing inspirational words and advice to all the participating teams in the tournament.

Also present for the inauguration was MMIC KMC Mr Debasish Kumar. Before the inaugural match, CAB President Ganguly felicitated Mr Kumar.

It was followed by CAB School Committee Chairman Sanjay Das felicitating CAB President Mr Ganguly. CAB Vice President Amalendu Biswas was felicitated by CAB School Committee member Koushik Mukherjee. CAB Hony Joint Secretary Debabrata Das was felicitated by CAB School Committee member Deep Chatterjee, while KKR representative Himanish Bhattacharjee was felicitated by CAB Medical Committee Chairman Pradip Kr Dey. The inauguration was well conducted by CAB Observers Committee Chairman Srimanta Kumar Mallick. Also present were Chairman of different CAB committees.

As all the captains of the participating teams stood with placards of their school names, the toss took place between St Johns Public School and Patha Bhavan. It was followed by the national anthem in front of the CAB Club House and special KKR merchandise caps were handed over to all the players. St Johns Public School won the toss and elected to bat.

Talking about the meet, Mr Ganguly said: "First of all, I would like to thank Mr Debasish Kumar for his presence here. I also thank KKR and KMC for their support. Through this tournament, I feel the next generation cricketers of India and Bengal will come forward."

"From this tournament, we had shortlisted a group of U-13 players who took part in a Vision camp. A lot of talents have come forward because of this tournament. I hope this year, too, this will be a success," Mr Ganguly added.

Mr. Kumar said, "At first, I would like to thank CAB for organizing a cricket tournament at the school level. I hope this tournament can produce more and more cricketers for the future. I also congratulate KKR for their support. I wish all the matches a success."

A total of 111 matches will be played in the tournament at different venues across the city. A total of 16 groups comprising 4 teams in each group will fight it out for the title. A total of 96 matches will be played in the group stage with 15 knockout matches.

The semifinals and final will be a two-day affair.

Pic Sanjay Hazra

*Mayor's Cup off to a colourful start at the Eden Gardens today*

Sports News 

 Khabar kolkata Sports Desk: The Mayor's Cup 2024-25, jointly organised by CAB & KMC in association with KKR, featuring students from 64 schools got off to a colourful start at the Eden Gardens on Tuesday, with CAB President Snehasish Ganguly sharing inspirational words and advice to all the participating teams in the tournament.

Also present for the inauguration was MMIC KMC Mr Debasish Kumar. Before the inaugural match, CAB President Ganguly felicitated Mr Kumar. 

It was followed by CAB School Committee Chairman Sanjay Das felicitating CAB President Mr Ganguly. CAB Vice President Amalendu Biswas was felicitated by CAB School Committee member Koushik Mukherjee. CAB Hony Joint Secretary Debabrata Das was felicitated by CAB School Committee member Deep Chatterjee, while KKR representative Himanish Bhattacharjee was felicitated by CAB Medical Committee Chairman Pradip Kr Dey. The inauguration was well conducted by CAB Observers Committee Chairman Srimanta Kumar Mallick. Also present were Chairman of different CAB committees. 

As all the captains of the participating teams stood with placards of their school names, the toss took place between St Johns Public School and Patha Bhavan. It was followed by the national anthem in front of the CAB Club House and special KKR merchandise caps were handed over to all the players. St Johns Public School won the toss and elected to bat. 

Talking about the meet, Mr Ganguly said: "First of all, I would like to thank Mr Debasish Kumar for his presence here. I also thank KKR and KMC for their support. Through this tournament, I feel the next generation cricketers of India and Bengal will come forward."

"From this tournament, we had shortlisted a group of U-13 players who took part in a Vision camp. A lot of talents have come forward because of this tournament. I hope this year, too, this will be a success," Mr Ganguly added.

Mr. Kumar said, "At first, I would like to thank CAB for organizing a cricket tournament at the school level. I hope this tournament can produce more and more cricketers for the future. I also congratulate KKR for their support. I wish all the matches a success."

A total of 111 matches will be played in the tournament at different venues across the city. A total of 16 groups comprising 4 teams in each group will fight it out for the title. A total of 96 matches will be played in the group stage with 15 knockout matches. 

The semifinals and final will be a two-day affair.

 Pic Sanjay Hazra

Easwaran, Abishek, Mukesh named in India A squad for Australia tour
*Sports News*

*Khabar kolkata News Desk:*  Bengal star opener Abhimanyu Easwaran, wicket-keeper batsman Abishek Porel and fast bowler Mukesh kumar has been named in the India A squad for the forthcoming Australia tour, it was announced by BCCI on Monday.

All eyes will be on in-form Easwaran, who has been rewarded for his consistent run, ahead of India’s Test series against Australia.

Easwaran, who is the vice-captain of India A, has been in superb form in the domestic circuit for the last couple of seasons. In this season, he scored two hundreds in the Duleep Trophy, another ton in the Irani Cup, and began the Ranji Trophy season with a century for Bengal.

On the other hand, it is an incredible opportunity for the young and talented Abishek to gather immense experience from the overseas tour. Mukesh will also aim to do well and make an impact in Australia.

India A are scheduled to take on Australia A in two first-class matches.  They then play against India squad in a warm-up match.

India A team,Ruturaj Gaikwad (C), Abhimanyu Easwaran (VC), Sai Sudharsan, Nitish Kumar Reddy, Devdutt Padikkal, Ricky Bhui, Baba Indrajith, Ishan Kishan (WK), Abishek Porel (WK), Mukesh Kumar, Khaleel Ahmed, Yash Dayal, Navdeep Saini, Manav Suthar, Tanush Kotian.

*Pic Courtesy by:CAB*
CAB felicitates Easwaran on 100th First-Class match achievement
*Sports News*

*Desk:* CAB on Friday felicitated Bengal star opener Abhimanyu Easwaran, commemorating his achievement of playing in 100th First-Class match.

CAB Hony Secretary Naresh Ojha, CAB Vice-President Amalendu Biswas, CAB Hony Treasurer Prabir Chakrabarty and CAB Hony Joint Secretary Debabrata Das felicitated Easwaran at the Bengal Cricket Academy in Kalyani.

Mr Ojha presented Easwaran with a silver plaque and congratulated the batsman for this incredible achievement. Mr Chakrabarty presented Easwaran with a shawl.

"We congratulate Abhimanyu for this incredible achievement. He has been in top form recently. We wish him best for the forthcoming matches. We hope he plays and brings success for India for a long time," Mr Ojha said.

Easwaran was thrilled on being felicitated by CAB. He said, "I thank CAB for honouring me on my 100th First-Class match. I will aim to keep performing for my team."

Srimanta Mallick, Chairman CAB Observer Committee, conducted the felicitation perfectly. Mr Mallick heaped praise on Easwaran for achieving the feat.

Bengal head coach Laxmi Ratan Shukla also congratulated Easwaran. The entire Bengal and Bihar team were present for the felicitation. All the players, support staff present applauded Easwaran's achievement. *Pic Courtesy by:CAB*
*Chandrahas to lead strong Bengal U-19 team in Vinoo Mankad Trophy knockouts*

Sports News

KKNB: Talented batsman Chandrahas Dash will lead a strong Bengal Under-19 team in the knockouts of the Vinoo Mankad Trophy.

Talented bowler Yudhajit Guha is the vice captain. Sourasish Lahiri is the chief coach of the team while Sanjib Sanyal is the coach.

Bengal is scheduled to take on Madhya Pradesh in the pre-quarterfinals of the Vinoo Mankad Trophy in Rajkot on Thursday. Bengal has made it to the Vinoo Mankad Trophy knockouts after 11 years.

Team squad,Chandrahas Dash (C), Yudhajit Guha (VC), Ankit Chatterjee, Agniswar Das, Abhiprai Biswas, Shoaib Ahmed Khan, Debangshu Pakhira, Raju R, Aditya Roy, Ganoranjan Kapat, Shivamm Bharati, Jeet Thakur, Vishal Bhati, Ashutosh Kumar, Irshad Alam, Sachin Yadav.

Pic Courtesy by:CAB

హైడ్రాపై ఎంఐఎం, బీఆర్‌ఎస్‌వి అడ్డగోలు విమర్శలు

రాష్ట్ర సర్కార్ హైడ్రాను ఏర్పాటు చేసి చెరువులు, కుంటలు, నాలాలు రక్షిస్తోందని కిసాన్ సెల్ జాతీయ ఉపాధ్యక్షుడు కోదండరెడ్డి అన్నారు. సోమవారం మీడియాతో మాట్లాడుతూ... దూరదృష్టితో హైడ్రాను ఏర్పాటు చేసిందన్నారు. రాజకీయాలకు అతీతంగా హైడ్రా పనిచేస్తుందని తెలిపారు. ప్రొటెక్షన్ ఆఫ్ లేక్స్ కమిటీ కూడా గతంలో వేసిందే అని చెప్పుకొచ్చారు.

తెలంగాణ సర్కార్ (Telangana Govt) హైడ్రాను (Hydra) ఏర్పాటు చేసి చెరువులు, కుంటలు, నాలాలు రక్షిస్తోందని కిసాన్ సెల్ జాతీయ ఉపాధ్యక్షుడు కోదండరెడ్డి ( Kisan Cell National Vice President Kodanda Reddy) అన్నారు. సోమవారం మీడియాతో మాట్లాడుతూ... దూరదృష్టితో హైడ్రాను ఏర్పాటు చేసిందన్నారు. రాజకీయాలకు అతీతంగా హైడ్రా పనిచేస్తుందని తెలిపారు. ప్రొటెక్షన్ ఆఫ్ లేక్స్ కమిటీ కూడా గతంలో వేసిందే అని చెప్పుకొచ్చారు. రాష్ట్ర విభజన కాకముంటే కాంగ్రెస్ సర్కార్ 2030 వరకు హెచ్‌ఎమ్‌డీఏ (HMDA) ద్వారా మాస్టర్ ప్లాన్ రూపొందించిందన్నారు.

తాగునీటి అవసరాల కోసం కూడా మాస్టర్ ప్లాన్‌లో లేక్స్ ప్రొటెక్షన్ చేయాలని నిర్ణయం తీసుకుందన్నారు. 2014 నుంచి అధికారంలో ఉన్న బీఆర్ఎస్ (BRS) అక్రమ నిర్మాణాలకు సపోర్ట్ చేసిందని ఆరోపించారు. హైడ్రా ఏర్పాటు చేసి ప్రజల మన్నన్నలు పొందుతున్న సీఎం రేవంత్‌పై (CM Revanth Reddy) ఎంఐఎం, బీఆర్ఎస్ నేతలు అడ్డగోలుగా విమర్శలు చేస్తున్నారని మండిపడ్డారు. సామాన్య ప్రజలు ఫుల్ సపోర్ట్ చేస్తున్నారన్నారు. ప్రజలు కూడా ర్యాలీ చేస్తున్నారన్నారు. హుస్సేన్ సాగర్ కాపాడుకోవాలని విజయభాస్కర్ రెడ్డి కాలంలో బుద్ధపూర్ణిమ ప్రాజెక్టు, నెక్లస్ రోడ్ ఏర్పాటైందన్నారు.

ప్రకృతిని కాపాడడానికి చెరువులు కాపాడాలన్నారు. హైదరాబాద్‌కు తాగునీటి అవసరాల కోసం కృష్ణ, గోదావరి నీటిని తీసుకొచ్చిందన్నారు. కాంగ్రెస్ సర్కారే రానున్న 30 ఏళ్ల వరకు తాగునీటి కోసం మాస్టర్ ప్లాన్ రూపొందించారని తెలిపారు. ధర్మం కోసం భగవత్ గీతను కూడా స్ఫూర్తిగా తీసుకున్నా అని సీఎం రేవంత్ నిన్న చెప్పారన్నారు. హెచ్‌ఎండీలో అధికారులు అవినీతికి పాల్పడుతున్నారని కోదండరెడ్డి వ్యాఖ్యలు చేశారు.

హైదరాబాద్ నగరంలో హైడ్రా కూల్చివేతలు ఆక్రమణదారుల గుండెల్లో దడపుట్టిస్తున్నాయి. వరసగా కూల్చివేతలు చేస్తూ అక్రమార్కుల గుండెల్లో హైడ్రా నిద్రపోతోంది. పేద, ధనిక, సినిమా స్టార్లు, రాజకీయ నేతలు ఇలా ఎవరినీ వదిలిపెట్టకుండా కబ్జాలకు అడ్డుకట్ట వేస్తోంది. ప్రభుత్వ స్థలాన్ని అంగులం ఆక్రమించిన తీవ్రంగా స్పందిస్తోంది. తాజాగా శేరిలింగంపల్లి మండలం రాయదుర్గంలో ప్రభుత్వ భూముల్లో వెలిసిన అక్రమ నిర్మాణాలను హైడ్రా అధికారులు కూల్చివేశారు. రాయదుర్గం సర్వే నంబర్ 3, 4, 5, 72లోని ప్రభుత్వ స్థలాల్లో అక్రమంగా కట్టిన భవనాలను కూల్చివేస్తున్నారు. అయితే తమకు ఎలాంటి నోటీసులు ఇవ్వకుండా చర్యలు చేపట్టారంటూ జీహెచ్ఎస్‌సీ టౌన్ ప్లానింగ్ అధికారులను స్థానికులు అడ్డుకున్నారు.తమ ఇళ్లను కూల్చవద్దంటూ ఆందోళనకు దిగారు. అధికారులతో స్థానికులు వాగ్వాదానికి దిగారు. దీంతో పరిస్థితి ఉద్రిక్తంగా మారింది. అధికారుల సమాచారం మేరకు ఘటనా స్థలానికి పోలీసులు భారీగా చేరుకున్నారు. పోలీసుల ఆధ్వర్యంలో కూల్చివేతల పర్వం సాగుతోంది.