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SCO सम्मेलन के पहले इमरान खान की पार्टी का विरोध खत्म, 9 साल बाद होगी किसी भारतीय विदेश मंत्री की पाकिस्तान यात्रा
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MEA: S. Jaishankarविदेश मंत्री एस जयशंकर शंघाई सहयोग संगठन (एससीओ) के सम्मेलन में भाग लेने के लिए मंगलवार, 15 अक्टूबर को पाकिस्तान पहुंचेंगे। यह दोनों पड़ोसी देशों के बीच संबंधों में जारी तनाव के बीच वर्षों में भारत की ओर से पहला उच्च स्तरीय दौरा होगा। पाकिस्तान की मुख्य विपक्षी पार्टी पाकिस्तान तहरीक-ए-इंसाफ ने मंगलवार को अपना विरोध वापस ले लिया, क्योंकि एससीओ के शासनाध्यक्षों की परिषद (सीएचजी) की 23वीं बैठक कड़ी सुरक्षा के बीच इस्लामाबाद में शुरू हो रही है। दो दिवसीय बैठक में अर्थव्यवस्था, व्यापार, पर्यावरण और सामाजिक-सांस्कृतिक संबंधों के क्षेत्रों में चल रहे सहयोग पर चर्चा की जाएगी और एससीओ के प्रदर्शन की समीक्षा की जाएगी। अक्टूबर 2023 में बिश्केक में आयोजित पिछली बैठक में पाकिस्तान ने 2023-24 के लिए एससीओ के भीतर दूसरे सबसे बड़े मंच एससीओ सीएचजी की घूर्णन अध्यक्षता संभाली।इस मामले से परिचित लोगों ने समाचार एजेंसी पीटीआई को बताया कि इस्लामाबाद पहुंचने के तुरंत बाद, एस जयशंकर एससीओ सदस्य देशों के प्रतिनिधियों के स्वागत के लिए पाकिस्तान के प्रधानमंत्री शहबाज शरीफ द्वारा आयोजित भोज में शामिल हो सकते हैं। दोनों पक्षों ने पहले ही एससीओ प्रमुखों के शिखर सम्मेलन के दौरान एस जयशंकर और उनके पाकिस्तानी समकक्ष इशाक डार के बीच किसी भी द्विपक्षीय वार्ता से इनकार कर दिया है। 9 वर्षों में भारत के विदेश मंत्री की पहली पाकिस्तान यात्रालगभग नौ वर्षों में यह पहली बार होगा जब भारत के विदेश मंत्री पाकिस्तान की यात्रा करेंगे, भले ही कश्मीर मुद्दे और पाकिस्तान से उत्पन्न सीमा पार आतंकवाद को लेकर दोनों पड़ोसियों के बीच संबंध ठंडे बने हुए हैं। पता चला है कि जयशंकर 24 घंटे से भी कम समय के लिए पाकिस्तान में रहेंगे। पाकिस्तान 15 और 16 अक्टूबर को एससीओ सीएचजी बैठक की मेजबानी कर रहा है। पाकिस्तान में विरोध प्रदर्शनअशांति का खतरा तब टल गया जब पाकिस्तान तहरीक-ए-इंसाफ ने कल रात इस्लामाबाद में अपना विरोध प्रदर्शन वापस लेने पर सहमति जताई, क्योंकि सरकार ने आश्वासन दिया था कि जेल में बंद उसके नेता 72 वर्षीय इमरान खान से मेडिकल टीम को मिलने की अनुमति दी जाएगी। इसने सरकार पर दबाव डालने के लिए विरोध प्रदर्शन की घोषणा की है, ताकि एससीओ शिखर सम्मेलन से पहले खान सहित रावलपिंडी की अदियाला जेल में कैदियों से सभी तरह की मुलाकातों पर रोक लगा दी जाए। एससीओ बैठक और भारत-पाकिस्तान के बीच ठंडे संबंधों से जुड़ी 10 बातें1. पाकिस्तान का दौरा करने वाली आखिरी भारतीय विदेश मंत्री सुषमा स्वराज थीं। वे दिसंबर 2015 में अफगानिस्तान पर एक सम्मेलन में भाग लेने के लिए इस्लामाबाद गई थीं।2. अगस्त में, पाकिस्तान ने प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी को एससीओ शिखर सम्मेलन में आमंत्रित किया था।3. जयशंकर की पाकिस्तान यात्रा महत्वपूर्ण है, क्योंकि इसे नई दिल्ली की ओर से एक महत्वपूर्ण निर्णय के रूप में देखा जा रहा है। 4. हाल ही में एक कार्यक्रम में अपने संबोधन में जयशंकर ने कहा, “किसी भी पड़ोसी की तरह, भारत निश्चित रूप से पाकिस्तान के साथ अच्छे संबंध रखना चाहेगा। लेकिन सीमा पार आतंकवाद को नजरअंदाज करके और इच्छाधारी सोच में लिप्त होकर ऐसा नहीं हो सकता।"5. वरिष्ठ मंत्री को भेजने के फैसले को एससीओ के प्रति भारत की प्रतिबद्धता के प्रदर्शन के रूप में देखा जा रहा है। 6. फरवरी 2019 में पुलवामा आतंकी हमले के जवाब में भारत के युद्धक विमानों द्वारा पाकिस्तान के बालाकोट में जैश-ए-मोहम्मद के आतंकवादी प्रशिक्षण शिविर पर बमबारी करने के बाद भारत और पाकिस्तान के बीच संबंध गंभीर तनाव में आ गए थे। 7. 5 अगस्त, 2019 को भारत द्वारा जम्मू और कश्मीर की विशेष शक्तियों को वापस लेने और राज्य को दो केंद्र शासित प्रदेशों में विभाजित करने की घोषणा के बाद संबंध और खराब हो गए।8. भारत द्वारा अनुच्छेद 370 को निरस्त करने के बाद पाकिस्तान ने भारत के साथ राजनयिक संबंधों को कम कर दिया। 9. भारत यह कहता रहा है कि वह पाकिस्तान के साथ सामान्य पड़ोसी संबंध चाहता है, जबकि वह इस बात पर भी जोर देता है कि इस तरह की भागीदारी के लिए आतंक और शत्रुता से मुक्त वातावरण बनाने की जिम्मेदारी इस्लामाबाद पर है। 10. पाकिस्तान के तत्कालीन विदेश मंत्री बिलावल भुट्टो जरदारी गोवा में एससीओ देशों के विदेश मंत्रियों की व्यक्तिगत बैठक में भाग लेने के लिए मई 2023 में भारत आए थे। यह लगभग 12 वर्षों में किसी पाकिस्तानी विदेश मंत्री की पहली भारत यात्रा थी।
Entrepreneurs, Influencers & Guests Enjoyed The Lalit Mumbai’s Dawat ae Zaiqa by Sabrina’s Kitchen, Videos Trend Online

Mumbai, 19th September 2024: In the heart of the bustling city, The Lalit Mumbai’s renowned Baluchi Restaurant is hosting the much-anticipated "Dawat ae Zaiqa," a Kashmiri food festival by Sabrina’s Kitchen, running until the 22nd of September. Combining the charm of traditional Kashmiri flavors with modern hospitality, the event is fast becoming a culinary landmark for food lovers. Guests are welcomed with the signature Kashmiri Kahwa, setting the tone for an evening of rich, aromatic delights.

The evening was graced by Dr. Rocky Kalra, member of the Strategic Management Committee, and Mr. Gaurav Mishra, GM of Corporate Marketing and Communications. Their presence added a layer of prestige to the event, further underlining the group’s commitment to excellence.  

Among other esteemed guests were Mewati Sitaram Ji (Award-winning Journalist), The Renowned Founders of FBAI Saloni Malkani ji & Sameer Malkani ji, Tedx Speaker Extremely Talented Chef Suvir Saran ji, Rajveer Singh (Brand Enhancement and Content Creator) along with other prominent Content creators like Munawar Karbelkar, Irfan Shaukat and Dhruv Mehta also attended and unanimously praised Baluchi as one of Mumbai's finest dining experiences. These esteemed guests engaged in exclusive conversations with Chef Sabrina, the culinary artist behind the event, Dr Rocky Kalra and Mr Gaurav Mishra.

One guest from Mauritius remarked, "Dawat ae Zaiqa is more than just a meal; it's an experience woven with flavors, nostalgia, and stories. Sharing this table with entrepreneurs and influencers brought even more depth to the evening."

Chef Sabrina, who has been passionately curating Kashmiri dishes since 2013, is known for her fine-casual approach, blending authenticity with a modern twist. Each dish, from the succulent Mutton Rogan Josh, to the flavorful Dum Aloo, spoke of Kashmir’s rich heritage. The night also offered delightful Kashmiri Pulav, creamy kesar phirni, and a vibrant array of curries, each plate a tribute to Kashmir’s culinary soul.

Capturing every moment was photographer Roshan Kamble from RK Photography, beautifully documenting the warmth and elegance of the evening.

The culinary journey concluded with a spread of desserts and beverages, leaving guests in awe of the experience. Baluchi’s staff, dressed in Kashmiri attire, added a touch of authenticity to the impeccable service, which was a talking point among all attendees.

With over four decades of hospitality excellence, The Lalit Suri Hospitality Group continues to impress with its luxurious service, and this festival is no exception. To reserve your spot at this feast of flavors, call +91 99876 03127 or visit www.thelalit.com.

For media inquiries and coverage, on this platform contact +917710030004

From Taj Lands End to Every Feed: Influence Exchange Confex and Awards Becomes the Viral Talk of the Town with Grand Success Stories

Mumbai, 12th July: The Influence Exchange Confex and Awards, held at the prestigious Taj Lands End in Bandra West, Mumbai, emerged as a monumental success, leaving a lasting impression on all attendees. The event became the talk of the town as prominent content creators and marketers gathered to celebrate excellence and innovation in the digital realm. Watch complete pics and videos on Instagram src="https://streetbuzz.co.in/newsapp/storage/attachments/1/669560b9ee2c1.png">

The Influence Exchange Confex and Awards Series is renowned for offering a platform where thought leaders can share knowledge, exchange ideas, and explore emerging trends in marketing and influencer engagement. This year's event brought together industry leaders, influencers, marketers, and professionals from diverse sectors, all under one roof.

The evening was graced by the presence of Manisha Kapoor, CEO and SG of The Advertising Standards Council of India, who served as the chief guest. Her insights and wisdom set the tone for a night of celebration and recognition.

The highlight of the evening was the awards ceremony, where the following content creators were honored for their outstanding contributions in various categories:

- Best Marketing & Hospitality Influencer of the Year: Rajveer Singh

- Best Financial Influencer Award: Shreya Jaiswal

- Best Health & Wellbeing Influencer of the Year: Bhavna Harchandrai

- Food/Culinary Influencer of the Year: Parul Gupta

- Educational Content Creator of the Year: Shrreya Siddharth Shah

- Mom Influencer of the Year: Priya Ahuja Rajda

- Entertainment Maven of the Year: Maera Mishra

- Best Art & Photography Influencer: Nishad Naik

- Gaming Influencer of the Year: Nitesh Meena

- Social Media Engagement Champion: Prerna Panda

- Creative Visual Content Creator: Saurav Haldar

- Mega/Celeb-Influencer of the Year: Siddharth Nigam

- Macro-Influencer of the Year: Kajal Jadhav

- Micro-Influencer of the Year: Nikita Pawar

- Nano Influencer of the Year: Aarti Dharampuriya

- Best Fashion and Style Influencer of the Year: Vivek Keshari

- Best Travel Influencer of the Year: Aavi Vadekar

- Best Beauty Influencer of the Year: Hitika Sachdev

- Most Promising Influencer of the Year: Irfan Shaukat

- Blogger of the Year: Ankita Chamria

- Youtuber of the Year: Raju Bharti

Recognizing Marketing Excellence : In addition to content creators, the event also celebrated the achievements of top brands and marketers:

- Marketing Leader of the Year: Sonia Paul, Cluster Director of Marketing, Hyatt Hotels

- Branding Leader of the Year: Lakhbir Singh, Brand Head, Kewal Kiran Clothing Limited

- Digital Marketeer of the Year: Dhruvi Jamda, Head of Digital Marketing & Sales, Everest Industries Limited

- Influencer Marketeer of the Year: Dhwani Shah, Influencer Marketing Manager, Newme

- Social Media Marketeer of the Year: Shivita Sharma, Founding Member, Lead Marketing, NEWME

- Data-Driven Marketer of the Year: Alok Arya, Chief Marketing Officer, Equentis Wealth Advisory Limited

- Brand Activation Strategist of the Year: Himanshu Badlia, Retail Marketing Head, Shoppers Stop Ltd

- Customer Experience Advocate: Suraj Shetty, Head Customer Experience, Learning & Development, Kissht

- Digital Transformation Leader of the Year: Taher Framewala, DGM E-commerce & Digital Transformation Head, Tata Motors

- PR and Communication Strategist of the Year: Suruchi Kore, Head of Digital and Social Strategies, Bajaj Group

Rajveer Singh, an ace journalist and prominent content creator, engaged in insightful conversations with the top content creators and marketers. The event was further enriched by speeches from influential personalities such as Simran Dhanwani, Lakshmi Balasubramanian (CEO of Greenroom), Shraddha More (The Face Shop India Official), Sohil Sarkazi (Meril Life Science), Kanisha Malhotra, Masumi Mewawalla (Founder of Masumi Mewawalla & Emblaze), Khushnaz Ashdin Turner, Ankesh Kumar (Director - Schneider Electric), Pooja Shetty (IMEA, The Lubrizol Corporation), Neha Plasterwala (Lockton India), Irfan Siddique, Sagar Kari, Naina Ahluwalia, Abhinandan Singh, Udita Shroff (Cathay Pacific Airways Limited), Ankita Singh, Anveshi Jain, and Suruchi Kore (Bajaj Group).

The Influence Exchange Confex and Awards was brilliantly orchestrated by Mohamed Suhel, CEO of Influence Exchange Group. His extensive experience in B2B conferences, strategic partnerships, sponsorships, and full-cycle event production ensured the event's flawless execution. Suhel's leadership was widely appreciated by attendees and sponsors alike.

The event's prime sponsors, Greenroom and SocioGenee, played a crucial role in its success. Greenroom is a content and influencer marketing agency based in Bangalore and Mumbai, while SocioGenee is a platform providing transparency and business growth opportunities for influencers.

Many won the awards but the star of the event was the charismatic anchor Bhavana Bhatia, an award winning global emcee rocking the stage for over 14 years hosting landmark events.

The Influence Exchange Confex and Awards has set a new benchmark for excellence in the industry. As attendees left with hearts full of inspiration and gratitude, they eagerly anticipated the next edition of this landmark event.

For news coverage inquiries, please contact 7710030004 or dm on insta

"Navi Mumbai's Culinary Gem: Shikara Restaurant Garners High Praise for Its Exquisite Food and Exceptional Service from Renowned Influencers."

Mumbai, June 28, 2024 - Shikara Restaurant, positioned in the vibrant locality of Sanpada, Vashi-Turbhe, has solidified its position as the leading epicurean sanctuary for North Indian cuisine in Navi Mumbai. 

In an exclusive conversation with Rajveer Singh, well-known bloggers including Shreya Sneh, Irfan Shaukat, Roshan Kamble and a cohort of influential individuals from the thriving entrepreneurial scene in Navi Mumbai, recounted their extraordinary experiences at Shikara Restaurant. These influential voices expressed their profound satisfaction with the monsoon-inspired menu, extolling the establishment's unwavering commitment to authenticity and use of premium ingredients. With unanimous accord, these discerning gourmands attested that Shikara Restaurant stands as a culinary gem, captivating patrons with the tantalizing fusion of North Indian and Chinese culinary traditions.

Shikara Restaurant has garnered widespread acclaim for its enticing selection of North Indian and Chinese culinary treasures, seamlessly integrated with an opulent ambiance that offers a lavish dining experience at accessible prices. Upon entering Shikara Restaurant, guests are enveloped in an atmosphere of sophistication and warmth, instantly transported to the cultural grandeur of Kashmir. The interior, adorned with intricately carved wooden furnishings, live melodic tunes, and captivating artwork, weaves an immersive and visually captivating tapestry for patrons to dine amidst.

The heart of Shikara Restaurant's acclaim resides in its meticulously crafted monsoon menu, thoughtfully designed to showcase the diverse flavors and distinctive spices synonymous with North Indian cuisine. Guided by the culinary expertise of Mr. Ashok Mehra and Mr. Vishal Mehra, the menu at Shikara Restaurant offers an extensive range of delectable choices catering to both vegetarian and non-vegetarian preferences.

Connoisseurs of succulent delights can revel in mouthwatering starters, including exquisite seekh kebabs, flavorful paneer tikka, and tender chicken kebabs marinated in fragrant spices. Vegetarian enthusiasts can indulge in options such as paneer tikka and veg crispy, skillfully crafted to gratify even the most discerning palates.

For the main course, Shikara Restaurant takes immense pride in presenting its signature creations. Meat enthusiasts can savor the impeccably prepared Rogan Josh, a timeless lamb curry infused with an authentic blend of Kashmiri spices. On the other hand, vegetarians can delight in the exquisite Dum Aloo, featuring baby potatoes bathed in a creamy tomato-based gravy, intricately seasoned with Kashmiri spices.

A pinnacle of the menu is the tandoori platter, a splendid medley of India's culinary treasures, encompassing fragrant biryanis, succulent meat curries, and aromatic saffron-infused rice. This grand assemblage pays homage to the rich flavors and time-honored traditions of North Indian cuisine, whisking diners away on a delightful gastronomic journey.

To complement the lavish feast, Shikara Restaurant offers a meticulously curated selection of beverages, allowing patrons to select the perfect accompaniment to their culinary voyage. Additionally, the restaurant presents an array of delectable desserts, including the iconic Phirni, a velvety rice pudding, and the indulgent gulab jamun with rabdi, providing a gratifying conclusion to the culinary odyssey.

The attentive and affable staff at Shikara Restaurant ensure that each visit becomes a memorable experience, offering impeccable service and tailored recommendations to enhance the overall dining journey.

The information contained in this news piece is derived from insights shared by distinguished bloggers in Mumbai and enterprising entrepreneurs during their discussion with Rajveer Singh (RV). For comprehensive news coverage, inquiries can be directed to +917710030004.

सपा विधायक इरफान सोलंकी को 7 साल की सजा, बांग्लादेशियों को अवैध तरीके से बसाने का भी लग चुका है आरोप
उत्तर प्रदेश के कानपुर से समाजवादी पार्टी के विधायक इरफान सोलंकी को एमपी-एमएलए कोर्ट ने सात साल की सुनाई है। इरफान को एक महिला का घर जलाने और उसके बेटे को पीटने का दोषी पाया है। इस सजा के बाद अब इरफान की विधायकी भी जा सकती है।सीसामऊ सीट से लगातार चार बार के विधायक इरफान इस समय महाराजगंज जेल में बंद है।इरफान के भाई रिजवान को भी 7 साल की सजा सुनाई गई है।

कोर्ट ने जाजमऊ आगजनी केस में सपा विधायक इरफान सोलंकी समेत 5 आरोपियों को तीन जून को दोषी करार दिया था। विधायक इरफान उनके भाई रिजवान सोलंकी, शौकत पहलवान, इसराइल आटे वाला और मोहम्मद शरीफ को एमपीएमएल कोर्ट ने दोषी करार दिया था। विधायक समेत कुल 12 लोग अभियुक्त बनाए गए थे। महिला ने सभी पर अपना घर जलाने का आरोप लगाया था। नजीर फातिमा की ओर से 8 नवंबर 2022 को जाजमऊ थाने में मुकदमा दर्ज कराया गया था।

महिला के आरोपों पर और शिकायत पर पुलिस ने 8 नवंबर को एफआईआर दर्ज की। इसमें आईपीसी की धारा 436, 120बी के अलावा अन्य धाराओं में इरफान व अन्य के खिलाफ कार्रवाई हुई थी। जांच के बाद पुलिस ने इरफान, रिजवान, शरीफ, शौकत और इजरायल के खिलाफ चार्जशीट दाखिल की थी। अभियोजन पक्ष की तरफ से 18 गवाह पेश किए गए। बचाव पक्ष ने 3 गवाह पेश किए थे।

इरफान सोलंकी पर को 7 साल की सजा सुनाई गई है, ऐसे में उनकी विधायकी जाना तय है, बस औपचारिक ऐलान होना बाकी है। अब इरफान 6 साल तक चुनाव भी नहीं लड़ सकेंगे। आजम खान और उनके बेटे की तरह इरफान सोलंकी की भी विधानसभा सदस्यता रद्द होना तय है। ऐसे में कानपुर की सीसामऊ विधानसभा में उपचुनाव होने की भी संभावना से इनकार नहीं किया जा सकता।
"Mitikka's Majestic Debut: 'KANAF to KASHI' Collection Dazzles at Bombay Times Fashion Week Mumbai!"

The Bombay Times Fashion Week 2024 witnessed an electrifying debut as Mitikka, the epitome of elegance, unveiled its latest collection, 'KANAF to KASHI.' Rajveer Singh, esteemed journalist and creative content creator, mingled with designers, attendees, and the showstopper, adding his signature flair to the event.

Radiating with the vibrant essence of Hibiscus and the timeless allure of Benaras craftsmanship, Mitikka's collection captivated the audience's hearts. Bollywood celebrities and industry luminaries graced the runway, showering accolades on the exquisite designs and impeccable craftsmanship.

Showcasing a harmonious blend of tradition and modernity, Mitikka's 'KANAF to KASHI' collection left an indelible mark on the fashion landscape. The presence of Malikka Singhania, the showstopper, added a touch of glamour and sophistication to the event, embodying Mitikka's ethos with grace.

Among the distinguished guests were Harkaran Singh Sethi, GM of Radisson Blu Mumbai International Airport, Archana Singh - founder of Vino De Bella winery. Rakeysh Madhur - COO of Sharaf DG, Rushad Dastur - Ashtaguru, Saloni Malkani - Founder of the FBAI, Sameer Malkani - Director of the FBAI, Irfan Shaukat - Winner Emerging Travel Influencer 2023, Chef Bilkis Khan, And many more prominent personalities from various industries. Their presence underscored the event's significance as a melting pot of creativity and talent.

Mitikka's successful debut sets the stage for a promising journey ahead, with plans to expand its presence on both national and international platforms. As the fashion world eagerly anticipates Mitikka's future endeavors, the Bombay Times Fashion Week 2024 stands as a testament to the brand's unwavering commitment to innovation and excellence.

For media inquiries and coverage, please contact Rajveer Singh at 7710030004.

"Fashion Extravaganza: Mitikka's 'KANAF to KASHI' Collection Shines Bright in Mumbai Debut!"

The Bombay Times Fashion Week 2024 witnessed an electrifying debut as Mitikka, the epitome of elegance, unveiled its latest collection, 'KANAF to KASHI.' Rajveer Singh, esteemed journalist and creative content creator, mingled with designers, attendees, and the showstopper, adding his signature flair to the event.

Radiating with the vibrant essence of Hibiscus and the timeless allure of Benaras craftsmanship, Mitikka's collection captivated the audience's hearts. Bollywood celebrities and industry luminaries graced the runway, showering accolades on the exquisite designs and impeccable craftsmanship.

Showcasing a harmonious blend of tradition and modernity, Mitikka's 'KANAF to KASHI' collection left an indelible mark on the fashion landscape. The presence of Malikka Singhania, the showstopper, added a touch of glamour and sophistication to the event, embodying Mitikka's ethos with grace.

Among the distinguished guests were Harkaran Singh Sethi, GM of Radisson Blu Mumbai International Airport, Archana Singh - founder of Vino De Bella winery. Rakeysh Madhur - COO of Sharaf DG, Rushad Dastur - Ashtaguru, Saloni Kukreja - Founder of the FBAI, Sameer Malkani - Director of the FBAI, Irfan Shaukat - Winner Emerging Travel Influencer 2023, Chef Bilkis Khan, And many more prominent personalities from various industries. Their presence underscored the event's significance as a melting pot of creativity and talent.

Mitikka's successful debut sets the stage for a promising journey ahead, with plans to expand its presence on both national and international platforms. As the fashion world eagerly anticipates Mitikka's future endeavors, the Bombay Times Fashion Week 2024 stands as a testament to the brand's unwavering commitment to innovation and excellence.

For media inquiries and coverage, please contact Rajveer Singh at 7710030004.

"Rajveer Singh's Epic Culinary Extravaganza: GIBF With AAMSUTRA Lights Up Banjara Restaurant at Goldfinch Hotel Mumbai!"

Mumbai, 23rd April: The Goldfinch Hotel Mumbai's MIDC, Andheri East, shimmered with the glow of a star-studded evening as it played host to the Great Indian Buffet Festival with AAMSUTRA. The event, held at the Banjara Restaurant within the luxurious confines of the hotel, was a celebration of culinary excellence, creative energy, and entrepreneurial spirit.

The soirée attracted a constellation of luminaries from various fields, including entrepreneurs, celebrities, and prominent influencers, who added an unparalleled charm to the festivities. Among the esteemed guests was ace journalist and prominent influencer Rajveer Singh, whose presence elevated the event to new heights.

Preetie Joshi, renowned hospitality wizard, graced the occasion with her enchanting presence, while Harmeet Singh Gupta, director of U and I Entertainments, showcased his entrepreneurial prowess. Legal advice expert Advocate Amit Sharma added a touch of wisdom to the gathering, alongside a lineup of esteemed guests including Shubam Pancheshwar, CEO of Happen Recently Media, Vibha Narshana, CEO of Partra Events, Juveria Nusrat, CEO of Mistique Events, and Ace Photographer Roshan Kamble. Additionally, the event was attended by Irfan Shaukat, Tasneem Shaikh, Rajdev Singh, Chef Juliano Rodrigues, Nitika Gupta, Randeep Gujral, Priyanka Ajgaonkar, Ayesha Mohta, Neha Sanghavi, Guneet Sharma, Sonny Kaur, Roopam Lakhanpal, Kashifah Shaikh, Monish Talwar, Amar Kotekar, and many more celebrity influencers and entrepreneurs.

The evening unfolded with a sumptuous feast at the "GIBF with AAMSUTRA," featuring over 100 dishes curated by Executive Chef Mr. Sushant Biswas. From vibrant live counters to delectable mango desserts, each dish showcased the rich heritage of Indian cuisine with passion and finesse.

Guests were treated to live music and the excitement of watching an IPL match on screen, creating an atmosphere of celebration and camaraderie. The impeccable service of the Goldfinch Hotel team, led by Restaurant Manager Mr. Vijay Gupta, ensured that every moment was filled with warmth and hospitality.

Insightful conversations flourished between journalists, influencers, and the esteemed GM Mr. Subhadeep Dutta and F&B Manager Mr. Shailesh Salunkhe, fostering a sense of community and connection.

As the night concluded, guests departed with hearts full of gratitude, eagerly anticipating the next unforgettable celebration at Banjara Restaurant, Goldfinch Hotel Mumbai.

For media inquiries and coverage, please contact 7710030004.

UTSAV Exhibition MMRDA BKC: A Glorious Start with 15,000+ Visitors, Prominent Influencers, and Leading Brands Stealing the Show

Mumbai, 26th April, 2024: UTSAV, MEGA INTERNATIONAL TRADE FAIR & INTERIOR & FURNITURE EXPO at MMRDA Ground, Next to JSW Tower, Near Asian Heart Hospital, BKC Mumbai, has captivated audiences with its grandeur and vast array of premium brands. Organized by Expo India Exhibition Pvt Ltd, a stalwart in the exhibition industry for over 28 years, the event has become the epicenter of the International Furniture, Home Decor & Consumer Exhibition, boasting an extensive range of products from kitchenware and appliances to lifestyle, fashion, and health products.

The exhibition, which started on April 26th and will conclude on May 1st, 2024, has garnered widespread attention and praise.

Rajveer Singh, an ace journalist and renowned Influencer immersed himself in the exhibition, engaging with exhibitors and organizers to gain insights into the showcased brands and the overall event experience. To add to his excitement he met many reel life stars enjoying the real life Utsav Exhibition.Among Prominent Creative Content Creators were 4ever, &

Among the prestigious exhibitors were renowned brands such as Cambay Agates, IFB, Rajasthan Hastakala, D'Sunnar Jewellery, Afghan Dryfruits, Being You Cosmetics, Guruji Sharbat, Sunpure Riso Oil and Govind Milk products. These esteemed brands showcased their finest offerings, drawing in crowds with their quality and innovation.

Rajveer's interactions with Expo India Exhibition Pvt Ltd representatives Kruti Galia, Bini Prajapati, Hiten Prajapati and Altaf Shaikh revealed their gratitude to visitors and exhibitors for making the exhibition a resounding success. With over 15,000 footfall on the opening day itself, the event witnessed families flocking in for a delightful shopping experience.

During his visit, Rajveer had the opportunity to interact with premium brands like D'Sunnar Jewels, renowned for their intricate masterpiece in Meenakari, real pearl, vintage, and Italian jewellery.

Being You-Always, led by Director Mr. Anirudhh Rajput, showcased herbal and plant-based products for skin and hair care, emphasizing holistic well-being.

IFB Home Appliances showcased features prioritizing health and hygiene, including the distinction of being the first Indian brand to produce only inverter air conditioners.

A wide variety of Furniture & Home Decor is indeed amazing and at a very affordable price.

As UTSAV begins with its week of exclusive and exciting offers and tempts you to visit the exhibition for purchasing unique products, attendees are encouraged to visit and experience the excellence showcased by premium brands. With a diverse range of products catering to various lifestyle needs, the exhibition promises an unparalleled shopping experience for all.

For those who missed out, mark your calendar for the upcoming days for UTSAV, MEGA INTERNATIONAL TRADE FAIR and immerse yourself in a world of shopping luxury, innovation, and quality craftsmanship.


For media coverage and news call RV +917710030004

A Night to Cherish: Goldfinch Hotel's Banjara Restaurant Hosts a Memorable Birthday Bash for Influencer Rajveer Singh

Mumbai, 23rd April: The glittering city of Mumbai shimmered even brighter as the Goldfinch played host to an evening of unparalleled grandeur. Banjara Restaurant, within the lavish confines of the hotel, set the stage for a spectacular celebration in honor of the esteemed influencer, Rajveer Singh.

Amidst the radiant ambiance of Goldfinch Hotel Mumbai's MIDC, Andheri East locale, a constellation of luminaries converged to partake in this momentous occasion. Entrepreneurs, celebrities, prominent influencers, and esteemed creative personalities alike graced the event with their presence, adding a touch of glamour, sophistication, and creativity to the festivities.

In attendance were celebrated enchanting lady none other than hospitality wizard Preetie Joshi joining her was the notable entrepreneur Harmeet Singh Gupta, director of U and I Entertainments, lent his entrepreneurial prowess to the soirée, while legal advice expert Advocate Amit Sharma added a touch of wisdom to the gathering. Among other esteemed guests were Shubam Pancheshwar CEO of happen recently media, Vibha Narshana CEO Partra events, Juveria Nusrat CEO Mistique Events, Ace Photographer Roshan Kamble. The list of esteemed guest had some very creative and Prominent Influencers like Irfan Shaukat, Tasneem Shaikh, Rajdev Singh, Chef Juliano Rodrigues, Nitika Gupta, Randeep Gujral, Priyanka Ajgaonkar, Ayesha Mohta, Neha Sanghavi, Guneet Sharma, Sonny Kaur, Roopam Lakhanpal, Kashifah Shaikh, and many more celebrity influencers.

This birthday celebration couldn't be complete without the presence of Mumbai's very popular & esteemed creative influencers who took the party and social media by storm and elevated the evening to new heights in real and reel world.

The evening unfolded in a tapestry of culinary delights, as guests enjoyed the Great Indian Buffet Festival with more than 100 dishes, aptly named "GIBF with AAMSUTRA." Under the culinary wizardry of Executive Chef Mr. Sushant Biswas, guests embarked on a gastronomic journey through the diverse flavors of India's rich heritage. From sumptuous live counters to tantalizing mango desserts, each dish was a masterpiece crafted with passion and finesse.

As guests were treated to the thrill of experiencing party vibes with the live music and watching IPL match live on screen, adding an extra layer of excitement to the festivities. The impeccable service of the Goldfinch Hotel team, led by Restaurant Manager Mr. Vijay Gupta, ensured that every moment was infused with warmth and hospitality.

Amidst laughter and camaraderie, insightful conversations flourished between journalists, influencers, and the esteemed GM Mr. Subhadeep Dutta and F&B Manager Mr. Shailesh Salunkhe, further enriching the sense of community and connection.

As the night drew to a close, guests bid farewell with hearts full of gratitude and anticipation for the next unforgettable celebration at Banjara Restaurant, Goldfinch Hotel Mumbai.

For media inquiries and coverage, please contact 7710030004.

SCO सम्मेलन के पहले इमरान खान की पार्टी का विरोध खत्म, 9 साल बाद होगी किसी भारतीय विदेश मंत्री की पाकिस्तान यात्रा
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MEA: S. Jaishankarविदेश मंत्री एस जयशंकर शंघाई सहयोग संगठन (एससीओ) के सम्मेलन में भाग लेने के लिए मंगलवार, 15 अक्टूबर को पाकिस्तान पहुंचेंगे। यह दोनों पड़ोसी देशों के बीच संबंधों में जारी तनाव के बीच वर्षों में भारत की ओर से पहला उच्च स्तरीय दौरा होगा। पाकिस्तान की मुख्य विपक्षी पार्टी पाकिस्तान तहरीक-ए-इंसाफ ने मंगलवार को अपना विरोध वापस ले लिया, क्योंकि एससीओ के शासनाध्यक्षों की परिषद (सीएचजी) की 23वीं बैठक कड़ी सुरक्षा के बीच इस्लामाबाद में शुरू हो रही है। दो दिवसीय बैठक में अर्थव्यवस्था, व्यापार, पर्यावरण और सामाजिक-सांस्कृतिक संबंधों के क्षेत्रों में चल रहे सहयोग पर चर्चा की जाएगी और एससीओ के प्रदर्शन की समीक्षा की जाएगी। अक्टूबर 2023 में बिश्केक में आयोजित पिछली बैठक में पाकिस्तान ने 2023-24 के लिए एससीओ के भीतर दूसरे सबसे बड़े मंच एससीओ सीएचजी की घूर्णन अध्यक्षता संभाली।इस मामले से परिचित लोगों ने समाचार एजेंसी पीटीआई को बताया कि इस्लामाबाद पहुंचने के तुरंत बाद, एस जयशंकर एससीओ सदस्य देशों के प्रतिनिधियों के स्वागत के लिए पाकिस्तान के प्रधानमंत्री शहबाज शरीफ द्वारा आयोजित भोज में शामिल हो सकते हैं। दोनों पक्षों ने पहले ही एससीओ प्रमुखों के शिखर सम्मेलन के दौरान एस जयशंकर और उनके पाकिस्तानी समकक्ष इशाक डार के बीच किसी भी द्विपक्षीय वार्ता से इनकार कर दिया है। 9 वर्षों में भारत के विदेश मंत्री की पहली पाकिस्तान यात्रालगभग नौ वर्षों में यह पहली बार होगा जब भारत के विदेश मंत्री पाकिस्तान की यात्रा करेंगे, भले ही कश्मीर मुद्दे और पाकिस्तान से उत्पन्न सीमा पार आतंकवाद को लेकर दोनों पड़ोसियों के बीच संबंध ठंडे बने हुए हैं। पता चला है कि जयशंकर 24 घंटे से भी कम समय के लिए पाकिस्तान में रहेंगे। पाकिस्तान 15 और 16 अक्टूबर को एससीओ सीएचजी बैठक की मेजबानी कर रहा है। पाकिस्तान में विरोध प्रदर्शनअशांति का खतरा तब टल गया जब पाकिस्तान तहरीक-ए-इंसाफ ने कल रात इस्लामाबाद में अपना विरोध प्रदर्शन वापस लेने पर सहमति जताई, क्योंकि सरकार ने आश्वासन दिया था कि जेल में बंद उसके नेता 72 वर्षीय इमरान खान से मेडिकल टीम को मिलने की अनुमति दी जाएगी। इसने सरकार पर दबाव डालने के लिए विरोध प्रदर्शन की घोषणा की है, ताकि एससीओ शिखर सम्मेलन से पहले खान सहित रावलपिंडी की अदियाला जेल में कैदियों से सभी तरह की मुलाकातों पर रोक लगा दी जाए। एससीओ बैठक और भारत-पाकिस्तान के बीच ठंडे संबंधों से जुड़ी 10 बातें1. पाकिस्तान का दौरा करने वाली आखिरी भारतीय विदेश मंत्री सुषमा स्वराज थीं। वे दिसंबर 2015 में अफगानिस्तान पर एक सम्मेलन में भाग लेने के लिए इस्लामाबाद गई थीं।2. अगस्त में, पाकिस्तान ने प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी को एससीओ शिखर सम्मेलन में आमंत्रित किया था।3. जयशंकर की पाकिस्तान यात्रा महत्वपूर्ण है, क्योंकि इसे नई दिल्ली की ओर से एक महत्वपूर्ण निर्णय के रूप में देखा जा रहा है। 4. हाल ही में एक कार्यक्रम में अपने संबोधन में जयशंकर ने कहा, “किसी भी पड़ोसी की तरह, भारत निश्चित रूप से पाकिस्तान के साथ अच्छे संबंध रखना चाहेगा। लेकिन सीमा पार आतंकवाद को नजरअंदाज करके और इच्छाधारी सोच में लिप्त होकर ऐसा नहीं हो सकता।"5. वरिष्ठ मंत्री को भेजने के फैसले को एससीओ के प्रति भारत की प्रतिबद्धता के प्रदर्शन के रूप में देखा जा रहा है। 6. फरवरी 2019 में पुलवामा आतंकी हमले के जवाब में भारत के युद्धक विमानों द्वारा पाकिस्तान के बालाकोट में जैश-ए-मोहम्मद के आतंकवादी प्रशिक्षण शिविर पर बमबारी करने के बाद भारत और पाकिस्तान के बीच संबंध गंभीर तनाव में आ गए थे। 7. 5 अगस्त, 2019 को भारत द्वारा जम्मू और कश्मीर की विशेष शक्तियों को वापस लेने और राज्य को दो केंद्र शासित प्रदेशों में विभाजित करने की घोषणा के बाद संबंध और खराब हो गए।8. भारत द्वारा अनुच्छेद 370 को निरस्त करने के बाद पाकिस्तान ने भारत के साथ राजनयिक संबंधों को कम कर दिया। 9. भारत यह कहता रहा है कि वह पाकिस्तान के साथ सामान्य पड़ोसी संबंध चाहता है, जबकि वह इस बात पर भी जोर देता है कि इस तरह की भागीदारी के लिए आतंक और शत्रुता से मुक्त वातावरण बनाने की जिम्मेदारी इस्लामाबाद पर है। 10. पाकिस्तान के तत्कालीन विदेश मंत्री बिलावल भुट्टो जरदारी गोवा में एससीओ देशों के विदेश मंत्रियों की व्यक्तिगत बैठक में भाग लेने के लिए मई 2023 में भारत आए थे। यह लगभग 12 वर्षों में किसी पाकिस्तानी विदेश मंत्री की पहली भारत यात्रा थी।
Entrepreneurs, Influencers & Guests Enjoyed The Lalit Mumbai’s Dawat ae Zaiqa by Sabrina’s Kitchen, Videos Trend Online

Mumbai, 19th September 2024: In the heart of the bustling city, The Lalit Mumbai’s renowned Baluchi Restaurant is hosting the much-anticipated "Dawat ae Zaiqa," a Kashmiri food festival by Sabrina’s Kitchen, running until the 22nd of September. Combining the charm of traditional Kashmiri flavors with modern hospitality, the event is fast becoming a culinary landmark for food lovers. Guests are welcomed with the signature Kashmiri Kahwa, setting the tone for an evening of rich, aromatic delights.

The evening was graced by Dr. Rocky Kalra, member of the Strategic Management Committee, and Mr. Gaurav Mishra, GM of Corporate Marketing and Communications. Their presence added a layer of prestige to the event, further underlining the group’s commitment to excellence.  

Among other esteemed guests were Mewati Sitaram Ji (Award-winning Journalist), The Renowned Founders of FBAI Saloni Malkani ji & Sameer Malkani ji, Tedx Speaker Extremely Talented Chef Suvir Saran ji, Rajveer Singh (Brand Enhancement and Content Creator) along with other prominent Content creators like Munawar Karbelkar, Irfan Shaukat and Dhruv Mehta also attended and unanimously praised Baluchi as one of Mumbai's finest dining experiences. These esteemed guests engaged in exclusive conversations with Chef Sabrina, the culinary artist behind the event, Dr Rocky Kalra and Mr Gaurav Mishra.

One guest from Mauritius remarked, "Dawat ae Zaiqa is more than just a meal; it's an experience woven with flavors, nostalgia, and stories. Sharing this table with entrepreneurs and influencers brought even more depth to the evening."

Chef Sabrina, who has been passionately curating Kashmiri dishes since 2013, is known for her fine-casual approach, blending authenticity with a modern twist. Each dish, from the succulent Mutton Rogan Josh, to the flavorful Dum Aloo, spoke of Kashmir’s rich heritage. The night also offered delightful Kashmiri Pulav, creamy kesar phirni, and a vibrant array of curries, each plate a tribute to Kashmir’s culinary soul.

Capturing every moment was photographer Roshan Kamble from RK Photography, beautifully documenting the warmth and elegance of the evening.

The culinary journey concluded with a spread of desserts and beverages, leaving guests in awe of the experience. Baluchi’s staff, dressed in Kashmiri attire, added a touch of authenticity to the impeccable service, which was a talking point among all attendees.

With over four decades of hospitality excellence, The Lalit Suri Hospitality Group continues to impress with its luxurious service, and this festival is no exception. To reserve your spot at this feast of flavors, call +91 99876 03127 or visit www.thelalit.com.

For media inquiries and coverage, on this platform contact +917710030004

From Taj Lands End to Every Feed: Influence Exchange Confex and Awards Becomes the Viral Talk of the Town with Grand Success Stories

Mumbai, 12th July: The Influence Exchange Confex and Awards, held at the prestigious Taj Lands End in Bandra West, Mumbai, emerged as a monumental success, leaving a lasting impression on all attendees. The event became the talk of the town as prominent content creators and marketers gathered to celebrate excellence and innovation in the digital realm. Watch complete pics and videos on Instagram src="https://streetbuzz.co.in/newsapp/storage/attachments/1/669560b9ee2c1.png">

The Influence Exchange Confex and Awards Series is renowned for offering a platform where thought leaders can share knowledge, exchange ideas, and explore emerging trends in marketing and influencer engagement. This year's event brought together industry leaders, influencers, marketers, and professionals from diverse sectors, all under one roof.

The evening was graced by the presence of Manisha Kapoor, CEO and SG of The Advertising Standards Council of India, who served as the chief guest. Her insights and wisdom set the tone for a night of celebration and recognition.

The highlight of the evening was the awards ceremony, where the following content creators were honored for their outstanding contributions in various categories:

- Best Marketing & Hospitality Influencer of the Year: Rajveer Singh

- Best Financial Influencer Award: Shreya Jaiswal

- Best Health & Wellbeing Influencer of the Year: Bhavna Harchandrai

- Food/Culinary Influencer of the Year: Parul Gupta

- Educational Content Creator of the Year: Shrreya Siddharth Shah

- Mom Influencer of the Year: Priya Ahuja Rajda

- Entertainment Maven of the Year: Maera Mishra

- Best Art & Photography Influencer: Nishad Naik

- Gaming Influencer of the Year: Nitesh Meena

- Social Media Engagement Champion: Prerna Panda

- Creative Visual Content Creator: Saurav Haldar

- Mega/Celeb-Influencer of the Year: Siddharth Nigam

- Macro-Influencer of the Year: Kajal Jadhav

- Micro-Influencer of the Year: Nikita Pawar

- Nano Influencer of the Year: Aarti Dharampuriya

- Best Fashion and Style Influencer of the Year: Vivek Keshari

- Best Travel Influencer of the Year: Aavi Vadekar

- Best Beauty Influencer of the Year: Hitika Sachdev

- Most Promising Influencer of the Year: Irfan Shaukat

- Blogger of the Year: Ankita Chamria

- Youtuber of the Year: Raju Bharti

Recognizing Marketing Excellence : In addition to content creators, the event also celebrated the achievements of top brands and marketers:

- Marketing Leader of the Year: Sonia Paul, Cluster Director of Marketing, Hyatt Hotels

- Branding Leader of the Year: Lakhbir Singh, Brand Head, Kewal Kiran Clothing Limited

- Digital Marketeer of the Year: Dhruvi Jamda, Head of Digital Marketing & Sales, Everest Industries Limited

- Influencer Marketeer of the Year: Dhwani Shah, Influencer Marketing Manager, Newme

- Social Media Marketeer of the Year: Shivita Sharma, Founding Member, Lead Marketing, NEWME

- Data-Driven Marketer of the Year: Alok Arya, Chief Marketing Officer, Equentis Wealth Advisory Limited

- Brand Activation Strategist of the Year: Himanshu Badlia, Retail Marketing Head, Shoppers Stop Ltd

- Customer Experience Advocate: Suraj Shetty, Head Customer Experience, Learning & Development, Kissht

- Digital Transformation Leader of the Year: Taher Framewala, DGM E-commerce & Digital Transformation Head, Tata Motors

- PR and Communication Strategist of the Year: Suruchi Kore, Head of Digital and Social Strategies, Bajaj Group

Rajveer Singh, an ace journalist and prominent content creator, engaged in insightful conversations with the top content creators and marketers. The event was further enriched by speeches from influential personalities such as Simran Dhanwani, Lakshmi Balasubramanian (CEO of Greenroom), Shraddha More (The Face Shop India Official), Sohil Sarkazi (Meril Life Science), Kanisha Malhotra, Masumi Mewawalla (Founder of Masumi Mewawalla & Emblaze), Khushnaz Ashdin Turner, Ankesh Kumar (Director - Schneider Electric), Pooja Shetty (IMEA, The Lubrizol Corporation), Neha Plasterwala (Lockton India), Irfan Siddique, Sagar Kari, Naina Ahluwalia, Abhinandan Singh, Udita Shroff (Cathay Pacific Airways Limited), Ankita Singh, Anveshi Jain, and Suruchi Kore (Bajaj Group).

The Influence Exchange Confex and Awards was brilliantly orchestrated by Mohamed Suhel, CEO of Influence Exchange Group. His extensive experience in B2B conferences, strategic partnerships, sponsorships, and full-cycle event production ensured the event's flawless execution. Suhel's leadership was widely appreciated by attendees and sponsors alike.

The event's prime sponsors, Greenroom and SocioGenee, played a crucial role in its success. Greenroom is a content and influencer marketing agency based in Bangalore and Mumbai, while SocioGenee is a platform providing transparency and business growth opportunities for influencers.

Many won the awards but the star of the event was the charismatic anchor Bhavana Bhatia, an award winning global emcee rocking the stage for over 14 years hosting landmark events.

The Influence Exchange Confex and Awards has set a new benchmark for excellence in the industry. As attendees left with hearts full of inspiration and gratitude, they eagerly anticipated the next edition of this landmark event.

For news coverage inquiries, please contact 7710030004 or dm on insta

"Navi Mumbai's Culinary Gem: Shikara Restaurant Garners High Praise for Its Exquisite Food and Exceptional Service from Renowned Influencers."

Mumbai, June 28, 2024 - Shikara Restaurant, positioned in the vibrant locality of Sanpada, Vashi-Turbhe, has solidified its position as the leading epicurean sanctuary for North Indian cuisine in Navi Mumbai. 

In an exclusive conversation with Rajveer Singh, well-known bloggers including Shreya Sneh, Irfan Shaukat, Roshan Kamble and a cohort of influential individuals from the thriving entrepreneurial scene in Navi Mumbai, recounted their extraordinary experiences at Shikara Restaurant. These influential voices expressed their profound satisfaction with the monsoon-inspired menu, extolling the establishment's unwavering commitment to authenticity and use of premium ingredients. With unanimous accord, these discerning gourmands attested that Shikara Restaurant stands as a culinary gem, captivating patrons with the tantalizing fusion of North Indian and Chinese culinary traditions.

Shikara Restaurant has garnered widespread acclaim for its enticing selection of North Indian and Chinese culinary treasures, seamlessly integrated with an opulent ambiance that offers a lavish dining experience at accessible prices. Upon entering Shikara Restaurant, guests are enveloped in an atmosphere of sophistication and warmth, instantly transported to the cultural grandeur of Kashmir. The interior, adorned with intricately carved wooden furnishings, live melodic tunes, and captivating artwork, weaves an immersive and visually captivating tapestry for patrons to dine amidst.

The heart of Shikara Restaurant's acclaim resides in its meticulously crafted monsoon menu, thoughtfully designed to showcase the diverse flavors and distinctive spices synonymous with North Indian cuisine. Guided by the culinary expertise of Mr. Ashok Mehra and Mr. Vishal Mehra, the menu at Shikara Restaurant offers an extensive range of delectable choices catering to both vegetarian and non-vegetarian preferences.

Connoisseurs of succulent delights can revel in mouthwatering starters, including exquisite seekh kebabs, flavorful paneer tikka, and tender chicken kebabs marinated in fragrant spices. Vegetarian enthusiasts can indulge in options such as paneer tikka and veg crispy, skillfully crafted to gratify even the most discerning palates.

For the main course, Shikara Restaurant takes immense pride in presenting its signature creations. Meat enthusiasts can savor the impeccably prepared Rogan Josh, a timeless lamb curry infused with an authentic blend of Kashmiri spices. On the other hand, vegetarians can delight in the exquisite Dum Aloo, featuring baby potatoes bathed in a creamy tomato-based gravy, intricately seasoned with Kashmiri spices.

A pinnacle of the menu is the tandoori platter, a splendid medley of India's culinary treasures, encompassing fragrant biryanis, succulent meat curries, and aromatic saffron-infused rice. This grand assemblage pays homage to the rich flavors and time-honored traditions of North Indian cuisine, whisking diners away on a delightful gastronomic journey.

To complement the lavish feast, Shikara Restaurant offers a meticulously curated selection of beverages, allowing patrons to select the perfect accompaniment to their culinary voyage. Additionally, the restaurant presents an array of delectable desserts, including the iconic Phirni, a velvety rice pudding, and the indulgent gulab jamun with rabdi, providing a gratifying conclusion to the culinary odyssey.

The attentive and affable staff at Shikara Restaurant ensure that each visit becomes a memorable experience, offering impeccable service and tailored recommendations to enhance the overall dining journey.

The information contained in this news piece is derived from insights shared by distinguished bloggers in Mumbai and enterprising entrepreneurs during their discussion with Rajveer Singh (RV). For comprehensive news coverage, inquiries can be directed to +917710030004.

सपा विधायक इरफान सोलंकी को 7 साल की सजा, बांग्लादेशियों को अवैध तरीके से बसाने का भी लग चुका है आरोप
उत्तर प्रदेश के कानपुर से समाजवादी पार्टी के विधायक इरफान सोलंकी को एमपी-एमएलए कोर्ट ने सात साल की सुनाई है। इरफान को एक महिला का घर जलाने और उसके बेटे को पीटने का दोषी पाया है। इस सजा के बाद अब इरफान की विधायकी भी जा सकती है।सीसामऊ सीट से लगातार चार बार के विधायक इरफान इस समय महाराजगंज जेल में बंद है।इरफान के भाई रिजवान को भी 7 साल की सजा सुनाई गई है।

कोर्ट ने जाजमऊ आगजनी केस में सपा विधायक इरफान सोलंकी समेत 5 आरोपियों को तीन जून को दोषी करार दिया था। विधायक इरफान उनके भाई रिजवान सोलंकी, शौकत पहलवान, इसराइल आटे वाला और मोहम्मद शरीफ को एमपीएमएल कोर्ट ने दोषी करार दिया था। विधायक समेत कुल 12 लोग अभियुक्त बनाए गए थे। महिला ने सभी पर अपना घर जलाने का आरोप लगाया था। नजीर फातिमा की ओर से 8 नवंबर 2022 को जाजमऊ थाने में मुकदमा दर्ज कराया गया था।

महिला के आरोपों पर और शिकायत पर पुलिस ने 8 नवंबर को एफआईआर दर्ज की। इसमें आईपीसी की धारा 436, 120बी के अलावा अन्य धाराओं में इरफान व अन्य के खिलाफ कार्रवाई हुई थी। जांच के बाद पुलिस ने इरफान, रिजवान, शरीफ, शौकत और इजरायल के खिलाफ चार्जशीट दाखिल की थी। अभियोजन पक्ष की तरफ से 18 गवाह पेश किए गए। बचाव पक्ष ने 3 गवाह पेश किए थे।

इरफान सोलंकी पर को 7 साल की सजा सुनाई गई है, ऐसे में उनकी विधायकी जाना तय है, बस औपचारिक ऐलान होना बाकी है। अब इरफान 6 साल तक चुनाव भी नहीं लड़ सकेंगे। आजम खान और उनके बेटे की तरह इरफान सोलंकी की भी विधानसभा सदस्यता रद्द होना तय है। ऐसे में कानपुर की सीसामऊ विधानसभा में उपचुनाव होने की भी संभावना से इनकार नहीं किया जा सकता।
"Mitikka's Majestic Debut: 'KANAF to KASHI' Collection Dazzles at Bombay Times Fashion Week Mumbai!"

The Bombay Times Fashion Week 2024 witnessed an electrifying debut as Mitikka, the epitome of elegance, unveiled its latest collection, 'KANAF to KASHI.' Rajveer Singh, esteemed journalist and creative content creator, mingled with designers, attendees, and the showstopper, adding his signature flair to the event.

Radiating with the vibrant essence of Hibiscus and the timeless allure of Benaras craftsmanship, Mitikka's collection captivated the audience's hearts. Bollywood celebrities and industry luminaries graced the runway, showering accolades on the exquisite designs and impeccable craftsmanship.

Showcasing a harmonious blend of tradition and modernity, Mitikka's 'KANAF to KASHI' collection left an indelible mark on the fashion landscape. The presence of Malikka Singhania, the showstopper, added a touch of glamour and sophistication to the event, embodying Mitikka's ethos with grace.

Among the distinguished guests were Harkaran Singh Sethi, GM of Radisson Blu Mumbai International Airport, Archana Singh - founder of Vino De Bella winery. Rakeysh Madhur - COO of Sharaf DG, Rushad Dastur - Ashtaguru, Saloni Malkani - Founder of the FBAI, Sameer Malkani - Director of the FBAI, Irfan Shaukat - Winner Emerging Travel Influencer 2023, Chef Bilkis Khan, And many more prominent personalities from various industries. Their presence underscored the event's significance as a melting pot of creativity and talent.

Mitikka's successful debut sets the stage for a promising journey ahead, with plans to expand its presence on both national and international platforms. As the fashion world eagerly anticipates Mitikka's future endeavors, the Bombay Times Fashion Week 2024 stands as a testament to the brand's unwavering commitment to innovation and excellence.

For media inquiries and coverage, please contact Rajveer Singh at 7710030004.

"Fashion Extravaganza: Mitikka's 'KANAF to KASHI' Collection Shines Bright in Mumbai Debut!"

The Bombay Times Fashion Week 2024 witnessed an electrifying debut as Mitikka, the epitome of elegance, unveiled its latest collection, 'KANAF to KASHI.' Rajveer Singh, esteemed journalist and creative content creator, mingled with designers, attendees, and the showstopper, adding his signature flair to the event.

Radiating with the vibrant essence of Hibiscus and the timeless allure of Benaras craftsmanship, Mitikka's collection captivated the audience's hearts. Bollywood celebrities and industry luminaries graced the runway, showering accolades on the exquisite designs and impeccable craftsmanship.

Showcasing a harmonious blend of tradition and modernity, Mitikka's 'KANAF to KASHI' collection left an indelible mark on the fashion landscape. The presence of Malikka Singhania, the showstopper, added a touch of glamour and sophistication to the event, embodying Mitikka's ethos with grace.

Among the distinguished guests were Harkaran Singh Sethi, GM of Radisson Blu Mumbai International Airport, Archana Singh - founder of Vino De Bella winery. Rakeysh Madhur - COO of Sharaf DG, Rushad Dastur - Ashtaguru, Saloni Kukreja - Founder of the FBAI, Sameer Malkani - Director of the FBAI, Irfan Shaukat - Winner Emerging Travel Influencer 2023, Chef Bilkis Khan, And many more prominent personalities from various industries. Their presence underscored the event's significance as a melting pot of creativity and talent.

Mitikka's successful debut sets the stage for a promising journey ahead, with plans to expand its presence on both national and international platforms. As the fashion world eagerly anticipates Mitikka's future endeavors, the Bombay Times Fashion Week 2024 stands as a testament to the brand's unwavering commitment to innovation and excellence.

For media inquiries and coverage, please contact Rajveer Singh at 7710030004.

"Rajveer Singh's Epic Culinary Extravaganza: GIBF With AAMSUTRA Lights Up Banjara Restaurant at Goldfinch Hotel Mumbai!"

Mumbai, 23rd April: The Goldfinch Hotel Mumbai's MIDC, Andheri East, shimmered with the glow of a star-studded evening as it played host to the Great Indian Buffet Festival with AAMSUTRA. The event, held at the Banjara Restaurant within the luxurious confines of the hotel, was a celebration of culinary excellence, creative energy, and entrepreneurial spirit.

The soirée attracted a constellation of luminaries from various fields, including entrepreneurs, celebrities, and prominent influencers, who added an unparalleled charm to the festivities. Among the esteemed guests was ace journalist and prominent influencer Rajveer Singh, whose presence elevated the event to new heights.

Preetie Joshi, renowned hospitality wizard, graced the occasion with her enchanting presence, while Harmeet Singh Gupta, director of U and I Entertainments, showcased his entrepreneurial prowess. Legal advice expert Advocate Amit Sharma added a touch of wisdom to the gathering, alongside a lineup of esteemed guests including Shubam Pancheshwar, CEO of Happen Recently Media, Vibha Narshana, CEO of Partra Events, Juveria Nusrat, CEO of Mistique Events, and Ace Photographer Roshan Kamble. Additionally, the event was attended by Irfan Shaukat, Tasneem Shaikh, Rajdev Singh, Chef Juliano Rodrigues, Nitika Gupta, Randeep Gujral, Priyanka Ajgaonkar, Ayesha Mohta, Neha Sanghavi, Guneet Sharma, Sonny Kaur, Roopam Lakhanpal, Kashifah Shaikh, Monish Talwar, Amar Kotekar, and many more celebrity influencers and entrepreneurs.

The evening unfolded with a sumptuous feast at the "GIBF with AAMSUTRA," featuring over 100 dishes curated by Executive Chef Mr. Sushant Biswas. From vibrant live counters to delectable mango desserts, each dish showcased the rich heritage of Indian cuisine with passion and finesse.

Guests were treated to live music and the excitement of watching an IPL match on screen, creating an atmosphere of celebration and camaraderie. The impeccable service of the Goldfinch Hotel team, led by Restaurant Manager Mr. Vijay Gupta, ensured that every moment was filled with warmth and hospitality.

Insightful conversations flourished between journalists, influencers, and the esteemed GM Mr. Subhadeep Dutta and F&B Manager Mr. Shailesh Salunkhe, fostering a sense of community and connection.

As the night concluded, guests departed with hearts full of gratitude, eagerly anticipating the next unforgettable celebration at Banjara Restaurant, Goldfinch Hotel Mumbai.

For media inquiries and coverage, please contact 7710030004.

UTSAV Exhibition MMRDA BKC: A Glorious Start with 15,000+ Visitors, Prominent Influencers, and Leading Brands Stealing the Show

Mumbai, 26th April, 2024: UTSAV, MEGA INTERNATIONAL TRADE FAIR & INTERIOR & FURNITURE EXPO at MMRDA Ground, Next to JSW Tower, Near Asian Heart Hospital, BKC Mumbai, has captivated audiences with its grandeur and vast array of premium brands. Organized by Expo India Exhibition Pvt Ltd, a stalwart in the exhibition industry for over 28 years, the event has become the epicenter of the International Furniture, Home Decor & Consumer Exhibition, boasting an extensive range of products from kitchenware and appliances to lifestyle, fashion, and health products.

The exhibition, which started on April 26th and will conclude on May 1st, 2024, has garnered widespread attention and praise.

Rajveer Singh, an ace journalist and renowned Influencer immersed himself in the exhibition, engaging with exhibitors and organizers to gain insights into the showcased brands and the overall event experience. To add to his excitement he met many reel life stars enjoying the real life Utsav Exhibition.Among Prominent Creative Content Creators were 4ever, &

Among the prestigious exhibitors were renowned brands such as Cambay Agates, IFB, Rajasthan Hastakala, D'Sunnar Jewellery, Afghan Dryfruits, Being You Cosmetics, Guruji Sharbat, Sunpure Riso Oil and Govind Milk products. These esteemed brands showcased their finest offerings, drawing in crowds with their quality and innovation.

Rajveer's interactions with Expo India Exhibition Pvt Ltd representatives Kruti Galia, Bini Prajapati, Hiten Prajapati and Altaf Shaikh revealed their gratitude to visitors and exhibitors for making the exhibition a resounding success. With over 15,000 footfall on the opening day itself, the event witnessed families flocking in for a delightful shopping experience.

During his visit, Rajveer had the opportunity to interact with premium brands like D'Sunnar Jewels, renowned for their intricate masterpiece in Meenakari, real pearl, vintage, and Italian jewellery.

Being You-Always, led by Director Mr. Anirudhh Rajput, showcased herbal and plant-based products for skin and hair care, emphasizing holistic well-being.

IFB Home Appliances showcased features prioritizing health and hygiene, including the distinction of being the first Indian brand to produce only inverter air conditioners.

A wide variety of Furniture & Home Decor is indeed amazing and at a very affordable price.

As UTSAV begins with its week of exclusive and exciting offers and tempts you to visit the exhibition for purchasing unique products, attendees are encouraged to visit and experience the excellence showcased by premium brands. With a diverse range of products catering to various lifestyle needs, the exhibition promises an unparalleled shopping experience for all.

For those who missed out, mark your calendar for the upcoming days for UTSAV, MEGA INTERNATIONAL TRADE FAIR and immerse yourself in a world of shopping luxury, innovation, and quality craftsmanship.


For media coverage and news call RV +917710030004

A Night to Cherish: Goldfinch Hotel's Banjara Restaurant Hosts a Memorable Birthday Bash for Influencer Rajveer Singh

Mumbai, 23rd April: The glittering city of Mumbai shimmered even brighter as the Goldfinch played host to an evening of unparalleled grandeur. Banjara Restaurant, within the lavish confines of the hotel, set the stage for a spectacular celebration in honor of the esteemed influencer, Rajveer Singh.

Amidst the radiant ambiance of Goldfinch Hotel Mumbai's MIDC, Andheri East locale, a constellation of luminaries converged to partake in this momentous occasion. Entrepreneurs, celebrities, prominent influencers, and esteemed creative personalities alike graced the event with their presence, adding a touch of glamour, sophistication, and creativity to the festivities.

In attendance were celebrated enchanting lady none other than hospitality wizard Preetie Joshi joining her was the notable entrepreneur Harmeet Singh Gupta, director of U and I Entertainments, lent his entrepreneurial prowess to the soirée, while legal advice expert Advocate Amit Sharma added a touch of wisdom to the gathering. Among other esteemed guests were Shubam Pancheshwar CEO of happen recently media, Vibha Narshana CEO Partra events, Juveria Nusrat CEO Mistique Events, Ace Photographer Roshan Kamble. The list of esteemed guest had some very creative and Prominent Influencers like Irfan Shaukat, Tasneem Shaikh, Rajdev Singh, Chef Juliano Rodrigues, Nitika Gupta, Randeep Gujral, Priyanka Ajgaonkar, Ayesha Mohta, Neha Sanghavi, Guneet Sharma, Sonny Kaur, Roopam Lakhanpal, Kashifah Shaikh, and many more celebrity influencers.

This birthday celebration couldn't be complete without the presence of Mumbai's very popular & esteemed creative influencers who took the party and social media by storm and elevated the evening to new heights in real and reel world.

The evening unfolded in a tapestry of culinary delights, as guests enjoyed the Great Indian Buffet Festival with more than 100 dishes, aptly named "GIBF with AAMSUTRA." Under the culinary wizardry of Executive Chef Mr. Sushant Biswas, guests embarked on a gastronomic journey through the diverse flavors of India's rich heritage. From sumptuous live counters to tantalizing mango desserts, each dish was a masterpiece crafted with passion and finesse.

As guests were treated to the thrill of experiencing party vibes with the live music and watching IPL match live on screen, adding an extra layer of excitement to the festivities. The impeccable service of the Goldfinch Hotel team, led by Restaurant Manager Mr. Vijay Gupta, ensured that every moment was infused with warmth and hospitality.

Amidst laughter and camaraderie, insightful conversations flourished between journalists, influencers, and the esteemed GM Mr. Subhadeep Dutta and F&B Manager Mr. Shailesh Salunkhe, further enriching the sense of community and connection.

As the night drew to a close, guests bid farewell with hearts full of gratitude and anticipation for the next unforgettable celebration at Banjara Restaurant, Goldfinch Hotel Mumbai.

For media inquiries and coverage, please contact 7710030004.