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कनाडा के नए प्रधानमंत्री होंगे पूर्व गवर्नर मार्क कार्नी, क्या सुधरेंगे भारत के साथ संबंध?


कनाडा की सत्तारूढ़ लिबरल पार्टी ने मार्क कार्नी को अपना नया नेता चुन लिया है। मार्क कार्नी देश के अगले प्रधानमंत्री होंगे। 59 वर्षीय कार्नी प्रधानमंत्री जस्टिन ट्रूडो की जगह लेंगे, जिन्होंने जनवरी में अपने इस्तीफे की घोषणा की थी, लेकिन आने वाले दिनों में उनके उत्तराधिकारी के शपथ लेने तक वो प्रधानमंत्री बने रहेंगे। प्रधानमंत्री के रूप में जस्टिन ट्रूडो ने भारत के साथ रिश्तों को निचले स्तर पर पहुंचा दिया था। ऐसे में सवाल है कि भारत और कनाडा के रिश्ते में सुधार होगा?

जस्टिन ट्रूडो ने जहां अपने कार्यकाल में भारत से संबंधों को तनावपूर्ण बनाया तो वहीं मार्क कार्नी ने भारत से संबंधों को सुधारने का वादा किया है। कनाडा ने नए पीएम ने इस बात के संकेत भी दिए हैं। लिबरल पार्टी में नेतृत्व की दौड़ से पहले कार्नी ने एक इंटरव्यू में कहा कि अगर वह पीएम बने तो वह समान विचारधारा वाले देशों के साथ कनाडा के व्यापारिक संबंधों को विविधता देने के लिए काम करेंगे। कार्नी ने कहा, कनाडा जो करना चाहेगा वह है समान विचारधारा वाले देशों के साथ हमारे व्यापारिक संबंधों को विविधता देना और भारत के साथ संबंधों को फिर से बनाने के अवसर हैं।

हालांकि, ये कहना अभी जल्दबाजी होगी कि कार्नी ट्रूडो द्वारा भारत-कनाडा संबंधों को पहुंचाई गई क्षति को दूर कर पाएंगे। लेकिन राजनीतिक पर्यवेक्षकों और कुछ लिबरल नेताओं का मानना है कि उनके चुनाव से तत्काल कोई नीतिगत परिवर्तन नहीं होगा, लेकिन उनकी नेतृत्व शैली और आर्थिक फोकस कई तरीकों से भारत के प्रति कनाडा के दृष्टिकोण को प्रभावित कर सकते हैं

कार्नी का अर्थव्यवस्था और वित्तीय मामलों में व्यापक अनुभव है। वह पहले ब्रूकफील्ड एसेट मैनेजमेंट के बोर्ड के अध्यक्ष रह चुके हैं, जो भारत में करीब 30 बिलियन डॉलर की संपत्तियों का प्रबंधन करता है। इनमें रियल एस्टेट, इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर, नवीकरणीय ऊर्जा, प्राइवेट इक्विटी और विशेष निवेश शामिल हैं। कनाडा इंडिया फाउंडेशन के अध्यक्ष रीतेश मलिक के मुताबिक, कार्नी एक अनुभवी अर्थशास्त्री हैं और ब्रूकफील्ड में अपने अनुभव के चलते भारत की अर्थव्यवस्था को अच्छी तरह समझते हैं। उनकी प्राथमिकता विदेश नीति और व्यापार पर होगी, जिससे भारत-कनाडा के मौजूदा तनावपूर्ण संबंधों में सुधार की संभावना है।

बता दें कि ट्रूडो के कार्यकाल के दौरान भारत-कनाडा संबंध काफी बिगड़ गए थे, जो ऐतिहासिक निम्न स्तर पर पहुंच गए थे। दोनों देशों के बीच तनाव तब बढ़ गया जब ट्रूडो ने खालिस्तानी आतंकी हरदीप सिंह निज्जर की हत्या में भारत का हाथ होने का आरोप लगाया, जिसे भारत ने सख्ती से खारिज कर दिया। इसके जवाब में, दोनों देशों ने एक-दूसरे के राजनयिकों को निष्कासित कर दिया, जिससे राजनयिक संबंध और खराब हो गए। व्यापार वार्ता भी रोक दी गई और कनाडाई नागरिकों के लिए वीजा सेवाएं अस्थायी रूप से निलंबित कर दी गईं।

Apple  जल्द ही लॉन्च करेगा MacBook Air को , MacBook Air में नया दमदार प्रोसेसर मिलने की उम्मीद

डेस्क:–Apple ने कुछ दिनों पहले ही iPhone 16E को बाजार में लॉन्च किया था। अब Apple बाजार में एक और प्रोडेक्ट उतारने की तैयारी में है। माना जा रहा है कि Apple अब MacBook Air को जल्द ही लॉन्च कर देगा। नया MacBook Air कई मायनों में खास माना जा रहा है क्योंकि इसमें M4 चिपसेट, नया दमदार प्रोसेसर मिलने की उम्मीद है।

MacBook Air में कई नए फीचर मिलने की उम्मीद है लेकिन माना जा रहा है कि कंपनी MacBook Air के डिजाइन में ज्यादा बदलाव नहीं करेगी। उम्मीद है कि MacBook Air में दो 13 और 15 इंच के विकल्प के साथ पेश किया जा सकता है। वहीं डबल एक्सटर्नल डिस्प्ले सपोर्ट, M4 चिपसेट और कई बड़े फीचर मिलने की उम्मीद है।

Mark Gurman ने सोशल मीडिया प्लेट्फार्म एक्स पर लिखा कि Apple जल्द ही MacBook Air को लॉन्च करने वाला है साथ ही कंपनी ने रिटेल, सेल्स और मार्केटिंग टीमों को तैयार करना शुरू कर दिया है।

Mr. Praveen Rawal, Founder of Prem Gold Private Limited, Celebrates 21 Years of Excellence in the Industry.

Prem Gold Private Limited, a trusted name in the jewellery industry, is proud to celebrate 21 years of exceptional service, innovation, and customer satisfaction. Founded by Mr. Praveen Rawal, the store has established itself as a pillar of quality craftsmanship and a go-to destination for those seeking elegant, timeless jewellery. Since opening its doors in 2003, Prem Gold Private Limited has become synonymous with trust, luxury, and dedication. Over the past two decades, Praveen Rawal has built a brand that prioritises customer satisfaction, offering everything from stunning engagement rings and custom-made pieces to exquisite necklaces, bracelets, and many more. With a passion for quality and a keen eye for design, Praveen Rawal has crafted a jewellery business that has served thousands of happy customers in Chakan and beyond.

“It's been an incredible journey,” says Praveen Rawal, Founder & Director of Prem Gold Private Limited. “Over the years, we have not only provided beautiful jewellery but have also cultivated lasting relationships with our customers. I believe that every piece we create has a story and being part of our clients’ milestones – whether it’s an engagement, wedding, or a special occasion – has been truly rewarding.”

A Legacy of Trust and Craftsmanship

With a focus on both exceptional design and unmatched customer service, Prem Gold Private Limited has earned a reputation for quality. The store’s experienced team of jewellers and designers work closely with each client to ensure every piece of jewellery meets their exact vision and preferences. This commitment to personalisation, combined with the use of only the finest materials, has helped the store gain a loyal following and widespread recognition.

Beyond traditional design, Prem Gold Private Limited is also known for its innovative approach to jewellery creation. Praveen has continually pushed boundaries, introducing new collections each year that blend classic elegance with modern sensibilities. Whether through custom designs or exclusive collections, Prem Gold Private Limited continues to stay ahead of trends while maintaining the integrity of timeless beauty.

Recognising Milestones and Celebrating Success

To mark this significant Milestone, Prem Gold Private Limited is launching this year an exclusive mobile app to commemorate 21 years of excellence. The app designed to provide a seamless, secure, and personalised experience for our valuable customers.

We are excited to bring this innovative solution to our customers as we continue to adapt to their evolving needs, "said Mr. Praveen Rawal, Founder & Director of Prem Gold Private Limited.” The mobile app will offer convenience, security, and the same quality of service that our customers have come to expect over the past two decades."

Looking Toward the Future

As Prem Gold Private Limited looks to the future, Mr. Praveen Rawal remains committed to providing exceptional jewellery and unparalleled customer service. With an expanding online presence and plans for further community engagement, the brand is poised for continued growth and success.

“I’m incredibly proud of what we’ve accomplished over the past 21 years,” says Mr. Praveen Rawal “But I know this is just the beginning. Our commitment to our customers and our craft will always be at the heart of everything we do. I’m excited for what the future holds for Prem Gold Private Limited and the opportunity to continue serving our wonderful customers for many years to come.”

About Prem Gold Private Limited

Founded by Mr. Praveen Rawal,

Prem Gold Private Limited is a premier jewellery store based in Chakan, Maharashtra. Known for its commitment to craftsmanship, personalised service, and attention to detail, the shop offers a wide range of fine jewellery, including custom designs, engagement rings, wedding bands and many more. With a focus on customer satisfaction and quality, Prem Gold Private Limited has built a loyal clientele and is recognised as a leading destination for luxury jewellery in Chakan and beyond.

For more information, contact:

Mr. Praveen Rawal - Founder & Director, Prem Gold Private Limited.

Email: www.premgold.in

Anustup slams brilliant 101 against Karnataka in Ranji Trophy
*Sports News*

*Khabar kolkata sports Desk:* Skipper Anustup Majumdar led from the front with brilliant century as Bengal reached 249/5 in their first innings at stumps on Day 1 against Karnataka in their Ranji Trophy Elite Group C match at the M. Chinnaswamy Stadium in Bengaluru on Wednesday.

The experienced batter smashed a superb 101 in 164 balls with 16 boundaries to bring up his 17th First-Class ton.

In-form Sudip Chatterjee (55) and Shahbaz Ahmed (54 not out) also impressed.

At the end of the day's play, Shahbaz and Wriddhiman Saha (6 not out) remained unbeaten for Bengal. Avilin Ghosh (23) also chipped in with useful runs.

Bowler Rishav Vivek made his first-class debut for Bengal.

Put into bat, the visitors lost Shuvam Dey (0) and Sudip Kumar Gharami (5) early.

Against the run of play, two experienced batters Chatterjee and Anustup combined perfectly to take Bengal to a respectable total.

After their dismissal, Shahbaz and Avilin held fort to take team closer to 250-run mark.

For Karnataka, Koushik V bagged three wickets.

*Pic Courtesy by: CAB*
వినియోగదారులకు నాణ్యత ప్రమాణాలు ముఖ్యమే: కొడారి వెంకటేష్ వినియోగదారుల సంఘం జిల్లా అధ్యక్షులు

ఏదైనా వస్తువు కొనాలంటే దాని యొక్క నాణ్యతా ప్రమాణాలను తప్పనిసరిగా వినియోగదారుడు గమనించాలని వినియోగదారుల సంఘం జిల్లా అధ్యక్షులు కొడారి వెంకటేష్ కోరారు . సోమవారం "ప్రపంచ నాణ్యతా ప్రమాణాల దినోత్సవం" సందర్భంగా ఆయన వినియోగదారులకు శుభాకాంక్షలు తెలిపారు. ఆయన మీడియాతో మాట్లాడుతూ మన దేశంలో ఐ.ఎస్.ఐ మార్క్ (ISI Mark ), బి.ఐ.ఎస్ మార్క్ (BIS Mark), ఆగ్ మార్క్ (AG Mark), ఎఫ్ పి ఓ మార్క్ (FPO Mark) లాంటి ప్రభుత్వ సంస్థల పర్యవేక్షణలో వస్తువుల తయారీ మరియు నాణ్యతా ప్రమాణాలను ఆయన అన్నారు. ప్రతి వస్తువు యొక్క బాక్స్ లపై పై మార్కు లను చూసి కొనుగోలు చేయాలన్నారు. ప్రతి వినియోగదారుడు ఖర్చు పెట్టిన "డబ్భుకు తగిన నాణ్యమైన వస్తువులు పొందటం అనేది వినియోగదారుల హక్కు" అని ఆయన అన్నారు. అంతర్జాతీయ స్థాయిలో నాణ్యతా ప్రమాణాల దినోత్సవం ను 1946 అక్టోబర్ 14 న ప్రారంభమై ప్రతి ఏటా జరుపుకుంటున్నామని ఆయన గుర్తు చేశారు. ఈ సందర్భంగా ఆయన మాట్లాడుతూ ప్రస్తుతం ఎక్కడ చూసినా మార్కెట్ లో కల్తీ, నకిలీ వస్తువుల తయారీ, రవాణా మరియు అమ్మకాలు పెరిగిపోయాయని , దీంతో అమాయక వినియోగదారులు ఆర్ధికంగా మరియు ఆరోగ్యపరంగా నష్టపోతున్నారని ఆయన ఆవేదన వ్యక్తం చేశారు. వినియోగదారుల హక్కుల పరిరక్షణ చట్టాలు (1986, 2018) ఉన్నప్పటికీ, చాలా మందికి ఈ చట్టాలపై అవగాహన లేదని, ఒకవేళ వున్నా మనకు ఎందుకులే అని మౌనంగా ఉండిపోతున్నారని ఆయన అన్నారు. కొంతమంది వినియోగదారులు యూట్యూబ్ ల్లో వచ్చే వీడియోలు ఆధారంగా అమెజాన్ , ప్లిప్ కార్డ్ లాంటి ఆన్లైన్ సంస్థల ద్వారా ఆరోగ్యానికి సంబంధించిన మందులు, ఇతర సౌందర్య సాధనలను కొనుగోలు చేస్తున్నారని ఆయన తెలిపారు. వీటి లో ఎంత వరకు నాణ్యతా ప్రమాణాలు ఉన్నాయో చెప్పలేమని, అందుకే నిపుణుల సలహాలు లేకుండా మందులు కొనకూడదని ఆయన సూచించారు . అదే విధంగా చర్మ సౌందర్య సాధానాల విషయంలో కూడా వినియోగదారులు చాలా జాగ్రత్తగా ఉండాలని ఆయన అన్నారు. ప్రభుత్వం, వస్తువుల నాణ్యతా ప్రమాణాల పై ప్రజలకు మరింత అవగాహన కల్పించాలని, నకిలీ వస్తువులు అమ్మే వారిపై గట్టి నిఘా ఏర్పాటు చేయాలని ఆయన డిమాండ్ చేశారు. వినియోగదారుల హక్కులను, పాలకులు చిత్తశుద్ధితో కాపాడాలని ఆయన కోరారు.
Confidence of Mr. Deven Choksi – 24 Years of teaching experience, dedicated to fostering a dynamic and inclusive learning environment.

The story of Mr. Deven Choksi is one of unparalleled commitment to nurturing minds and igniting the spark of knowledge within the realm of academia. His 24 years of teaching experience form the backdrop of his success story. Mr. Choksi's extraordinary skill set spans strategic planning, exceptional educational prowess, and team-building expertise. As a seasoned educator, he has proven his mettle in both academic and organizational settings, fostering a dynamic, inclusive learning environment with utmost confidence.

Mr. Choksi is known for his dedication to imparting knowledge that transcends traditional boundaries. His classes are a blend of conventional wisdom and modern pedagogical techniques. He has earned the respect of students, peers, and parents alike. His innovative approach has inspired numerous students to achieve their goals and excel in various fields. He encourages free thinking, promoting a culture of intellectual curiosity, and his influence extends far beyond the confines of the classroom.

Mr. Choksi’s remarkable skill set encompasses strategic planning, which enables him to devise effective lesson plans that cater to a diverse range of learning styles. His extensive experience has allowed him to develop a keen understanding of the intricate nuances of the education system. He is adept at creating a balance between theoretical and practical knowledge, thereby ensuring that his students are well-prepared to face the challenges of the real world.

Apart from his educational prowess, Mr. Choksi possesses exceptional team-building acumen. He fosters a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect among his colleagues and students alike. His ability to bring out the best in everyone is a testament to his leadership skills. He has a remarkable talent for motivating individuals to strive for excellence and has inspired many to pursue careers in education.

Mr. Deven Choksi's journey is a reflection of his unwavering commitment to the cause of education. Throughout his illustrious career, he has consistently demonstrated his ability to drive successful outcomes. His story is one of unshakeable confidence, a beacon of inspiration for countless individuals. The impact of his work extends beyond the classroom, shaping future generations of thinkers, innovators, and change-makers. Mr. Choksi stands as an epitome of excellence, a shining testament to the transformative power of education.

 His legacy continues to inspire and guide, leaving an indelible mark on the world of academia. As his story unfolds, it serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring importance of dedicated educators in shaping a brighter future. The tale of Mr. Deven Choksi is a testament to the power of confidence, leadership, and unwavering dedication to the noble cause of education. It is a beacon of hope, illuminating the path for those who aspire to make a lasting impact in the realm of knowledge and learning.

 In conclusion, the story of Mr. Deven Choksi is one of triumph, perseverance, and passion - a celebration of the transformative impact that one individual can have on countless lives. It is an inspiring tribute to a man who has dedicated his life to igniting minds, fostering intellectual curiosity, and shaping the future. His legacy will continue to resonate, inspiring generations to come. His name has become synonymous with excellence in education, a testament to the indelible mark that he has left on the world. The story of Mr. Deven Chowki is a shining beacon of hope, a reminder of the enduring power of education to transform lives and create a brighter future for all. His is a tale that transcends the boundaries of time, a timeless tribute to the unwavering power of confidence, dedication, and leadership in shaping the destiny of future generations. In the world of academia, Mr. Choksi 's name will forever be etched in the annals of history as a champion of knowledge, a guardian of wisdom, and a beacon of hope in the pursuit of excellence. His story will continue to inspire, motivate, and guide, shaping the path of countless individuals as they embark on their own journey of discovery and self-improvement. The legacy of Mr. Deven Choksi will live on, forever intertwined with the fabric of academic excellence and the transformative power of knowledge. His name will stand as a testament to the enduring importance of education in shaping a better tomorrow for all.



DVNGroup site: https://www.dvngroup.org/

DVNJewelry site:  https://www.dvnjewelry.com/

Official site:   https://www.devenchoksi.com/  

Confidence of Mr. Niraj Choksi - " Indian Entrepreneur, Marketing Expert, and Business Magnet"

Niraj Choksi is a renowned Indian entrepreneur, marketing expert, and business magnet. He is well-known for his unwavering confidence, innovative ideas, and commitment to excellence. Niraj Choksi has made his mark in the Indian business scene with his remarkable achievements and vision.

His confidence is rooted in his unwavering belief in himself and his capabilities. He never lets fear or self-doubt hold him back, even in the face of adversity. Instead, he uses challenges as opportunities to grow and learn. Niraj's confidence also stems from his strong work ethic and dedication to achieving success. He is a firm believer in the idea that success doesn't come overnight, but through hard work and perseverance.

Niraj's innovative ideas have been the driving force behind his success. He has a keen eye for identifying untapped opportunities and turning them into profitable ventures. His innovative approach has enabled him to stay ahead of the competition and achieve success in various business ventures. Niraj's commitment to excellence is another key factor in his success. He sets high standards for himself and strives to exceed them in everything he does. This commitment to excellence has earned him recognition and respect in the business world.

In addition to his professional achievements, Niraj Choksi is also known for his philanthropic efforts. He believes in giving back to the community and is actively involved in various charitable initiatives. His commitment to making a positive impact on society is admirable, and he serves as a role model for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Niraj's story is a testament to the power of confidence, determination, and innovation. His unwavering self-belief, combined with his innovative ideas and commitment to excellence, has propelled him to the pinnacle of success. Niraj Choksi's confidence and achievements serve as a beacon of inspiration for anyone looking to make their mark in the world of business and beyond. He is undoubtedly a true embodiment of the confidence of Mr. Niraj Choksi, a shining star in the Indian business landscape. As Niraj continues to soar to new heights, his legacy as a trailblazing entrepreneur and philanthropist will undoubtedly endure for generations to come. The confidence of Mr. Niraj Choksi is truly something to behold and a reminder of what can be achieved with hard work, determination, and an unwavering commitment to excellence. His story is a shining testament to the power and impact that one person can have on the world. As such, Mr. Niraj Choksi's confidence will continue to be an inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs, business leaders, and individuals alike. 

His achievements are a shining example of what it means to live with confidence, passion, and purpose. Mr. Niraj Choksi is, without a doubt, a true icon in the world of Indian business and entrepreneurship. His confidence and success will forever be an enduring testament to the power of believing in oneself and striving for greatness. It is a privilege to bear witness to his extraordinary journey and to draw inspiration from his remarkable life. Niraj's confidence, entrepreneurial spirit, and commitment to making a difference in the world have left an indelible mark on the Indian business landscape, and his legacy will undoubtedly continue to inspire future generations. The confidence of Mr. Niraj Choksi is a beacon of hope and a shining example of what can be accomplished with hard work, dedication, and unwavering determination. His remarkable story serves as a reminder that success is within reach for those who dare to dream big and strive for excellence.

DVNGroup site: https://www.dvngroup.org/

DVNJewelry site:  https://www.dvnjewelry.com/

Official site:  https://nirajchoksi.com/  

ISL 2024-25 awaits its first Kolkata Derby as Mohun Bagan Super Giants against Mohammedan SC

Sports News


KKNB : Mohun Bagan Super Giant and Mohammedan SC are set to face off in the first Kolkata Derby of the Indian Super League (ISL) 2024-25 season at the Salt Lake Stadium on Saturday, October 5, at 7:30 pm IST. Both these teams have garnered four points from their first three matches so far and this game will mark the end of Matchweek 4 before the international break.

Mohun Bagan’s record against debutant clubs

This will be the first fixture between these two sides in the ISL. The Mariners have won seven matches and drawn and lost twice each in their 11 games against teams that they are facing for the first time in the league. Will they continue that promising run against the ISL debutants for this campaign too?

Can Mohammedan SC set an away record?

After their victory against Chennaiyin FC, Mohammedan SC became only the fifth team in the ISL to win their first away match. If they clinch a victory against the Mariners, Mohammedan SC will become only the second team in ISL history (after ATK in 2014) to notch wins in both of their opening away games on the road.

Key Players & Milestones

Mohammedan SC’s Mirjalol Kasimov has won 11 fouls in three appearances so far. He can help the visitors pounce upon set-piece goal-scoring opportunities.

Dimitrios Petratos (49) is one short of becoming the seventh player to complete 50 ISL appearances for the Mariners.

Mohammedan SC’s Amarjit Singh recorded four blocks in his team’s previous game against Chennaiyin FC, which is the joint-most by any player in a match this season (Hijazi Maher vs FC Goa and Stephen Eze vs FC Goa).

Mohun Bagan Super Giant’s Lalengmawia Ralte has won all 14 of his attempted tackles this season.

Pic Courtesy by: ISL

Global Stars Award, International Kids Fashion Show, and Abrielle Miss and Mrs. India 2024 Illuminate Indo-Nepal Cultural Heritage in Patna

A grand and influential evening unfolded at the Shangri-La Palace in Patna on September 15, 2024. Organized by Narulas & Co., the event focused on women's development and autism awareness, drawing esteemed personalities from both India and Nepal, making the evening truly special.

The highlight of the event was the Indo-Nepal Cultural Show, where artists from India and Nepal showcased their deep-rooted cultural ties through music, dance, and art. This mesmerizing performance left the audience with an unforgettable experience.

Bollywood actress Poonam Dhillon, gracing the event as the celebrity guest, added a touch of glamour and significance. She emphasized the importance of cultural exchange between India and Nepal, stating, "The exchange of art and culture strengthens the ties between our two nations." She also stressed the need for raising awareness about autism and women's empowerment, highlighting the potential for positive societal change.

Under the Global Stars Award 2024, 70 remarkable individuals were honored for their outstanding contributions in various fields, reinforcing the message of empowerment and social progress.

In the International Kids Fashion Show, Shubhani Pandey and Piyush Pallavi were crowned winners, while Angelina Raj secured the first runner-up position, followed by Pragati Kumari as the second runner-up. Additionally, in the Abrielle Miss and Mrs. India 2024 competition, Kumari Rupa was crowned Miss India, and Dr. Kavita won the title of Mrs. India. Dr. Amrita Swaraj and Shrishti were the first runners-up in the Miss and Mrs. categories, respectively. Anuradha Roy (Miss) and Dr. Lakshmi (Mrs.) were honored as the second runners-up.

The event was further dignified by the presence of esteemed guests, including Sudhir Singh, Shashank Shekhar, Sanjay Chandra, Abhay Singh, Rashmi Verma (MLA), Madhavendra Singh, Rajesh Jaiswal, and Pratibha Prasad, whose attendance added grandeur to the occasion.

The event's organizer, Shikha Narula, founder and director of Narulas & Co., highlighted the significance of the program, stating, "This is the first time an Indo-Nepal cultural show of this magnitude has been held in Bihar. Through this event, we aim to strengthen the cultural ties between our two countries and demonstrate that art and culture transcend borders." She further added, "The purpose of this event goes beyond entertainment—it's about spreading awareness on women's development and autism. We are proud to host such an event in Bihar and hope this marks the beginning of more initiatives that foster such meaningful exchanges in the future."

The event's success was made possible with the support of sponsors like RAV Organics, Roshni Welfare Charitable Trust, Helping Human, Dr. Prabhat Hiravati Memorial Hospital, Anshul Homes, Sanjay Chandra, Prem Kumar, Sunil Singh, Manish Singh, and Gyan. Their collaboration brought together glamour, social awareness, and cultural appreciation, leaving an indelible mark on all who attended.

P K Sunil Kumar..The singer with the evergreen voice

P.K Sunil Kumar , a renowned Playback Singer and Stage Performer , has made a successful mark in the Malayalam and Tamil movie sectors for 35 years. Renowned for his distinct, heartfelt singing and flawless musical abilities, P.K Sunil Kumar has mesmerized crowds on over 3,000 platforms, within India and internationally, such as the Gulf nations.P.K Sunil Kumar started his music journey by learning Carnatic music from well-known musicians like Sri Malabar Sukumaran, Sri Kaduthuruthy Radhakrishnan, and Sri Palai C.K. Ramachandran. He is recognized as a top-tier artist of All India Radio and Doordarshan due to his extensive expertise and talent. During his professional journey, Sri P.K SunilKumar  has performed vocals for more than 40 movie soundtracks and over 250 music albums, showcasing a collection of over 2,000 songs.

Sunil 's musical contributions have received widespread recognition . He has been recognized with various esteemed accolades for his commitment to his art, such as the Devarajan Sangeetha Puraskaram, Kalyanji Anandji Award (2019), SPB Award (2020), M.S. Baburaj Yuva Pratibha Award, and the Cochin Haneefa Best Male Singer Award. He was recently recognized with the Lions International Music Award for his outstanding work in Malayalam cinema.

Sunil  has been fortunate enough to share the stage with some of the industry's most famous singers. He has worked with iconic musicians such as KJ Yesudas, Jayachandran, Brahmanandan, M.G. Sreekumar, S. Janaki, P. Susheela, P. Madhuri, B. Vasantha, Vani Jayaram, L.R. Eswari, Lathika, Ambili, K.S. Chithra, Sujatha, Manjari, Sadhana Sargam, Ranjini Jose, Vidhu Prathap, Anwar Sadath, and Shaan.

P.K Sunil Kumar, in addition to his singing abilities, has collaborated with numerous respected music composers like Dakshinamoorthy, Rajamani, M.K. Arjunan, Kannur Rajan, Rajesh Babu K. Sooranad, Harikumar Hareram, and Pootheri Raghukumar. Working with lyricists such as Sreekumaran Thampi, Kaithapram Damodaran Namboothiri, Gireesh Puthenchery, P.K. Gopi, Vayalar Sarath Chandra Varma, Prabhakaran Narukara, and Nishanth Kodamana have strengthened his position in the industry. Sunil Kumar  is famous for his outstanding live performances in addition to his renowned playback singing. He is recognized for his talent in providing  spontaneous musical performances, demonstrating his unique technique and precise  “Laya”, which enhances the charm of every song. Music enthusiasts from both India and other countries have gathered to witness his performances, establishing him as a dynamic performer.

He is the creator of "Voice of Calicut," a popular band in Kerala that has revived renowned singers from the golden era for live performances. His commitment to music and his captivating presence on stage have garnered him a strong following in the music industry. Sunil's exceptional skills have not only been acknowledged in the Malayalam film industry, but also in his outstanding projects "Zha'' and "Binary." He was awarded the prestigious Kerala Film Critics Award in 2021 for his outstanding singing skills on the song "Shariyeth Thottathu'' from the film "Perfume." This recognition solidifies Sri P.K SunilKumar 's standing as a talented and skilled artist, highlighting his diverse contributions to Malayalam cinema.

SunilKumar 's transformation from a budding artist to a renowned playback singer showcases his skill and commitment. His lasting influence on the Malayalam and Tamil film sectors, along with his steadfast dedication to musical excellence, continues to motivate and delight viewers globally.

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000447519666&mibextid=ZbWKwL

कनाडा के नए प्रधानमंत्री होंगे पूर्व गवर्नर मार्क कार्नी, क्या सुधरेंगे भारत के साथ संबंध?


कनाडा की सत्तारूढ़ लिबरल पार्टी ने मार्क कार्नी को अपना नया नेता चुन लिया है। मार्क कार्नी देश के अगले प्रधानमंत्री होंगे। 59 वर्षीय कार्नी प्रधानमंत्री जस्टिन ट्रूडो की जगह लेंगे, जिन्होंने जनवरी में अपने इस्तीफे की घोषणा की थी, लेकिन आने वाले दिनों में उनके उत्तराधिकारी के शपथ लेने तक वो प्रधानमंत्री बने रहेंगे। प्रधानमंत्री के रूप में जस्टिन ट्रूडो ने भारत के साथ रिश्तों को निचले स्तर पर पहुंचा दिया था। ऐसे में सवाल है कि भारत और कनाडा के रिश्ते में सुधार होगा?

जस्टिन ट्रूडो ने जहां अपने कार्यकाल में भारत से संबंधों को तनावपूर्ण बनाया तो वहीं मार्क कार्नी ने भारत से संबंधों को सुधारने का वादा किया है। कनाडा ने नए पीएम ने इस बात के संकेत भी दिए हैं। लिबरल पार्टी में नेतृत्व की दौड़ से पहले कार्नी ने एक इंटरव्यू में कहा कि अगर वह पीएम बने तो वह समान विचारधारा वाले देशों के साथ कनाडा के व्यापारिक संबंधों को विविधता देने के लिए काम करेंगे। कार्नी ने कहा, कनाडा जो करना चाहेगा वह है समान विचारधारा वाले देशों के साथ हमारे व्यापारिक संबंधों को विविधता देना और भारत के साथ संबंधों को फिर से बनाने के अवसर हैं।

हालांकि, ये कहना अभी जल्दबाजी होगी कि कार्नी ट्रूडो द्वारा भारत-कनाडा संबंधों को पहुंचाई गई क्षति को दूर कर पाएंगे। लेकिन राजनीतिक पर्यवेक्षकों और कुछ लिबरल नेताओं का मानना है कि उनके चुनाव से तत्काल कोई नीतिगत परिवर्तन नहीं होगा, लेकिन उनकी नेतृत्व शैली और आर्थिक फोकस कई तरीकों से भारत के प्रति कनाडा के दृष्टिकोण को प्रभावित कर सकते हैं

कार्नी का अर्थव्यवस्था और वित्तीय मामलों में व्यापक अनुभव है। वह पहले ब्रूकफील्ड एसेट मैनेजमेंट के बोर्ड के अध्यक्ष रह चुके हैं, जो भारत में करीब 30 बिलियन डॉलर की संपत्तियों का प्रबंधन करता है। इनमें रियल एस्टेट, इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर, नवीकरणीय ऊर्जा, प्राइवेट इक्विटी और विशेष निवेश शामिल हैं। कनाडा इंडिया फाउंडेशन के अध्यक्ष रीतेश मलिक के मुताबिक, कार्नी एक अनुभवी अर्थशास्त्री हैं और ब्रूकफील्ड में अपने अनुभव के चलते भारत की अर्थव्यवस्था को अच्छी तरह समझते हैं। उनकी प्राथमिकता विदेश नीति और व्यापार पर होगी, जिससे भारत-कनाडा के मौजूदा तनावपूर्ण संबंधों में सुधार की संभावना है।

बता दें कि ट्रूडो के कार्यकाल के दौरान भारत-कनाडा संबंध काफी बिगड़ गए थे, जो ऐतिहासिक निम्न स्तर पर पहुंच गए थे। दोनों देशों के बीच तनाव तब बढ़ गया जब ट्रूडो ने खालिस्तानी आतंकी हरदीप सिंह निज्जर की हत्या में भारत का हाथ होने का आरोप लगाया, जिसे भारत ने सख्ती से खारिज कर दिया। इसके जवाब में, दोनों देशों ने एक-दूसरे के राजनयिकों को निष्कासित कर दिया, जिससे राजनयिक संबंध और खराब हो गए। व्यापार वार्ता भी रोक दी गई और कनाडाई नागरिकों के लिए वीजा सेवाएं अस्थायी रूप से निलंबित कर दी गईं।

Apple  जल्द ही लॉन्च करेगा MacBook Air को , MacBook Air में नया दमदार प्रोसेसर मिलने की उम्मीद

डेस्क:–Apple ने कुछ दिनों पहले ही iPhone 16E को बाजार में लॉन्च किया था। अब Apple बाजार में एक और प्रोडेक्ट उतारने की तैयारी में है। माना जा रहा है कि Apple अब MacBook Air को जल्द ही लॉन्च कर देगा। नया MacBook Air कई मायनों में खास माना जा रहा है क्योंकि इसमें M4 चिपसेट, नया दमदार प्रोसेसर मिलने की उम्मीद है।

MacBook Air में कई नए फीचर मिलने की उम्मीद है लेकिन माना जा रहा है कि कंपनी MacBook Air के डिजाइन में ज्यादा बदलाव नहीं करेगी। उम्मीद है कि MacBook Air में दो 13 और 15 इंच के विकल्प के साथ पेश किया जा सकता है। वहीं डबल एक्सटर्नल डिस्प्ले सपोर्ट, M4 चिपसेट और कई बड़े फीचर मिलने की उम्मीद है।

Mark Gurman ने सोशल मीडिया प्लेट्फार्म एक्स पर लिखा कि Apple जल्द ही MacBook Air को लॉन्च करने वाला है साथ ही कंपनी ने रिटेल, सेल्स और मार्केटिंग टीमों को तैयार करना शुरू कर दिया है।

Mr. Praveen Rawal, Founder of Prem Gold Private Limited, Celebrates 21 Years of Excellence in the Industry.

Prem Gold Private Limited, a trusted name in the jewellery industry, is proud to celebrate 21 years of exceptional service, innovation, and customer satisfaction. Founded by Mr. Praveen Rawal, the store has established itself as a pillar of quality craftsmanship and a go-to destination for those seeking elegant, timeless jewellery. Since opening its doors in 2003, Prem Gold Private Limited has become synonymous with trust, luxury, and dedication. Over the past two decades, Praveen Rawal has built a brand that prioritises customer satisfaction, offering everything from stunning engagement rings and custom-made pieces to exquisite necklaces, bracelets, and many more. With a passion for quality and a keen eye for design, Praveen Rawal has crafted a jewellery business that has served thousands of happy customers in Chakan and beyond.

“It's been an incredible journey,” says Praveen Rawal, Founder & Director of Prem Gold Private Limited. “Over the years, we have not only provided beautiful jewellery but have also cultivated lasting relationships with our customers. I believe that every piece we create has a story and being part of our clients’ milestones – whether it’s an engagement, wedding, or a special occasion – has been truly rewarding.”

A Legacy of Trust and Craftsmanship

With a focus on both exceptional design and unmatched customer service, Prem Gold Private Limited has earned a reputation for quality. The store’s experienced team of jewellers and designers work closely with each client to ensure every piece of jewellery meets their exact vision and preferences. This commitment to personalisation, combined with the use of only the finest materials, has helped the store gain a loyal following and widespread recognition.

Beyond traditional design, Prem Gold Private Limited is also known for its innovative approach to jewellery creation. Praveen has continually pushed boundaries, introducing new collections each year that blend classic elegance with modern sensibilities. Whether through custom designs or exclusive collections, Prem Gold Private Limited continues to stay ahead of trends while maintaining the integrity of timeless beauty.

Recognising Milestones and Celebrating Success

To mark this significant Milestone, Prem Gold Private Limited is launching this year an exclusive mobile app to commemorate 21 years of excellence. The app designed to provide a seamless, secure, and personalised experience for our valuable customers.

We are excited to bring this innovative solution to our customers as we continue to adapt to their evolving needs, "said Mr. Praveen Rawal, Founder & Director of Prem Gold Private Limited.” The mobile app will offer convenience, security, and the same quality of service that our customers have come to expect over the past two decades."

Looking Toward the Future

As Prem Gold Private Limited looks to the future, Mr. Praveen Rawal remains committed to providing exceptional jewellery and unparalleled customer service. With an expanding online presence and plans for further community engagement, the brand is poised for continued growth and success.

“I’m incredibly proud of what we’ve accomplished over the past 21 years,” says Mr. Praveen Rawal “But I know this is just the beginning. Our commitment to our customers and our craft will always be at the heart of everything we do. I’m excited for what the future holds for Prem Gold Private Limited and the opportunity to continue serving our wonderful customers for many years to come.”

About Prem Gold Private Limited

Founded by Mr. Praveen Rawal,

Prem Gold Private Limited is a premier jewellery store based in Chakan, Maharashtra. Known for its commitment to craftsmanship, personalised service, and attention to detail, the shop offers a wide range of fine jewellery, including custom designs, engagement rings, wedding bands and many more. With a focus on customer satisfaction and quality, Prem Gold Private Limited has built a loyal clientele and is recognised as a leading destination for luxury jewellery in Chakan and beyond.

For more information, contact:

Mr. Praveen Rawal - Founder & Director, Prem Gold Private Limited.

Email: www.premgold.in

Anustup slams brilliant 101 against Karnataka in Ranji Trophy
*Sports News*

*Khabar kolkata sports Desk:* Skipper Anustup Majumdar led from the front with brilliant century as Bengal reached 249/5 in their first innings at stumps on Day 1 against Karnataka in their Ranji Trophy Elite Group C match at the M. Chinnaswamy Stadium in Bengaluru on Wednesday.

The experienced batter smashed a superb 101 in 164 balls with 16 boundaries to bring up his 17th First-Class ton.

In-form Sudip Chatterjee (55) and Shahbaz Ahmed (54 not out) also impressed.

At the end of the day's play, Shahbaz and Wriddhiman Saha (6 not out) remained unbeaten for Bengal. Avilin Ghosh (23) also chipped in with useful runs.

Bowler Rishav Vivek made his first-class debut for Bengal.

Put into bat, the visitors lost Shuvam Dey (0) and Sudip Kumar Gharami (5) early.

Against the run of play, two experienced batters Chatterjee and Anustup combined perfectly to take Bengal to a respectable total.

After their dismissal, Shahbaz and Avilin held fort to take team closer to 250-run mark.

For Karnataka, Koushik V bagged three wickets.

*Pic Courtesy by: CAB*
వినియోగదారులకు నాణ్యత ప్రమాణాలు ముఖ్యమే: కొడారి వెంకటేష్ వినియోగదారుల సంఘం జిల్లా అధ్యక్షులు

ఏదైనా వస్తువు కొనాలంటే దాని యొక్క నాణ్యతా ప్రమాణాలను తప్పనిసరిగా వినియోగదారుడు గమనించాలని వినియోగదారుల సంఘం జిల్లా అధ్యక్షులు కొడారి వెంకటేష్ కోరారు . సోమవారం "ప్రపంచ నాణ్యతా ప్రమాణాల దినోత్సవం" సందర్భంగా ఆయన వినియోగదారులకు శుభాకాంక్షలు తెలిపారు. ఆయన మీడియాతో మాట్లాడుతూ మన దేశంలో ఐ.ఎస్.ఐ మార్క్ (ISI Mark ), బి.ఐ.ఎస్ మార్క్ (BIS Mark), ఆగ్ మార్క్ (AG Mark), ఎఫ్ పి ఓ మార్క్ (FPO Mark) లాంటి ప్రభుత్వ సంస్థల పర్యవేక్షణలో వస్తువుల తయారీ మరియు నాణ్యతా ప్రమాణాలను ఆయన అన్నారు. ప్రతి వస్తువు యొక్క బాక్స్ లపై పై మార్కు లను చూసి కొనుగోలు చేయాలన్నారు. ప్రతి వినియోగదారుడు ఖర్చు పెట్టిన "డబ్భుకు తగిన నాణ్యమైన వస్తువులు పొందటం అనేది వినియోగదారుల హక్కు" అని ఆయన అన్నారు. అంతర్జాతీయ స్థాయిలో నాణ్యతా ప్రమాణాల దినోత్సవం ను 1946 అక్టోబర్ 14 న ప్రారంభమై ప్రతి ఏటా జరుపుకుంటున్నామని ఆయన గుర్తు చేశారు. ఈ సందర్భంగా ఆయన మాట్లాడుతూ ప్రస్తుతం ఎక్కడ చూసినా మార్కెట్ లో కల్తీ, నకిలీ వస్తువుల తయారీ, రవాణా మరియు అమ్మకాలు పెరిగిపోయాయని , దీంతో అమాయక వినియోగదారులు ఆర్ధికంగా మరియు ఆరోగ్యపరంగా నష్టపోతున్నారని ఆయన ఆవేదన వ్యక్తం చేశారు. వినియోగదారుల హక్కుల పరిరక్షణ చట్టాలు (1986, 2018) ఉన్నప్పటికీ, చాలా మందికి ఈ చట్టాలపై అవగాహన లేదని, ఒకవేళ వున్నా మనకు ఎందుకులే అని మౌనంగా ఉండిపోతున్నారని ఆయన అన్నారు. కొంతమంది వినియోగదారులు యూట్యూబ్ ల్లో వచ్చే వీడియోలు ఆధారంగా అమెజాన్ , ప్లిప్ కార్డ్ లాంటి ఆన్లైన్ సంస్థల ద్వారా ఆరోగ్యానికి సంబంధించిన మందులు, ఇతర సౌందర్య సాధనలను కొనుగోలు చేస్తున్నారని ఆయన తెలిపారు. వీటి లో ఎంత వరకు నాణ్యతా ప్రమాణాలు ఉన్నాయో చెప్పలేమని, అందుకే నిపుణుల సలహాలు లేకుండా మందులు కొనకూడదని ఆయన సూచించారు . అదే విధంగా చర్మ సౌందర్య సాధానాల విషయంలో కూడా వినియోగదారులు చాలా జాగ్రత్తగా ఉండాలని ఆయన అన్నారు. ప్రభుత్వం, వస్తువుల నాణ్యతా ప్రమాణాల పై ప్రజలకు మరింత అవగాహన కల్పించాలని, నకిలీ వస్తువులు అమ్మే వారిపై గట్టి నిఘా ఏర్పాటు చేయాలని ఆయన డిమాండ్ చేశారు. వినియోగదారుల హక్కులను, పాలకులు చిత్తశుద్ధితో కాపాడాలని ఆయన కోరారు.
Confidence of Mr. Deven Choksi – 24 Years of teaching experience, dedicated to fostering a dynamic and inclusive learning environment.

The story of Mr. Deven Choksi is one of unparalleled commitment to nurturing minds and igniting the spark of knowledge within the realm of academia. His 24 years of teaching experience form the backdrop of his success story. Mr. Choksi's extraordinary skill set spans strategic planning, exceptional educational prowess, and team-building expertise. As a seasoned educator, he has proven his mettle in both academic and organizational settings, fostering a dynamic, inclusive learning environment with utmost confidence.

Mr. Choksi is known for his dedication to imparting knowledge that transcends traditional boundaries. His classes are a blend of conventional wisdom and modern pedagogical techniques. He has earned the respect of students, peers, and parents alike. His innovative approach has inspired numerous students to achieve their goals and excel in various fields. He encourages free thinking, promoting a culture of intellectual curiosity, and his influence extends far beyond the confines of the classroom.

Mr. Choksi’s remarkable skill set encompasses strategic planning, which enables him to devise effective lesson plans that cater to a diverse range of learning styles. His extensive experience has allowed him to develop a keen understanding of the intricate nuances of the education system. He is adept at creating a balance between theoretical and practical knowledge, thereby ensuring that his students are well-prepared to face the challenges of the real world.

Apart from his educational prowess, Mr. Choksi possesses exceptional team-building acumen. He fosters a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect among his colleagues and students alike. His ability to bring out the best in everyone is a testament to his leadership skills. He has a remarkable talent for motivating individuals to strive for excellence and has inspired many to pursue careers in education.

Mr. Deven Choksi's journey is a reflection of his unwavering commitment to the cause of education. Throughout his illustrious career, he has consistently demonstrated his ability to drive successful outcomes. His story is one of unshakeable confidence, a beacon of inspiration for countless individuals. The impact of his work extends beyond the classroom, shaping future generations of thinkers, innovators, and change-makers. Mr. Choksi stands as an epitome of excellence, a shining testament to the transformative power of education.

 His legacy continues to inspire and guide, leaving an indelible mark on the world of academia. As his story unfolds, it serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring importance of dedicated educators in shaping a brighter future. The tale of Mr. Deven Choksi is a testament to the power of confidence, leadership, and unwavering dedication to the noble cause of education. It is a beacon of hope, illuminating the path for those who aspire to make a lasting impact in the realm of knowledge and learning.

 In conclusion, the story of Mr. Deven Choksi is one of triumph, perseverance, and passion - a celebration of the transformative impact that one individual can have on countless lives. It is an inspiring tribute to a man who has dedicated his life to igniting minds, fostering intellectual curiosity, and shaping the future. His legacy will continue to resonate, inspiring generations to come. His name has become synonymous with excellence in education, a testament to the indelible mark that he has left on the world. The story of Mr. Deven Chowki is a shining beacon of hope, a reminder of the enduring power of education to transform lives and create a brighter future for all. His is a tale that transcends the boundaries of time, a timeless tribute to the unwavering power of confidence, dedication, and leadership in shaping the destiny of future generations. In the world of academia, Mr. Choksi 's name will forever be etched in the annals of history as a champion of knowledge, a guardian of wisdom, and a beacon of hope in the pursuit of excellence. His story will continue to inspire, motivate, and guide, shaping the path of countless individuals as they embark on their own journey of discovery and self-improvement. The legacy of Mr. Deven Choksi will live on, forever intertwined with the fabric of academic excellence and the transformative power of knowledge. His name will stand as a testament to the enduring importance of education in shaping a better tomorrow for all.



DVNGroup site: https://www.dvngroup.org/

DVNJewelry site:  https://www.dvnjewelry.com/

Official site:   https://www.devenchoksi.com/  

Confidence of Mr. Niraj Choksi - " Indian Entrepreneur, Marketing Expert, and Business Magnet"

Niraj Choksi is a renowned Indian entrepreneur, marketing expert, and business magnet. He is well-known for his unwavering confidence, innovative ideas, and commitment to excellence. Niraj Choksi has made his mark in the Indian business scene with his remarkable achievements and vision.

His confidence is rooted in his unwavering belief in himself and his capabilities. He never lets fear or self-doubt hold him back, even in the face of adversity. Instead, he uses challenges as opportunities to grow and learn. Niraj's confidence also stems from his strong work ethic and dedication to achieving success. He is a firm believer in the idea that success doesn't come overnight, but through hard work and perseverance.

Niraj's innovative ideas have been the driving force behind his success. He has a keen eye for identifying untapped opportunities and turning them into profitable ventures. His innovative approach has enabled him to stay ahead of the competition and achieve success in various business ventures. Niraj's commitment to excellence is another key factor in his success. He sets high standards for himself and strives to exceed them in everything he does. This commitment to excellence has earned him recognition and respect in the business world.

In addition to his professional achievements, Niraj Choksi is also known for his philanthropic efforts. He believes in giving back to the community and is actively involved in various charitable initiatives. His commitment to making a positive impact on society is admirable, and he serves as a role model for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Niraj's story is a testament to the power of confidence, determination, and innovation. His unwavering self-belief, combined with his innovative ideas and commitment to excellence, has propelled him to the pinnacle of success. Niraj Choksi's confidence and achievements serve as a beacon of inspiration for anyone looking to make their mark in the world of business and beyond. He is undoubtedly a true embodiment of the confidence of Mr. Niraj Choksi, a shining star in the Indian business landscape. As Niraj continues to soar to new heights, his legacy as a trailblazing entrepreneur and philanthropist will undoubtedly endure for generations to come. The confidence of Mr. Niraj Choksi is truly something to behold and a reminder of what can be achieved with hard work, determination, and an unwavering commitment to excellence. His story is a shining testament to the power and impact that one person can have on the world. As such, Mr. Niraj Choksi's confidence will continue to be an inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs, business leaders, and individuals alike. 

His achievements are a shining example of what it means to live with confidence, passion, and purpose. Mr. Niraj Choksi is, without a doubt, a true icon in the world of Indian business and entrepreneurship. His confidence and success will forever be an enduring testament to the power of believing in oneself and striving for greatness. It is a privilege to bear witness to his extraordinary journey and to draw inspiration from his remarkable life. Niraj's confidence, entrepreneurial spirit, and commitment to making a difference in the world have left an indelible mark on the Indian business landscape, and his legacy will undoubtedly continue to inspire future generations. The confidence of Mr. Niraj Choksi is a beacon of hope and a shining example of what can be accomplished with hard work, dedication, and unwavering determination. His remarkable story serves as a reminder that success is within reach for those who dare to dream big and strive for excellence.

DVNGroup site: https://www.dvngroup.org/

DVNJewelry site:  https://www.dvnjewelry.com/

Official site:  https://nirajchoksi.com/  

ISL 2024-25 awaits its first Kolkata Derby as Mohun Bagan Super Giants against Mohammedan SC

Sports News


KKNB : Mohun Bagan Super Giant and Mohammedan SC are set to face off in the first Kolkata Derby of the Indian Super League (ISL) 2024-25 season at the Salt Lake Stadium on Saturday, October 5, at 7:30 pm IST. Both these teams have garnered four points from their first three matches so far and this game will mark the end of Matchweek 4 before the international break.

Mohun Bagan’s record against debutant clubs

This will be the first fixture between these two sides in the ISL. The Mariners have won seven matches and drawn and lost twice each in their 11 games against teams that they are facing for the first time in the league. Will they continue that promising run against the ISL debutants for this campaign too?

Can Mohammedan SC set an away record?

After their victory against Chennaiyin FC, Mohammedan SC became only the fifth team in the ISL to win their first away match. If they clinch a victory against the Mariners, Mohammedan SC will become only the second team in ISL history (after ATK in 2014) to notch wins in both of their opening away games on the road.

Key Players & Milestones

Mohammedan SC’s Mirjalol Kasimov has won 11 fouls in three appearances so far. He can help the visitors pounce upon set-piece goal-scoring opportunities.

Dimitrios Petratos (49) is one short of becoming the seventh player to complete 50 ISL appearances for the Mariners.

Mohammedan SC’s Amarjit Singh recorded four blocks in his team’s previous game against Chennaiyin FC, which is the joint-most by any player in a match this season (Hijazi Maher vs FC Goa and Stephen Eze vs FC Goa).

Mohun Bagan Super Giant’s Lalengmawia Ralte has won all 14 of his attempted tackles this season.

Pic Courtesy by: ISL

Global Stars Award, International Kids Fashion Show, and Abrielle Miss and Mrs. India 2024 Illuminate Indo-Nepal Cultural Heritage in Patna

A grand and influential evening unfolded at the Shangri-La Palace in Patna on September 15, 2024. Organized by Narulas & Co., the event focused on women's development and autism awareness, drawing esteemed personalities from both India and Nepal, making the evening truly special.

The highlight of the event was the Indo-Nepal Cultural Show, where artists from India and Nepal showcased their deep-rooted cultural ties through music, dance, and art. This mesmerizing performance left the audience with an unforgettable experience.

Bollywood actress Poonam Dhillon, gracing the event as the celebrity guest, added a touch of glamour and significance. She emphasized the importance of cultural exchange between India and Nepal, stating, "The exchange of art and culture strengthens the ties between our two nations." She also stressed the need for raising awareness about autism and women's empowerment, highlighting the potential for positive societal change.

Under the Global Stars Award 2024, 70 remarkable individuals were honored for their outstanding contributions in various fields, reinforcing the message of empowerment and social progress.

In the International Kids Fashion Show, Shubhani Pandey and Piyush Pallavi were crowned winners, while Angelina Raj secured the first runner-up position, followed by Pragati Kumari as the second runner-up. Additionally, in the Abrielle Miss and Mrs. India 2024 competition, Kumari Rupa was crowned Miss India, and Dr. Kavita won the title of Mrs. India. Dr. Amrita Swaraj and Shrishti were the first runners-up in the Miss and Mrs. categories, respectively. Anuradha Roy (Miss) and Dr. Lakshmi (Mrs.) were honored as the second runners-up.

The event was further dignified by the presence of esteemed guests, including Sudhir Singh, Shashank Shekhar, Sanjay Chandra, Abhay Singh, Rashmi Verma (MLA), Madhavendra Singh, Rajesh Jaiswal, and Pratibha Prasad, whose attendance added grandeur to the occasion.

The event's organizer, Shikha Narula, founder and director of Narulas & Co., highlighted the significance of the program, stating, "This is the first time an Indo-Nepal cultural show of this magnitude has been held in Bihar. Through this event, we aim to strengthen the cultural ties between our two countries and demonstrate that art and culture transcend borders." She further added, "The purpose of this event goes beyond entertainment—it's about spreading awareness on women's development and autism. We are proud to host such an event in Bihar and hope this marks the beginning of more initiatives that foster such meaningful exchanges in the future."

The event's success was made possible with the support of sponsors like RAV Organics, Roshni Welfare Charitable Trust, Helping Human, Dr. Prabhat Hiravati Memorial Hospital, Anshul Homes, Sanjay Chandra, Prem Kumar, Sunil Singh, Manish Singh, and Gyan. Their collaboration brought together glamour, social awareness, and cultural appreciation, leaving an indelible mark on all who attended.

P K Sunil Kumar..The singer with the evergreen voice

P.K Sunil Kumar , a renowned Playback Singer and Stage Performer , has made a successful mark in the Malayalam and Tamil movie sectors for 35 years. Renowned for his distinct, heartfelt singing and flawless musical abilities, P.K Sunil Kumar has mesmerized crowds on over 3,000 platforms, within India and internationally, such as the Gulf nations.P.K Sunil Kumar started his music journey by learning Carnatic music from well-known musicians like Sri Malabar Sukumaran, Sri Kaduthuruthy Radhakrishnan, and Sri Palai C.K. Ramachandran. He is recognized as a top-tier artist of All India Radio and Doordarshan due to his extensive expertise and talent. During his professional journey, Sri P.K SunilKumar  has performed vocals for more than 40 movie soundtracks and over 250 music albums, showcasing a collection of over 2,000 songs.

Sunil 's musical contributions have received widespread recognition . He has been recognized with various esteemed accolades for his commitment to his art, such as the Devarajan Sangeetha Puraskaram, Kalyanji Anandji Award (2019), SPB Award (2020), M.S. Baburaj Yuva Pratibha Award, and the Cochin Haneefa Best Male Singer Award. He was recently recognized with the Lions International Music Award for his outstanding work in Malayalam cinema.

Sunil  has been fortunate enough to share the stage with some of the industry's most famous singers. He has worked with iconic musicians such as KJ Yesudas, Jayachandran, Brahmanandan, M.G. Sreekumar, S. Janaki, P. Susheela, P. Madhuri, B. Vasantha, Vani Jayaram, L.R. Eswari, Lathika, Ambili, K.S. Chithra, Sujatha, Manjari, Sadhana Sargam, Ranjini Jose, Vidhu Prathap, Anwar Sadath, and Shaan.

P.K Sunil Kumar, in addition to his singing abilities, has collaborated with numerous respected music composers like Dakshinamoorthy, Rajamani, M.K. Arjunan, Kannur Rajan, Rajesh Babu K. Sooranad, Harikumar Hareram, and Pootheri Raghukumar. Working with lyricists such as Sreekumaran Thampi, Kaithapram Damodaran Namboothiri, Gireesh Puthenchery, P.K. Gopi, Vayalar Sarath Chandra Varma, Prabhakaran Narukara, and Nishanth Kodamana have strengthened his position in the industry. Sunil Kumar  is famous for his outstanding live performances in addition to his renowned playback singing. He is recognized for his talent in providing  spontaneous musical performances, demonstrating his unique technique and precise  “Laya”, which enhances the charm of every song. Music enthusiasts from both India and other countries have gathered to witness his performances, establishing him as a dynamic performer.

He is the creator of "Voice of Calicut," a popular band in Kerala that has revived renowned singers from the golden era for live performances. His commitment to music and his captivating presence on stage have garnered him a strong following in the music industry. Sunil's exceptional skills have not only been acknowledged in the Malayalam film industry, but also in his outstanding projects "Zha'' and "Binary." He was awarded the prestigious Kerala Film Critics Award in 2021 for his outstanding singing skills on the song "Shariyeth Thottathu'' from the film "Perfume." This recognition solidifies Sri P.K SunilKumar 's standing as a talented and skilled artist, highlighting his diverse contributions to Malayalam cinema.

SunilKumar 's transformation from a budding artist to a renowned playback singer showcases his skill and commitment. His lasting influence on the Malayalam and Tamil film sectors, along with his steadfast dedication to musical excellence, continues to motivate and delight viewers globally.

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