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Akshat Nayyar, CEO Truemeds, shares How E-Pharmacies are Reshaping Medication Habits

Imagine a world where a few taps on your smartphone help you manage your health. Online or e-pharmacies are making this dream a reality by reshaping how we approach and understand our health and medication habits. These online platforms are more than just convenient storefronts — they are leading a revolution in healthcare accessibility and consumer education.

Gone are the days when consumers blindly followed medications based on prescriptions, with little knowledge or control over the process. Thanks to the wealth of information available online, from blogs to review platforms, we are far more aware now of our rights as consumers and are making informed choices about everything - from the food we eat to the skincare products we use. A recently found study by Bain & Co. on Asia-Pacific Front Line of Healthcare 2024 also states that Healthcare is no longer a passive experience: Consumers are taking charge of their health, are demanding a better experience, and are willing to invest in wellness.

The COVID-19 pandemic was a catalyst for this shift, forcing people to embrace e-commerce and online services out of sheer necessity. Even in smaller cities and suburbs, where the adoption of e-commerce might have otherwise been slower, the pandemic drove people to explore online shopping for essentials, including medicines. This shift towards e-pharmacies has continued to spike as these platforms bridge the gap in accessible and affordable healthcare. 

In fact, the Bain & Co. study also found that consumers desire a single touchpoint to manage their health and are increasingly placing high trust in primary care providers and other alternative sites of care like pharmacies and digital health. While face-to-face interactions are more commonly preferred, the pandemic has increased acceptance of virtual touchpoints. 

In India alone, there are over 50 e-pharmacy startups, serving around 5 million users every month with reasonably priced, high-quality medicines. The growth is fueled by rising education levels, increased consumer rights awareness, higher disposable incomes, and urbanization-driven lifestyle changes. Key to this is digital inclusion, as the internet and smartphones have reached a significant portion of the population. 

Why are e-pharmacies trending?

In today's fast-paced world, the hassle of traditional medication procurement processes—from scheduling appointments to purchasing medicines—is becoming increasingly unappealing. 

The biggest draw of e-pharmacies lies in the convenience they offer. One can easily track past orders, further helping them to take control of their healthcare needs from the comfort of their homes. Hence, offering “one-stop shop” solutions for all their needs, leveraging tech capabilities for better patient engagement. Pricing information is readily available on their platforms, and customers can compare options and choose the most affordable solutions for their prescription needs. This newfound transparency helps users make informed decisions and access the best deals. The survey also stated that telehealth led to major saving of healthcare costs due to the early triage and steerage care coupled with the low price point and pharmacy attach rate for teleconsultation compared to in-person primary consultation.

Future outlook

As the Indian government continues to push for digital transformation in the healthcare sector, e-pharmacies are likely to receive more support and recognition in the future.

Govind Milk Wins the Hearts of City Heroes with Acts of Kindness

Creating a Cooler, Happier World Through Acts of Kindness.

In a heartening display of community spirit, Govind Milk recently undertook a surprise initiative aimed at bringing relief and joy to those working tirelessly under the scorching summer sun. The video showcasing Govind's compassionate gesture has gone viral, resonating with viewers and inspiring positive actions.

Govind Milk, based in Phaltan, is well-known for its social involvement and dedication to women empowerment, with over 70% of its workforce comprising women farmers. The company's commitment to sustainability and self-reliance is demonstrated through initiatives such as free-range cattle farms, water recycling plants, and periodic skills training for farmers, setting them apart in the dairy industry.

To express gratitude to public service providers who endure challenging conditions to keep our communities running smoothly, Govind Milk's team generously distributed chilled lassi, mattha, and chass. These refreshing treats brought smiles and relief to these unsung heroes amid the heatwave. The initiative was not just about providing a cool respite but also symbolized heartfelt appreciation and recognition for their dedication and hard work.

The video of this initiative went viral, covered by over 200+ Instagram pages, and reached millions of viewers. It highlighted the joy and relief experienced by the workers, showcasing the power of compassion and collective action. Govind Milk's gesture has inspired many, emphasizing the impact of small acts of kindness in uplifting spirits and fostering community.

A spokesperson for Govind Milk remarked, "Our goal goes beyond delivering products; we aim to create a cooler, happier world for all. This initiative is a small token of our appreciation for those who make a difference in our daily lives."

As the video continues to gain traction and inspire others, it's a reminder of the power of compassion and collective action. Govind Milk has set an example—let's take a cue from their initiative and spread joy, relief, and gratitude wherever we go. Together, we can make a meaningful difference and create a brighter, happier world for everyone.

Stay cool, stay happy!

For news & media coverage call RV 7710030004

Govind Milk's Heartwarming Initiative: Spreading Joy and Relief

Creating a Cooler, Happier World Through Acts of Kindness.

In a heartening display of community spirit, Govind Milk recently undertook a surprise initiative aimed at bringing relief and joy to those working tirelessly under the scorching summer sun. The video showcasing Govind's compassionate gesture has gone viral, resonating with viewers and

inspiring positive actions.

Govind Milk, based in Phaltan, is well-known for its social involvement and dedication to women empowerment, with over 70% of its workforce comprising women farmers. The company's commitment to sustainability and self-reliance is demonstrated through initiatives such as free-range cattle farms, water recycling plants, and periodic skills training for farmers, setting them apart in the dairy industry.

To express gratitude to public service providers who endure challenging conditions to keep our communities running smoothly, Govind Milk's team generously distributed chilled lassi, mattha, and chass. These refreshing treats brought smiles and relief to these unsung heroes amid the heatwave. The initiative was not just about providing a cool respite but also symbolized heartfelt appreciation and recognition for their dedication and hard work.

The video of this initiative went viral, covered by over 200+ Instagram pages, and reached millions of viewers. It highlighted the joy and relief experienced by the workers, showcasing the power of compassion and collective action. Govind Milk's gesture has inspired many, emphasizing the impact of small acts of kindness in uplifting spirits and fostering community.

A spokesperson for Govind Milk remarked, "Our goal goes beyond delivering products; we aim to create a cooler, happier world for all. This initiative is a small token of our appreciation for those who make a difference in our daily lives."

As the video continues to gain traction and inspire others, it's a reminder of the power of compassion and collective action. Govind Milk has set an example—let's take a cue from their initiative and spread joy, relief, and gratitude wherever we go. Together, we can make a meaningful difference and create a brighter, happier world for everyone.

Stay cool, stay happy!

For news & media coverage call RV 7710030004

शालिनी सोनी द्वारा लिखित, एक माँ के संघर्ष और समर्थन की कहानी "चक्रव्यूह"

"चक्रव्यूह" शालिनी सोनी द्वारा लिखी गई एक दिलचस्प कहानी है जो अनुराधा की कठिन यात्रा पर ध्यान केंद्रित करती है जो अपनी बेटी  के डॉक्टर बनने  के सपने को पूरा करने का प्रयास करती है। कोटा के कठिन शैक्षिक हब के पृष्ठभूमि के रूप में, कहानी जीवंत रूप से छात्रों द्वारा किए जाने वाले कठिनाईयों को दर्शाती है, जिसमें आत्महत्या और नशीले पदार्थों की परेशानीजनक समस्याएं शामिल हैं।

शालिनी सोनी ने कहानी में एक ढाल बुनी है जो ना केवल शैक्षिक उत्कृष्टता के दबाव को हाइलाइट करती है, बल्कि पारिवारिक समर्थन और सामाजिक गतिविधियों की जटिलताओं को भी प्रस्तुत है। अनुराधा के संघर्षों और विजयों के माध्यम से, पाठकों को अभिप्रेरित किया जाता है कि महत्वपूर्णता का नाटकीय मानचित्रण और भलाई के बीच की संतुलन की गहरी सोच, और सफलता की यात्रा पर किसी के प्रभाव का कितना गहरा असर हो सकता है।

"चक्रव्यूह" छात्रों और परिवारों की आपसी जीवनों के दिलों की भावनात्मक चित्रण है, जो प्रतिस्पर्धी शिक्षा के जंगल में नैतिक समर्थन के महत्व की रोशनी डालती है। शालिनी सोनी की कुशल कथाकला शुरू से लेकर अंत तक पाठकों को लगातार रुचि बनाए रखती है, जैसे कि वे कोटा के शैक्षिक परिदृश्य की उत्तेजना करती हैं।

समग्रतः, "चक्रव्यूह" एक प्रेरणादायक कथा है जो केवल मनोरंजन के लिए ही नहीं बल्कि छात्रों द्वारा उठाए जाने वाले सामाजिक दबावों और उनके सपनों की पूर्ति में समाजिक प्रभाव की महत्वपूर्णता पर विचार करने के लिए भी उत्तेजित करती है। शालिनी सोनी का मानव आत्मा के बीच संघर्ष के तीव्र विवेचन इस किताब को उन लोगों के लिए एक अनमोल और विचारशील साहित्यिक अनुभव बना देता है जो एक प्रेरणादायक और विचारशील साहित्यिक अनुभव की तलाश में हैं।

Akasht Nayyar, CEO Truemeds, shares How E-Pharmacies are Reshaping Medication Habits


Imagine a world where a few taps on your smartphone help you manage your health. Online or e-pharmacies are making this dream a reality by reshaping how we approach and understand our health and medication habits. These online platforms are more than just convenient storefronts — they are leading a revolution in healthcare accessibility and consumer education.

Gone are the days when consumers blindly followed medications based on prescriptions, with little knowledge or control over the process. Thanks to the wealth of information available online, from blogs to review platforms, we are far more aware now of our rights as consumers and are making informed choices about everything - from the food we eat to the skincare products we use. A recently found study by Bain & Co. on Asia-Pacific Front Line of Healthcare 2024 also states that Healthcare is no longer a passive experience: Consumers are taking charge of their health, are demanding a better experience, and are willing to invest in wellness.

The COVID-19 pandemic was a catalyst for this shift, forcing people to embrace e-commerce and online services out of sheer necessity. Even in smaller cities and suburbs, where the adoption of e-commerce might have otherwise been slower, the pandemic drove people to explore online shopping for essentials, including medicines. This shift towards e-pharmacies has continued to spike as these platforms bridge the gap in accessible and affordable healthcare. 

In fact, the Bain & Co. study also found that consumers desire a single touchpoint to manage their health and are increasingly placing high trust in primary care providers and other alternative sites of care like pharmacies and digital health. While face-to-face interactions are more commonly preferred, the pandemic has increased acceptance of virtual touchpoints. 

In India alone, there are over 50 e-pharmacy startups, serving around 5 million users every month with reasonably priced, high-quality medicines. The growth is fueled by rising education levels, increased consumer rights awareness, higher disposable incomes, and urbanization-driven lifestyle changes. Key to this is digital inclusion, as the internet and smartphones have reached a significant portion of the population. 

Why are e-pharmacies trending?

In today's fast-paced world, the hassle of traditional medication procurement processes—from scheduling appointments to purchasing medicines—is becoming increasingly unappealing. 

The biggest draw of e-pharmacies lies in the convenience they offer. One can easily track past orders, further helping them to take control of their healthcare needs from the comfort of their homes. Hence, offering “one-stop shop” solutions for all their needs, leveraging tech capabilities for better patient engagement. Pricing information is readily available on their platforms, and customers can compare options and choose the most affordable solutions for their prescription needs. This newfound transparency helps users make informed decisions and access the best deals. The survey also stated that telehealth led to major saving of healthcare costs due to the early triage and steerage care coupled with the low price point and pharmacy attach rate for teleconsultation compared to in-person primary consultation.

Future outlook

As the Indian government continues to push for digital transformation in the healthcare sector, e-pharmacies are likely to receive more support and recognition in the future

Elevate Your Brand with Tech Terminologie Digital Marketing Expertise


In today's digital age, being visible online is crucial for any business's success. That's where Tech Terminologie steps in. They're a cutting edge branding company that's revolutionizing online marketing. Offering a range of services tailored to enhance brands in the digital realm, Tech Terminologie ensures businesses stand out in the crowded online space.From crafting customized online advertisements to leveraging the power of WhatsApp for real time customer engagement, Tech Terminologie utilizes the latest tools and strategies to drive results. They understand the importance of connecting with customers effectively, leading to increased sales and customer satisfaction.

Online Advertising:  

With so much stuff online, it's hard for businesses to get noticed. But Tech Terminologie is great at making custom online ads that fit each business perfectly. They use all the latest tools and tricks to make sure lots of people see the ads and actually engage with them. By using data to understand what people like, Tech Terminologie helps brands connect with customers better, leading to more sales and happier customers.

WhatsApp Marketing:  

WhatsApp is huge, with billions of users worldwide. Tech Terminologie knows how to use it to help businesses talk to their customers in real time. They do things like send personalized messages or set up chatbots so businesses can talk to customers quickly. By using WhatsApp, Tech Terminologie makes sure businesses are staying up to date and reaching people where they are.

Content that Shows Up in Searches:  

When it comes to the internet, having good stuff to read is key. But it's not just about writing – it's about making sure search engines like Google can find it easily. Tech Terminologie is awesome at making content that's both interesting to read and shows up at the top of search results. They use smart techniques like using the right words and following rules that make search engines happy. This helps businesses get noticed online.

Why Choose Tech Terminologie?  

1.  Always Coming Up with New Ideas:  Tech Terminologie is always thinking of new ways to help businesses online.

2.  Tailored Just for You:  They know every business is different, so they make sure their strategies fit each one perfectly.

3.  Get Results:  They've proven they can make a real difference for businesses, and lots of companies trust them.

So, Whether you're a small startup or a big company, We've got what it takes to make your brand shine online and get you more customers.

Website = techterminologie.com

FECES Coin: Where Memes Meet Utility – A Force to be Reckoned With

[City, State] – [Date] – The world of cryptocurrency is no stranger to innovation, and meme coins have emerged as a vibrant, if sometimes unpredictable, force within the ecosystem. However, concerns about rug pulls and manipulative practices have left many investors hesitant. FECES Coin, a rising star on the Solana blockchain, is breaking the mold, offering a unique blend of meme-tastic appeal with real utility and a commitment to community empowerment.

Beyond the Giggles: A Coin with Purpose

While the name FECES Coin might elicit a chuckle, the project itself is serious about its mission. It aims to become a dominant player in the meme coin space, offering investors a fun and engaging experience while fostering a strong sense of community. This isn't just another fleeting meme coin; FECES Coin aspires to leave a lasting impact.

Building Trust Through Transparency

FECES Coin prioritizes complete transparency with its investors. Unlike projects shrouded in secrecy, FECES offers full disclosure. All relevant information about the project, including links to official platforms like CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko, Twitter, and their website, is readily available and updated on Solscan. Furthermore, for an added layer of security, leading audit firms Cyberscope and CERTIK have meticulously reviewed the contract, giving users peace of mind.

Fairness First: Community-Driven Growth

FECES Coin champions a fair launch model, differentiating itself from meme coins plagued by presales and VC involvement. The project launched with 100% fairness, ensuring a level playing field for all investors. Additionally, the entire liquidity pool (LP) is burnt, eliminating the possibility of a single entity controlling the project's fate and preventing market manipulation. This commitment to fairness fosters a strong sense of community ownership and long-term sustainability.

Organic Growth, Exceptional Performance

FECES Coin stands out by shunning the typical pump-and-dump tactics that often plague meme coins. The project's growth is entirely organic, fueled by a passionate community and a genuine focus on long-term value. Since its listing, the price has witnessed a remarkable 14x increase, solidifying investor confidence and highlighting the project's potential.

Investing for Everyone: A Shield Against Scams

FECES Coin empowers even those who have fallen victim to past scams to invest in a legitimate project. Investing in FECES, even with a small amount, grants users a voice and a stake in the project's success. This ownership structure safeguards against exploitative pump-and-dump schemes, fostering a more secure and empowering investment environment. Owning as little as 0.0001% of FECES signifies community ownership and participation in this groundbreaking initiative.

Rapid Recognition and Unwavering Support

FECES Coin's dedication to transparency and community engagement has garnered rapid recognition within the crypto space. They secured listings on prominent platforms like CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko, and Solscan within three weeks of launch. Furthermore, the project boasts over 100,000 watchlists on CMC and CG, indicating significant investor interest and a strong foundation for future growth.

FECES Coin: A Breath of Fresh Air

FECES Coin stands out in the meme coin landscape by offering a compelling combination of humor, transparency, and a genuine focus on community empowerment. Join the movement, invest in FECES, and be a part of building a more secure and sustainable future for meme coins.

About FECES Coin

FECES Coin is a community-driven meme coin on the Solana blockchain. With a focus on transparency, fairness, and organic growth, FECES aims to empower investors and redefine the meme coin landscape.

Website: https://www.fecescoin.com/

Aakash Meena: A Journey of Resilience, Determination, and Future Aspirations

For Aakash Meena, modeling is not just a career choice, but a passion and a calling. With a burning desire to make his mark in the fashion industry, Aakash's journey is fueled by a relentless determination to succeed against all odds. Despite facing numerous challenges and obstacles along the way, Aakash remains unwavering in his belief that hard work, dedication, and perseverance are the keys to success in the world of modeling.

In Aakash's eyes, success in modeling is not limited by background, support, or conventional notions of beauty. He has witnessed firsthand how individuals with no prior experience and minimal support have risen to prominence in the industry through sheer grit and determination. For Aakash, this serves as a powerful reminder that anyone, regardless of their circumstances, has the potential to succeed in modeling if they are willing to put in the effort and work tirelessly towards their goals.

Aakash firmly believes that success in modeling is not solely dependent on external factors such as looks or connections, but rather on an individual's inner drive and willingness to persevere in the face of adversity. He emphasizes the importance of self-belief and resilience in overcoming challenges and staying the course on the path to success. According to Aakash, every setback is an opportunity for growth, and every obstacle is a chance to prove one's mettle and determination.

As Aakash continues to pursue his dreams in the modeling industry, he remains steadfast in his conviction that hard work and dedication will ultimately lead to success. With his unwavering commitment to his craft and an unshakeable belief in his abilities, Aakash is poised to carve a niche for himself in the competitive world of fashion and modeling. His journey serves as an inspiration to aspiring models everywhere, proving that with passion, perseverance, and a steadfast belief in oneself, anything is possible in the world of modeling.

Instagram link :- https://www.instagram.com/aakash_shera_?igsh=MWRxNTRnMXN5dWhjdw%3D%3D&utm_source=qr

Aakash Meena: A Journey of Resilience, Determination, and Future Aspirations

Aakash Meena's journey in the world of modeling is a testament to his unwavering determination, resilience, and unwavering spirit. From humble beginnings to the brink of success, Aakash's path has been marked by countless challenges and obstacles, each of which he has overcome with grace and determination.

Throughout his journey, Aakash has remained steadfast in his pursuit of excellence, refusing to let setbacks or obstacles deter him from his goals. Despite facing financial hardships and a lack of support from family and friends, Aakash has persevered, relying on his inner strength and unwavering belief in himself to propel him forward.

As he looks towards the future, Aakash is filled with excitement and optimism for the opportunities that lie ahead. With upcoming projects in collaboration with Reliance and minimalist on the horizon, Aakash's dreams are finally within reach. He views these projects as a stepping stone to greater success and recognition in the modeling industry, and he is determined to make the most of every opportunity that comes his way.

Despite his achievements, Aakash remains grounded and humble, always mindful of the hard work and dedication that have brought him to where he is today. He attributes his success to his unwavering determination, resilience, and willingness to embrace challenges head-on. For Aakash, success is not just about achieving his goals, but about the journey itself and the lessons learned along the way.

Looking ahead, Aakash is excited about the possibilities that the future holds. With his sights set on becoming a successful model and entrepreneur, he is determined to continue pushing the boundaries of what is possible and inspiring others to pursue their dreams fearlessly.

In conclusion, Aakash Meena's journey is a testament to the power of resilience, determination, and unwavering belief in oneself. As he continues to chart his path in the world of modeling, Aakash is poised to achieve greatness and leave an indelible mark on the industry. His journey serves as an inspiration to aspiring models everywhere, proving that with passion, perseverance, and a relentless pursuit of excellence, anything is possible.

Pilot Chef’s vision to open 100+ outlet in 2 years

Once upon a time in a Delhi Govt Boys School Friends , one of young boy named Satvir Singh He was bright, ambitious, and full of ideas. Despite coming from a middle-class family, Satvir Singh always dreamt big. His parents, hardworking individuals with modest means, instilled in him the values of diligence and perseverance.

From a young age, Satvir Singh after completion of study , Satvir got jobs in multiple companies but he not satisfied because his dream was big and dreaming of creating something that would change the world. His best friend, Akash Kumar shared his passion for innovation. Together, they spent countless afternoons brainstorming ideas every day,

One day proposed Satvir Singh click an idea in his mind that 90% percents Indians have dream to travel by airplane and get flights experience because in India flights travelling quite expensive so he started a cafe with airplane concept with air hostess and service , interior like as is it like airplane to full fill Indians customers dream to have flights experience with very innovative foods with amazing taste ,They spent weeks refining their concept, conducting market research, and teaching themselves the necessary skills to bring their idea to life.

With their savings from summer jobs and a small loan from Akash kumar relatives they finally launched their Business concept , Pilot Chef’s into the world. Initially, the response was lukewarm, but Satvir Singh and Akash Kumar refused to give up. They tirelessly promoted their concept on social media, reached out to influencers, and attended local events to spread the word.

Slowly but surely, their hard work began to pay off. Customers who took services and have burgers of pilot Chef’s praised cafe over all services ,Encouraged by their initial success, Satvir Singh and Akash worked day and night to improve their Pilot Chef’s Services to serve better experience to customers adding more services to give pilot chef’s customers food experience which touches customers soul.

Pilot Chef’s gained traction, investors began to take notice. With their pitch decks in hand and passion in their hearts, Satvir Singh and Akash Kumar pitched their startup to venture capitalists, highlighting their vision for the future of Cafe technology with very Unique cafe experience for customers . Despite facing numerous rejections, they remained undeterred, refining their pitch with each setback.

Finally, their perseverance paid off when they secured their first round of funding from a Akash kumar brother.

Years passed, and Pilot Chefs continued to thrive. Satvir Singh and Akash kumar once-small startup had grown into a multinational brand employing hundreds of people and full fill thousands of customers dream to have airplanes experience Despite their success, they remained grounded, never forgetting their humble beginnings .

Their journey from middle-class boys with a dream to successful entrepreneurs served as an inspiration to countless others. And as they looked back on their incredible journey, they knew that with determination, hard work, and a dash of creativity, anything was possible.

Pilot chefs vision to open 100+ outlet in 3 Countries to provide very amazing cafe experience to customers. This Indian startup ready to touch 100 outlet milestone till September 2025 , Satvir Singh added.
