About StreetBuzz

StreetBuzz is a real-time news platform of India. Newspersons share news directly from places where these news stories happen. All the newspersons publishing news on StreetBuzz follow a well-defined standard of journalism called StreetBuzz Principles of Journalism to share the truth with a clear sense of loyalty to the citizens.

StreetBuzz is owned by Anah Technologies Limited at #203, 2nd Cross, Jakkasandra Extension, Bangalore, India. Pin Code - 560034

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StreetBuzz Principles of Journalism

Content Ownership of News on StreetBuzz

News content published on StreetBuzz platform is owned by the reporters publishing their news. These news reporters can be directly reached by tagging them in the comments to their news. All news reporters also share their contact email address on their profile page for news consumers to reach out to their news persons to provide feedback.

News Consumers can also reach out to StreetBuzz to report or provide feedback on any News via this Feedback form. StreetBuzz’s team of editors and moderators respond to these feedback between 2 days to 5 days depending on the type of feedback provided.

You can also directly reach out to StreetBuzz team via the emailid - administrator@streetbuzz.co.in or can call at +918105099344